get married

Chapter 276 Are the police stopping by?

Bai Yongwei is in a good mood today, Ji Yan and Ji Xue have returned home.

"Mom, I'm going to have a dance party and tell everyone that I'm back!" Ji Xue started yelling in the car. When they left City S, they were downcast like dogs in water.

Those girlfriends who fawned on her in the past, let alone say goodbye, didn't even see a single one.

"Let those ugly monsters see that I, Ji Xue, will always be higher than them!"

Ji Yan turned his head and looked at her impatiently: "Do you think it's still the past? What did you say on the plane? If you make trouble again, we won't care about you."

"Mom, look at him!" Ji Xue lost her temper at Bai Yongwei.

Bai Yongwei said angrily: "What are you looking at, your brother is right! This is not the past, you should keep a low profile for me."

"You can't even hold a banquet?" Ji Xue asked incredulously, "Then why am I coming back?"

"There seems to be a charity dinner recently. I'll ask Xia Wan later and ask her to take you with me." Bai Yongwei thought for a while, "Before that, you just stay at home."

Ji Xue naturally refused, but Bai Yongwei gave her a warning look, Ji Xue didn't dare to say anything.She has already seen how powerful her mother is. They had nothing when they first arrived in the United States.

Then the boss of a shipping company fell in love with Bai Yongwei at first sight and got married quickly. .

"The boss of the shipping company has a wife, and he divorced his wife, Bai Yongwei." A Miao looked at the information in her hand and sighed, "This woman is really resourceful!"

He Shishi sneered: "It's just a way to seduce men, and they are all of low rank."

"At least luck..." A Miao put down the information.

The boss died of illness within two years of marriage, so Bai Yongwei inherited all his property.

"It's a pity that I have a pair of sons and daughters who are useless." He Shishi shrugged her shoulders, "The son is self-righteous and stupid. As for the daughter... besides being self-righteous and stupid, she is also a brain-dead."

A Miao let out a cry: "It seems that you are back too?"

"It's today." He Shishi glanced at her, "Are you stupid for having a baby? How can you not know the enemy's movements!"

"I know!" A Miao peeled an orange, "Shen Xinglan said it before, but she didn't care." She handed half an orange to He Shishi, "But she can't take care of us for a short time."

Bai Yongwei knew that three or four days had passed since those people disappeared, and she began to worry that they would confess herself.

"I think it's a good opportunity!" Ji Yan asked her with a smile, "Mom, you also think that Shen Xinglan arrested him, right?"

"Otherwise?" Bai Yongwei said affirmatively, "He probably wants those people to bite me back."

Ji Yan nodded: "I remember you said that you used the Internet to communicate with those people, and they didn't even know whether you were a man or a woman, fat or thin."

"That's right! The payment is also via online transfer." Bai Yongwei laughed, "They have no evidence to bite me back!"

"But we have evidence!" Ji Yan looked at her, "Those missing people have family members, right? If we tell them that they offended some people..."

Because he offended Shen Xinglan, he was arrested!

Bai Yongwei immediately understood, and laughed: "As expected of my good son, he helped Mom a lot!"

On the weekend, Xiao Yao stood at the door, looking at the people outside with a cold face.

"The police are handling the case, please let me in."

I don't know if this is the first time that the Shenjia villa has come to the police, the difference is that this time it is a female policeman.And she doesn't look very good.

"What case are you handling?" Xiao Yao was not afraid of the little policeman, and looked at her with her arms crossed.

"If you don't cooperate, I will sue you for obstructing official duties." The policewoman was not polite, "I want to see Shen Xinglan."

It was the first time Xiao Yao heard the police call their boss's name directly, and frowned: "Our boss is not here."

"I called his company, and the front desk said he had already left." The female policeman once again showed her work ID, "I'm on business, you'd better get out of the way immediately."

"Deng Yue?" Linglang and Le Yi came over to eat with Chu Bai in their arms. This was their dinner party every weekend.

The policewoman turned her head to look: "Linglang?"

"Why are you here?" Linglang looked at Xiao Yao, then at Deng Yue.

Deng Yue was also sizing her up, her gaze passed over Le Yi, and then she glanced at Chu Bai, who was staring at the cute and big eyes, with a vague look on her face, "I'll handle the case."

She glanced at Xiao Yao again: "But these rich people, even the gatekeepers are so arrogant."

"You misunderstood, she is not the gatekeeper." Linglang said lightly, "She is the mistress' personal bodyguard."

Deng Yue was a little surprised, but quickly said impatiently: "I know you and Shen Xinglan are friends, that's just right, I want to see him."

"Has the god returned?" Linglang didn't answer her, but asked the little demon.

Xiao Yao shook her head: "I called an hour ago and said I was on my way."

"Why don't you let your colleague in first?" Le Yi nodded towards Deng Yue with a distant smile.

Linglang looked at him: "I guess Shen Xinglan went shopping for A Miao again."

This time Xiao Yao took the initiative to get out of the way: "Since we know each other, let's come in."

