The next morning, Luo Nian'an was sitting on the chair, her head was still a little groggy, and Mu Yibai's figure was still lingering in her mind.What has he become now? Is it true that he has become vicissitudes like in his dream...

His kiss is so real when I think about it now... From waking up to now, Luo Nian'an did not know how many times he had recalled the scene in his dream.

"Luo Nian'an, Luo Nian'an, don't think about it anymore, he is already in the past tense. Maybe he is already married to Luo Tingmeng by now, and he may have had many children." Luo Nian'an patted His own cheeks, trying to wake himself up from the dream.

She picked up a document from the table and tried to look at it.

"Mr. Luo." Sales Director Wang Hui knocked on the glass door.

"Come in." Luo Nian'an cleared his throat, trying to get himself back to his usual state.

"Mr. Luo, why don't you agree with my plan?" Wang Hui put a document on the table, his face full of doubts.

"Sit down first, and speak slowly." Luo Nian'an wanted him to calm down first.

"Mr. Luo, if this plan is implemented, the company's performance can definitely be doubled several times." Wang Hui blushed.

He revised this plan many times, but Luo Nian'an failed every time, which made him very depressed.

Luo Nian'an brewed a cup of tea and put it in front of him, her eyes were as calm as a rock: "I know that you have put a lot of effort into this plan, and I have noticed all your efforts."

"Mr. Luo, do you still disagree?" Wang Hui asked, frowning.

"En!" Luo Nian'an nodded.

"Why! Mr. Luo! Why do you still refuse to cooperate with Xingle Company? You must know that they belong to the Mu Group. Although they are said to be overseas, they are still backed by big trees!" Wang Hui said with a blushing face. .

Mu's Group!It's too late for Luo Nian'an to force him, how could he cooperate with him!
"Don't talk about it, anyway, I will never agree to this plan. And I order you not to make any more plans related to the Mu's Group!" Luo Nian'an's face was chilled to a terrifying zero point, making him People are daunting.

"Mr. Luo, I have been with you for several years. Can you tell me why you seem to be a different person every time I talk about the Mu's Group. You must know that the Mu's Group's business is all over the world. , as long as we want to grow stronger, we will inevitably get involved with them."

"Then don't develop!" Luo Nian'an's eyes flashed sharply.No matter what, I just can't let Mu Yibai find her!
A dream is a dream after all, in reality he is still an out-and-out villain, she doesn't want him to take Guoguo away from her!At this moment, Luo Nian'an felt that he was fully awake.

"Mr. Luo, I already understand what you mean." Wang Hui said dejectedly.

Over the years, under the leadership of Luo Nian'an, the company has been making great strides. It seems that it is now a bottleneck period.

"Wang Hui, I know that everything you do is for the company. I am really grateful. But please forgive me for my difficulties." Luo Nian'an said sincerely.

Fish and bear's paw, always can not have both.

While they were talking, the secretary stumbled in, her face pale.

"What's wrong?" Luo Nian'an asked in astonishment.

"It's not good, it's not good...Xiao Chen she...she's standing on of the building is going to...suicide..." the secretary said incoherently.

suicide!Luo Nian'an's innocent little face instantly darkened.Without thinking, she rushed out.

Xiao Chen is a clerk in their company. He is usually quiet and inconspicuous. Why is he determined to commit suicide today!
On the rooftop, Xiao Chen stood coldly, her face was ashen, her eyes were full of despair.

"Xiao Chen, come down quickly, don't stand there, there is danger there." Luo Nian'an persuaded.

She suppressed her pounding heartbeat, trying to calm herself down, because even one of her aggressive actions might cause her to jump down.She's the head of the department, and she has to keep her cool.

"Don't come here, I'm going to jump." Xiao Chen's face was full of horror.

"Don't jump! Xiao Chen, if you have any problems, you can tell Mr. Luo, and Mr. Luo will definitely help you find a solution." Luo Nian'an said calmly, and his tone was much calmer than before.

Seeing that Xiao Chen didn't speak, Luo Nian'an secretly signaled to the others to step back slowly, while she walked up.

She moved her pace slowly, and then persuaded: "Xiao Chen, you must trust Mr. Luo, do you still remember the day when you first came to our company for an interview, that day you hit it off with me immediately, and you said I look good Like a sister you know. So you treat me as your sister now, just tell me if you have any grievances. "

"Mr. Luo..." Xiao Chen suddenly burst into tears with his eyes covered, "I... really... can't... go on..."

"What's the matter, tell my sister." Luo Nian'an moved forward again, she looked like a close sister at this moment.

