Wen Shaoting's eyes scanned the house inch by inch, and his back tightened up. Such a big house looks so dark during the day, who knows what will happen in the night?
Just as Wen Shaoting was inspecting the mansion in front of him, he suddenly saw a maid running towards the gate in a hurry. When he looked closely, there was a person standing at the gate of the house. Because he was too far away, Wen Shaoting couldn't see him. The person looks clear, but from the appearance, it can be seen that he is a middle-aged man.

After a while, the maid came back, but there was something extra in her hand, and the middle-aged man was still standing at the gate, looking in constantly, as if he was looking for something?
"Are you awake?" Just then, a sweet voice sounded behind him.

Wen Shaoting turned around and saw Rou'er coming out wiping her hair. Her little face was pink, her eyes were black like black grapes, and the white bathrobe was only wrapped up to her knees, revealing her snow-white little legs. They all stared at people.

Seeing her like this, his heart constricted, he walked over in two big strides, and then hugged her tightly in his arms.

Rou'er was overwhelmed by his inexplicable hug, but she couldn't deny that she liked his domineering hug very much, it made her feel at ease, and she let him hug him for a while before she pushed him, "Stop making trouble , I still have to go to work."

The breath she exhaled while speaking was still steamy, which made his heart itch, "Honey, let's live in another place?"

"What?" She thought she had heard wrong.

"It's nothing," Wen Shaoting regretted after finishing speaking. He has been looking for this house for a long time. It is not a long-term solution to keep changing places to avoid Hua Yeyun, only to solve the problem thoroughly.

Rou'er blinked her big watery eyes and looked at him. Those clean eyes reminded him of the water in the swimming pool in the courtyard. "This place is too far from the city. You spend too much time commuting to and from work. Will you be tired?"

Unexpectedly, he asked this suddenly, Rou'er thought for a few seconds, and finally shook her head, "It's not very tired, I'm not afraid of physical tiredness, what I fear most is mental tiredness."

Wen Shaoting held her hand tightly, his dark eyes seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, Rou'er couldn't help but feel a chill, "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

His black eyes moved, and he quickly suppressed the coldness in his eyes, then took the towel in her hand and wiped the water droplets from her hair, "It's okay, I just remembered it suddenly."


The mobile phone by the bedside rang. It was the alarm set by Rou'er. Ever since she moved to the suburbs, she set the alarm clock because she was afraid that she would be late.

Wen Shaoting brought it over to her and pressed it away, then pinched the tip of her nose, "Childish!"

Rou'er pouted, and answered him unconvinced, "I'm not childish, so I'll be late every day,"

"With me here, you won't be late," Wen Shaoting said, with his head lowered and his lips pressed against her ear, "For example, you woke up very early today."

"You..." Rou'er's face was blushing dripping blood, she woke up so early today, and still couldn't sleep because of the aches and pains all over her body.

Feeling his hot breath moving on the skin, Rou'er quickly pushed him away, "Shut up, I have to go to work," she said, running away from him, and quickly ran to the changing room.

Wen Shaoting looked at the back of her fleeing, the smile in his eyes widened, it took him a while before he remembered something, but when he looked out the window again, the strange man standing at the gate had disappeared.

At the breakfast table, both of them were eating breakfast quietly.

Moving here and hiring a servant, Rou'er doesn't have to cook and do housework.She used to serve others, but now she is not used to being served by others.

Wen Shaoting put the milk in front of Rou'er, and then replaced the juice, "Honey, let's drink milk."

She seems to like drinking fruit juice recently, although it is not harmful to the body, but thinking of her physical exertion last night, Wen Shaoting still feels that milk can replenish physical strength.

Rou'er blushed, and lowered her head lower, she actually understood his thoughts.

After breakfast, Rou'er and Wen Shaoting got up, and the maid came to pack the breakfast. When Wen Shaoting saw the maid, Wen Shaoting suddenly thought of something, "Sister Li, who is the man at the gate this morning?"

In the morning, it was Sister Li who greeted the strange man at the door, and she seemed to have brought back something.

Sister Li hesitated when she heard the question, "Yes, yes..."

"Who is it?" Wen Shaoting saw something strange.

"It's a distant relative of mine," Sister Li said hesitantly.

Rou'er didn't know the situation, so she interjected curiously, "Sister Li, you have relatives, why didn't you see them?"

She thought it was her own harshness that frightened Sister Li so much that she didn't even dare to let her relatives into the house.

"Oh, he didn't come in, he left," no one saw that Sister Li's palms were dripping with sweat.

"I saw him bring something in, what is it?" Wen Shaoting's eyes were sharp.

Sister Li glanced at him, her expression flustered for a moment, but she returned to normal after a while, "It's nothing."

"Really?" Wen Shaoting said lightly.

