"Mr. Luo, don't drag me, it will hurt you." Xiao Chen Xuan screamed in mid-air.

"Don't let go, I won't let anything happen to you." Luo Nian'an gritted her teeth and said.

"Mr. Luo, let me go, I will drag you down."

Sweat broke out from Luo Nian'an's forehead, she had never felt such a long time.Although she felt that she was going to be unable to support herself, she endured the severe pain and persisted.Almost all the potential in her small body was used.

"Mr. Luo, let me go." Xiao Chen shouted loudly, she could clearly feel her strenuous effort from Luo Nian'an's eyes.

Luo Nian'an couldn't say anything anymore, she still persisted with her strong willpower...

Just when Luo Nian'an felt that the last catty of strength in her body was about to run out, a strong and powerful hand grabbed her arm.

"Nian'an, I'm here." Wen Shaozhe said solemnly.As he spoke, he held Luo Nian'an tightly, allowing Luo Nian'an to catch his breath.

Luo Nian'an looked at him gratefully, her eyes glistening with water, and she was a little moved by the first time he appeared by her side.

"Luo Nian'an, let's work hard and pull her up together." Wen Shaozhe encouraged.

"En." Luo Nian'an clenched his teeth and exerted all his strength.

Although they have tried their best, they still cannot compete with the powerful gravity.

"Mr. Luo, I really can't hold on anymore, please let me go." Xiao Chen's eyes were filled with fear, and she felt that the last bit of strength in her body had been drained.

"No, I will never...will not... let you go..." Luo Nian'an said with difficulty, she couldn't accept a living life disappearing in front of her eyes.

"Nian'an, don't worry, I won't let you go." Wen Shaozhe said firmly in Nian'an's ear.Although he knew that doing so was tantamount to an adventure, he was willing to do anything for the woman he loved deeply.

But God didn't seem to be moved by their sincerity.As time passed, Luo Nian'an and Chen Shaozhe could no longer hold on.

"Ah!" followed a tragic scream.All three of them fell from the roof.

Luo Nian'an closed her eyes, and the wind was whistling in her ears. The person she cared about the most at this moment was her son Guoguo. Without her, how would Guoguo live alone...

In an instant, all three of them fell hard on the fire mat almost at the same time.

Luo Nian'an lost consciousness all of a sudden.


"Where is my mommy, I want to see my mommy." Guoguo said loudly in the corridor of the hospital.

The nurse immediately picked him up and coaxed him: "Little friend, don't be sad, you~ Mommy is still in the rescue now, there is Auntie here, so you don't have to be afraid."

"I'm not afraid, I'm here to protect my mommy!" Guoguo said firmly.

The nurse was slightly taken aback when she heard this, but this little baby exuded a powerful aura at such a young age.If this matter were to be placed on an ordinary child, it would have already made the sky cry, but he was unimaginably strong.

"Nurse sister, can't you let me go in and see my mommy? If I'm not here, she will be scared. My mommy is usually very timid, and she will be scared when she sees small animals..." Guoguo flickered at him. said with big watery eyes.

When the nurse heard this, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Little friend, you have to be good. Your mommy is very brave. She is trying to save her employees. She is not timid at all." The nurse said with a choked voice.

"No, she is a girl in my mind, the kind that needs protection." Guoguo wrinkled her chubby little face and said, but her tone was as firm as an adult.

"Sister, let me meet my mommy, she must really want to see me now, and she will definitely have infinite power when she sees me."

The nurse was a little touched by his words, and finally she said: "Little friend, you wait here first, I will ask the leader for instructions and see if I can let you in."

"Well, thank you sister." Guoguo nodded obediently, like a little man.

Powerful energy radiated from his young heart, and his round eyes were fixed on the door of the emergency room.

After a while, the nurse came over, took his chubby little hand and said, "Little friend, sister can take you in, but you have to agree to one thing."

"Don't talk, don't cry, right? I can do all of these." Guoguo said like a little adult.

"You are so smart. My sister is relieved to hear you say that." The nurse took Guoguo's hand and opened the door of the emergency room.

A group of doctors are surrounding Luo Nian'an, taking rescue measures for her.

Guoguo stood there, looking at his mommy's closed eyes from a distance, there was no expression on his little face, he just quietly said in his heart: "Mummy, you must work hard If I believe that you will definitely wake up, because you still have to be my mommy, we have only known each other for more than 2 years, which is too short...

Luo Nian'an seemed to hear Guoguo's call, her eyelids trembled slightly.

Several doctors exclaimed: "The patient has responded, hurry up, increase the intensity!"

