ex-wife, get married

Chapter 585 Zhuo Nianqi's Wonderful Extra Story Is Not Worth It

She didn't expect that Zhuo Nianqi would take the initiative to bring it up, she didn't react for a while, but after regaining her senses, she tried her best to return to normal, knowing that the other party was asking for her consent, so she answered with a smile.

"Well, thank you!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Nianqi picked her up and sent her to the hospital.

Su Xiao was hugged in his arms, but she felt that the heat on her face had been unable to subside since she saw him, smelled Zhuo Nianqi's unique breath, and felt that this fall was actually a bit beautiful.

She didn't expect that Zhuo Nianqi would take the initiative to come to see her, although he didn't answer why he came in suddenly when she fell down, but it was obvious that he came to find her, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

She thought of what Wang Mengmeng said a few days ago, and now it seems very reasonable, she felt that Zhuo Nianqi still had his own in his heart, otherwise why would he show up at such an urgent moment and act so worried about himself.

On the other side, Wang Meng Mengtong kept thinking about Su Xiao during class, and felt that today's class was short, so he could go to practice dancing with her.

The last time the two of them calmed down and chatted a lot in the dance studio, they felt that their relationship with each other had gone a step further, and thinking about it later, they missed it very much.

Normally, when I was so quiet, I was painting. I didn't expect that when I was in the dance studio with Su Xiao last time, I suddenly felt that everything was emptied, and I enjoyed the afternoon quietly.

Moreover, she had studied ballet a little before, after all, she was still very interested in it, and she enjoyed watching Su Xiao dance ballet.

While watching from the side, I couldn't help sighing, feeling that Su Xiao was not only dancing purely, but also putting her own feelings into it.

Of course, the most important thing is to think that she has practiced alone for so long, and I can go to accompany her when I have time, so that she will not be so lonely.

Thinking of her surprised expression after I went suddenly last time, as a friend, I can't do much, and I'm too clumsy to maintain friendship, so I cherish the people around me very much.

When getting along with other friends, it is more noisy and happy, as long as the three of them are together, they feel like the one being taken care of.

Of course, the three of them lived very calmly when they were together. Every time they encountered difficulties, they would always stand up for themselves, for fear of being wronged.

Later, I became friends with Su Xiao. Although I forgot the process, it is possible that there is really a kind of friendship in the world that is like old friends at first sight, and it becomes a very important existence without knowing it.

Maybe it's because I have been protected by two friends around me, so I suddenly met a weaker person than myself, and I developed a desire to protect.

She felt that Su Xiao was forbearing a lot of the time, and she belonged to the kind of person who would bear it silently in her heart even if she was wronged.

She thinks that she is also such a person, and she doesn't take the initiative to care about anything with others. It may make her feel that she is of the same kind, so she feels more distressed for Su Xiao.

The last time I went shopping, it was also the first time I saw her show my bad mood after being with her for so long. Although it was a bit inexplicable at first, I felt more distressed afterward.

Wang Mengmeng is not someone who will take the initiative to contact friends, but for Su Xiao, she always feels that she will be lonely and wronged, so she can't help but want to get closer.

She decided to go to the training center. To be on the safe side, she sent a text message to the other party in class, asking if she was still in the dance studio, but she didn't reply after waiting for a long time.

Because of class, it is not easy to call directly, until the end of get out of class, after saying goodbye to friends, I hurried out of the classroom and dialed directly.

But after calling several times, there was still no answer. She thought it might be that Su Xiao practiced dancing too seriously and didn't notice her text messages.

Thinking that the most important thing for her recently is the competition, no accident should be in the dance studio, so she went to her destination with confidence.

Thinking about the last time I saw my friend’s obviously thin body, I couldn’t help but walk in when I passed by the cake shop, chose her favorite Black Forest cake and took a taxi happily.

Sitting in the taxi, thinking about the various scenarios that might arise for a while, looking at the street scene around me, I felt much better. I tried to make a few more calls, but still no one answered.

I was a little discouraged and put my mobile phone in my bag, so I could only go to the training center quietly. There was a traffic jam on the road, so I arrived later than expected.

Finally arrived at the training center, just as she got out of the taxi and was about to go in with the cake in her hand, she glanced sideways at a man and a woman next to her who looked familiar.

Thinking of the person who looked like He Junpeng that he had seen before, he felt familiar and needed to turn his head to see clearly, so he turned to look at the couple.

I saw a boy getting into the car with a girl in his arms, but that boy was not He Junpeng, but Zhuo Nianqi whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

I haven't seen him for a few days, and he is still the same as before. His handsome appearance and model-like figure are still eye-catching, and his body is filled with a unique temperament.

I have to say that Zhuo Nianqi is really outstanding, he is much better than he imagined, and he didn't pay attention to it due to various reasons before, but now he sees those obvious advantages.