As if he didn't expect him to see, Sister Li became obviously nervous, Wen Shaoting looked at her, the corners of his lips slightly raised, "Sister Li, we invited you here to do something, if you have any serious thoughts, don't worry about it when the time comes." Blame me for being rude."

Sister Li didn't answer right away, the air fell into a deathly silence, but it was weird and unsettling, as if there was an answer that was eager to go...

Sister Li lowered her head and said, "Mr. Wen, don't worry, I won't have any small thoughts. I am very grateful for this job."

"Oh, since this is the case, why did Sister Li's relatives come over suddenly?" Wen Shaoting seemed to be chasing after her today.

"I haven't been home for a long time, so come and see me." Sister Li seemed to have regained her usual composure.

"Really?" Wen Shaoting frowned.

"Yes." Sister Li replied directly and affirmatively, but when she caught Wen Shaoting's gaze, she explained, "I won't let him come to the door next time, just go out and meet when I have a rest."

Speaking of this, it seems that there is no need anymore, Wen Shaoting smiled, "That's not necessary, but there is no need to shut the door when relatives come in the future. Although my wife doesn't like outsiders to disturb her, there is an exception for Sister Li's relatives. After finishing speaking, she looked at Rou'er again, "Is that right, wife?"

Rou'er nodded, "Sister Li, you don't have to be so restrained, if you really have relatives, just come, and it doesn't matter if you let them stay at home for a few days."

"No, no!" Sister Li quickly refused.

"Then let's go to work." Wen Shaoting naturally wrapped his arms around Rou'er's slender waist, and then walked towards the gate. They didn't see the woman behind her was pale and slumped a little bit.

In the car, Rou'er took out a piece of chewing gum from her bag and put it in her mouth. Now she is used to eating a piece of chewing gum every morning. It seems to be an addiction. When she sees the man next to her, she pours out another piece of gum. He raised it in front of Wen Shaoting, "Do you want it?"

Wen Shaoting just wanted to say no, because he doesn't like chewing gum the least, especially men chewing gum, which always makes him feel that it is the behavior of hooligans, but he accidentally glanced and found that the packaging box of this chewing gum is very special, so He took it over, "Why haven't I seen this brand before, where did I buy it?"

Hearing his question, Rou'er felt guilty, it was a gift from a male colleague, she dared not tell him, otherwise he would become jealous again, so she smiled, "I won't tell you!"

After finishing speaking, he changed the subject again, "How do you know that Sister Li's relatives have been here?"

Of course Wen Shaoting could hear that she was changing the subject, he also smiled faintly, hugged her, kissed her red lips, and returned what she said, "I won't tell you either."

"Stingy," Rou'er pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, but didn't say anything else.


When Mu Yibai went upstairs, Luo Nian'an was coming out of the office, and when he saw him again, he was already looking business-like, "Why are you here?"

"It's not surprising!" Mu Yibai smiled, and his eyes fell on her. Today she was wearing a purple suit with a white shirt inside, and the lace collar was half up on the outside. She was capable and elegant. Spirit.

"Come to my office," Luo Nian'an said and turned around, but Mu Yibai was staring at her, he couldn't bear to leave his eyes, because he thought of the plumpness under her pretty suit.

The half-year meeting went smoothly. Luo Nian'an put forward some shortcomings and improvement points in a targeted manner, and her opinions were also recognized by everyone. When applause rang out in the conference room, no one knew that Luo Nian'an was still nervous My palms were sweating.

You must know that this is the first time she has faced so many people, and she also knows that many people have doubts about her as the president. She raised her hand, and the applause stopped. She continued, "Thank you for your hard work in the past six months. And support, tonight I treat you to reward everyone for their hard work."

The applause sounded again, Luo Nian'an looked around, but his eyes collided with Mu Yibai's, he looked at her, his dark eyes were straightforward and even enthusiastic...

Luo Nian'an's heart jumped suddenly, she seemed to hear her own heartbeat amidst the endless applause, and she became so nervous that even the tip of her nose was sweating.

She gave him a dark look, but it didn't seem to affect him, Mu Yibai's gaze still followed her like a shadow, as if there was something magnetic about her that attracted him.

Luo Nianan sat down and stomped on his toes secretly, wanting to remind him again, but he took the opportunity to grab her little leg.

No matter how fast her heartbeat was, her little~ face also climbed into a red cloud, Luo Nian'an was going crazy!

Let go!

She warned him with her eyes, but he didn't seem to see it.

Luo Nian'an couldn't take it anymore, she wanted to break free at one point, but he held it too tightly, her whole body moved when she moved, now she is the president and the focus of everyone, any movement of her will be seen by others, so she I can only endure it, and I can only let him run amok.

As his movements became more and more presumptuous, every hair on Luo Nian'an stood up, and she held her hand tightly, her palm was wet with sweat.

Dressed beast!Luo Nian'an couldn't help cursing in her heart.

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