sweet wife disobedient

Chapter 18 Family Meeting

After staying in the bathroom for a full hour, Ning Xin felt that she was a little cleaner.But yesterday's clothes have been torn by Leng Yi.She rummaged through the closet and found that there were many unworn women's clothes in the closet at Leng Yi's house, even her underwear.

Ning Xin took out the most inconspicuous set and changed into it, then left Leng Yi's villa.

Sitting on the bus home, Ning Xin leaned against the window in a daze.

Suddenly, the phone rang, Ning Xin took it out and saw that it was Liu Rufeng's phone.Then I remembered that I had an appointment for lunch with him today.

Thinking of Liu Rufeng's warm and inclusive smile, the tears that Ning Xin suppressed finally fell.

She wasn't going to see him, at least not today.

Ning Xin pressed the on-hook button, then sent him a text message, saying that she was not feeling well today, and that she would make an appointment next time.

Liu Rufeng on the other end of the phone, looked at Ning Xin's text message, frowned slightly, but still thoughtfully replied, pay attention to your health, see you next time.

Ning Xin didn't return, so Liu Rufeng had no choice but to give up.

Not long after, Ning Xin returned home.He took the key out of his bag and opened the door.

As soon as she opened the door, Ning Xin saw Ning Yuexiang and Zhang Qian sitting on the sofa.

Seeing her coming in, the faces of the two of them instantly turned into a flower with smiles.

Zhang Qian went up to greet her first, held Ning Xin's hand, and led Ning Xin into the house like a queen mother.

Ning Xin was stunned by Zhang Qian's action. Before she could ask, Zhang Qian said, "Xinxin, it's really thanks to you this time. You can save your brother by making up the money in time. Otherwise you My brother is about to go to jail."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Qian pushed Ning Yicheng who was standing aside with her head drooping, motioning for him to say something.

But Ning Yicheng's stubborn temper came up, and he refused to speak, letting Zhang Qian drag him around.

Zhang Qian gritted her teeth with hatred, but there was nothing she could do about him.

This son is no longer under the control of their parents.

Zhang Qian looked at Ning Xin apologetically, but couldn't open her mouth to intercede with Ning Yicheng, so she signaled Ning Yuexiang with her eyes.

"Yes, yes, Xinxin, this time is thanks to you. Otherwise, Dad doesn't know what to do. By the way, where did you get such a large sum of money?" After receiving Zhang Qian's message, Ning Yuexiang immediately took the call.

However, he really cared about his eldest daughter. After all, it was not a small amount. How could the eldest daughter suddenly have so much money at such a young age.

"Where else can it come from, Ning Xin, you should go to Chen Xiaodong. The money must have been given to you by him. Chen Xiaodong is not bad, so much money at once." Sitting on the side, Tu lazily Ning Yi, who was fingernails, said narrowly.

"Ah, that, that's so embarrassing, we have to pay it back quickly." Ning Yuexiang is an honest man, and it's only natural to pay back the debt.

"Oh, Dad, what do you know? Chen Xiaodong doesn't care about such a small amount of money, his family has plenty of money. Besides, he likes Ning Xin so much, why do something for our family?" Ning Yi retorted without thinking.

Even if their house is emptied, they don't have that much money, so why pay it back!She is not Ning Xin's idiot, she is willing to fill in Ning Yicheng's hole, according to her idea, Ning Yicheng should go out and be beaten to death, so as to save trouble all day long!
From childhood to adulthood, how many holes have been patched for him at home, hmph, what's the use, he's not just a local ruffian!

"That's right, that's right, Dad, you just haven't seen the world, but those rich people eat, and the tips for the waiters are tens of thousands. Ning Xin is Chen Xiaodong's girlfriend anyway, and he eats it up With so much tofu, 100 million is still less!"

Hearing what Ning Yi wanted to say, Ning Yicheng also jumped out, but what he said made the whole family frown.

"Ning Yicheng, what nonsense are you talking about? What do you think of your sister?! See if I don't beat you to death! You know you're going to get into trouble all day long, and when you get into trouble, you know how to hide at home. Why don't you just die outside!" As a mother, although Zhang Qian is partial to her son, it doesn't mean she doesn't love her daughter!

Ning Yicheng caused such a big disaster this time, and Ning Xin managed to fill up the hole. It's fine if he is not grateful, but he still said such words!

Zhang Qian casually picked up the cup beside her and smashed it.

"You, you know to hit me, did I say something wrong? I did!" Ning Yicheng didn't think about it at all, and even yelled at Zhang Qian.

