Feng Yuanyuan stretched out her hand and held her best friend's cold hands tightly, as if only this could reveal her fear and despair.

Feeling the warmth from a good friend, Wang Mengmeng tried to raise her head to suppress the soreness in her heart, and opened her mouth slowly after a long silence.

"Yuanyuan, I'm really tired! When I squatted down to pick up those broken petals, I suddenly felt that I didn't want to explain anything. Since returning to China, every time we met, we broke up. In this case, Then why bother tormenting each other?"

When she talked about the excitement, her words were a little fierce, and she looked at Feng Yuanyuan with tears in her eyes.

"Actually, I really figured it out at that time. After struggling for so long, I finally figured it out. Even if I explain the misunderstanding clearly today, there will still be other misunderstandings in the future, and I don't want to explain it."

Feng Yuanyuan heard the feeling of physical and mental exhaustion from the sentence. Although she couldn't fully empathize with it, she knew that Wang Mengmeng must be uncomfortable.

Looking at Wang Mengmeng distressedly, she regretted why she didn't come sooner. If she had come earlier, wouldn't Wang Mengmeng be so sad and not as desperate as she is now.

"I understand your helplessness, I understand your tiredness, even though I am not you, I can understand." Feng Yuanyuan said in a very affectionate tone.

In the past, the two people's way of getting along was to complain and hurt each other, but when Wang Mengmeng was hospitalized this time, she slowly returned to the path of warmth.Both of them became a little hypocritical, and the words they said were a little nasty.

Wang Mengmeng frowned a little unwillingly, opened her eyes and saw Feng Yuanyuan's worried look, so she had no choice but to continue.

"At that time, I really didn't want to say anything to him. I didn't expect him to ask me to explain again. No matter what he said, I ignored it. After that, you came to see the scene."

After listening to Wang Mengmeng's narration, Feng Yuanyuan felt that the whole incident was both interesting and painful. In fact, the misunderstanding this time was just a lead, a fire, and a clue. It would be terrible if there was a long-term misunderstanding between the two of them.

Seeing Wang Mengmeng's tired look made her feel distressed, so she asked her to lie down and rest without asking any more questions.

Because of what she just experienced, Wang Mengmeng didn't want to say anything more at the moment, but just wanted to find a place to be quiet, and fell asleep peacefully after what Feng Yuanyuan said.

Feng Yuanyuan looked at her best friend's frowning sleeping face, carefully covered her with the quilt, turned around and walked out of the ward with Wang Mengmeng's mobile phone.

She put Wang Mengmeng to sleep, on the one hand, she saw that she needed to calm herself down, and on the other hand, she wanted to express this for her best friend.

Although Feng Yuanyuan didn't know Zhuo Nianqi very well, she had heard Wang Mengmeng talk about some interesting things between them before, so she defined Zhuo Nianqi as a girlfriend's happy enemy at first.

Until the last time I saw Zhuo Nianqi in the hospital, it should be the first official meeting with him. When I saw him for the first time, I just felt that I cared about Wang Mengmeng very much. Looking at his distraught look, and then looking at the strange relationship between the two of them. Feng Yuanyuan realized that something must have happened to the two of them.

When she talked about him with Wang Mengmeng later, although she looked innocent on the surface, she had been best friends for many years after all, and Feng Yuanyuan naturally saw the difference between the two.

Thinking of Zhuo Nianqi's caring eyes and Wang Mengmeng's deliberate indifference in the hospital that day, Feng Yuanyuan couldn't figure out how the two of them became like this.

When complaining about Lu Jinbo and Han Jian, Feng Yuanyuan was most optimistic about Zhuo Nianqi at the time, not because of how good he was, but because she sensed how special Wang Mengmeng was to him.

If I hadn't encountered such a thing today, I probably thought that Zhuo Nianqi was very kind to Mengmeng. After listening to Wang Mengmeng's narration today, I realized that Zhuo Nianqi also troubled her before.

But when he thought of the suggestion he made last time, Zhuo Nianqi scolded him severely after implementing it, which made Wang Mengmeng cry at that time.

Feng Yuanyuan thought of what she had seen before, and thought of how Wang Mengmeng cried every time because of him, thinking silently that she could not forgive him easily.

When Feng Yuanyuan walked out of the ward, she was a little worried that Zhuo Nianqi had already left, and she thought that if he wanted to leave, she would meet and scold him once in a while.

Seeing Zhuo Nianqi sitting alone on the stool in the empty corridor, she felt fortunate that she didn't leave. She wanted to ask for a word for Wang Mengmeng, so she walked up to Zhuo Nianqi angrily and stood in front of him.

