"Okay, I'll go, I'll go to your wedding." Nie Qianqian raised the invitation in Yang's hand and said firmly.

"Whatever you want!" Wang Yue said lightly.Then pushed Nie Qianqian away, ready to get in the car.

"Yueyue, if something happens to you one day, whether it's happy or unhappy, Xinyi and I are still the ones who are willing to listen to it. As long as you are willing to talk, we are willing to listen." Nie Qianqian said Tears welled up again.

Wang Yue's hand stopped slowly, and she glanced at Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi behind her, tears also fell down, but she did not let Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi see her.

Watching Wang Yue's car gradually disappear in front of her eyes, Nie Qianqian stood there in a daze, and whispered softly: "Yue Yue, you must be happy."

Too many things have happened to Wang Yue during these days, God seems to be playing jokes on her one after another, all the misfortunes have been experienced by Wang Yue in this short year, Nie Qianqian hopes that she can Get out of the shadows and find the happiness that really belongs to her.

Since meeting Wang Yue last time, Nie Qianqian has been preparing for a business trip to France. Occasionally, she can post in Wang Yue's space to talk about seeing her movements. From Wang Yue's movements, it can be seen that she is preparing happily recently. Wedding, although this man is not the man she loves, getting married is an important event in every woman's life.

Occasionally, Wang Yue would find Chen Xinyi to accompany her to try on wedding dresses and buy wedding supplies, but she never approached Nie Qianqian again.

"Xinyi, I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, are you really alright at home alone?" Nie Qianqian worriedly asked Chen Xinyi, who was standing at the door and eating fruit in her hand while tidying up.

"Don't worry, what can I do, but you are outside alone, you can keep up with Mr. Mo, although there are many handsome French guys, but no matter how handsome you are, it is useless if you don't speak the language there." Chen Xinyi He persuaded him earnestly.

Nie Qianqian couldn't help giving her a supercilious look. She is no longer a child, so she is still clinging to Mo Shangqian.

"I'm not at home, so don't be crazy and come back too late at night. After all, this is an old community. If it's too late, remember to find someone to take you back." Nie Qianqian couldn't help explaining after thinking about it.Three years ago in their neighborhood, a girl went home alone at night, and was raped later. The rapist was afraid that his affairs would be exposed, and finally killed the girl cruelly.After that incident, Mother Nie was worried, so she would stay at the entrance of the house every day as long as it was dark, and then Nie Qianqian who came back late.

Chen Xinyi looked at Nie Qianqian looking like Nie's mother's upper body, couldn't help smiling, showed off her muscles, and said, "Do you think I still need someone to protect me now? I'm not the Chen Xinyi five years ago. If the bad guys meet me, I think you should worry about them."

Nie Qianqian thought for a while and felt that what Chen Xinyi said was indeed reasonable. Chen Xinyi is now a black section of Taekwondo, and this ordinary person is really not her opponent.

"How many people are on your business trip this time?" Chen Xinyi took a bite of an apple and asked vaguely.

Nie Qianqian smiled and replied, "Zhao Tezhu is not going." Since Chen Xinyi confessed to Zhao Tezhu last time, Nie Qianqian has not heard Chen Xinyi mention Zhao Tezhu for a long time. The order came to pick up Nie Qianqian, and Chen Xinyi in the car would also treat Special Assistant Zhao as an air-like existence.

You can turn a blind eye like this, it's not reassurance, it should be said to be pretending to let go.

"Who asked him? I just care about you?" Chen Xinyi stammered back as if she was guessing something was going on.

Nie Qianqian smiled, packed the packed luggage, and said helplessly: "Okay, I know you care about me, so I also care about you? Can you solve the problem by always turning a blind eye to Zhao Tezhu? Xin Yi, I know that it is not that simple to forget a person, but you may not be able to forget him by pretending to ignore him, it will only make you remember his existence clearly."

Chen Xinyi stopped eating the apple in her mouth, looked at Nie Qianqian, and said lightly, "Of course I know, but I just don't know how to face him. Every time I see him, my heart aches." My heart still hurts, and I want to ask him why he doesn't like me, am I that bad? But I dare not say it, I'm afraid of being rejected by him again." Chen Xinyi showed a painful expression on her face .

Nie Qianqian put down the luggage in her hand, walked slowly to her side, reached out to hug her, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her: "I know, none of us will force you to forget Special Assistant Zhao, you Don’t force yourself, let things take their course, and if you want to forget the pain, the best medicine is time. Our Xinyi is the cutest girl in the world, you will definitely find a man who loves you and loves you.”

Chen Xinyi put her head on Nie Qianqian's shoulder, her eyes were red, she didn't know how to forget Zhao Tezhu, maybe Nie Qianqian was right, time is the best medicine to heal emotional wounds.

It was originally a scene of provocative sisters, but it was broken by Chen Xinyi's heart of gossip. Chen Xinyi lay on Nie Qianqian's shoulder and confessed: "Qianqian, you must throw Mr. Mo down this time."

Nie Qianqian pushed Chen Xinyi away abruptly and kicked her out. Originally, she was worried that Chen Xinyi would be too lonely at home during her business trip to France, and she was afraid that she would think wildly about Special Assistant Zhao, but now it seems that , It is true that I worry too much.

Chen Xinyi is still the old Chen Xinyi, even if she is broken in love, she is still the old carefree Chen Xinyi.

Chen Xinyi looked at Nie Qianqian's tightly closed door, stood at the door and muttered with some dissatisfaction: "The good opportunity was missed last time, you must not miss it this time. Nie Qianqian, did you hear that?" At the end, Chen Xinyi The voice can't help raising a few pitches.

Nie Qianqian shook her head helplessly in the room and continued to pack her luggage.I really admire Chen Xinyi's gossip spirit.

The next day, a car was parked outside the door to pick her up to the airport. When Nie Qianqian walked out with her luggage, she saw that Mo Shangqian was in front of her. How honored was the CEO to personally pick Nie Qianqian up?

"Let's go, let's go to the airport." Mo Shangqian put Nie Qianqian's luggage into the trunk, opened the co-pilot's door for Nie Qianqian in a gentlemanly manner, then bypassed the main driver, and said to Nie Qianqian.

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