The only favorite at the tip of my heart: Mr. Huo, don't make trouble

Chapter 35: It's easy to arouse a man's passion

Assistant Yang didn't take Xia Nuanxin back to the movie theater, but went to a nearby five-star hotel.

When Xia Nuanxin arrived, Huo Beixiao was sitting there waiting.

The brows and eyes are shaved, with sharp edges and corners. At first glance, there is a kind of charm that takes people's soul.

"Mr. Huo."

She wasn't calling fourth master, but Mr. Huo.

He froze for a moment, then laughed, she was right to call him Mr. Huo, now, she is an employee of the Huo Corporation, and he is the president of the Huo Corporation, but it feels so unfamiliar.

"Sit down."

He got up and pulled the stool in front of her for her.

There are very few people in Ruan Cheng who can enjoy Huo Beixiao's service.

However, she is different, and her position in his heart cannot be replaced by anyone.

"How is it? It's your first day at work in the HR department, so get used to it."

He bowed his head, took a sip of champagne, and asked her.

"Well, it's fine."

She nodded.

He knows what happened in the personnel department today. Every company is the same. The personnel department is the place where the weakest and the strong eat the most. The reason why he put her in that place is because it is impossible for him to protect her all the time. , it's time for his little guy to grow up.

It's just that what he hopes more is whether she can be less stubborn. At least, as long as she is a little bit softer, he will immediately come to protect her.

But, no, she is always stubborn and makes people feel distressed.

She doesn't like scenes that are too noisy and lively. She yearns for a happy and harmonious time where everyone treats each other honestly. However, being born in a business family, these are destined to be extravagant wishes.

"I'm going to France on a business trip tomorrow."

His voice was a little sad, and there was reluctance between the lines.


She froze for a moment, nodded slightly, and he was leaving.

All of this, in his opinion, is so indifferent.Didn't she feel a little bit reluctant, or maybe, to keep her?

He is not Mo Yixuan, and he has never been in her heart.

However, he still opened his mouth, "Then, do you want to go with me?"

I can take you by my side, no matter the ends of the earth.

"I'm not very familiar with the department yet, so let's stay and get familiar with the work first. Mr. Huo's going to France should be something urgent, so I won't disturb you if you warm your heart."

What she said was very decisive, so there was only a little leeway.

"Well," he nodded, "it's good to stay and get familiar with it. But don't be too tired."

A doting smile appeared on his face, "You are going to be Mrs. Huo after all."

She was taken aback for a moment, that's right, she promised him at the beginning that if she saved the Mo family, she would be Mrs. Huo's.

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly ached.

She gave up the happiness of the rest of her life for Mo Shi, but now, Mo Shi turned her head and bit herself hard.

She seemed to have forgotten that, similarly, Huo Beixiao also silently did a lot for her, but he never entered her heart.

Nothing special happened at this dinner party, it was just Huo Beixiao saying goodbye to her before leaving.

After yesterday's incident, Yu Annan has obviously settled down a lot. Of course, this does not mean that her malice towards Xia Nuanxin has decreased.

A new employee dared to bully her like this. After all, she couldn't bear this tone.

After Yu Annan paused for a few days, he took another stack of copywriting and threw it on Xia Nuanxin's desk, "Give these things to me after you finish them."

She frowned. There seemed to be no superior-subordinate relationship between herself and Yu Annan. Logically, Yu Annan had no right to order her.

She didn't speak, nor did she look at Yu Annan, as if the person in front of her didn't exist at all.

That's right, Yu Annan can't catch her eyes yet.

However, some people didn't think so. Seeing that she didn't speak, Yu Annan thought she was afraid of him, so she turned her butt and walked away.

After Yu Annan left, the colleagues next to her couldn't stand it any longer, "Warm Heart, don't talk to her, she's just like that, she's used to being arrogant."

Xia Nuanxin nodded, "Don't worry, I have my own measure."

In the afternoon, Yu Annan came over again, she raised her eyebrows and said angrily.

"What about things?"

She pointed to the stack of documents at the corner of the table, she didn't speak, and continued to keep her head down and busy with her own affairs.

Yu Annan picked up the file in satisfaction, and gave Xia Nuanxin a supercilious look, which is considered a bit of a wink.

However, Yu Annan turned back after walking away for a while.

She slammed the document on Xia Nuanxin's desk, "Please explain to me, what's going on?"

After Yu Annan went back with the document, he found that the document was blank and there was no trace of any work done at all, so he couldn't help being furious, and turned back to find fault with Xia Nuanxin.

Yu Annan's move caused countless people in the office to turn their heads.

"What's the matter?"

She squinted her eyes, her expression was a little annoyed, she stared at Yu Annan, and Yu Annan couldn't help feeling cold behind her back.