The one in my arms was Su Xiao, my friend whom I had missed all the time. I saw her put her hands on the boy's neck with a sweet expression, just like a loving couple.

Because it was a little far away, she didn't see that Su Xiao's face was sweet but had a hint of pain, while Zhuo Nianqi had a serious face.

The words I said to comfort Su Xiao echoed in my heart that day. Seeing the existence of handsome men and beautiful women, I felt that they were very suitable for each other.

The words that comforted her that day were actually thought in this way sincerely. In my heart, Zhuo Nianqi is a height that is difficult to reach. He matches.

Wang Mengmeng didn't even notice that the cake in her hand fell naturally after seeing the two clearly, which seemed to show her surprise.

At this moment, there seems to be a dividing line between them. My side is lonely, and their side is sweet.

Just like that, he watched the two leave blankly, leaving her alone without knowing where to go.Because I saw such a scene as soon as I got out of the car, before I could close the car door, I stood there sluggishly holding the door.

The driver tried to call a few times but did not respond. After following her gaze to the other side, he gave her a very sympathetic look and offered to comfort her.

"Girl, that kind of boy is not worth it, don't be too sad."

Such words sounded familiar, she thought that when she had quarreled with Zhuo Nianqi before, the driver uncle comforted herself like this.

Unexpectedly, I had such a fate with the driver, so I explained with a smile.

"Those two were my friends just now, I was just a little surprised to see them together suddenly."

She didn't know that this kind of behavior looked like a forced smile to others, and the driver nodded clearly.

"Girl, I know, you don't need to say it, my daughter is also your age, and my uncle is standing in the position of an elder, telling you that there is no need to value love so much. If we don't have it, we will find it again. Whoever leaves can live. "

Wang Mengmeng knew that he had misunderstood again. Looking at the person in front of him, she suddenly missed the uncle driver whom she met before the accident. Although they met by a small fate, they still left a deep impression in her memory.

She didn't want to explain at the moment, she closed the door and waved to the enthusiastic and kind driver uncle.

"Slow down on your way, sorry for your inconvenience!"

After speaking, he turned and left. If it was impossible to say that he didn't care, even the other bystanders could see some clues.

When I saw them being so close together, even though I had imagined it before, it was still hard to accept the real meeting.She thought in her heart that after finally seeing them clear up their misunderstanding and be together as everyone wished, why are you unhappy.

Seeing her two good friends together, Su Xiao felt uncomfortable before, but now everything is back to normal, and she silently and sincerely wishes them happiness in her heart.

Recently, Wang Mengmeng has been running around at school and at home, occasionally going to teach children, living a very comfortable life.Because I was injured and delayed my homework some time ago, maybe that time was too boring, but now I am very serious in class.

Recently, she spends most of her time in the library when there is no class. Sometimes she forgets to eat on time when she reads so much, but she lives a fulfilling life every day.

Some time ago, whenever I had time, I went to accompany Su Xiao. The last time I met the two of them so close, I was too embarrassed to disturb them by being a light bulb, so I could enjoy the rare leisure time with peace of mind.

Wan Wanwan's illness has almost recovered, and she doesn't run around as diligently as before, but she really misses the two little guys after so long, thinking about when to go see Meng'an and Wanwan.

While meditating, he suddenly heard the phone ringing. It was an unfamiliar phone number, and he picked it up in bewilderment.

"Hello, hello!" There was only a long silence on the other end of the phone, but someone could be felt beside, and some small voices could be heard from time to time.

She frowned, took down the phone to confirm that she was still on the call, and asked in a doubtful voice.

"Who are you?"

The other party remained silent, as if planning to keep silent, but it was obvious that someone was speaking softly.Thinking that someone might be playing a prank, she said angrily, "If you don't talk anymore, I'll hang up."

Hearing what she said, the person on the other end of the phone hurried to the receiver and shouted anxiously.

"Sister Mengmeng, don't hang up the phone! I'm Wanwan."

I really didn't expect it to be Wan Wanwan. The two little guys also called me before, but I often see them recently and rarely receive their calls. I didn't expect them to call in time just as I thought of it. It is a happy answer.

"Wanwan, why did you think of calling me?" Wang Mengmeng couldn't wait for an answer for a long time after asking, but vaguely heard the two little guys muttering something.

Looking at the other side, the two little guys were addicted to the toys, but suddenly they got a little bored playing with them.

Zhuo Mengan pushed the toy car back and forth, and finally sat down on the ground, pouted and said unhappily: "Wanwan, brother and sister Mengmeng won't play with us recently."

Wan Wanwan, who was still changing the dolls' clothes, hugged some disheveled dolls in her arms, walked over slowly, and sat down after tidying up the princess dress on her body with her little hands.

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