Nie Qianqian was distraught by that incident every day. She continued to go to work. In order to complete her work well, she went to work seriously every day and completed her work well.

Nie Qianqian also wanted to go over and talk to Mo Shangqian, she wondered if Mo Shangqian would think of him the same way.Thinking of this, she thought that she hadn't called Mo Shangqian for a long time, so she picked up the phone and pressed Mo Shangqian's number to dial.

The phone rang many times, and finally: "Sorry, the person you dialed is temporarily unavailable." Nie Qianqian hung up the phone and continued on her way to work.

Nie Qianqian felt uncomfortable, the wind blew her tears out, she wondered why she had to be so sensitive, such a glass heart.

With the noise of cycling on the road, Nie Qianqian covered her clothes tightly and continued walking.

When they got to the company, they were not very willing to talk to Nie Qianqian because of what Nie Qianqian had brought up.But Nie Qianqian did not affect her work because of this, and continued to do her work.

And the people in the company were discussing these things in the tea room and in the bathroom.Nie Qianqian didn't take it too seriously, she went to find Chen Xinyi instead.

"Xinyi, let's have lunch together." Nie Qianqian walked into Chen Xinyi's office and said to Chen Xinyi.

"Well, okay, when I finish these things, we'll go have dinner together."

"Well, okay, then I'll wait for you by the side."

"By the way, those people in the office didn't run on you about your matter."

"Oh." Nie Qianqian said disappointedly, "They are not like that. If it were me, I would also believe the video, but not the words in the title."

"Don't be too uncomfortable, it will pass, and the truth of the matter will come out after a long time. To be honest, those people in your office are a bit too much."

"Oh, stop talking, hurry up, I haven't even eaten breakfast, I'm starving to death."

"Okay, I'll hurry up, greedy cat." After speaking, Chen Xinyi went to work on her own affairs, while Nie Qianqian sat on the sofa next to her, reading a magazine.

Company canteen.

When everyone saw Chen Xinyi and Nie Qianqian approaching, everyone looked disgusted. Some people saw them coming and threw away the food and said: "It's really disgusting. I ate well. Suddenly a disgusting person came. If you don't eat, you won't eat." I ate it. I don't like it."

Several other girls followed suit.Some girls are still there laughing.

The boys in the company couldn't stand it anymore, and asked them to say a few words less, and just like this few girls said to those boys: "Hehe, you still know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade? Such girls also accompany, really Big joke."

After saying this, several girls were there laughing.

At this moment, Chen Xinyi couldn't listen any longer, and was about to rush out to talk about them, but was stopped by Nie Qianqian: "What are you doing, ignore them, let's go get dinner, just treat them as if they are farting."

After talking, Chen Xinyi and Nie Qianqian went to the cooking place, when another girl came over and said, "Hey, tsk tsk, I thought who it was, it turned out to be Nie Qianqian from our department." She said Nie Qianqian Sometimes I deliberately raised my voice a few minutes, and everyone who heard it would laugh again.

"Why do you still come to eat in the cafeteria? Shouldn't you eat in a high-end western restaurant outside? You have become rich." The other girls echoed: "Yeah, why do you still come to eat in the cafeteria."

At this time, Chen Xinyi couldn't help but came out and said: "You people are too much, you want to say some rumors, do you have any real evidence, have you investigated the truth of the matter?"

"Isn't it the video? If you do something wrong, you still have the face to stay in the company. Why do you, Chen Xinyi, speak for her? You hang out with her every day. You must have participated in this matter.


one of the girls said
"You don't go to understand the truth of the matter, just say that Nie Qianqian is not good, gossip, and say things that don't exist. Are you worthy of being employees of the company?"

Hearing that the girls here were all angry and said: "We are not worthy, then you are worthy, and you are embarrassed to talk about us when you hang out with someone who leaked company secrets."

At this time, Chen Xinyi was angry, she put the rice she just beat on the face of the girl who was talking, and said: Watch your words and deeds. "

After speaking, he pulled Nie Qianqian away.

The girl in the cafeteria was covered in rice and some dishes, and the girl watched Nie Qianqian and the others leave with anger in her eyes.

Since the incident in the cafeteria, Chen Xinyi and Nie Qianqian have been grouped together. People in the company not only talk about Nie Qianqian, but also Chen Xinyi.

The food thrown at the cafeteria was aimed at Chen Xinyi.

When Chen Xinyi came to the company early in the morning, Chen Xinyi saw small notes posted everywhere, with all kinds of words scolding Chen Xinyi and Nie Qianqian written on them.Chen Xinyi saw the notes put away silently, and ran to the security room to get the surveillance camera to watch.

Chen Xinyi took a fee to let the guards show her. Chen Xinyi saw a few girls talking together last night, talking and laughing, and posting something everywhere when they left.

The girl from the cafeteria was also there, and Chen Xinyi watched all of this silently, and left the security room.

At work, Chen Xinyi sent a message to Nie Qianqian:
"Qianqian, when I came here this morning, I saw scolding notes posted everywhere."

"Oh, it's really boring. I don't even need to think about it. I know they did it. I feel really tired."

"More than that, this morning I told the tea waiter in the tea room that there was no more coffee, and that person actually said that he wanted to drink coffee by himself."

"Xinyi, I have troubled you with my affairs, and you are the only one who treats me like this. The two people sitting next to me used to have fun with me, but now they ignore me and hide when they see me."

"We were brutalized" ended the chat

Nie Qianqian continued to work, because she didn't know how to explain it to them, and she felt that the more she explained, the more confusion would become.

She just ignored it like this, but from time to time some people would run on her with their voices, and she didn't take it to heart, just listened silently and continued to work.

At this time, Mo Shangqian called

"Hey, Qianqian, I was in a meeting this morning and didn't answer your call. What's wrong?"

"Shang Qian, it's okay, I know you're busy, have you watched the video in the company group?"


"Do you also think it has something to do with me?"

"How come, if I also think that it has something to do with you, you can still work here, fools, don't think about it."

"Just trust me."

"Fool, why don't you believe me, work hard, and I will send someone to investigate this matter." Mo Shangqian knew that Nie Qianqian had been wronged, and felt very sad, so he must investigate and help him.

"Okay, goodbye!" Nie Qianqian felt warm when she heard Mo Shangqian's words, and this grievance was nothing.

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