Luo Nian'an was a little agitated, and tears welled up all at once.She swung her fist and slammed him hard, again and again, again and again...

Mu Yibai didn't even blink his brows, allowing her to vent her emotions.

After a while, Luo Nian'an realized her gaffe, she stopped her movements, subconsciously took a few steps back, and kept a distance from him.

Seeing the woman's frail shoulders shaking because of grief, Mu Yibai's eyes flashed with distress, and he hugged Luo Nian'an into his arms.

"Let me go..." Luo Nian'an was really fierce.She will never allow herself to be seduced by this man again!No way!

His breath, his appearance, his kiss, and his touch, she will forget all of them!forget!Act as if this person has never existed before!there has never been!She wants to prove that she can do it!forget him!
In view of Mu Yibai's identity, several bodyguards didn't dare to go up to make trouble when they saw this, they just stopped him and said, "Let go of Mr. Luo quickly!"

The man raised his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "This is our family business, and no outsiders should care about it! Believe it or not, I will tear you to pieces one by one!"

Luo Nian'an took the opportunity to break free from Mu Yibai's arms, she looked at him with tears in her eyes: "Mu Yibai, listen to what you said, you still want to deny it! Luo Tingmeng must have been killed by you, It's okay if you don't hand her over, I'm going to call the police, and the police will definitely find out everything!"

Mu Yibai's obsidian eyes gradually dimmed, she still refused to believe him!I would rather believe outsiders than him!It was like this before, and it is still like this now!How heartbroken he is at this moment, only he himself can understand!His haughty and contoured face chilled to the icy zero point, and the surrounding air pressure became very low.He pointed in the direction of the gate, his eyes were filled with coldness: "Get out!"

Luo Nian'an's heart trembled, her two small hands unconsciously clenched into fists, she tried hard to stand up straight: "Mu Yibai, don't tell me to go, I will go too! But the premise is that you Sign this agreement."

She put a divorce agreement in front of Mu Yibai. Didn't he say that they have already obtained the certificate, then they will divorce, and there will be no more ties to each other from now on, nothing at all!
When Mu Yibai saw the word "divorce" on the paper, his head thumped. This woman is so unfeeling, she doesn't care about friendship at all!

"Hiss! Hiss!" He picked up the paper and tore it to pieces, then threw it out viciously.

He picked up her little face that was flushed with anger, and said, "If you die early, I won't divorce you! You, Luo Nian'an, are my woman, and death is my ghost!"

His cold words, coupled with his powerful aura that killed everything, made Luo Nian'an shiver.She collected herself, raised her palm and wanted to hit him: "Rogue!"

His hand landed in the air, and it was caught by his big palm. His phoenix eyes narrowed slightly: "I am a rascal, and you are the rascal's wife!"

Luo Nian'an felt that her wrist was about to be crushed, she could feel his anger, but her anger was no less than his!She twitched the corners of her mouth and almost screamed: "I want to divorce you! I'm blind to fall in love with a bastard like you! Who do you think you are? In my eyes, you are nothing! What neither!"

Her words almost detonated his body, and his heart felt ten thousand points of damage.Hurt from the person you love the most is always the most heart-wrenching!Mu Yibai slowly let go of Luo Nian'an's hand, and he said expressionlessly: "Before I regret it, get out!"

A circle of red marks on her wrist was telling her how rough he was to her, tears of disappointment began to swirl in her eyes again, she raised her head, trying not to let the tears flow down.Anyway, I am not his anyone!She pursed her lips, swallowed back her tears, and said coldly: "Mu Yibai, since you don't want to sign an agreement with me for a peaceful divorce, then we'll see you in court!"

She paused, and added: "If it's really like what you said, if the two of us have received a certificate, I will investigate clearly!"

After she finished speaking, she immediately covered her eyes with sunglasses, turned around, and walked out.She was afraid that if she looked at him one more time, she would soften her heart and surrender her gun again.With her straight body, she walked fast and cold step by step, and soon her figure was blocked by those strong bodyguards, and she was no longer seen.

Mu Yibai stared blankly, his eyes were gloomy.Because he was so lost, he completely didn't notice that the butler was already standing by his side.

The butler picked up Luo Tingmeng's photo from the coffee table, and as soon as he took a look at it, he shook his head.It turned out that Luo Tingmeng's death was so miserable that even an old Jianghu couldn't stand it, let alone a little girl like Luo Nian'an.He immediately understood Luo Nian'an's anger.

