"You can't see what's wrong with the document?" Huo Beixiao once again pointed to the place where he said there was a problem and showed it to Murong An.

Murong An picked up the document suspiciously, but, let alone seeing something wrong, she simply couldn't understand what that place meant.

She couldn't help but beat a small drum in her heart. If she had known that this document was really as problematic as Xia Nuanxin said, she would have shown it to Assistant Yang. Unexpectedly, she gave it to Huo Beixiao without authorization, and it actually happened. such a problem.

He stared at Murong An for a long while, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was something wrong.

Manager Tang of the listed group in City A called him today and said that the documents he gave had obvious security loopholes. If something went wrong, it would definitely cause immeasurable losses to their company. If this matter is dealt with accordingly, then they will consider cooperating with other companies in Ruancheng.

Originally, he thought that this matter was only caused by Murong An's negligence, but now when he started to thoroughly investigate this matter, he always felt that it was not that simple.

He took the document in Murong An's hand, pointed to a place where there was no problem at all, and asked her, "An'an, look at this place, according to my country's "Enterprise Employees' Personal Safety Protection Law", what interests of the company have been damaged? ?”

"Damage..." Murong An is now one head and two older, and she doesn't understand anything about what Huo Beixiao said.

Murong An just kept saying "damaged, damaged" without explaining why.

His patience was almost worn out, and he directly interrupted Murong An, "Tell me frankly, did you make this document?"

"I..." did it.Before Murong An could finish speaking, Huo Beixiao gave her a cold look, and abruptly swallowed the rest of her words.

"An'an, you're still lying." He didn't get angry, but he was a little disappointed that Murong An was still lying.

"I..." Murong An knew that he couldn't hide anything, and he was using hesitant and hesitant words to delay time.She needs to find a suitable reason to shirk all responsibility from herself.

By the way, you can push it to Xia Nuanxin, this document was originally given to Huo Beixiao by Xia Nuanxin.

Thinking of this, the corner of Murong An's mouth could not help but twitch a smile, a shallow smile that just escaped the eyes of Huo Beixiao who was looking down at the document.

"Actually, sister Xin gave me this document." Murong An lowered his head, looking hesitant to speak.

His brows were frowned, this document was actually made by his little guy.But, didn't his little guy see such a big loophole?
He lowered his head and pondered. He always felt that this matter was too abrupt, and there were still things that were not clear in the middle. "Then, why is the document in your hand?"

If he remembered correctly, Murong An was still in Assistant Yang's office on the fifteenth floor at that time, and he was in the office on the seventeenth floor, so there was no reason for his little guy to send the completed documents to the fifteenth floor, and let him Murong An sent it to the seventeenth floor.

"It's An An's fault." Murong An's eyes were shining now, pear blossoms were raining, and he was pitiful.

Sure enough, her appearance at this time made Huo Beixiao curious, "What's going on?"

Murong An's tears had already rolled down his cheeks, "That day, Sister Xin came to Assistant Yang's office and gave me a document, saying that there was a chance for me and Brother Xiao to work in the same office. I took over the document, but what can a document do?"

Murong An wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and continued, "Sister Xin smiled and told me that I must say that I made this document by myself, so that Brother Xiao can transfer me to the CEO's office." .”

Huo Beixiao frowned when he heard this place, what reason does his little guy have to frame Murong An?

Seeing him showing a look of disbelief, Murongan then produced "strong" evidence, "The content of the camera should be in that day, brother Xiao, you can go and see the surveillance of that day, about 05:30 in the afternoon At [-], Sister Xin brought the document to me."

In order to ensure the safety of the company, all corridors of the Huo Group have indeed installed surveillance cameras.

"I know that Sister Xin doesn't like me very much, but it's impossible to do anything to hurt An An. Brother Xiao, is there something wrong with the document?" Murong An looked at Huo Beixiao's expression, and she didn't mind doing it again. Add fuel to the fire.

He was taken aback, indeed, at the beginning, Nuan Xin did not like An An very much, and was even a little hostile, but, later on, seeing how well they got along, could it be just an appearance?

No, even if his little guy is really willful and wants to frame An An, then it is impossible to use the company's interests as a bargaining chip.

