Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 1072 Come forward to explain, you don't believe it

When everyone saw the supervisor escorting Nie Qianqian out with a smile, everyone was very curious about what they said.One by one, they poked their heads over there to see.

When Nie Qianqian walked to her office, everyone saw that Nie Qianqian continued to do her work like a normal person, and suddenly the group of girls in the office exploded:
A: "Why is she fine? I just saw the supervisor send her out with a smile."

B: "Yeah, what did they say, you see she still wants to be a normal person."

C: "Why don't you ask someone to inquire about it and ask."

A: "I won't go, if I ask, I will definitely not tell me."

C: "B, let's go, you just happen to sit next to her, the relationship is better, hurry up and get some news."

At this moment, B's head slowly stretched out, and she looked at the people beside her, and they all winked to tell B to go over quickly.

B: "Qianqian, what happened when you went to the supervisor's office just now, what did the supervisor tell you to do?" Speaking of this, when it was time for Nie Qianqian to answer, everyone in the office pricked up their ears, for fear of missing a word.

Nie Qianqian: "Didn't say anything, she told me a little bit about the company, what I did last month, what would she say to me as an intern."

B: "Oh, got it, let's keep working."

The people in the office didn't say anything after hearing this.They all continued to work hard.

In the early morning of the next day, the employees of the company came to work one after another.

Chen Xinyi bought a copy and brought it to her office early, and sat on her seat to prepare breakfast. When she looked down, she saw a lot of news in the company group on the computer, and Chen Xinyi clicked on it curiously.

When watching the video, Chen Xinyi suddenly realized why the company was talking about it.Chen Xinyi hurried to Nie Qianqian's office, and she didn't finish her breakfast.

Nie Qianqian was not in the office, so Chen Xinyi picked up her cell phone and called Nie Qianqian.

"Hey, Qianqian, where are you now?"

"Why Xinyi, I'm on the bus now and I'm going to the company soon."

"Then wait for me in the milk tea shop downstairs next to the company."

"it is good."

So they agreed to meet in the milk tea shop downstairs of the company.

In the milk tea shop. . .

"What's the matter, Xinyi. You hurriedly asked me to wait for you here early in the morning." After speaking, she yawned. "Ha~, I haven't had a good rest recently, I really want to sleep."

"Come here, sit down." Chen Xinyi pulled Nie Qianqian to sit beside her. "I'll show you something." Nie Qianqian took the tablet from Chen Xinyi.

When Nie Qianqian saw the video, her eyes widened.Seeing people in the group talk about themselves again, I felt very angry, put down the tablet in my hand and said in an atmosphere: "How could they do this, this video was obviously deliberately filmed by someone to frame me, isn't it made out of nothing."

"Now I finally understand why the people in the company ran on you like this. It turned out that they misunderstood you. Now you go and explain to them, they will only believe the evidence, not what you said, you are now falling into the Yellow River It can't be cleaned either."

"No, I'm going to explain to them. I can't let them misunderstand me like this. If I don't explain anything, they will only think that I acquiesce in what he thinks."

At this time, Nie Qianqian rushed out with her bag, and Chen Xinyi followed closely, for fear that Nie Qianqian would say something radical if she got nervous.

Chen Xinyi grabbed Nie Qianqian and said, "Calm down first, how will others think of you if you go up like this?"

Nie Qianqian stopped and said, "But I can't let them say that about me."

"You are going to explain, but you have to calm down, instead of explaining in such a hurry. In this way, we go up first, and you calm down first."

"it is good."

Just like that, Chen Xinyi went up with Nie Qianqian.

The people in the office were all sitting together talking about something. When they saw Nie Qianqian coming in, they all dispersed. Some were full of disdain, while others yawned and sighed deliberately when they saw Nie Qianqian coming.

Seeing all this, Nie Qianqian felt very uncomfortable.At this moment, Chen Xinyi spoke up, "Uh, everyone, stop what you're doing and listen to Nie Qianqian explain something."

Everyone looked at the two of them reluctantly, and said: "What's the matter, don't waste our time, I still have work." "Yes, people like us are only busy with work, no Some people are so skilled that they can make money with their hands." Everyone sneered at this point.

At this time, Nie Qianqian spoke: "I know everyone has watched the video in the group. That video was deliberately framed by someone else. That day Lingling came to me and asked me to help her. Her family was sick and needed money. .not what you all saw in the video."

"What would that be like? Don't think that we will believe you if you say that. Why don't you and Lingling do something wrong?"

"Everyone listen to my explanation. Lingling came to me that day and said that she wanted me to help her, but her job was gone. The video you saw was manipulated by other people."

"Why would others go to frame you and have no grievances with you? If you didn't do this, how could others put shit on you."

Said a girl.

Nie Qianqian knew in her heart that no matter how she explained, it was useless. The explanation was too late, and everyone only believed what they saw.

Nie Qianqian was silent, and walked to her seat without saying anything, doing her own thing.Chen Xinyi was also helpless when she saw this, and walked away.

Nie Qianqian felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart, why couldn't they believe what she said, but blamed her blindly.She couldn't figure out how to make others believe what she said.She was silent, she walked out of the office in silence, and went to the rooftop alone.

She turned on her mobile phone and logged into the company's group. She kept thinking about who wanted to harm him. She watched the video over and over again, and kept reading the messages sent by those who said her.She didn't notice anything, she was tired.She just fell asleep sitting on the stool next to her.

Nie Qianqian had a dream. She dreamed that she was smiling happily with her high school classmates on the playground. There was no intrigue there. Nie Qianqian looked at their smiling faces and she laughed too. Such a scene made Nie Qianqian feel at ease and happy.

In this way, Nie Qianqian gradually woke up. It was already night when she woke up. She turned on her mobile phone and saw Chen Xinyi made several calls and sent her a lot of messages on WeChat.

She felt a bit of comfort in her heart, and she walked home while listening to Chen Xinyi's words, she smiled, and cried while laughing.

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