Mu Yibai tightened his brows, his haughty face was covered with a cold chill, he lifted his thin lips, and said, "Uncle Yin, there is actually one thing I haven't told you."

Originally, he hadn't planned to tell anyone, but now that the housekeeper had suspected Er Youwei, he felt like telling everything.

"What?" the butler asked with a serious face.Judging by Mu Yibai's expression, this matter must not be simple.

Mu Yibai pondered for a while, then said calmly: "Actually, Youwei and I don't have the slightest relationship between men and women. I always regard her as my younger sister."

"Master, you think so, but she may not think so." The butler questioned.

Mu Yibai frowned, and said lightly: "I believe she thinks the same way, Youwei is a very simple girl, we get along without restraint, and in private we are all called brothers and sisters."

Thinking of the past, Mu Yibai's eyes glowed with warmth, he pursed his dry lips, and continued: "There are so many similarities between me and her, when I was very young, Daddy, Mommy She passed away. Although Youwei’s parents did not die, their family suddenly fell into disrepair and disappeared from people’s sight. I have always hoped to do my best to help her... Fortunately, she has always been a cheerful girl. I never bring up sad things in front of me.”

"Master, maybe it's because of the mutual sympathy between you. Although you regard her as your younger sister, she has always admired you. That's why now I have to try to destroy the relationship between you and the young mistress." The housekeeper said solemnly.

"Impossible!" Mu Yibai's eyes looked very determined, "Youwei's eyes are so clean, it's impossible for her to do such an outrageous thing, I believe she won't do it!"

Seeing that Mu Yibai raised his voice, the housekeeper stayed silent, but he still insisted on his doubts in his heart.

Mu Yibai let out a long breath, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes, he looked out of the window and said: "Since Youwei left suddenly, I have actually been looking for her all these years. When she left, I Before Luo Nian'an was found and nothing happened, she suddenly left without saying a word, which is too out of character for her."

The housekeeper pondered for a while, and said, "Could it be that the news that we were monitoring the young mistress leaked out, and she knew that you were going to marry the young mistress."

But soon he denied it himself: "At that time, the monitoring of the young mistress was extremely secretive, and even the young mistress didn't know about it, so how could other people know about it!"

Mu Yibai also echoed: "Take a step back, even if she knows, she doesn't know that I'm going to marry Luo Nian'an, and even if I marry Luo Nian'an, she won't leave without a word! "

The housekeeper nodded, and he asked, "Master, have you found any results in finding her in the past few years?"

Mu Yibai shook his head, his eyes were full of disappointment, he said: "No, there is no news at all, and not only I have no news here, but her parents have no news either... She has always been very filial, no Maybe not in touch with the family..."

He paused and continued: "Last year, her parents finally couldn't wait anymore and chose to call the police. The police contacted Interpol, but there was still no news."

Mu Yibai frowned tightly, with a very painful expression on his face: "Now I have more and more bad premonitions..."

"Master, you mean..." The housekeeper's eyes widened, he didn't dare to continue talking...

The expressions of the two people are very dignified, and the matter becomes more and more confusing, as if a bloody storm is about to start in the castle...

Although the housekeeper didn't finish his words, Mu Yibai already understood what he meant.He looked sideways at the butler, and the surrounding air became very serious: "When I read the content of this letter, I subconsciously felt that this letter was not written by Youwei at all. Looking back carefully now, I was still too arbitrary at the time." Uncle Yin, you can go to Youwei's house later and ask her family to provide a copy of the handwriting she wrote before. After all, the matter is important, so we'd better be more careful."

The housekeeper nodded, and he analyzed: "The person who wrote the letter, she wrote the letter in the tone of Miss Er, then she must know that we can't contact Miss Er, then..."

"Then... If Youwei was also killed, she must be the murderer too. Because at that time, Youwei's parents hid the news and only told outsiders that she had gone abroad. Except for the murderer, no one knew that we couldn't contact Youwei."

Mu Yibai's voice was low and sad.He paused, and continued: "Uncle Yin, you first send someone to protect Luo Nian'an for 24 hours."

This woman, dazed, fell into someone else's trick, and still didn't know anything about it.

"Okay, master, I'll make arrangements now." The butler nodded and turned to leave.

But immediately he stopped again and said, "Young master, why don't you tell young mistress what we found, so that she won't misunderstand you."

Mu Yibai twitched the corner of his mouth, and he said flatly: "With her current situation, do you think she will believe it? Now she can't wait to cut me into pieces."

He knew that woman too well, and sometimes he was stubborn to death.

The housekeeper frowned, and said, "Master, then you are not very wronged, you have suffered an injustice."

