Zhuo Nianqi frowned tightly, his mood constantly fluctuated with the communication between Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing.When Xu Yueqing responded to Zhuo Xiangyu, he almost jumped up excitedly, but he didn't expect Xu Yueqing's attitude to suddenly plummet, and instantly changed to the previous appearance.

Zhuo Nianqi couldn't help biting the corner of the quilt covering him, tears in his eyes silently, what's going on!A man and a woman are lying on the bed, why are you still so calm, are you a husband and wife? It is clearly said on the Internet that a new marriage is better than a small break!
Zhuo Nianqi, who kept complaining in his heart, gradually closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.Today he was really tired from the car ride. Just now he had to hold on because he had something to do, but now he suddenly calmed down, and a strong sense of exhaustion surged into Zhuo Nianqi's brain in an instant.

The next day, when Zhuo Nianqi woke up, he stared at the roof with foggy eyes and unconsciously blinked his eyes.As the brain gradually became sober, all the things that happened last night instantly filled Zhuo Nianqi's brain, making him excited.

Zhuo Nianqi suddenly sat up from the bed, because of a night's sleep, his hair was very messy, it looked like a messy bird's nest, very cute.But Zhuo Nianqi didn't care about herself at all, her first reaction was to turn her head and look at the big bed next to her.

"Daddy! Mummy! Where's the person?" The empty big bed made Zhuo Nianqi's brain go blank for a moment, he blinked in a daze, and then he widened his eyes.Many thoughts flashed through Zhuo Nianqi's mind at that moment, all of which were about how Mommy abandoned Daddy and left alone.

"Nian Qi, are you awake? It seems that you were really exhausted yesterday, and you have slept till now. Get up quickly, little slob, the sun is already shining on your ass, we are going to swim in the lake today .”

As if hearing Zhuo Nianqi's voice, Xu Yueqing appeared in front of him with a smile, reached out and picked up a suit of clothes and walked towards Zhuo Nianqi.With Xu Yueqing's help, Zhuo Nianqi put on his clothes obediently, his big clear eyes stared closely at Xu Yueqing's face, trying to find out what was wrong.

"Nian Qi, what's the matter, haven't you woken up yet? Why are you looking at me like this? Is there something on my face? Did I not wipe my face clean when I brushed my teeth just now?"

Xu Yueqing noticed the strange look in Zhuo Nianqi's eyes, she gave Zhuo Nianqi a strange look, and stretched out her hand to touch her cheek.It looked like Xu Yueqing was really going to go to the bathroom to look in the mirror to see what was there.

Zhuo Nianqi looked at Xu Yueqing who was not at all strange, smiled and shook his head hastily, and jumped off the bed by himself, putting on his shoes.Where Xu Yueqing couldn't see, Zhuo Nianqi's face was full of confusion, it seemed that last night's plan had completely failed, Daddy really failed.

"Hi, Qingqing, how did you sleep last night? Let me guess, did Nian Qi sleep with you? Nian Qi is so clingy to you, he will definitely not let go of such a good opportunity."

Wan Zigui greeted Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi, and looked at Zhuo Nianqi with a smile, with a teasing look in his eyes.Zhuo Xiangyu was sitting beside Wan Zigui, eating the breakfast on the table earnestly, without any reaction to Wan Zigui's question.

"Hmph, Uncle Zigui, I know you must be secretly laughing at me again. I've grown up a long time ago, and I've always slept by myself. How could I do such an outrageous thing? Mommy slept with Daddy last night."

As soon as these words came out, all the people on the table paused, their eyes focused on Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Xiangyu, and they kept shooting left and right.Wan Zigui's expression was also startled, something flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled ambiguously at Zhuo Xiangyu.

The corner of Xu Yueqing's mouth twitched violently, she hung Zhuo Nianqi up in her mind, and beat her left and right.How can this brat say such misleading words in public? It's really painful to look at their eyes.

Under the baptism of everyone watching, Xu Yueqing finally finished her breakfast with difficulty, and then impatiently led Zhuo Nianqi towards their destination.Yinghu Lake is a tourist attraction in the city. Taking a boat tour on Yinghu Lake is an entertainment activity that attracts many tourists.

"Oh, Mommy, are we going to go on the lake in that little boat? My God, such a small boat, it's so cute. Mommy, I want to take a boat with you, let's go!"

When I first came to Yinghu Lake, many tourists were bustling with people. On the lake, one boat after another was rippling on the blue waves.Zhuo Nianqi looked at the laughter on the lake with bright eyes, and pulled Xu Yueqing towards the boat charter with great interest, impatiently.

