The only thing she insisted on for so many years should be ballet, saying that dancing is more like a friend who will never leave. In the eyes of others, those exercises are very tiring, but she enjoys it.

I have been worrying a lot lately, but once I change into my clothes, I feel much more relaxed. I don’t have random thoughts again and again, only my persistence and deep love for ballet.

Many times the work we will do in the future may not be what we like, which sounds sad and sad, so Su Xiao is very glad that she can do what she likes and has persisted for so many years.

Because I like it, it is worth it no matter how hard or tiring I am. Su Xiao, who is practicing hard in the dance room at the moment, thinks it is worth it.Zhuo Nianqi, who was outside the door, saw Su Xiao inside, stood there in a daze and did not go in.

One is that I mainly want to send her home, and it is not too late to go in after she finishes practicing; the other is that if the atmosphere becomes awkward when I go in by myself, it is not very good to disturb her practice.

Although he didn't like Su Xiao, he didn't dislike him either. If there weren't so many right and wrong, the two of them might be very good friends.

During the contact process, he also felt that Su Xiao was very considerate, completely different from Wang Mengmeng, and he really couldn't hate such a girl.

He watched Su Xiao's graceful dancing posture outside the door, but he was not interested at all.

If there were other people present at this moment, they would definitely be overwhelmed by her dance. After all, Su Xiao also had some achievements in ballet, and she danced very well indeed.

Seeing her graceful figure, Zhuo Nianqi thought of another person in his mind.

Some people think that painters are slovenly. After all, they spend all day with paints and other things that are easy to stain. Zhuo Nianqi also thought so.

He didn't like the sudden troubles very much. Zhuo Meng'an's clothes were also painted in color after he hit the drawing board last time, which looked funny and dirty.

So after that, I naturally avoided those people, and I didn't want to look so embarrassed.

Until I saw Wang Mengmeng painting once in a while, when she turned her back to herself, the sunlight outside the window came in through the leaves and fell on her body, and she looked quiet and beautiful.

At that moment, I was a little dazed. I don't know if it was because the sun was too beautiful or for other reasons, but I became happy.

It seems that everyone has an unforgettable scene, and that picture is lingering in his mind. For the first time, he felt that painting can be so beautiful.

At that time, Wang Mengmeng and I were still Huanxi enemies, arguing all day long, and neither of them would easily spare the other.

Thinking about it, it was the first time I saw her so quiet and serious. As her slender hands moved slowly, a painting appeared vividly on the paper.

At that time, I was still very ignorant of feelings, but I still felt a strong shock. Although I didn't say it out loud, I sighed in my heart that painting can be so beautiful.

That accident completely overturned his previous understanding, whether it was about Wang Mengmeng or about painting.

I always thought that most of the painters were heroic people, and they started to pick up the brush quickly. The whole process seemed random but abstract. They would not care about the pencil dust on their hands, nor would they care about the sudden appearance of colors on their clothes.

And I have always felt that with Wang Mengmeng's character, Huahua must be in a hurry, as ruthless as arguing with herself.

I didn't expect that everything was self-righteous. When I saw it inadvertently, I realized that painting is also a kind of enjoyment, and it can also be a kind of beauty in the eyes of others.

The bright sunshine that day, the mottled tree shadows, the quiet girl, and the empty surroundings reappeared in his mind again and again.

As for dancing and painting, the process of the former is naturally worth seeing. Whether it is the Qingming Riverside Picture or other famous paintings, few people appreciate the process of painting, and more people feel emotion after seeing the finished product.

Seeing Su Xiao dancing heartily in front of her, she unconsciously thinks of her painting quietly that day, and the memory of that scene is still fresh.

Maybe it was the approaching time, or maybe it was the setting off of the sun, which made him unconsciously think of the scene that day, but now he misses it a little.

Sometimes everything has meaning because of liking, and sometimes there is a reason to reject everything because of dislike.

Zhuo Nianqi looked at Su Xiao who was practicing dancing, but recalled Wang Mengmeng's painting.He who was still in deep thought suddenly heard Su Xiao yell, and hurriedly came back to his senses and ran in.

Somewhat surprised to see the girl who was still dancing just now suddenly fell to the ground with her ankles pressed.

What was even more surprising was Su Xiao. When she fell down, she couldn't help but screamed. She didn't expect a person to rush in from the door.Regardless of the pain, he glanced at it and found that it was Zhuo Nianqi whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He was very surprised at that moment.

Zhuo Nianqi didn't know why the person who was dancing well just now suddenly lay on the ground, frowning for a while, not knowing what was going on, but he didn't notice the other party's surprised look.

Before he could speak, Su Xiao couldn't bear to be curious, "How did you come here by such a coincidence?"

Su Xiao was a little disappointed when she heard that he didn't answer, but she felt warm when she heard his words of concern and inquiry.

