Finally, when the meeting was over, Luo Nian'an suppressed the trembling of his voice and said two words, "The meeting is over!"

Seeing everyone leave, Luo Nian'an was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly Gong Wenshan said at this moment, "President, are you okay, I don't think you look well!"

It turned out that not everyone didn't notice her strangeness!

Luo Nian'an only stopped the scream that was almost out of her mouth, "I'm fine..."

Gong Wenshan glanced at Mu Yibai, and saw that he had only one hand on the table, as if he understood something, his eyes darkened suddenly, and at this moment he heard Mu Yibai say in a low voice, "With me here, What are you fussing about?"

The cognition in his heart, as well as Luo Nian'an's stiffness, made Gong Wenshan feel as if his heart had been pierced with ice. He smiled bitterly, "I'm just..."

"Please go out." Mu Yibai didn't take it seriously for the first time, but he casually pointed to the door of the conference room, "My wife and I still have something to discuss."

Gong Wenshan's lips moved, but finally froze. Although there were 1 reluctances in his heart, all he could do at the moment was to pick up the documents and leave.

"Take your hand away!" Luo Nian'an roared as the door of the conference room was closed with his feet behind him.

Mu Yibai didn't move, but his smile became more and more wicked, "Honey, why didn't you say that just now?"

"Shameless!" Luo Nian'an was finally able to struggle openly.

Rogue, scoundrel...Luo Nian'an really doesn't know how to scold him!

But now instead of scolding him, she thinks it is more important to adjust her emotions. She has never been so embarrassing that she was molested in front of so many people!

Picking up the document in front of him, Luo Nian'an was about to leave, but he got up too hastily, coupled with his anger and the high heels under his feet, Luo Nian'an was unsteady, and fell to one side involuntarily. The exclamation in her throat rushed out instinctively, but she didn't expect that in the next second, her body fell into a softness, and at the same time, the voice in her throat was also taken away.

He actually kissed her!This is in the meeting room, and someone might come to clean up in a while, how could he do this?This rascal, this bastard!

Luo Nian'an yelled in her heart, but his lips were tightly held by him, she couldn't make a sound at all, even if she made a sound, it was a low hum, which sounded more like an emotional gratification.

After a while, Luo Nian'an felt that the air in her chest was sucked dry by him. Just when she thought he was about to let go of her, she suddenly heard a crash, and she was held down by him in the meeting behind her. on the table.

He came down overwhelmingly mixed with a faint smell of tobacco, making her breath stagnate, her hands resting on his chest in a panic, her eyes widened, she was startled and horrified, "You, what are you going to do?" .

He didn't speak, and looked at her with a pair of black eyes, like two tumbling seas, but the tumbling inside was familiar to Luo Nian'an...

Luo Nian'an swallowed dryly, his heart almost jumped out of his chest, but he tried to maintain his composure, "Mu Yibai, please respect yourself!"

"Self-respect?" The corners of Mu Yibai's lips rose, curved into a crooked moon, "Honey, you are so cute, you are probably the first person in the world to talk about self-respect with your husband!"

Well, in the face of his shamelessness, Luo Nian'an admitted that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he corrected, "It's working time now, isn't your appearance affecting work!"

"You just had a meeting, and I'm here to help you relax." What he said made Luo Nian'an want to hit a wall, why did she meet such a rascal like him?
Her cursing had no effect on him, he finally lowered his head, buried his face on her neck, and greedily sniffed her breath, the fresh and faint breath was different from any kind of scented water, but it made people greedy.

"Let me go," Luo Nian'an didn't listen to his nonsense, she never used perfume.

Finally, when he relaxed his guard, Luo Nian'an hit his pain point with ~force~ with his knee.

Taking advantage of his pain, Luo Nian'an quickly dodged, and while arranging her clothes indiscriminately, she warned him, "If you mess around again, I will, just... let the security guards throw you out .”

After finishing speaking, without looking at Mu Yibai's reaction, she left the conference room as if fleeing.

Mu Yibai rubbed his painful belly, the corners of his lips and eyes were full of smiles, although he didn't eat her, but he was happier than eating, because the whole process of molesting her just now, although she seemed to be Annoyed, but he could sense she was enjoying it too.

It is said that men are not bad and women do not love, it seems that this is true!

When Mu Yibai came out of Luo Nian'an, he called the housekeeper and went directly to Che's house.

He didn't want to give Che Zhishan more time, seeing Luo Nian'an tossing and turning because of Luo Tingmeng's incident, he felt very uncomfortable.

Although he was always a little out of tune in front of Luo Nian'an, he was very clear in his heart.

Originally, he just wanted to come up to see Luo Nian'an, but he didn't expect to be delayed for a while, it's really a mountain of cheap cars.