Mu Yibai frowned slightly, and he said, "As long as the real culprit is found earlier, I will be innocent, and more importantly, there will be no misunderstandings between Luo Nian'an and I in the future."

The butler deeply felt that what Mu Yibai said was reasonable, so he walked out.

Mu Yibai stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows for a long time, his expression was solemn, he only hoped that the silly woman would not be hurt in the slightest.


"Mum, are we really going to move?" Guoguo asked in puzzlement while helping Luo Nian'an pack up.

Luo Nian'an looked around, her eyes were full of reluctance, there were too many memories between her and Guoguo.The house was bought when she was just starting to make money, and every bit of it was condensed with her blood and sweat. She always thought that she would die in this house, but she never thought that she would leave now.

She put her hands on her waist and said, "Guoguo, didn't we agree last night to move to China."

After tidying up all morning, her waist couldn't straighten up a bit.

Guoguo quickly helped Luo Nian'an hang her waist up: "Mum, you have worked so hard recently, I think you can't sleep at night. Even if you want to move away, don't be so anxious, your body won't be able to take it anymore of."

Guoguo's small eyes are full of concern.

Luo Nian'an smiled knowingly, she felt extremely relieved, and said with a smile: "Working with Guoguo, how can Mommy get tired!"

"Mummy, you are acting brave again!" Guoguo said like a little adult.

While they were talking, there was a knock on the door.

"Mommy, did you call the workers?" Guoguo asked.

Luo Nian'an shook her head, beads of sweat were still oozing from her white and tender face: "No."

Guoguo ran to the door and asked loudly, "Who is it?"

"Guoguo, it's me, Uncle Wen." Wen Shaoting's voice came from outside the door.

Guoguo turned to look at Luo Nian'an, and asked in a low voice, "Mummy, it's Uncle Wen."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Luo Nian'an's little~ face, she deliberately didn't tell Wen Shaoting, just because she didn't want to disturb him, since she showed him the "acting" that day, she didn't contact him either.

She thought that he had already retreated after knowing the difficulties, why did he come to the door on his own initiative today.Luo Nian'an wiped his sweat with the back of his hand, and said to Guoguo, "Let's go."

After receiving the order, Guoguo stood on tiptoe and opened the door.

When Wen Shaoting saw the messy room, he was very surprised, and asked in astonishment: "Luo Nian'an, what are you doing?"

Guoguo pouted and said, "We are sorting things out and we have to move. Mommy is working so hard. I asked her to move in a few days, but she wouldn't listen."

Guoguo took the opportunity to "complain" to Wen Shaoting, hoping that Wen Shaoting could persuade Luo Nian'an.

Wen Shaoting picked up Guoguo with one hand, and closed the door with the other.He continued to ask: "Nian'an, why do you want to move away suddenly?"

Luo Nian'an frowned, and she said flatly, "Guoguo is going to go to school in China."

There are many things that are hard to say, she can only use Guoguo to prevaricate.

Wen Shaoting looked sideways at Guoguo and asked, "Guoguo, are the kindergartens in China different from the ones here? Why do you want to study in China?"

Guoguo's face instantly showed pride, and he said with some pride: "It's not kindergarten, it's elementary school, and it's the second grade of elementary school."

Wen Shaoting was obviously shocked, he said in disbelief: "Second grade?"

"Yes, the experts have evaluated it. With my current level, I can enter the second grade of elementary school." Guoguo's little tail was about to curl up.

"Guoguo, you are amazing! Uncle Wen must reward you well." Wen Shaoting gave Guoguo a thumbs up.

Luo Nian'an smiled slightly, and looked at Guoguo with some reproach: "Guoguo, Mommy reminds you that pride makes people fall behind."

Guoguo pouted, and said, "But there are no outsiders here. Uncle Wen knows it, so it doesn't matter."

When Wen Shaoting heard this, he was overjoyed, he squeezed Guoguo's little cheek, and smiled from ear to ear, this little guy finally didn't love him in vain when he was a child.

He looked at Luo Nian'an again and said, "Guoguo is not in such a hurry to study. Guoguo is right. Even if you move, you can move after a while. Look, you have lost a lot of weight recently."

While Wen Shaoting was talking, a hint of distress flashed in his eyes.

"Mommy can't sleep at night!" Guoguo whispered close to Wen Shaoting's ear.

Luo Nian'an frowned and stopped, "Guoguo, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Wen Shaoting asked with concern: "Luo Nian'an, did something happen? When I went upstairs, there were some bodyguards interrogating me. I forgot to mention them just now. You invited these bodyguards, right?"

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