However, he only noticed his feet after he reminded him, and suddenly felt a lot of pain, so he resisted the uncomfortable feeling and replied: "I just twisted my feet during dancing practice."

After all, I felt that I was so embarrassed, and wanted to try to get up from the ground, but found that I couldn't use the strength at all.Unexpectedly, after not seeing Zhuo Nianqi for such a long time, he finally saw such a scene once, and his face turned red immediately.

After all, she has always been proud and confident in front of the person she likes, and she has never been in such a down-and-out moment before. Thinking about it, she feels very ashamed.

The more I think about it, the more I want to get up from the ground urgently, but I can only use my strength in vain because my foot is injured. The more anxious I am, the more red my face is, it's a vicious circle.

Zhuo Nianqi also noticed her embarrassment, knowing that he could not just sit idly by at this moment, and he planned to send her home today, let alone leave her alone at this moment, squatting down and asking in a gentlemanly manner: "Do you need my help?" ?”

This kind of him made Su Xiao involuntarily think of all the things before, and the memories came to her like a faucet that was released.

The former Zhuo Nianqi treated himself in the same way, making you feel as if he was greatly respected. Every time you see his gentlemanly face, you can't help being tempted.

At that time, I felt that he was the same person as me. Even in such an unbearable environment, he didn't play with girls' feelings like other people at all.

During the period when the two were in contact, they never heard any scandals between him and other girls, and they seemed to be completely insulated from it.

At that time, Su Xiao felt that she was happy. He was indifferent to others, but he was different to himself. For that difference, he was brave many times.

Women who are addicted to love do not have their own thinking, they put all their attention on each other, devotion and selflessness in love.

At this moment, Su Xiao wants to lament that things are right and people are wrong, and that the past overlaps.

Seeing that she didn't answer for a long time, the other party naturally wouldn't do it directly out of respect for women, and asked again patiently: "Do you need my help?"

Su Xiao, who was still remembering the past, came back to her senses when she heard the deep and magnetic male voice, and smiled embarrassedly because she was distracted.

She wanted to refuse out of self-esteem, but seeing her current embarrassing situation, she didn't dare to look the other person in the eye and respond.

"Then trouble you!"

After hearing the agreement, Zhuo Nianqi stretched out his hand to help her up and let her stand slowly.

She felt that her face became even more flushed. Although the two of them were often together before, they had no close contact. Today's situation is really exciting and embarrassing.

Zhuo Nianqi didn't know the extent of her injury, he still held her shoulders in a gentlemanly manner, looked at her blushing face and asked worriedly: "Can you stand by yourself now?"

The other party didn't hear what he said at all, looked at him helplessly, and nodded directly.

Zhuo Nianqi felt that he was afraid of offending by holding on like this, and after hearing her affirmative answer, he said a little uneasy: "Then let me go first, can you try to stand?"

At this moment, Su Xiao was not as calm as before. The only direct feeling was shyness. In such a situation, she didn't pay attention to her own situation at all, and nodded her head bravely.

After seeing her nod in affirmation, Zhuo Nianqi slowly let go of his hand.

I saw that after he sent his hand, the other party leaned towards him directly, as if he couldn't stand at all.He was afraid that Su Xiao would fall down again, so he hurriedly went up to help her, so that her behavior became more intimate when she came down.

Zhuo Nianqi cared about the other party's injury. After all, a sprained ankle is not a painless disease like a cold, so he didn't notice how ambiguous their behavior was.

Although he didn't think so, Su Xiao, the person involved, couldn't keep his mind off distractions.

The annoyance of worrying about foot injury after the fall disappeared at this moment, as if he had completely forgotten the pain of twisting his foot, and looked at the person in front of him affectionately.

Maybe it's because his attitude towards him is too cold recently, so it's hard for him to maintain a calm appearance due to the sudden intimate behavior.

Seeing that she had managed to maintain her balance with his help, Zhuo Nianqi thought about suggestions.

"It looks serious, I'll take you to the hospital first!"

From the shock at the beginning to the disbelief now, she still felt that the scene in front of her was too beautiful, it was a bit unbelievable.

Usually, she maintains her superficial calm at all times, even if she has thousands of thoughts in her heart, she silently hides them under her calm appearance.

Whether it is self-control or tutoring, she has become a person who does not express so many emotions on the surface, so people around her always feel like she is smiling at all times.

"Then I'll trouble you." At this moment, she only had flushed cheeks to reveal those small emotions. Hearing what Zhuo Nianqi said, she replied very politely.

I originally wanted to walk forward with heavy steps, but I didn't expect the sprain to be more serious than I thought, and I felt that the ankle was swollen and painful.

"It seems that you can't walk in this situation, let me carry you to the car!" Seeing that she couldn't walk, Zhuo Nianqi looked at her swollen feet.

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