The arrival of Mu Yibai made the atmosphere of the Che family very serious, as if the building was full of wind and rain.

When Che Zhishan saw Mu Yibai, he greeted him with a small face: "Mr. Mu, hurry up, please come inside, please come inside."

Mu Yibai had a gloomy face, his powerful aura affected everyone present.

He entered the living room, looked around, but did not see Che Zhixuan.

Che Zhishan immediately asked the servants to bring them delicious food, Mu Yibai raised his hand and stopped him: "I didn't come here today to drink tea and chat with you, I think I came here You should be clear about the purpose."

"Of course, of course." Che Zhishan agreed with a smile all over his face.

Mu Yibai shot murderous eyes over him: "So what are you doing now?"

Feeling the cold pool-like gaze from Mu Yibai, Che Zhishan couldn't help but tremble, he squeezed his eyes and signaled the servants to go down.

The bodyguards brought by Mu Yibai also retreated outside the door after receiving Mu Yibai's instructions.

Only Mu Yibai, the housekeeper, and Che Zhishan were left in the living room.

Although Che Zhishan was in his own home, he still didn't feel safe at all, and his face was ugly.

After holding back for a long time, he finally said a word: "Mr. Mu, would you like a glass of water?"

Mu Yibai's expression immediately turned cold to the zero point. He would never eat anything in their house, especially after knowing that Che Zhixuan was such a cruel and merciless woman. Three years ago, because of Only after eating the meals prepared by Luo Tingmeng did he lose Luo Nian'an for three full years.

Mu Yibai glanced at Che Zhishan, and then said: "Don't you think what I said just now was joking with you?"

"" Che Zhishan quickly argued.

Mu Yibai didn't want to waste any more time, he asked bluntly: "How are you thinking?"

Che Zhishan was already on pins and needles at the moment, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said falteringly: "Mr. Mu...I didn't expect it to be so soon..."

Mu Yibai's eyes were full of storms, he smiled coldly: "It seems that you didn't take my words seriously at all..."

"How dare you...Mr. Mu, I wouldn't dare even if I had the guts of a bear... But I only have one daughter. Mr. Mu, can you let my daughter go?" Che Zhishan begged for mercy.

"Then did she ever think about letting others go? Che Zhixuan's hands were covered with other people's blood, and Er Youwei and Luo Tingmeng all died in her hands! If I don't deal with her, it will be too much for God." !" Mu Yibai said righteously.

Che Zhishan was obviously taken aback, he said tremblingly: "How is this possible, no matter how capricious my daughter is, she will not commit murder and arson."

Che Zhishan only knew about Che Zhixuan's insult to Luo Nian'an, he didn't know anything else.

"Hmph!" Mu Yibai smiled contemptuously, and raised his sword-like eyebrows, "It's useless to say what you say, because these are the facts! I don't want to talk too much with you today, because it's a waste of money on you." The time on my body, I can use this time to make money, and I can buy your company!"

Hearing that the company was going to be acquired, Che Zhishan's face became even more ugly, and he begged for mercy: "Mr. Mu, can you give me a few more days, maybe I can think of a third way!"

"There is no third way!"

Mu Yibai's resolute words ruined all the hopes of Che Zhishan.

Che Zhixuan hid upstairs, eavesdropping on the conversation between Mu Yibai and Che Zhishan.

Her face was livid, and there was still a line of tears streaming down her face. The reason why she did all this was because she loved this man crazily. She wanted to be with him, so she would find a way to hurt the woman around him.

Everything she did was for him!

But I didn't expect that the person I love the most hurts me the most!
Mu Yibai actually wanted to buy their Song family, oh my god!For Che Zhixuan, who loves money like her life, this is a huge blow, she can't imagine life without money!
She was born aristocrat, she couldn't live that kind of life without money!

Either let her go to prison, or buy the Song family!This Mu Yibai is simply driving himself to death.

I love him so much, but he treats me like this!

Che Zhixuan had clearly heard her heartbroken voice.

"Since this is the case, there is nothing more to say!" Mu Yibai stood up, and he raised his voice and said.

"Mr. Mu..." Che Zhishan called sadly.

"I'll see you at the Song Group then." After Mu Yibai said coldly, he walked out without looking back.

He really never thought of killing Che Zhixuan with a single shot, because it was too kind to her.He just wanted to torture her slowly, punish her slowly, let her taste the taste of poverty first, which is good.

Che Zhixuan collapsed on the corridor in no time, her tears became even more turbulent, it's fine if she can't be Mu Yibai's wife, why did she end up in such a situation now...

Thinking about how proud Che Zhixuan was since she was a child, just because she fell in love with the wrong man, and because she was too competitive...

Until now, she had no trace of regret.

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