She was admitted just like that?
She was slightly surprised, although this result seemed to be a reasonable thing, she was still slightly taken aback by this sudden change.

She asked Huo Beixiao not to tell anyone about her entry into Huo's.

She depends on strength.

But now...

The interviewer walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder lightly, "I was too demanding just now, the little girl has a bright future, develop well, I am optimistic about you."

In fact, the interviewer was in a cold sweat just now. If someone hadn't come to tell him in time that the Miss Xia in front of him was specially arranged by the CEO, he didn't know how much disaster would have resulted.

If Xia Nuanxin was driven away today, then he might be the one who should leave tomorrow.


She lowered her head, she was not a college student from a prestigious university, nor was she a doctor of returnees, why was she admitted just by turning around?
As if knowing what she wanted to say, the interviewer walked up to her and gave her a thumbs up, "You have an aura that others don't, Huo's Enterprise needs you."

The person specially arranged by the president naturally has an aura that others don't have.

"Okay, pack up and report to the HR department."

Seeing what she wanted to say, the interviewer hurriedly sent out multiple people first. This is a hot potato, and holding it for a long time may not be a good thing.


She nodded and took her resume to the personnel department.

For an enterprise, the human resource management category, which is similar to the personnel department, can be said to be the most difficult department, but, likewise, it is also the place where people are trained the most.

The world is like this, there are many experiences, just see if you can use them.

Looking at her back, Huo Beixiao watched from a distance at the door, his little guy, he doesn't want his protection anymore, it's time for her to exercise by herself.

But, what I did was really right?

"Fourth Master, is it really the best choice for Miss Xia to go to the personnel department?"

Assistant Yang stood beside him, also looking at the back of her leaving. She is so innocent, is she really suitable to stay in a place of intrigue and intrigue in the human resources department?
"I have my own arrangements."

He turned around, his little one, it's time to grow up.

Xia Nuanxin hugged her belongings, just as she walked to her desk, she was accidentally bumped by someone, and her belongings scattered all over the floor.

"Excuse me."

The person who bumped into her was Yu Annan from the personnel department.

She frowned. Although she bumped into someone, Yu Annan's attitude made her feel that she was not wrong at all. When she thought about it, she felt somewhat righteous.

She leaned down and picked up the papers one by one. When she picked up the last one, she was suddenly stepped on by a red high-heeled shoe.

She looked up, just in time to see Yu Annan's heavily made-up face, "Please move your feet away."

Yu Annan did it on purpose, everyone could see it.

She was a little sullen, with a bad tone, Yu Annan sneered, "Who am I, so angry, it turned out to be the daughter of the Xia family—Xia Nuanxin."

Her words were a little weird, which made people very uncomfortable.

There are not many people in the personnel department, maybe eight or nine people. They were busy with each other, but they were attracted by Yu Annan's words about Miss Xia's daughter.

"No, I was wrong. The Xia family is a thing of the past. She is just a down-and-out daughter. She still thinks who she is, so it's best to keep her attitude."

After finishing speaking, Yu Annan twitched that foot hard on the copywriting twice, leaving a black footprint.

After finishing speaking, Yu Annan twisted his buttocks and walked away slowly.

This little episode didn't seem to affect everyone's mood at work. After Yu Annan left, everyone lowered their heads and went to work on their own.

All departments are the same, there is a phenomenon of bullying. Newcomers will inevitably be bullied by the old when they come in. Everyone seems to be used to things like Xia Nuanxin.

Xia Nuanxin didn't speak, and silently sorted out the copywriting and sent it to the manager of the HR department.

Not long after, she heard the news that the HR manager asked her to go to the office.

Hearing such news, everyone looked like they had nothing to do with themselves, and the first one who couldn't hold back was naturally Yu Annan. She was still wearing heavy makeup, showing her career line at the neckline, and she didn't shy away from it at all. .

"If you can't do it, just slap your ass and leave, don't occupy a share of the resources here."

The person who spoke was none other than Yu Annan. The reason why she targeted Xia Nuanxin everywhere was because she originally wanted to introduce her cousin to the HR department, but for some reason, the company's senior management sent the mediocre Xia Nuanxin to her. Heart to stay.

As for the daughter of the Xia family, it seems to be a matter of the last century, and Xia Nuanxin is nothing now.

She didn't speak, but looked at Yu Annan with cold eyes, and Yu Annan felt a chill behind her back.