"Okay, stop arguing! As soon as Ning Xin comes back, you guys are making noise, what does it look like!" Ning Yuexiang usually doesn't speak, but when he speaks, he still has prestige!
"Xinxin, did Chen Xiaodong really give this money? This time, he is really troublesome. Next time you bring him home, let your mother cook a good meal, and thank him very much."

Although he asked worriedly, Ning Yuexiang already believed that Chen Xiaodong must have helped him this time, and his impression of this boy in his heart was much better.

"That's right. Ning Xin, this time he has helped our family so much. Why don't you marry him earlier. Then we will be a family, and there is no need to say thank you. Right?" Sitting by the side Ning Yi, who was wearing nail polish, said without raising her head.

She wished that Ning Xin would get married soon, so that she could change to Ning Xin's big room. Now her own room is so small that it is difficult to breathe.

"Yes, yes, it's a good idea. Xiao Dong has helped our family so much this time, and we don't know how to thank him. Since you like each other, it's better for the two families to sit down early and settle this matter." Xiao Dong is also considered a good boy, Xinxin, you won’t suffer from marrying him, you might as well bring him home, and we can discuss it with him directly.” Zhang Qian felt that Ning Yi’s idea was reliable, and she agreed repeatedly.

"Tch, you make yourself seem to be more considerate of others, why don't you sell Ning Xin to them?!" Ning Yicheng scoffed at Zhang Qian's hypocrisy.

"You bastard, you're ashamed to say that you didn't think you were!" Zhang Qian had a migraine when she heard her son's voice, she gritted her teeth and stared at him several times!

"I won't marry him!" Ning Xin looked at the whole family talking to herself, she couldn't cry, she just felt so tired.

"Why?" Zhang Qian was the first to react when she heard Ning Xin's words, and she was the first to scream, "Such a good partner, is your brain broken? What else do you want to pick?"

Zhang Qian asked the whole family's feelings. At this moment, everyone looked at Ning Xin, waiting for her answer.

"There is someone outside Chen Xiaodong. So I won't marry him. Besides, Chen Xiaodong didn't take the money. I asked someone else to borrow it, and I have to pay it back later. In the next day, we will It's been a hard life. So, Ning Yicheng, I beg you, be sensible and don't cause trouble for the family anymore!" Exhausting all her strength, Ning Xin briefly explained the matter without mentioning Leng Yi After all, this is not a glorious thing.

"Hmph, that kid Chen Xiaodong, he doesn't look like a good guy at first glance, but he actually did such a thing, it's good to dump him, so as not to suffer in the future." Ning Yuexiang, who had just reacted, felt very distressed for the eldest daughter, he knew How difficult it is to borrow money, if it wasn't for this family, the daughter wouldn't have to go through this hardship, and I blame myself for being useless.

"That's right, Xinxin, forget it, there will be better ones in the future, that bastard is so blind, we don't want it anymore. Huh?" Zhang Qian stepped forward and put her arms around her daughter's shoulders, comforting her.

Although her parents' attitude changed a bit quickly, Ning Xin still enjoyed the comfort from her relatives very much.

She nodded and said nothing.

"Hey, which man doesn't cheat? Ning Xin, do you want to make such a fuss? Chen Xiaodong's conditions are so good. If you don't marry him, don't regret it in the future! Maybe you won't meet this kind of person again !"

Although her parents were on Ning Xin's side, Ning Yixiang, who realized it, was not happy. One million, when will the whole family go? Then he will have to live a tight life in the future and can't buy clothes and jewelry. Fall!
"That's right, Ning Xin, you think highly of yourself, don't you think it's good that Chen Xiaodong has a crush on you, and you even picked it, what kind of carrot do you really think you are?" Ning Yicheng opened his mouth like he was spraying dung, Can't say enough good things about it.

As soon as Zhang Qian heard this, she became angry: "You bastard, how dare you say such a thing! Who is your sister doing this for, ah! It's not that you, a bastard, caused trouble outside, otherwise your sister would be like this!" Are you unlucky?" As he said that, he picked up the things at hand and rushed forward, wanting to beat him up.

Ning Yicheng reacted quickly and quickly dodged: "I'm also to blame?! Could it be that I let Chen Xiaodong cheat? It's not that Ning Xin herself is useless and can't even catch a man, so she was dumped! "

"You still said, why did I give birth to such a beast like you?!" Zhang Qian was furious, and rushed up to Ning Yicheng to give birth to him.

Ning Xin felt numb in her heart when she watched the "Three Niangs Godson" that was performed almost every few days since she was a child.

The disappointment with Ning Yicheng had already turned into despair, so she didn't feel anything about those words, but dragged her tired body back to the room, and fell asleep with her head covered.

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