get married

Chapter 275 Who did it and who is responsible

The influence of the video is getting bigger and bigger, and some people even ran to the gate of Shen's company to demonstrate.

"Boss, the police are here to maintain order below." Shen Er hurried in, "Those people were obviously taken care of."

Shen Xinglan closed the document: "No surprise, Bai Yongwei always likes to use this method, since the police are here, let them deal with it."

"Also..." God took a look at their boss's face and said cautiously, "Xiao Yao called to say that someone was spreading rumors about it on the Internet, but it involved Miss and Yaya."

Shen Xinglan's face darkened, and he picked up the mouse on the side and began to browse the webpage. After seeing what those people said, his eyes became gloomy.

"Call Xiaoxi."

A Miao also saw those words on the Internet, and was very angry and prepared to complain, but after swiping again, she found that it was gone.

"Did Xiaoxi hack those people's computers?" When Shen Xinglan came back, she immediately asked, "Good job!"

Seeing that she was in a good mood, Shen Xinglan was not angry because of those words, and felt relieved: "It's not just black, those guys often collect money to smear others, and Xiaoxi posted all those call records online."

"Ah?" A Miao opened her mouth, "I'll go and see!"

Sure enough, there was a bloody storm on the Internet, and those big Vs who dominated the rumors in the past became street rats.This is not counted, which also involves some stars.

"It turns out that the female star who had an affair with the film king last time was hyped up by herself!" A Miao sighed while reading, "And this! Look at it."

Shen Xinglan was not interested in these things, but seeing how interested she was, she sat down and took a look.

"This little fresh meat, who has been participating in reality shows for a long time, turned out to have an affair with a certain female star. In order to divert fans' attention, he spent money to stir up his relationship with another female singer who just debuted."

The Shenxinglan video incident has been suppressed, and a large wave of hurt fans began to denounce their idols, and the speed of turning black was like locusts crossing the border.In the next few days, A Miao paid special attention to the news on the Internet.

"Another one who announced that he's going to study abroad!" He Shishi also came to gossip that day, "He can still find an excuse to leave. Those who don't quit the entertainment industry have backers. I guess they will come back when the wind comes."

A Miao and Yaya are playing with building blocks, and Yaya is holding a square building block and stuffing it into the round hole...

"I used to think that those things in the entertainment circle were exaggerated, and it seems scarier than I thought!"

He Shishi gave her a blank look: "It's still the same sentence, there is a backstage, and you are not afraid of it anywhere."

I don't see some celebrities, no matter what they do or say, no one picks them up. Occasionally they come out to make a movie as a judge or something, and the salary is said to be in the first line.

"These people all have backgrounds. Either their own families are not easy to mess with, or they are related to some underground forces."

"Then we will not be afraid of Chu Bai in the future!" A Miao nodded affirmatively, as if Chu Bai was already a star...

Don't say it's such a coincidence.

"Linglang said that Chu Bai was asked to shoot an advertisement for baby food recently?" He Shishi poked Yaya, who was still insisting on stuffing the square building blocks into the round hole, "Yaya! You also endorse for us Why are you showing your face!"

Yaya: "Ahhh!"

"Why are you angry?" He Shishi didn't notice that the shape of the blocks in her hand was wrong.

"Wow wow wow..." Yaya lost her temper, kicked all the building blocks aside, and threw the toy bucket at A Miao.

He Shishi was surprised: "Is she so angry?"

"You just know!" A Miao put away all the toys angrily, "Since you don't like it so much, don't play with it."

Seeing that Ma Ma didn't hug her to comfort her, Ya Ya took the toy away instead, and cried even louder with her little mouth curled.

"What are you doing?" He Shishi glared at A Miao, and hugged Yaya, "We are still young, we don't understand anything."

Seeing Yaya leaving her in He Shishi's arms, Ah Miao said twice: "You underestimate the baby now, she knows it very well!"

"Yaya ignore Mama and play with the godmother!" He Shishi stuffed her limited edition wallet to the little guy, Yaya was attracted by the diamonds on it, and wanted to pick it off sobbingly.

"It's okay, let her pick it, it's strong!" He Shishi wiped Yaya's face, and then generously threw the key bag to her.

A Miao said angrily, "I'll lose my temper if I can't pick it up later."

Sure enough, 10 minutes later, Yaya threw her wallet at He Shishi, curled her mouth and cried again.

"My daughter is going to heaven!" He Shishi laughed, "It's because your father is rich, otherwise who would dare to want you after you are like this?"

Shen Xinglan just came back, and walked in with a sullen face when he heard this sentence: "Why are you still at our house so late."

"..." He Shishi twitched the corners of her mouth, it was just four o'clock in the afternoon, so late!

She glared at Shen Xinglan, picked up her bag, "Then I'm leaving!"

"Don't listen to him, stay for dinner!" A Miao held her back.