Xu Yueqing started to run under Zhuo Nianqi's pull, but suddenly she felt that she was tripped by something.Xu Yueqing reacted extremely quickly. After staggering for a few steps, she stabilized her body and glanced at the ground she ran on just now.

The empty ground made Xu Yueqing feel a little strange, she was dragged away by Zhuo Nianqi without thinking too much.Miss Lin stared closely at Xu Yueqing's back, a trace of jealousy and unwillingness flashed in her eyes, she gently turned her ankles without arousing anyone's notice.

"What's the matter, why is there such an expression, what happened, is there no boat?" Zhuo Xiangyu and the others followed to the place where the boat was rented, only to find Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi standing where they were. Annoyance and frustration slowly filled the small face, and the lips were tightly pressed together.

"Nianqi forgot to wear his coat when he came out. The wind on the lake is too strong. If you don't wear a coat, it will be very cold. So I want to take Nianqi back to get the coat. You can play here now."

Xu Yueqing smiled at the others, explained the reason why Zhuo Nianqi was in a bad mood, and took Zhuo Nianqi's little hand to go back.Zhuo Xiangyu frowned, stretched out his hand to take Zhuo Nianqi's hand, and nodded to Xu Yueqing with a gentle expression.

"You can play here. I will take Nianqi back to get it. My pace is still a little faster. We will be back soon. Don't worry, have fun and practice technical problems by the way. After all, Nianqi is still looking forward to it." take a boat with you."

Xu Yueqing stared, a little dissatisfied with Zhuo Xiangyu's words, what on earth did he mean? Could she still fall off the boat?Suddenly, an arm stretched out and rested on Xu Yueqing's body, Xu Yueqing's body froze instinctively in fright, and she looked at the beautiful face that suddenly appeared beside her in some surprise.

"Oh, Xiangyu, don't worry, with me here, I will definitely take good care of Qingqing. Nianqi, don't be unhappy anymore, just now I don't know who said that she has grown up, how can she still be because of this? Angry about little things."

With Wan Zigui's guarantee, Zhuo Xiangyu nodded reassuringly, and turned around and left with Zhuo Nianqi.Zhuo Nianqi was told by Wan Zigui that the expression on his face was very unnatural, this behavior of beating himself was really embarrassing, it really didn't fit his gentlemanly demeanor.

"Alright, alright, since everyone is here, hurry up and rent a boat to play together. In ancient times, people went boating on the river, and today we are here to experience the experience, maybe we will catch up with some young girl and boy, and come to have a look. It's a romantic and beautiful love affair that shakes the world and weeps ghosts and gods."

Wan Zigui's words made everyone laugh, and they all went to charter a boat together.Xu Yueqing blinked her eyes and smiled secretly, Wan Zigui was still as good at talking as before, as long as he was around, the atmosphere was always very good.

A small boat stopped by the lake, Wan Zigui smiled at Xu Yueqing, and motioned for her to get on the boat first.Xu Yueqing nodded, stood on the bank and stretched her feet towards the boat in the lake. Suddenly, Xu Yueqing's expression changed, she felt something hit her back hard, and she turned sideways .

"Hey! Miss, you have to be careful. You should be here for the first time. Generally, novices will have accidents when they get on the boat. Don't be afraid. There are people following us on the boat. , just to be able to teach you how to row a boat."

At that dangerous moment, someone suddenly supported Xu Yueqing who had fallen over.The man was wearing a uniform, and supported Xu Yueqing with a very calm expression. It is estimated that such things happen too frequently, and the charterer specially sent people to protect the tourists who might have accidents at any time.

"Thank you so much, I was not careful just now, I promise I will be careful." Xu Yueqing smiled slightly at that person, her expression was full of gratitude.When she fell towards the lake just now, she looked at the lake getting closer and closer to her in horror, and her whole body broke out in cold sweat in an instant.

This incident did not attract too many people's attention. Even if they did, they would only think that Xu Yueqing had an accident accidentally.However, Wan Zigui's eyes were very gloomy. He stood silently behind Miss Lin and threw the hamburger in front of him.

Miss Lin watched Xu Yueqing board the boat safe and sound, a trace of ferocity flashed across her face, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.She took a step towards putting it on, and then she felt that she stepped on something, her foot slipped, and she fell towards the lake.

"Ah! Help!" Accompanied by Miss Lin's exclamation, there was a loud "plop". Before the others could react, Miss Lin had already fallen into the water.All of a sudden, the people around became confused, and the female staff who had a good relationship with Miss Lin immediately yelled.

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