"Qianqian?" An inappropriate voice broke their direct words, Xu Hexi and Nie Qianqian turned their heads to look, and there was a man in casual clothes standing not far in front of them.

"Senior?" Nie Qianqian, who was wet all over, looked at the man in front of her and murmured.The man walked up with concern, took off his coat and put it on Nie Qianqian's body. Only then did Nie Qianqian realize that under her soaked T-shirt, her bright red underwear appeared, and she blushed in embarrassment for a moment.

Xu Hexi looked at the man in front of him, his seductive eyes shot out that menacing light, and asked, "Who are you?" The man in front of him treated Nie Qianqian with an absolutely extraordinary attitude.

"Hello, Gu Nian." The gentlemanly figure Xu Hexi stretched out his hand.

However, Xu Hexi, who has always been a gentleman, seemed a little stingy at this time. He didn't stretch out his hand, but just reached out and took off Nie Qianqian's coat, threw it aside mercilessly, and covered Nie Qianqian with a white towel beside her. on her body, got up and helped her up, and said, "Go, I'll take you back to your room and change your clothes."

Nie Qianqian glanced at Gu Nian behind her, and smiled back apologetically.

Looking at Nie Qianqian and Xu Hexi who disappeared from his sight, Gu Nian reached out to pick up the jacket that was still stained with Nie Qianqian's breath, and time seemed to go back to four years ago.

Gu Nian, who is a year older than Nie Qianqian, is from the college basketball club. He is like a school grass-like character that exists in all schools. Nie Qianqian, who had a face as calm as water, put it in her heart.

He has always been curious about what kind of things this girl would care about, and later, in the second half of Nie Qianqian's freshman year, he found out.

When Nie Qianqian and Wang Yue entered the school through the wall in disheveled clothes, they happened to be seen by me.

Nie Qianqian covered her mouth at that time, begging herself not to tell the matter, he still remembers it to this day.

He is not a person who likes to make small reports. Nie Qianqian may have forgotten these things because of excitement.

He always thought that it was just that she and Wang Yue came back too late that day, for fear of being punished by the teacher, but later learned from her classmates that she was there for Chen Xinyi that day.

From then on, she was always surrounded by Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue. From then on, he often saw the real happiness from the heart on her face. Only then did he know that her love You can also live in someone else's heart.

He likes her?Day after day, year after year, maybe he fell in love with her from the first time he saw her. He didn't believe in love at first sight, but now he had to believe it.

When Nie Qianqian was in her sophomore year of university, he finally couldn't bear the overflowing feelings, and boldly confessed to her. That year he was a junior in college.

What he didn't expect was that Nie Qianqian agreed. He was so happy that the whole world was happy for him. He drove her back and forth between the library and the teaching building every day on a bicycle. Even if it was just that, he was already very happy. Chen Xinyi even complained to him that she had taken over Nie Qianqian. At that time, he just smiled and did not respond.

Although Gu Nian's family conditions are superior, Nie Qianqian is different from other girls. She has never asked for anything like him. Even if she personally gave it to her, she would always refuse it with a smile.

Originally, he had already planned that he would propose to Nie Qianqian as soon as she graduated from university. If he married her in the future, they would have their own family and their own children.

But everything was broken after half a year of their relationship.

That day, Gu Nian left class early and wanted to surprise Nie Qianqian, so he didn't tell him that he would pick her up. Later, he thought about it countless times, if he didn't show up and hear those words that day, then now Will they be different.

Gu Nian was standing outside Nie Qianqian's classroom and wanted to surprise him, but she heard Chen Xinyi ask Nie Qianqian, "Qianqian, do you really like Gu Nian?"

In fact, when Chen Xinyi asked this question, Gu Nian also wanted to know. At that time, she confessed to Nie Qianqian wishfully. Nie Qianqian never expressed her love for him. The time she spent with Nie Qianqian was all talking about her own life. Nie Qianqian always looks at him quietly, but rarely mentions her own life.

"I don't know." Nie Qianqian's voice seemed to send Gu Nian into hell instantly, don't you know?She didn't know why she agreed to her request for a relationship.

"Then why do you still date you? Because he is handsome or because he is rich, but you are not such a perfunctory person. Tell me why?" Chen Xinyi asked with a longing expression. .

Nie Qianqian didn't reply for a long time, she thought for a while and said, "Because Gu Nian looks a lot like Dad." In fact, this was what Nie Qianqian said from the bottom of her heart, but it was a joke to Gu Nian's ears.Gu Nian didn't know how he got out of the teaching building and out of the school gate.

Nie Qianqian's sentence "Because Gu Nian looks so much like her father" has been circling in Gu Nian's mind. At that time, he didn't know how much his father had in Nie Qianqian's heart. At that time, he only thought that if he was not like Nie Qianqian If his father, then Nie Qianqian would not agree to her relationship at all.

On the second day after that incident happened, Gu Nian proposed to break up with Nie Qianqian. Gu Nian, who was blinded by anger at that time, did not see the tears in the corners of Nie Qianqian's eyes after she agreed.

Gu Nian probably didn't know the rest of the conversation between Chen Xinyi and Nie Qianqian that he hadn't heard.

"Do you have paternalism?" Chen Xinyi looked at Nie Qianqian with disgust.

Nie Qianqian smiled and said: "At first it was because Gu Nian looked like my father, but later I found that I liked being with Gu Nian more and more, I liked listening to him talk about interesting things that happened in my life, and I liked that he was driving me to the library. I like the unhappy look on his face when I refuse him after he gave me an expensive gift. Xinyi, I really like him now."

Not long after the breakup, Gu Nian followed the arrangement of his family and went to Hong Kong to study, and stayed to manage the family business after graduation.

Two years passed quickly, and Gu Nian also made other girlfriends during this period, but he never forgot the girl who looked at him with a smile on her face and listened to him talking about interesting things in her life. I can't forget the girl who stretched out her hand on her clothes for the first time, and I can't forget the girl who covered herself in the middle of the night to prevent herself from talking. When I saw Nie Qianqian at this moment, the heart that had been silent for two years, It seemed to jump up again.

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