She cheered up anyway, and asked her sharply, "Why don't you do it?"

Why not do the documents she gave her?
For a moment, Xia Nuanxin couldn't help but laugh, "Why should I do it?"

Yu Annan was stunned by her rhetorical question.

Yes, why would she do it?
Yu Annan was neither her boss nor her immediate superior, so why did she do the task Yu Annan assigned her?
Yu Annan gritted her teeth, and stared at Xia Nuanxin viciously, but she didn't even bother to look up at Yu Annan.

"you are vicious."

Yu Annan dropped these words and went back angrily.

Because of this little episode during the day, Yu Annan had to work overtime in the evening.

During Xia Nuanxin's days in the personnel department, except for Yu Annan's provocation, everything else was fine.

"Tomorrow, Huo's and Mo's will have an exchange meeting. This is the time to give full play to the functions of our personnel department. I hope everyone can get ready."

After Ning Tang notified the matter, he specifically called out to Xia Nuanxin, "Get ready, you can go tomorrow too."


She nodded. In fact, when she heard that it was the Mo family, she didn't want to go if she was beaten to death, but now, what needs to be faced must be faced sooner or later, right?
There was a lot of drinking and drinking at the dance party, and there were many famous families among them.The colleagues all dressed up carefully, except for Xia Nuanxin.

She only wore a water-blue dress, with fair skin, watery eyes, and a crystal necklace hanging around her neck. She was dressed casually, but people couldn't take their eyes off her.

He saw Mo Yixuan in the crowd again, and he didn't look for him deliberately, but, as the person in charge of the organizer, people couldn't help but look away.

She has seen this kind of dance a lot since she was a child.

As soon as she picked up a piece of cheese, she saw Ning Tang walking towards her in a well-dressed manner.

"Heartwarming, can I invite you to dance?"

Gentleman Ning Tang stretched out a hand and extended a sincere invitation to her.

She was a little taken aback, but still gently put her hand on it.

His hands are different from Mo Yixuan's and Huo Beixiao's. His hands are slightly thin, giving people the feeling of an ancient literati who can't stand their shoulders, can't lift their hands, and is a scholar who is useless.

While still in a daze, she was dragged into the dance floor by him.

"If you have any difficulties in the personnel department, you can tell me."

Ning Tang looked at her. The girl in front of him was very special. She had the delicacy and elegance of a noble daughter, but also the tenacity and stubbornness of an ordinary girl. It could easily arouse a man's desire for protection and curiosity.

"I'm in the personnel department, it's okay."

She smiled slightly, turned around, and ended the dance.

The swaying skirt made him a little dazed, and his thoughts were deeply drawn into it.

Just as he was in a trance, she gently let go of his hand.

Not far away, Mo Yixuan was watching this scene.

He took a sip of his wine and stood gracefully beside Mo Ting. Mo Ting's laughter was a bit piercing, "Brother, you can see, this woman has always been so promiscuous."

Xia Nuanxin not only hooked up with her brother, but also robbed her most beloved man. Now, she is messing with the HR manager. Her actions are really disgusting.

"I have my measure."

Mo Yixuan looked at Xia Nuanxin and smiled complicatedly.

Yu Annan was wearing a dark red fishtail skirt at this time. The design of the skirt perfectly outlined the curve of her waist, especially the career line on her chest. When she walked over, she attracted the attention of many men.

The hem of the skirt just opened to the root of the thigh, and the snow-white skin left a man with a lot of imagination.

This is her chance to jump the dragon's gate with a carp.

Yu Annan smiled lightly, she had already inquired about the hobbies of the eldest son of the Mo family, and today she specially took out this under-the-box outfit for the purpose of being able to find Mo Yixuan.

Yu Annan was chatting happily with a few colleagues, and didn't notice Mo Yixuan who was walking from the side at all. She just fell backwards and fell into Mo Yixuan's arms.

Mo Yixuan's hand just wrapped around her waist, not to mention her appearance, her figure is quite predictable, especially her waist, Mo Yixuan squinted his eyes.

Feels good.

After seeing who was coming, Yu Annan jumped up from Mo Yixuan's arms in fright, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, President Mo, I'm so sorry to bump into you."

After all, Mo Yixuan is a master at teasing girls. He didn't answer, but picked up Yu Annan's hair, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It tastes good."

Yu Annan didn't know if it was because of the alcohol, but a slight blush appeared on his face.

"President Mo, can I ask you to dance?"

Yu Annan bit her lip and struggled for a long time, finally, she said the words that she had silently said many times in her heart.

He has seen such a humble woman a lot, but he still smiled lightly and nodded, he would never refuse the embrace of such a woman with big breasts and no brains.

"You belong to the Huo family, right?"

Mo Yixuan tightened her hand and asked softly.

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