"Who is he?" Xu Hexi asked, pretending not to care, leaning halfway against the door of the guest room in the presidential suite.

Nie Qianqian inside the room was washing in the bathroom, and he heard what Xu Hexi said outside the door.

who is he?Originally thought that they would never meet again in this life, did not expect to see each other again?
who is he?He was the first boy she liked besides her father, and he was the one who made herself afraid to avoid rich people.

That youthful first love back then ended up being dumped. When she returned to the dormitory crying until it was dark, Chen Xinyi lifted her quilt and angrily reprimanded with distress: "Damn, he thought he was the schoolboy." Grass is great, I think I am great if I have a little money, but I really think of myself as a flower, everyone loves, the car sees the things in the car, Qianqian don't cry, ask him, ask him why he broke up, there is no such thing A breakup with a little sign and a reason, can you accept it?"

Seeing Chen Xinyi pinching her waist like a shrew cursing, Wang Yue walked over, looked at Nie Qianqian whose eyes were swollen like walnuts, and said distressedly: "Qianqian, does Gu Nian really like you? The group of sisters all saw it, and broke up for no reason. Is there any misunderstanding between you? You can ask him, if there is, can everyone just say no? There should be a reason, right?"

Nie Qianqian sobbed and looked at Wang Yue and Chen Xinyi, thinking that this was not an option for her, her mother was already very worried if she didn't come home this week, and she must not appear in front of her in such a state.

They got up and tidied their hair, put on their clothes, and accompanied by Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue, they walked towards the school's basketball club. Chen Xinyi had already inquired about it, and Gu Nian is now in the basketball club.

"Qianqian, we will always support you." Chen Xinyi clenched her fists and cheered Gu Qianqian, while Wang Yue nodded beside her.

Standing at the door, Nie Qianqian took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, adjusted her mentality, and walked in slowly under the concerned eyes of Wang Yue and Chen Xinyi.

There was no one on the basketball court, Nie Qianqian thought they should be in the locker room, so she walked to the door of the locker room, Nie Qianqian leaned against the door of the men's locker room and waited for Gu Nian, the conversation in the locker room came to her ears, " Gu Nian, I told you at the time, this Nie Qianqian is not suitable for you, you still insist on ignoring it, now it's all over, let's break up." Gu Nian's teammate Da Zuo's voice came from the locker room.

"If we break up, we will break up. It's good that we, Gu Nian, dumped her." Another basketball player teased.

"Tell me, our school belle has been coveting you for a long time, but you just fell in love with Nie Qianqian, who is not outstanding in appearance, but her grades are not bad. Tell me, what do you think?" Da Zuo asked.

"Could it be that she fell in love with Nie Qianqian's figure? In terms of figure, Nie Qianqian is not as good as our school girl." Nie Qianqian at the door listened, her little one was flushed, and boys' conversations were so naked.

Gu Nian's voice was not as warm as usual, but the words he said knocked Nie Qianqian into the bottom of the valley in an instant, "I have eaten too much abalone, and occasionally I want to try side dishes, but now I feel that the taste of side dishes is not as good as abalone."

There was a burst of laughter from the boys in the locker room, and tears rolled down the corners of Nie Qianqian's eyes. She didn't know how she left the basketball arena, but she just remembered that before seeing Wang Yue and Chen Xinyi, she wiped away her tears and returned to her previous appearance .

Chen Xinyi saw that Nie Qianqian was coming alone, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern: "Qianqian, how is it? What does Gu Nian say?" Although Chen Xinyi has been grinning all the time, her mouth is still very sweet, and she can tell her full name The person is either her favorite or the person she hates the most, Gu Nian is obviously the latter.

Nie Qianqian showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and replied: "It's okay, Gu Nian just said that our personalities are not suitable."

"Damn it." Chen Xinyi eagerly rolled up her sleeves, looking like she wanted to go in and compete with Gu Nian, but Nie Qianqian stopped her in time. At that time, she couldn't let Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue know that she was in Gu Nian's heart It's just a side dish that I want to try occasionally.

"Xinyi, please me, I really want to eat hot pot, you can take me to the hottest one." She did eat that abnormally spicy hot pot that day. still sad.

Not long after that, I heard that Gu Nian was accepted as an exchange student by the University of Hong Kong because of her excellent grades, and went there.After Wang Yue and Chen Xinyi knew what happened in the basketball court that day, it was the night of the New Year's Eve in the junior year. The three of them drank alcohol for the first time in the dormitory. too long.

When she was slightly drunk, Nie Qianqian told Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue the matter in a joking manner.Now she can't remember what Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue said after they knew about this incident, but she only remembered that Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue hugged her tightly, and the three of them cried together.

Chen Xinyi also said with snot and tears: "Why is my Qianqian so miserable, if no one wants you in the future, you can live with Yueyue and me for the rest of your life."

Listening to Chen Xinyi's words, Nie Qianqian burst into laughter instantly. She just thought it was a good thing to tell about this matter. After tonight, she never wanted to remember Gu Nian, and never wanted to go back to that bitter and sweet first love.

Xu Hexi at the door was still chattering about something, Nie Qianqian turned off the tap, changed her clothes, opened the door and went out, looked at Xu Hexi who was wet all over, handed him a nightgown, and asked him to wash it too.

Xu Hexi looked at the hotel nightgown in his hand, was startled, and walked into Nie Qianqian's room. There was still mist in the bathroom, and there was still the scent of Nie Qianqian's shower gel in the air.The corner of Xu Hexi's mouth raised a smile, and he took off his wet clothes and started washing them.

Nie Qianqian outside the door took out her mobile phone and said in the group named "Three Little Ones", "I saw Gu Nian just now."

The speed of Chen Xinyi's recovery can be called second speed. Nie Qianqian really doubted that this Chen Xinyi was just waiting for her information. Chen Xinyi exploded in an instant and said, "Yueyue booked a ticket, I'm going to Hong Kong to clean up that shit."By the way, I also thanked Wang Yue.

Wang Yue replied lightly: Calm down!

Chen Xinyi said dissatisfied: How can I calm down at this time, I have wanted to deal with that kid for a long time,

Looking at the heads of Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue, I thought that I was the only one who drank too much that day, but these two people clearly remembered what happened?

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