Mrs. Lin's words pierced Murong An's heart mercilessly again. It is an indisputable fact that Huo Beixiao and his wife, Huo Beixiao, have married Xia Nuanxin. However, she still didn't want to believe it.

Murong An picked up the broken high-heeled shoes in his hand, which were already too horrible to look at, and made a gesture to throw them on Aunt Lin's body.

"You are a servant, how can you be qualified to take care of the master's affairs?" Murong An's voice was a little shrill because of his excitement.

At this time, Mrs. Lin had already opened the door. She looked at Murong An, leaned back, and successfully avoided Murong An's attack.

Murong An's mouth was a little bit open in surprise, obviously she didn't expect that Mrs. Lin, who seemed unattractive in appearance, would have such agility, and she didn't realize it at all after being together day and night for so long, it was really hidden.

Aunt Lin twisted Murong An's wrist with her backhand, and naturally twisted her arm behind her body.

The shoes that were tightly held in his hands flew out like this.It drew a beautiful arc in the air, and before it could shine, it hit the concrete floor with a "bang".

There was pain in Murong An's wrist, and he wanted to curse reflexively, but suddenly he thought about Aunt Lin's actions just now, so he couldn't help but stop.

"Let me go." Murong An half-turned his body, trying to make his arm feel better, so that he wouldn't sprain himself when he confronted Mrs. Lin head-on.

Seeing that Mrs. Lin didn't speak, Murong An was a little annoyed. He stared at her again with a sharp gaze, but apart from annoyance, there was no domineering aura in it, "Be careful, I'll let Brother Xiao fire you."

When she said this, Murong An was still a little guilty, she wasn't sure that Huo Beixiao would drive away the housekeeper who had worked in the studio for decades because of her.

But, fortunately, Aunt Lin let Murong An go down the steps, and let go of her arm, "Miss Murong, please be careful with your behavior. I am a rough person, so I will inevitably hurt Miss Murong."

Murong An shook the sore arm pinched by Aunt Lin just now, gave Aunt Lin a hard look, snorted coldly, then opened the door and entered the room.

But, fortunately, no one kissed her somewhere, otherwise, she didn't know what to do to explain why she didn't come back at noon.

However, Murong An and Aunt Lin's Liangzi were formed in this way.


To be honest, the feeling of three people in the same office is really not good, at least Murong An thinks so. However, Huo Beixiao and Xia Nuanxin are fine, they are usually in the office, just a pure working relationship .

This is not the first time Murong An has seen Huo Beixiao and Xia Nuanxin.

She always had the feeling that somehow they were eyeing each other.

"Brother Xiao, how should we deal with this problem?" Murong An held a document in his arms, pointed to a random place, and approached Huo Beixiao.

He frowned, but still put down the mouse in his hand, moved his eyes from the computer screen, and glanced at the few lines Murong An pointed to. His originally indifferent eyes became tighter and tighter, and his expression became serious. .

After reading those few lines, he raised his head and glanced at Murong An with a complicated expression, which made Murong An a little uneasy. He seemed to want to say something, but he held back and didn't speak.

"It's just simple data processing." After Huo Beixiao finished speaking, he started to do his own work again. Murong An was a little dumbfounded by his meticulous and rigorous attitude.

He hooked the corner of his mouth, then raised his head and looked at Murong An, "What's wrong? Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Asked by him, Murong An felt a little embarrassed and touched his cheek, "No more."

He fixed his eyes on Xia Nuanxin's body, like spring, with a gentleness that Murong An couldn't usually see, "Nuan Xin, teach An An more in the future."

"Well, I see." He smiled knowingly, just finished reading a document, and put the paper version on the upper right corner of the table.

Murong An looked at Huo Beixiao, then at Xia Nuanxin, and finally returned to his desk silently. Opportunities are always created.

Just when Murong An found another inappropriate part of the document and was about to "ask" Huo Beixiao again, the phone on Xia Nuanxin's desk rang.The urgent sound of the phone hit the heart one after another in harmony with the melody of the heart.

Murong An's body that was originally going to be lifted fell down again.She stared at Xia Nuanxin closely, and sure enough, Xia Nuanxin was more than a little stronger than her.

Standard smile, gentle voice, "Hello, what can I do?"

She didn't know what was said on the other side of the phone. Her expression was a little serious. About three seconds later, she connected the phone to Huo Beixiao's desk, "President, it's General Manager Tang from City A."