But after all, he is a person who has experienced many battles, he continued to read one by one, Luo Tingmeng's body was mutilated, blood was everywhere on his body.He frowned, and said lightly: "She died in a car accident, and was directly run over by the car."

When Mu Yibai heard his voice, he came back to his senses. He took the photo from the housekeeper's hand with a pair of silent and cold eyes.

When he saw the first one, he frowned.Three black lines hung on his forehead: "The person who took the photo is the murderer. The blood on her face is very fresh. No one can do it except the murderer."

Although his emotions have not completely calmed down, his thinking is extremely clear.

The butler nodded in agreement.

The housekeeper casually picked up the letter on the table, and he opened it, but his face was pale: "Look, young master!"

Mu Yibai took the letter from his hand, he glanced at it a few times, and said: "Sure enough, it's exactly as I expected, I wrote it very badly, and put all the blame on me."

"However, the person who wrote the letter obviously didn't want Luo Nian'an to be with me. The words were provocative and aggressive, but that silly woman was fooled again!" Mu Yibai's lips curled up. deep meaning.

The housekeeper pursed his lips, and said tremblingly, "Master, I haven't read the content yet, but what shocked me the most was the handwriting!"

"Handwriting?" Mu Yibai asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the handwriting!" The housekeeper said with great certainty: "The handwriting of this letter is exactly the same as the letter Er Youwei gave you back then!"

Mu Yibai was a little shocked, he asked: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, master! You know, I usually like to play with calligraphy and painting, so I almost never forget the characters. I will study every brushwork. I can be sure that the two letters are from the same hand. Master, then I still have the letter, I'll get it right away!"

"Go!" Mu Yibai's face was covered with a shadow, could it be that what happened to Er Youwei was not caused by Chen Shanshan at all!

The butler walked in with the letter, his expression was even uglier than before.

"Young master, take a look." The housekeeper handed the letter to Mu Yibai.

Mu Yibai took the two letters in his hand and compared them, the result was exactly the same as what the steward said, the handwriting of the two letters was not bad at all, it was definitely written by the same person.

A flash of sharpness flashed in Mu Yibai's eyes. He looked at the butler and said, "The letter from Er Youwei and the child who was left at the door before was found out to be by Chen Shanshan? Then how do you explain it now? Chen Shanshan got out of the ground again!"

The butler had a gloomy face, and his eyebrows twitched together: "Master, when we checked the child's origin, Chen Shanshan's name was written in the orphanage's adoption signature."

"Isn't it easy to forge a signature?" Mu Yibai's eyes shone with wisdom.

The housekeeper lowered his head slightly, looking a little frustrated: "At that time, it happened that Chen Shanshan drove into the young mistress, and then I didn't doubt it, I thought it was Chen Shanshan! Now it seems that there is someone else, Chen Shanshan has been dead for so long, She couldn't have written the letter."

Mu Yibai looked into the distance deeply, it seemed that someone had been deliberately trying to destroy the relationship between him and Luo Nian'an, and even killed Luo Tingmeng!

Who is the one!Such a vicious mind!
Mu Yibai handed the two letters to the butler, and he said calmly and self-possessively: "Go and check whether the handwriting on the letter and the signature of the orphanage are the same person."

The housekeeper took the letter, and he looked at Mu Yibai suspiciously: "Master, I don't know if I can ask you something?"

"Ask!" Mu Yibai replied bluntly.

The housekeeper folded the letter carefully: "Master, do you think Er Youwei did all of this! You and her were originally a promising couple, but you suddenly married Luo Nian'an, And she has gone far away, and there has been no news of her for so many years."

"But in fact, she may have been watching you secretly, trying every means to destroy your relationship!"

Mu Yibai was slightly taken aback, and he said heavily: "No, Mu Qiu is not such a person."

"Master, why are you so sure? But besides her, I really can't think of anyone else! Although there are many women who like you, Er Youwei was the most likely person with you back then! I think you, Master You can't be emotional in this matter, after all, it involves human life! And according to my speculation, she will definitely not let it go, maybe the young mistress will also be in danger."

The more the butler said, the more solemn his expression became: "We are in the light, and she is in the dark. And judging from these two letters, she has a very strong willpower and is very patient in doing things, unlike Chen Shanshan, who is impulsive. , She has been paying attention to it for the past few years, until she got news of the young lady recently, she started to take action again. This person has to be guarded, otherwise it may cause very serious consequences. "

The butler had an expression on his face that was about to rain.

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