Deng Yue glanced at Linglang with complicated eyes, anger was vaguely revealed in his eyes, and then he walked into the villa.


As soon as she entered, she saw a fat, white baby standing in a toddler, with a teddy bear beside her.The strange thing is that the teddy bear does not know what material it is made of, but it is standing...

"Sister!" Chu Bai kicked his radish legs to get off his mother, and ran towards Yaya in a stumbling manner.

Yaya jumped hard in the baby walker, and when Chu Bai reached her, she started to crawl out desperately.Chu Bai still hugged her in an attempt to help, but his face turned red from holding back, and Yaya hadn't come out yet.

"Yaya still won't leave?" Le Yi laughed and carried the struggling little girl out, put it on the carpet beside her, and Chu Bai followed her.

A Miao came out of the restaurant: "Don't pay attention to her, I'm too lazy to leave, and I'm jealous that Chu Bai will run away by himself. Huh? You brought friends?"

"Miss." Xiao Yao whispered a few words in her ear.

Ah Miao let out a cry, and her expression changed: "So it's a police officer, please sit down!"

"We used to be colleagues, but we haven't seen each other for a long time." Linglang sat down and glanced at A Miao.

A Miao immediately understood what she meant, that is: I don't know her well, so don't give me face.

"Mrs. God, hello." Deng Yue showed the work card to A Miao.

A Miao made a gesture of invitation: "Officer Deng, please sit down!"

"You are welcome, Mrs. God." Deng Yue sat down with a serious face, "I want to ask you a few questions, can I?"

A Miao frowned. Although the female policeman seemed polite, her tone and expression showed dissatisfaction.She secretly glanced at Linglang, Linglang nodded slightly.

"You ask, I'll try my best to answer."

Deng Yue was obviously dissatisfied with her words, but she didn't say much, and asked her: "Do you know what Shen Xinglan is doing outside?

"Didn't Police Officer Deng know the identity of my husband before he came?" A Miao asked her back, "I think there is no one in S City who doesn't know."

"Mrs. God!" Deng Yue suddenly raised her voice, "Please cooperate with my work and answer my questions directly."

Linglang slammed a glass of water on the table: "Deng Yue, do you want to transfer again?"

"What do you mean?" Deng Yue glared at her fiercely.

"You know what I mean in your heart." Linglang said lightly, "It's a colleague, don't say I didn't remind you whose home this is."

Deng Yue's face turned green and pale for a while, and finally took a deep breath: "Mrs. God, I'm sorry, I'm just in a hurry to solve the case. After all, five people are missing."

"You mean to suspect that my husband has something to do with the disappearance case?" A Miao asked with a look of surprise, "Where did you say that?"

"Because the family members of those five people went to the police station to report, saying that they had offended President Shen's because of their inappropriate remarks on the Internet, so they have now been arrested."

A Miao covered her mouth: "How could we do such a thing?"

"So I came here just to talk to Mr. Shen." Deng Yue's attitude improved a lot, "When will he come back?"

Just as he was talking, there was movement at the door.When Deng Yue saw the beautiful little baby crawling outside quickly, what surprised her was that the teddy bear walked behind the little baby by itself? ?

"" Yaya crawled to Shen Xinglan's side and hugged his leg.

Shen Xinglan bent down and picked up the little guy: "Did Yaya lose her temper today?"

"...Miyou!" Yaya stared at her big watery eyes, and kissed Shen Xinglan, "I want... Papa!"

Xiao Yao had already informed Shen Xinglan that a policeman had come to Shen's family, and Shen Yi naturally told Shen Xinglan.

"I'm going to buy you a cake." Shen Xinglan hugged Yaya, walked to A Miao and kissed her, then handed the cake to Xiao Yao.

A Miao's brows and eyes were crooked with a smile: "Yeah! By the way, this Police Officer Deng is looking for you." She looked at Deng Yue.

"Mr. God." Deng Yue saw the photos of Shen Xinglan in magazines, and always thought they were all photoshopped, but it turns out that he really looks like this...

What a monster, she couldn't help but think of this internet term.When he looked back, he just passed Le Yi, and his heart began to feel uncomfortable again.Linglang's husband is also the same as what he saw on TV.

The son is like jade...

"Is there something wrong?" Shen Xinglan sat down with her arms around A Miao.

Deng Yue came back to her senses, and met a pair of beautiful but cold eyes.She calmed down and said, "Mr. God, did you know that the person who offended you online disappeared last week?"

"I don't know." Shen Xinglan shook his head expressionlessly, "I never pay attention to ants."

"..." Deng Yue couldn't help but clenched his fists, "Then Mr. Shen didn't know about the private transaction they were exposed on the Internet before?"

Shen Xinglan looked at her: "Is Officer Deng's ears not working well? As I said, I never pay attention to ants."

The man on the opposite side looked at her as if she was an ant. Deng Yue's dissatisfaction suddenly burst out, and she no longer cared about any cold face and stood up.

"Then please come with me!"

"Where are you going? The police station?" Shen Xinglan looked at her mockingly, "Are you sure, dare you invite me to the police station?"

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