"I'm not afraid of him!" He Shishi curled her lips, "I've invited someone to the bar, do you want to go together? Haven't you gone out for a long time?"

Shen Xinglan hugged her coquettish daughter in his arms, and hugged his wife: "Only unmarried women go to that kind of place, A Miao doesn't need it."


He Shishi sneered: "You are married, so don't go out to socialize when you are capable?"

"I never socialize." Shen Xinglan raised his chin.

He Shishi lifted it higher than him: "I don't believe it!"

A Miao said in a low voice: "Really, he never socialized."


Shi Shi, who was stabbed by a friend, walked away with her face hanging on her high heels.

"Ahhh!" Yaya found that Papa's attention was not on her, she lost her temper again and pulled Shen Xinglan's hair.

A Miao forcefully hugged her over: "Don't pay attention to her, this child is getting worse and worse!"

"like you."

Every time A Miao said Yaya like this, Shen Xinglan always said this.

"I'm not as unreasonable as your daughter." A Miao put Yaya, who was still crying, on the carpet, "Look at Chu Bai, how easy he is to take care of, he doesn't cry or make trouble, he can play with whatever he wants!"

Shen Xinglan nodded: "That's stupid."

"Hehe..." A Miao didn't bother to look at him, and went to the kitchen to fetch fruit.

Children don't have much resistance to edible things. Yaya, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, stopped crying immediately when she saw a bowl of fruit in Mama's hand, and stretched out her hand to eat.

"There is a situation that I think it is necessary for you to know in advance." Shen Xinglan leaned over and kissed her face, "The few people who insulted us online before disappeared."

A Miao was feeding Yaya fruit puree when the spoon stopped in mid-air: "What do you mean... missing?"

"There are five people in total. Shenyi has been staring at them recently, but today he suddenly discovered that they are all gone." Shen Xinglan said very calmly, "They must have been taken away."

"Abducted?" A Miao said to herself, "Could it be that some celebrities became angry?"

Shen Xinglan saw her daughter poking forward like a bird with her small mouth open, but unfortunately the numb spoon just couldn't get through.He smiled, took the spoon from A Miao and fed it to Yaya.

"Stars don't have such great skills."

It can take people away from under the skin of a god, and leave a special sentence that deserves to be beaten.

"Your people can't do it!"

A Miao suddenly thought of something, and looked at him with strange eyes: "It can't be... what I think?"

"Just as you think."

"Sihan Yu!"

The wind on the small island is as gentle as ever, blowing over the flowers with water droplets, the petals trembled, and they bloomed brighter colors in the sun.


A row of people stood neatly to welcome Yu Sihan who came out of a door.

The little boy's face was a little pale, and his beautiful facial features seemed to be infected with illness, which made people feel distressed.But her eyes were brighter than those flowers, and she looked very happy.

"Congratulations, young master, for your full recovery!" A row of people shouted in unison, with respectful and excited expressions on their faces.

Song Baohua put the tea tray on the table beside him, looked at Yu Sihan excitedly, and then retreated quietly.

"Did you bring it back?" Sihan Yu sat on the low couch, touching the green teapot.

The leading subordinate lowered his head: "They have all been captured and sent to the research institute."

"Don't let them die too quickly." Yu Sihan poured the tender green tea leaves into the teapot, "You don't need to keep them all, just keep one or two."

The subordinate nodded: "Understood!"

"What did Shen Xinglan say?"

"He knew we were the ones who took people away."

Yu Sihan looked lazily at the smoking kettle: "If he can't guess, he's not Shen Xinglan."

"But he only hacked those people's computers and ruined their reputation, and nothing else..." The subordinate despised Shen Xinglan in his heart, acting like a woman.

"You're wrong." Yu Sihan poured out the first tea.

The hand was stunned.

"Sometimes Shen Xinglan is smarter than me..."

Once A Miao knew what Yu Sihan had done, she wanted to call and scold him, but Shen Xinglan stopped her.

"It's useless to scold him now, I guess that guy did it on purpose."

"Deliberately arresting people?" A Miao didn't understand.

Shen Xinglan looked at her daughter who was full, drunk and drowsy, and handed the little guy to her aunt.

"Those people came from Bai Yongwei, she was more nervous than us after the incident came to light." Shen Xinglan squeezed A Miao's finger to play, "She is also afraid that we will threaten those people and bite her back."

A Miao thought for a while: "So now she must think that you caught him?"

"If you were her, what would you do next?" Shen Xinglan kissed the corner of her mouth, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"I will definitely fool the families of those people and let them find you, saying that you kidnapped those people!"

Shen Xinglan hugged him on his lap happily: "Smart!"

"Then do we have a countermeasure?" A Miao blushed, "Grab the man by the collar, we can't keep letting her frame us like this."

"Whoever did this matter will settle it himself." Shen Xinglan snorted, "Sihan Yu is too busy, I'm afraid he should come back."

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