"Ah, Lin Lin! Come on, someone fell into the water, hurry up and save him!" The female staff member who had a good relationship with Miss Lin shouted to the surroundings, and soon two people jumped off The water swam towards Miss Lin, who was getting farther and farther away in the lake because of her constant struggle.

The person who helped Xu Yueqing just now was on the other side to help another tourist who almost fell into the water.He didn't expect that just as he turned around, someone fell into the water behind him. He couldn't help but froze, and jumped into the water speechlessly. What's going on, don't one or two of them have developed cerebellums?Such bad balance!
Xu Yueqing was standing on the boat, still in shock. She turned around suddenly when she heard the scream just now, and happened to see the scene of Miss Lin falling into the water.She couldn't help comforting Miss Lin silently in her heart, she was so careless, she didn't expect that Miss Lin behind her fell into the water instead.

"Qingqing, stand there obediently and don't move around. When I go over to help you up, there are so many people in the water, and those who fall into the water are always making noises. What if the boat capsizes?"

Wan Zigui suddenly stood in front of Xu Yueqing, smiled slightly at Xu Yueqing, and stretched out a hand to help Xu Yueqing go ashore.Xu Yueqing couldn't help blinking her eyes, she always felt that something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't react for a while.

"What's the matter? Why do you look a little dazed, ah, are you frightened? It's okay, I'm here, how could you fall into the water, don't be afraid, let's stay away from the water, be careful It would be too unlucky to be knocked into the lake by others later."

Xu Yueqing was dragged by Wan Zigui to the shore, but the corners of her mouth could not help but twitch slightly.She finally felt something was wrong, Wan Zigui's behavior, language and demeanor were all too wrong, how could he be so calm!

"Zigui, I'm fine, but why do I feel that something is wrong with you? That company employee fell into the water, why don't you worry about her, I think her situation should be more serious than mine."

Hearing Xu Yueqing's words, Wan Zigui narrowed his slanted peach eyes slightly, and a pure and innocent smile appeared on his face, looking at Xu Yueqing innocently.That appearance, like a pure flower of high mountains, made Xu Yueqing feel as if her eyes were illuminated by a hundred thousand volt light.

"Is there, Qingqing, so the person who fell into the water was an employee of the company. Look at me, I didn't even notice it. I thought it was an unimportant person. By the way, Qingqing, if you are really scared, we will Go sit over there for a while, I'll buy you a bottle of water, and you'll calm down after drinking two sips of water."

Even in such a chaotic situation, Wan Zigui's dazzling smile still aroused secret discussions from the women around him, and his charm killed everything in an instant.But from Xu Yueqing's point of view, it was really terrifying. Xu Yueqing couldn't help but secretly guess, did this company employee offend Wan Zigui?
The swimming skills of the people at the boat charter were pretty good, and Miss Lin was quickly picked up. She huddled up and sat on a small bench, her mind still clear.The crying female staff just now was hugging Miss Lin, her face was full of worries, and she kept asking about Miss Lin's situation.

"Lin Lin, my God Lin Lin, are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable? No, put on my clothes quickly. You can see that you are shivering from the cold. How about I take you back to the hotel? .”

Miss Lin looked very embarrassed at the moment. Originally, she was wearing exquisite makeup, wearing a very beautiful nylon dress and woolen coat, and she looked beautiful and charming.But after falling into the water, the make-up on Lin Damei's face was all smeared, black and red were mixed together, looking very scary.

Miss Lin glared fiercely at the surrounding men, and they all turned their eyes away from Miss Lin's exquisite body.Tsk tsk tsk, this beauty has a pretty good figure, but her face is really too horrible to look at, and now it seems that her temper is not very good.

"Xiao Han, I'm fine. I'm not injured. I'll just take it easy here. Since I finally came out, how can I go back without having fun? Besides, I've already fallen into the water, so I don't care if I don't experience it. I'm sorry for being so embarrassed, aren't you?"

Miss Lin took a deep breath, tried her best to restrain her trembling body, and showed an ugly smile to Xiao Han.When Xiao Han saw Miss Lin's face, she couldn't help taking a deep breath, and she hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe Miss Lin's face.

Miss Lin froze when she saw the very dirty tissue. She seemed to remember something, embarrassment flashed in her eyes, and she asked Xiao Han to wipe her face stiffly.Miss Lin tightly clenched her fists. She had never been so embarrassed before, and she was still in front of the public.