"Mr. Luo..." Tears flowed down Xiao Chen's line in an instant, as if he had a thousand words to say.

But there was still a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Luo Nian'an seemed to understand what she meant, and she motioned for everyone else to go back.

"Boss Luo..."

"Boss Luo..."

The other employees all shouted.

Luo Nian'an waved to them repeatedly, signaling them to go down first.

Finally, everyone else left, leaving only Luo Nian'an and Xiao Chen on the rooftop.

"Xiao Chen, if you have anything to say, just say it, I will definitely keep it secret for you." Luo Nian'an said softly, she knew that what Xiao Chen needed most now was to talk.Three years ago, she also thought about dying, and she knew the feeling that life was worse than death.

"President Luo...I...I'm pregnant..." Xiao Chen said tremblingly, tears streaming down his face.

"It's a good thing, why don't you think about it."

"This is really a great thing for others, but for me, it is a disaster. My baby, she chose me to be her mother, she is really too pitiful..." Xiao Chen said in tears .

Luo Nian'an patted her on the shoulder and comforted her: "Xiao Chen, you are a good girl, and all colleagues in this company know it. The baby in your belly must think you are good, so she will choose you to be her mother's."

"But! But...he doesn't...know! I just want him to know that I'm good, but he just doesn't know!" Xiao Chen's emotions became agitated again.

Passionate is always hurt by ruthlessness!Girls who choose to commit suicide are mostly trapped by love!
Luo Nian'an's eyes were filled with tears unconsciously. She had also poured out her heart and soul for a man before, cried for him, hurt for him, went crazy for him, and was crazy for him... No matter what How the world laughs at her, she has really paid...

"I told him I was pregnant, I thought he would be very happy, but he asked me coldly, are you sure you are pregnant with my child!" Xiao Chen cried.

Luo Nian listened quietly, feeling very uncomfortable.

"At that time, I went crazy. I told him that I only had you as my boyfriend. Who would own the child if it wasn't yours? He pushed me away, completely ignoring my pregnant body, and said coldly Laugh at me, you can sleep with me, you can sleep with other people. If you are really a good girl, you will not sleep with others without getting married!"

While talking, Xiao Chen burst into tears again.

Luo Nian'an didn't know what to say, took out a tissue, and silently wiped her tears, why are good girls always not loved by men!

"Mr. Luo... But he forgot how he begged me for nothing, how he spoiled me to the sky, and coaxed me to do everything possible to want to possess me... I blame myself for being soft-hearted. If I If I keep insisting, I won't let him bully me..." Xiao Chen bit his lip and said with self-blame.

"It's not your fault, girls' hearts are soft...don't blame yourself..." Luo Nian'an comforted.

"Mr. Luo, I really don't know what to do. Now he has blacklisted my number. I don't answer my calls and messages. I went to him, but he also pretended not to be at home. Played disappearing in my world...and when I needed him most..."

"It's such a man, but I used to love him so much. Even now, I'm looking for excuses for him, wondering if he has some difficulties! Mr. Luo! Do you think I'm cheap!"

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he threw himself into Luo Nian'an's arms and began to cry, breaking Luo Nian'an's heart.

Who never encountered scum when they were young!Who can guarantee that your love will always be happy and happy!
Didn't I also have a very happy moment, and now I don't want to live here in seclusion...

"Mr. Luo, my parents are very traditional people. If they know that I am pregnant out of wedlock, they will definitely beat me to death! And I don't want it because I can't hold my head up in front of the world! But... if I I can't bear to kill the child, although this world is not perfect, but she doesn't even have a chance to look at it, that's really cruel..."

As Xiao Chen spoke, her emotions became very agitated again: "Mr. Luo, I've thought about it, and only death can free me..."

As Xiao Chen spoke, she took a step forward.

Luo Nian'an grabbed her violently and exclaimed, "Don't do it!"

"Xiao Chen, don't do stupid things! In fact, everything is not as scary as you imagined, you just take it all as a test from the heavens. Three years ago, I was just like you, in a daze When I was at a loss, I knew that I was pregnant. I just came to this place. I had no job, no money, and I was alone... I was also desperate at the time, but for the baby in my belly, I Bravely survived, a woman is weak, but a mother is strong!"

"Mr. Luo!" Xiao Chen seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Luo Nian'an said, "Come back with me."

"Yeah!" Xiao Chen nodded.

Just as she was about to leave the rooftop, Xiao Chen's feet tripped over something, and she was thrown out all at once.

At the very moment, Luo Nian'an held her tightly.

But her arm is not strong enough, the whole hand feels like it is going to be dislocated, she doesn't know how long she can hold on...

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