As soon as the snow-white soft pancreas with a faint feminine fragrance stretched out, Leng Yi almost couldn't control himself.He took a deep breath, turned his head, and gave Ning Xin a fierce look.

The slightly crazy eyes, coupled with his flushed cheeks and rapid breathing, really scared Ning Xin a little.

Ning Xin calmly withdrew her kindly extended hand, turned her head to look out of the window, her kindness was not rewarded, you deserve it.

She slandered, while carefully observing the night flying outside the window, she kept patting her chest to comfort the little heart that had just been frightened.

After looking at it for a while, Ning Xin found that the scenery on both sides became more and more desolate, with almost no people living, and there were fewer and fewer vehicles passing by.

This road does not seem to be the way back.

Ning Xin turned her head to look at Leng Yi suspiciously, seeing that he was driving seriously, she didn't have the nerve to ask.She thought, a dignified CEO would not get lost.

No one would believe this.

But seeing that the sky was getting later and later, but the car was driving more and more remote, Ning Xin couldn't sit still.

He really doesn't know the way.It's also possible that the driver usually drives the car, so he doesn't know which road is right.

Ning Xin looked worriedly at Leng Yi, then at the road, and thought: He must have driven by mistake and was embarrassed to say so.

Men are always very face-saving.

So Ning Xin regained her composure and reminded, "Well, Leng Yi, this road is not the way to go back. If you drive any further, you will reach the suburbs. You still have time to turn around now!"

Ning Xin chooses her words carefully, trying not to hurt Leng Yi's fragile male self-esteem.

But Leng Yi didn't seem to hear her words, and still ran forward stubbornly.

Ning Xin didn't want to talk to him either, she really didn't listen to advice!However, she still has to go home. Before going out, she didn't report to her parents that she would not go back at night.

In desperation, Ning Xin had no choice but to speak again: "Leng Yi, did you hear that? This road is wrong. We should turn around and go back."

After finishing speaking, Ning Xin tugged Leng Yi's sleeve on the steering wheel, trying to get his attention.

But at this moment, Leng Yi was on the verge of collapse. He never thought that Liu Ruoxue could find the aphrodisiac from somewhere, and the medicine was so effective.

He tried his best to restrain himself all the time, and wanted to drive further, but Ning Xin's feminine fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose, and her lithe voice came from his ears, and Leng Yi realized that if he kept going, a certain part of him would be exploded.

He looked around and saw that it was already desolate, and at this time, there were basically no vehicles passing by on the road.

So he turned sharply and drove the car into a fork in the road. There happened to be a big tree there, which could completely conceal the car. In the night, if you don't look carefully, you can't see there is another car there.

Ning Xin was twisted on the seat by his sudden movement, her head hit the car window, tears burst out of pain.

"What are you crazy about!" I was inexplicable all night, even if Ning Xin is a clay figurine, she still has three parts earthy nature!
As soon as she finished speaking, Leng Yi suddenly bit her lips.His movements were eager as if he wanted to swallow her up.

Ning Xin was so breathless from the kiss that she kept patting his chest with both hands.

But Leng Yi seemed to have lost his mind, ignored her refusal at all, touched under the car seat with his other hand, put down the passenger seat, and rushed on it eagerly.

Ning Xin was knocked down suddenly, only then did she realize that he really wanted to do it here.

No matter what, Ning Xin couldn't accept it, she kept hitting and biting, resisting with hands and feet.

But the natural power gap between women and men made her resistance a joke.

Leng Yi didn't seem to hear, her scarlet eyes stared fixedly at Ning Xin, but the movements of her hands still didn't stop.

Seeing his actions, Ning Xin almost collapsed.But her tears did not exchange for Leng Yi's pity.

So she closed her eyes, hoping that this nightmare would pass quickly.

Tears glistened in her tightly closed eyes.

Ning Xin bit her lower lip tightly, reminding herself not to cry, absolutely not to cry.No one will sympathize with your tears, she kept reassuring herself that it's no big deal, at most it was bitten by a dog.Get up tomorrow and everything will be forgotten!

But just as she couldn't control her reaction, the tears couldn't be controlled by reason.