"Xiao Lin, are you really okay? You are a woman, and your body is naturally very delicate. If you fall into the water, you should go back and take a hot bath to warm up your body and try not to let your body fall into the root of the disease. If you want to play, you can play anytime, not bad today."

Tan Jiang helped his eyes, the reflection on the lens made him look a bit more stern.However, there was a gentle smile on his face, and he comforted Miss Lin, with a hint of worry in his voice, and his emotional expression was just right, so that people would not be misunderstood.

"Director Tan, thank you for your concern, I'm fine, I understand my body, there is no major problem. Also, since everyone is out to play together, how can I spoil everyone's interest. I have decided to stay, You don't need to persuade me anymore, I'm really fine."

Miss Lin gritted her teeth and persisted, refusing to leave no matter what, her resolute attitude made the people around her not know what to say.Miss Lin instinctively glanced at the place where she fell just now, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, she remembered that she had stepped on something, but now there was nothing there.

Wan Zigui, who had already destroyed the hamburger when everyone was not paying attention, had a smile in his eyes when he saw Miss Lin's eyes.There was no strange expression on his perfect face, since he dared to almost knock Xu Yueqing into the water, he really wanted to die.

"What's the matter? Everyone, please step aside. I heard someone fell into the water just now. Who is it? Mommy! Mommy! Where are you? Are you okay! Answer me quickly."

Suddenly, a childish voice came out from the surrounding crowd, attracting everyone's attention.Zhuo Nianqizheng and Zhuo Xiangyu walked in along the place where people got out of the way. Zhuo Nianqi's big clear eyes were constantly searching around, with a hint of anxiety on his face.

"Nianqi, I'm here. What are you doing? Are you worried about me? Oh, Mommy is really happy. Come here quickly. Why don't you put on your coat? Look, the buttons are still open. It's on."

Xu Yueqing watched Zhuo Nianqi rushing towards him with a smile, she felt very happy about Zhuo Nianqi's worry, she couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Zhuo Nianqi's hair.When she saw that Zhuo Nianqi's coat hadn't been buttoned, she squatted down slowly, and stretched out her hand to help Zhuo Nianqi button up the buttons one by one.

When Miss Lin saw Xu Yueqing talking to Zhuo Nianqi with a smile, a hint of ruthlessness flashed across her eyes, and she quietly gritted her teeth.Especially when she saw Zhuo Xiangyu, she wished she could disappear in front of her immediately, she was really too embarrassed now.

"Xiangyu, you're back. You weren't there just now. Qingqing almost fell into the water when she got on the boat, but fortunately she was supported by someone, so Qingqing was fine. But she was the same as the big beauty Lin who was behind Qingqing. I accidentally fell into the water and was rescued ashore just now."

Wan Zigui explained to Zhuo Xiangyu what happened just now, his tone was very natural, and his expression didn't look strange at all.What he said is indeed the truth, but there are more things that he didn't say, which is not considered a lie.

When Zhuo Nianqi heard Wan Zigui's words, his first reaction was that something was wrong.He couldn't help but glared at Xu Yueqing, the fear in his eyes was undisguised: "Mummy, it really has something to do with you. Daddy and I just left for a short while, and you almost fell into the water. Mommy, are you really It's so worrying."

"Nianqi, don't do this. I was not careful, and I didn't expect an accident. But look, am I okay now? Don't worry, why are you so stern at such a young age."

Xu Yueqing coughed twice, didn't say anything to Zhuo Nianqi, but pulled Zhuo Nianqi's cheek in dissatisfaction.She also knew that Zhuo Nianqi was worried about herself, and now she was very calm in this situation, and she didn't feel uncomfortable like before.

Zhuo Nianqi hummed softly, turned around and ran towards Zhuo Xiangyu.Xu Yueqing just thought it was Zhuo Nianqi having a temper tantrum, she smiled and didn't take it to heart, this is the kind of emotion a child should have, with a stern face all day long, Xu Yueqing couldn't agree with her.

"Daddy, did you listen to what Uncle Zigui said? I think something is wrong. Mommy almost fell into the water, but the person who was following Mommy fell directly into the water. I think there must be something in it." what is the problem!"

Zhuo Xiangyu nodded slightly when he heard Zhuo Nianqi's words, he also felt something was wrong in his heart.He walked up to Miss Lin who had stopped trembling, and smiled.

"Since Ms. Lin insists on refusing to leave, then it's better to stay. Others take care of Ms. Lin, if there is something uncomfortable, speak up quickly, and don't make us worry."

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