At the same time, Guoguo also walked to Luo Nian'an's side, and he put his little hand in Luo Nian'an's palm silently.

"Mommy, you have to work hard! Mommy, you must wake up and see Guoguo!" Guoguo said silently in her heart.

The hearts of mother and child are connected, and a line of tears silently flowed down from Luo Nian'an's eyes.

Seeing this, Guoguo immediately wiped away the line of tears.

The doctors looked a little dumbfounded, they had never seen such a sensible child, he didn't cry or fuss, he behaved like an adult, but he was clearly just a little one.

The touching interaction between mother and child also made the doctors present work harder to rescue them.

A beam of light slowly penetrated Luo Nian'an's tightly closed eyes, and her world was no longer pitch black.

Luo Nian'an slowly opened his eyes, and Guoguo smiled at Mummy, his smile was so sunny, with a hint of mischievousness, which instantly healed Luo Nian'an's heart.

"Mummy, you're awesome!" Guoguo said to Luo Nian'an with a thumbs up, her eyes full of pride.

Luo Nian'an struggled to squeeze out a smile, her body felt waves of pain, especially her arms and shoulders, as if they were broken, the pain was piercing.

"Guoguo, Mommy is really happy to see you." Luo Nian'an said softly.

From the moment she fell, she thought she was really going to leave this world.At that time, her mind was full of her son Guoguo... For a second, it belonged to Mu Yibai...

After a day of treatment, Luo Nian'an's body has improved significantly.

Guoguo filled a spoonful of porridge with a spoon and put it near Luo Nian'an's mouth: "Mommy, eat quickly."

Luo Nian'an smiled and swallowed the porridge in one gulp. At this moment, she felt that she was the happiest mommy.

"Guoguo, it's better for Mommy to eat by herself. You are still too young, so you can take care of Mommy when you grow up." Luo Nian'an said with some distress.

Other children at his age only know how to play like a baby, but Guoguo already knows a lot at such a young age.It's strange to say that Luo Nian'an never asked him to do this or that, but he has been very obedient since he was a child, rushing to do housework, and he has learned to sweep the floor since he was one year old when he was just able to walk... This , I don't know who it is...

But the way he feeds himself porridge looks a lot like that big devil...

"No, Mommy, I've grown up and I can take care of you."

Guoguo's bright black jewel-like eyes shone with firm light, and he put another spoonful of porridge on Luo Nian'an's lips.

Luo Nian'an smiled, and swallowed the porridge again, but her heart was sweeter than drinking honey.

"Guoguo, you are 3 years old now, and you are only 2 years old. You are still a brat." Luo Nian'an looked at him affectionately.

When she didn't have children before, she still thought children were troublesome, but now that she is a mother, she can't get enough of Guoguo, the more she looks at him, the more beautiful he looks, even though he looks more and more like that big devil head.

"Mommy, the key to growing up is not based on physical age, but mainly on psychological age. My mental age is enough to take care of you, Mommy. You will be afraid when you have nightmares, but I won't. You will be afraid when you sleep alone. , but I don't know how to..." Guoguo's naive~nen voice really spoke clearly and clearly.

"Guoguo, where did you see this?" Luo Nian'an was a little dumbfounded.

She feels that her precious son is changing day by day, and he understands more and more day by day.

"It's all from the book." After he finished speaking, he even made a face at Luo Nian'an.

Luo Nian'an laughed unconsciously, she raised her hand to want you to pinch his little~ face, and suddenly a huge pain in her arm hit her.

"Ah..." Luo Nian'an couldn't help moaning softly.

"Mommy, you see that you are not acting well again. The doctor told you that your hands need a good rest and you are not allowed to move them." Guoguo said.

"Okay, okay." Luo Nian'an agreed to the little adult.

While they were talking, Wen Shaozhe pushed the door open and came in. His hands were wrapped with white gauze and hung around his neck.

"Luo Nian'an, how are you? Are you feeling better?" Wen Shaozhe asked with concern.

Luo Nian'an smiled and said, "It's nothing serious for me, my hand hurts too, so I probably have to wrap gauze like you."

"What about the other places? Is there anything wrong? Have you checked everything, such as the MRI of the head?" Wen Shaozhe's eyes were still full of worry.

After all, he fell from the 20th floor building, so Wen Shaozhe had to worry.

"I've checked everything, and there's nothing serious about it. My arm was injured and needs to be taken care of slowly." Luo Nian'an replied.

She paused, then continued: "Thank you very much, I really didn't expect you to appear there, let alone you didn't let go of my hand at the last moment, if it wasn't for the fire pad downstairs if……"

This man almost gave his young life for himself.

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