When Nie Qianqian and Mo Shangqian arrived at the airport, everyone except them arrived. Everyone was still chatting, but when they saw Mo Shangqian walking in with luggage, they rushed forward and greeted him warmly , Nie Qianqian stood behind Mo Shangqian, a little embarrassed and wanted to push the luggage cart in his hand, but was rejected by Mo Shangqian without a trace.

Nie Qianqian didn't know what she was posting this time?It's just that Mo Shangqian said he was on a business trip, and she had to follow as a substitute for Zhao Tezhu, so she followed.

Mo Shangqian briefly explained a few words to those people, and then called out to Nie Qianqian, and the two walked towards the other side. Nie Qianqian looked at the people who were still in the same place, followed Mo Shangqian and couldn't help but be curious asked, "Aren't they with us?"

"They went to England, and we went to France, why should we go together?" Mo Shangqian said slowly with a smile on his lips.The footsteps did not stop at all.

But Nie Qianqian froze in place?U.K?Didn't Lingling say that the company booked more than a dozen air tickets to France this time?Why were she and Mo Shangqian the only people traveling? Could it be that Lingling's news was wrong?Shouldn't it?

Mo Shangqian, who was walking, found that there was no sound around him. Looking back, Nie Qianqian was still standing there in a daze. Seeing Nie Qianqian's embarrassed face, Mo Shangqian felt in a good mood. This trip to France was to let her go out. Relax, Nie Qianqian has encountered too many things recently, Nie's mother had a car accident, Wang Yue's child had a miscarriage, and some other things he didn't know, so he wanted to take her out for a walk.

Nie Qianqian looked at Mo Shangqian's stubborn look, and thought that it should be the same as the last trip to Hong Kong. There must be people there to receive her. If she goes east she must not go west, if she goes north she must not go south.

The soldiers came to block the water and cover it up. Fortunately, the company doesn't know about it yet, so there shouldn't be any rumors when they come back.

This time, what Mo Shangqian brought Nie Qianqian was not a private jet. In the first class cabin, Nie Qianqian was sitting next to Mo Shangqian, and there were other guests in the cabin.

Mo Shangqian looked very tired, and fell asleep after getting on the plane.Nie Qianqian looked at the clouds outside through the window, her recent troubles seemed to have vanished, everything was beautiful, the light from the sun shining through the clouds was very beautiful.

"Hi, do you need red wine?" The stewardess came over and asked Nie Qianqian politely.

Nie Qianqian hurriedly made a booing gesture, because Mo Shangqian seemed very tired, and Nie Qianqian didn't want him to be disturbed by others. He wiped his smile and continued to admire the beautiful scenery outside the window.

From day to night, the plane finally landed smoothly at Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris, France. After getting off the plane, Mo Shangqian took Nie Qianqian to pick up the luggage.

During this trip, Mo Shangqian did everything by himself. Nie Qianqian was a little surprised. She thought that Mo Shangqian, who could not lift his hands or lift his shoulders, would use such an ordinary behavior to do such things.

When Nie Qianqian walked out with Mo Shangqian, there were many people waiting outside. Nie Qianqian tried to find Mo Shangqian's name from the signs they were holding up, but in the end it didn't matter. There were French, English, Korean, Japanese, and others. Nie Qianqian never saw Mo Shangqian's name on the Chinese sign.

When Mo Shangqian turned around, he saw Nie Qianqian standing in the same place again in a daze, a little funny pushing the luggage and walking to her side again, looking at the pat on the hand of the pick-up person in front of her, he asked curiously: "Someone is coming to pick you up?"

Nie Qianqian, who was still in deep thought, was taken aback by Mo Shangqian, looked up at him, and asked doubtfully, "Is there no one here to pick you up?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Mo Shangqian's mouth, he shook his head slightly, and said, "No." He took Nie Qianqian's hand and walked forward again. If you get lost, I'm afraid you won't be able to find your way home."

Where can Nie Qianqian hear Mo Shangqian's words now, her mind is full of why no one came to pick up Mo Shangqian?Why did Mo Shangqian come to France?Why did Mo Shangqian bring her to France?Why did the two of them come to France alone again?All kinds of questions circled in his mind.

By the time Nie Qianqian came to her senses, she had already arrived at the hotel. Mo Shangqian booked a presidential suite with two separate rooms, which was similar to the one in Hong Kong last time, but more luxurious than the one in Hong Kong.

"You will stay in this room tonight." Mo Shangqian put Nie Qianqian's luggage into the room and explained while watching her.

"Mr. Mo, aren't we here on a business trip?" At this moment, Nie Qianqian could finally confirm that the trip to France was really just the two of them.

Mo Shangqian stood at the door, thought for a while, smiled, and said, "How should I put it? It's considered a business trip. I want to come to France to relax, but I don't want to be alone, so you, as my special assistant, need more attention at this time." Cooperate well with me."

Nie Qianqian looked at Mo Shangqian in disbelief, and now she tried her best to resist the urge to beat Mo Shangqian.

Mo Shangqian looked at Nie Qianqian's flushed face, smiled, and said, "Good night." Then he walked out, and he was also afraid that if he stayed here, Nie Qianqian would probably not be able to resist beating him.

"Ah..." After Mo Shangqian left, Nie Qianqian couldn't help venting her dissatisfaction. Now that she had the urge to resign, she would definitely fire Mo Shangqian when she returned.People who are not familiar with others in this place can only be patient first.

Nie Qianqian looked at the Eiffel Tower not far from her window. This was her first time in France, but she didn't appreciate it at all. Nie Qianqian didn't know that her room in this hotel was given by Mo Shangqian to Zhao Tezhu a long time ago. It was settled after inquiry.

Nie Qianqian sat on the bed, took out her mobile phone and told her mother that she was safe.The mother on the other end of the phone never replied. It should be early in the morning in City A. Nie Qianqian put away her phone and was about to go to bed, but unexpectedly received a message from Chen Xinyi.

"Are you there? How is it?"

"We're here, haven't you rested yet?" Nie Qianqian asked.

"Aren't I excited for you?" Chen Xinyi replied.

Nie Qianqian looked at Chen Xinyi's text message on the screen of her mobile phone, and decided not to reply to her who was gossiping in the early morning, and she was not going to tell her that she came to France alone with Mo Shangqian this time, that would inevitably lead to a crazy meal Get to the bottom of it.

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