"What reason does Nuan Xin have to do this?" He couldn't help but muttered to himself.

His words were heard by Murong An verbatim, but Murong An still pretended to be innocent and didn't understand anything, "Brother Xiao, what did you just say?"

"Nothing?" He came back to his senses, "If it's nothing, you can go to rest first."

"En." Murong An nodded, but after turning around and taking a step just now, she seemed to have thought of something, and then turned around and asked casually, "Brother Xiao, do you know Mo Yixuan?"

He frowned, of course he knew Mo Yixuan, but the question is how did Murong An, who just came to Ruan City, know him?
"I know." After finishing speaking, he did not look away from Murong An, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Murong An smiled harmlessly, "I met someone with Sister Xin that day, and they seemed to be talking about cooperation, and then I heard Sister Xin called him, asking how things were going. "

In order to prevent Huo Beixiao from getting suspicious again, she pretended to add another sentence casually, "I thought Brother Xiao knew him too, but I just thought of it suddenly, so I asked."

"Yeah." He nodded and turned around, "It's okay, you go out first."

Seeing that his words seemed to have some effect, Murong An smiled and turned around to leave.

After Murong An closed the door of the study, Huo Beixiao couldn't calm down and continue reading the documents. What Murong An said before going out was all in his mind - I heard Sister Xin called him.

He sighed, raised his arm, and looked at the quartz sand electronic watch on his wrist, it was only 08:30.Nuan Xin probably hasn't slept yet, let's go see his little guy.

Sure enough, when he walked to the door of Xia Nuanxin's room, the light was still on.

He just raised his arm and wanted to knock on her door to see what she was doing. He didn't know if it was a coincidence, but just as his hand was about to fall, her door was opened.

"Are you still asleep?" he asked.

"I'll go to bed later, are you done?" She looked at his tired expression, and just wanted to go down to make him a glass of milk, but he pulled her over and hugged him.

His heartbeat just hit her through his clothes.Suddenly, she felt that he was so lonely, standing in a high place, with a bunch of people behind him who needed shelter.

She raised her arms, hugged him, and just wanted to leave, but she didn't want to be held tighter by him.

"Bei Xiao." She whispered, "What's wrong with you?"

He didn't speak, just put his chin on her shoulder, and then she heard him sigh.

Being hugged by him like this, she said a little sadly, "Hugs are really a magical thing. They are so close to each other, but they are so far away that they can't see each other's faces."

His figure froze, he was not afraid of losing anything, only her, he could not lose, when a person loves another person more than himself, then losing her is like breaking his bones in half It broke our hearts.

He let her go, "Nuan Xin, go out for a walk with me."

If you remember correctly, except for the first time she moved to the movie park, he and she never went to the movie theater together again.

Looking at the night through the window of the house, she clearly felt the chill of Ruan Cheng at night, she whispered something in his ear, "Wait for me." Then she disappeared.

When she came back, she already had an extra coat in her hand, and she handed it to him, "It's cold outside."

Maybe she was like this, she always captured his heart through inadvertent details.

He took the coat, but he didn't put it on, but took her hand, and went to the garden of Yingyuan like an ordinary couple who couldn't be more ordinary.

Mrs. Lin took good care of the garden, especially since it was summer and the flowers were in full bloom.

Sure enough, the night was still a bit cold, and after walking a few steps, she started to sneeze.

"Ah Choo." She rubbed the tip of her nose in embarrassment.

He frowned, and put the clothes she was going to give him in his hands on her body.

She looked at the thin clothes on his body, and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but she didn't want to. After being stared at coldly by him, she stopped and put on the clothes obediently.

After she got dressed, he shook her hand, and a chill came over her heart, why is it so cold.

"Let's go back." After he finished speaking, he held the palm of her hand tightly, pulled her, and was about to walk into the house.

She stood still, and when he turned to look at her, she took his other hand, "Is there something you didn't tell me?"

At this time, the moonlight was thick, and the cicada on the cherry blossom tree next to the shadow garden was crying tirelessly.The sky is full of stars, unlike the noisy city, everything is immersed in silence.

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