"Yeah." Huo Beixiao's eyebrows and eyes were frowned, and she didn't know how many women she was going to capture with her perfect profile.

The phalanges are distinct, like onion roots, and the slender fingers clasped the microphone. His voice is very magnetic, "Hello?"

His expression became more and more serious as the call time went on, but it didn't fluctuate too much.

During the whole process, Huo Beixiao kept silent, just listening to the other party quietly. After about 3 minutes, Huo Beixiao hung up the phone.

However, before she had time to ask him what happened, he had already picked up his coat, as if to go out.

When they reached the door, he seemed to think of something again, stopped the hand that was about to open the door, then walked up to her, kissed her forehead gently, "I'm going out to talk about something, don't worry I."

She nodded obediently, "Yes."

He smiled, then gave Murong An a meaningful look, and went out.

His tenderness seems to be only for Xia Nuanxin.Even if the next second is the baptism of the violent storm, he is also gentle to Xia Nuanxin.

Murong An didn't want to see how much Huo Beixiao really admired Xia Nuanxin. She picked up the pen in her hand and stabbed it fiercely on the stack of white paper on the table. .

Unexpectedly, she sent her fingers under the pen, ten fingers connected to her heart, it seemed that her skin had been pierced just now, and the pain hit her. She took her fingers and sucked them in her mouth.When she came back to her senses, he had left without knowing when.

Murong An looked at Xia Nuanxin who was still working at his desk, and for a moment, he seemed to understand why Xia Nuanxin was always better than her, because of stubbornness and persistence.

"Sister Xin, where did Brother Xiao go?" Murong An propped his chin up with his hands, and asked Xia Nuanxin with blinking eyes.

Xia Nuanxin didn't raise her head, but just the gentleness of lowering her head and smiling did not know how many men fell in love with her.Her voice is very nice, this is what Murong An has to admit, at least, her voice gives people a feeling of spring water in a quiet mountain forest, very crisp and sweet, she said, "I'm not sure, it seems to be Going to deal with business."

Murong An nodded half-understood, she looked around, she and Xia Nuanxin were the only two people working in the huge office now, it seemed that she had exhausted her mind to enter the CEO's office, it seemed wrong.

It is time to have dinner when I see Huo Beixiao again. He is always very busy, and it is common to not see him during working hours. However, no accident, he will still come back to accompany Xia Huo during dinner. Heartwarming.

This kind of love is self-evident.

At the dining table, Murong An kept staring at Huo Beixiao, she always felt that he looked at her a little strangely, as if he wanted to ask her something, but he hesitated to speak.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a long time, he still opened his mouth, "An'an, come to my study after dinner."

Just this sentence, there is no follow-up.

Murong An nodded dully, and then looked at Xia Nuanxin's eyes, there seemed to be nothing unusual. For some reason, the more careless Xia Nuanxin acted, the more Murong An became angry.

After finally finishing the meal, Murong An originally thought that Huo Beixiao would go to the study with her, but he didn't want to. Instead, he rubbed Xia Nuanxin's cheek, "Little guy, rest early later. If you stay up late, I will Distressed."

Unprepared, Murong An's heart ached again, did he really want to hurt her so badly that her body was shattered?

Murong An simply went to his study and waited for him.

This is Murong An's first time entering Huo Beixiao's study, his study is as meticulous and orderly as his own.

After Murong An took a good look at the whole study, he opened the door and came in.

"Sit." He pointed to the chair beside him. Although the content of the words was very polite, it didn't make you feel relaxed at all.

For the first time, Murong An was a little cautious in front of Huo Beixiao, "Brother Xiao, what are you looking for?"

He didn't play tricks on her, he directly took out the document, pointed at the key points that Xia Nuanxin had drawn her to pay attention to, and asked her, "When you made the document, you didn't find such a big loophole? "

She couldn't hear the emotions in his voice, judging purely from the language, he should be angry.

Murong An was a little hesitant, at a loss, and didn't even dare to look into Huo Beixiao's eyes.

"This... I did it." In the end, she mustered up the courage.

Hearing what she said, he couldn't help but smile, "If you make a careless move, you will lose everything. You should understand this truth, An An."

She nodded dully, "Is there something wrong with the document?"

His brows could not help but frown, he had pointed it out just now, but Murong An Que in front of him didn't know what happened, judging from her expression, she seemed to have an indescribable sense of strangeness to the document in front of her .

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