She reminded herself a hundred times, but she still couldn't stop the tears from falling from her eyes.

Ning Xin's soft sobs naturally couldn't escape Leng Yi's ears.

He vented once, but also a little rational.He remembered Ning Xin's resistance, and also Ning Xin's pleading.

What played back and forth in his mind was the expression of Ning Xin holding back tears and begging him to stop, Leng Yi flipped his hair a little annoyed.

In the carriage, the smell of joy lingered for a long time, Ning Xin put on her clothes, sat on the adjusted seat, and didn't say a word.

She won't lose her temper at this time, although she really wants to slap Leng Yi coolly, get out of the car and leave.

But now she is in the wilderness, what will happen when she goes out, no one can say for sure, anyway, she has done everything, why bother to be hypocritical, she might as well just stay in the car.

Seeing Ning Xin bowing her head and not speaking, Leng Yi wanted to speak several times, but didn't know what to say.

Ning Xin didn't want to talk to him, besides, she was very tired after arguing for a long time, so she simply just nestled on the seat and closed her eyes to rest.

Seeing her eyes closed, Leng Yi no longer tried to explain, but started the car and left here.

Along the way, Leng Yi was thinking about how to break the silence.He knew that Ning Xin was not asleep, but just didn't want to talk to him.

"Are you okay?" Leng Yi hesitated for a long time before deciding to speak.

Ning Xin pretended to be asleep and did not answer.

Leng Yi ignored her, and just continued: "What happened at night is my fault. I apologize."

Ning Xin's eyes were tightly closed, she still didn't want to pay attention to him, but her breathing was a little short.

Seeing that Ning Xin wasn't completely unresponsive, Leng Yi felt relieved, so he stopped talking and just drove quietly.

Ning Xin, who thought he would continue talking, waited for a long time, but she didn't wait for the next sentence, and couldn't bear to open her eyes, so she had to hold her breath all the way, but didn't open her eyes.

After a while, they finally drove on the right road and headed for Leng Yi's villa.

Ning Xin was stunned by the lights on the road and opened her eyes. Seeing the familiar street scene, Ning Xin said, "Take me home."

But Leng Yi didn't answer her, Ning Xin turned her head, looked at him suspiciously, and found that his face was flushed again and his breathing was short of breath.

Ning Xin remembered that he was the same just now, and then what happened later.No matter what I said, he didn't respond. Could it be that he was drugged?

Ning Xin didn't know that she had already revealed the truth.She just looked at Leng Yi carefully, observing Leng Yi's reaction.

Leng Yi is gnashing his teeth at this moment, Liu Ruoxue, this woman, he swears, one day sooner or later, he will let her taste the taste of this medicine!
The car soon arrived at the entrance of the villa, Leng Yi quickly got out of the car, put Ning Xin on his shoulder, and entered the door like this.

Before Ning Xin could recover from the shadow of the last time, Leng Yi would tear her tonight's dress into pieces with a loud tear.

Ning Xin opened her eyes when the first rays of sunlight entered the room in the morning.Her whole body was sore and limp, and she barely had the strength to get up.

The madness of Leng Yi last night is vivid in his memory.

She knew that such madness was not normal.Leng Yi was indeed drugged.

But Leng Yi didn't say anything, and she didn't want to mention it either.

Things have happened, and it's useless to say more.

Ning Xin dragged her body, which was almost broken, to the bathroom to wash. Seeing the bruises on her body, Ning Xin suddenly felt very tired.

Probably because last night's experience was too exaggerated and complicated, and she was already confused.Originally, he just wanted to settle with Leng Yi for money, and then he would work hard to make money, and after paying back the 100 million, he would never have any contact with Leng Yi.

But everything that happened last night overturned her original thoughts, and she felt that the development of things seemed to be out of her control.

Instead, it gradually roared away in another unimaginable direction.

Ning Xin was a little apprehensive, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar face in the mirror, she was a little confused, why did she stand here, why did she encounter these things, why did she have such entanglements with this person.

Standing under the shower, she didn't even have the strength to scrub herself, so she could only follow the water droplets to hide her tears.

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