When he saw Xia Nuanxin, Ning Tang, the manager of the personnel department, was still slightly taken aback. The higher ups had already greeted him and took good care of this Miss Xia.

Of course, he had heard about the Xia family's affairs for a long time. However, due to the excellent protection in all aspects, Xia Nuanxin, the daughter of the Xia family, had never shown her face in front of the media, so he had never met her.

It seems a little different from what you expected. The Miss Xia in front of you looks very pure, and every frown and smile can arouse your desire to protect. However, there is a kind of stubbornness all over her body, a kind of stubbornness that makes people feel distressed. Especially those eyes, clear and moving, without any impurities.

For a moment, he was a little distracted.

"Manager, you are looking for me."

She was the first to speak, and such a sentence brought back Ning Tang's thoughts.

After being called out like that by her, Ning Tang suddenly felt that he had lost his composure.


Ning Tang tidied up his neckline, still meticulous.

"You handed over this copy?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the copywriting that Xia Nuanxin put on the table not long ago.


She nodded, "I sent it over."

"Oh," he pulled out one, which was exactly the one Yu Annan stepped on, "What's going on with this one?"

The black footprints on it are very eye-catching.

"I don't want my employees to make such loopholes just after taking office."

When it comes to work, Ning Tang still distinguishes between public and private. In fact, he didn't particularly blame Xia Nuanxin, but just reminded her to pay attention in the future.

"It's a footprint."

She looked at the copy, and then said to Ning Tang.

Ning Tang was obviously stunned by her answer. This seemingly wrong answer made him slightly sullen, "I know it's a footprint."

She smiled slightly, "The manager will go outside to compare it now, won't he know who the footprint came from?"

Ning Tang was stunned. Since it was a footprint, someone must have stepped on it. This copywriting has been in the business department, so this footprint naturally came from the business department.

He glanced sideways, "Is someone embarrassing you?"


She answered firmly and meticulously, and didn't even give him a chance to speak again, "If the manager has nothing to do, then I'll go out first, business department, don't support idlers."


Watching her leaving back, Ning Tang couldn't help but twitched his lips.

The Miss Xia in front of me is really interesting.

After Xia Nuanxin went out, the business department was immersed in the footprint disturbance throughout the afternoon.

In the office, the arrogant Yu Annan stood in front of Ning Tang.

"What's with the shoe print?"

His tone was a bit cold, which made Yu Annan feel guilty, "I, I don't know."

"do not know?"

He hooked the corners of his eyes, and then smiled, "Your memory is really bad, you forgot it so quickly, do you want me to compare the size of the shoe prints in person before you admit it?"


Yu Annan was speechless at the moment, she never expected that a newcomer would dare to sue her.

"I know you like to bully newcomers on weekdays, but you still have to be careful. Some people are not something you can afford."

Ning Tang tidied up the watches in his hands, and took out the one with Yu Annan, "Since you dirty this one, then you can make a new one."

Yu Annan took over the paperwork, her face darkened immediately, she has always been the one who bullies others, when was she ever sued?It seems that in the future, Xia Nuanxin will have a long memory.

When getting off work, Yu Annan stood in front of Xia Nuanxin who was about to go home after packing up.

"Have you filed a complaint?"

Yu Annan's tone was still so uncomfortable.

"What is a complaint?"

She asked back, "Snitching?"

Yu Annan was a little stunned by her question. Soon, she adjusted her mood and stared at her, "Go and tell the manager that I stomped on that report?"

Xia Nuanxin suddenly felt a little funny. For the safety of the company, cameras are installed in every public place, 360 degrees without dead ends. Doesn't Yu Annan know?

She pointed to the camera in the corner, "Miss Yu, please pay attention to your words and deeds, and I don't need to make small reports. Here, there is a third eye."

Yu Annan's face turned red and then turned pale. This was the first time she fell into the hands of a newcomer. Even if she was once a daughter, so what?At least for now, this is my territory, and I will let you understand what it means to be a man with your tail between your legs.

Yu Annan's face turned hard.

Xia Nuanxin ignored Yu Annan, and after packing up her things, she walked straight past her without even looking at her.

When did Yu Annan suffer such a loss, he couldn't help jumping on the spot angrily.

After this day's events, Xia Nuanxin was really tired, and she wanted to go back and rest early.

However, as soon as he walked out of the company gate, he saw Assistant Yang who had been waiting there for a long time.

Seeing her coming out, Assistant Yang walked over, and before she could speak, he said, "Miss Xia, Fourth Master, I want you to come over."

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