Zhuo Nianqi seemed to feel that someone was in front of him, and Feng Yuanyuan raised his head as soon as Feng Yuanyuan stopped.

Seeing that it was Feng Yuanyuan, he hurriedly stood up from his seat and asked anxiously, "Is she all right?"

Feng Yuanyuan was here to find trouble, but seeing Zhuo Nianqi getting more and more displeased, she had to roll her eyes.

"Are you asking if she was okay after being hurt by you several times and insulted by you just now?"

Zhuo Nianqi naturally heard the bad words in her mouth, and felt more and more embarrassed listening to those accusations, and lowered his head unconsciously.

"I was really impulsive at the time, so I made such a move. I don't even know what I did!"

"Hehe, your impulsive lethality is too strong. Every time you don't care about it, you don't realize it until you hurt someone else. Don't you think it's a bit late?" Feng Yuanyuan replied unmoved by Zhuo Nianqi's compromise.

Her words were tit for tat, Zhuo Nianqi could only agree but not refute.

"Please don't let other people pay for your impulse every time, okay? Last time you said that you would never have any contact with Mengmeng again. Why are you looking for her again now?" Seeing that he didn't answer, Feng Yuanyuan continued to speak sharply ironically.

Zhuo Nianqi didn't expect those old things to be brought up one by one by her, and the scars that had healed were uncovered again. He hurriedly wanted to explain, but found himself unable to explain.

Feng Yuanyuan saw him look annoyed and regretful but unable to refute, she felt secretly refreshed, and continued to criticize without changing her expression.

"Master Zhuo, we ordinary people really can't bear your hot and cold, of course we are not qualified to bear it, next time you want to go crazy, please find a quiet place, don't hurt Mengmeng."

When Zhuo Nianqi heard some familiar names, he thought that Wang Mengmeng had said this to him before, and the guilt and regret in his heart kept tearing him apart.

Hearing Feng Yuanyuan complain a lot, the more he listened, the more sad he felt. When bystanders talked about those things, he felt that he was going too far.

Although Feng Yuanyuan is careless in her life and has never met love, she puts friendship first. Maybe she is not strong enough, but she is the first to stand up when her friends are wronged.

Wang Mengmeng said that she didn't want to explain any more, but she couldn't bear it anymore, and vented all her heartache for her friend on Zhuo Nianqi who bowed her head in front of her.

Hearing that Feng Yuanyuan finally stopped talking, he struggled for a long time, and asked in a low voice, "Can you tell me how she is?"

Feng Yuanyuan snorted coldly when she heard such a question, "Hehe, what do you think she can do, do you want to light firecrackers to celebrate after going through such a thing?"

Zhuo Nianqi waved his hands helplessly, feeling a little guilty.

"You know I don't mean that."

Feng Yuanyuan was very satisfied when she saw that he was shrinking from what she said, and took the opportunity to sarcasm.

"Don't flatter me, how can I know what you mean, young master Zhuo, you usually do everything according to your mood, I can't guess that."

Although she was smiling, her words were very sharp, Zhuo Nianqi felt like a sinner, at this moment he could only listen to the accusation quietly.

Feng Yuanyuan felt that her goal had been achieved, and she gave the man who made her best friend cry several times a hard look.

Her anger was not unreasonable, thinking that Wang Mengmeng had only cried twice in front of her, but it was all because of the man in front of her, Feng Yuanyuan felt even more angry when she thought of this.

Seeing that Zhuo Nianqi didn't dare to talk to her, she also felt that she had no interest in continuing, so she directly handed Wang Mengmeng's phone to Zhuo Nianqi.

"Although I am a bystander, I have to get involved in this matter. Open your dog eyes and see what is going on!" After finishing speaking, Feng Yuanyuan turned and left.

I saw Zhuo Nianqi standing there blankly, thinking of Feng Yuanyuan's word-for-word accusations just now, but those accusations were in line with the facts.

He also thought about it for a long time when he was alone, and felt that it was very possible that he misunderstood Wang Mengmeng on impulse.

After all, Wang Mengmeng still has a job as a plane model. Although she doesn't know it well, she also knows that she earns a lot. After all, that Tommy is still a well-known person in the industry.

Aside from the career of modeling, Wang Mengmeng is very good at painting. Didn't Wanwan and Meng'an only catch up with the lifelike cat when they first met?
Wang Mengmeng had been working as a tutor before. To sum up, Wang Mengmeng never did such a thing because of the possibility of lack of money.

Zhuo Nianqi thought about her reaction carefully just now, from the bewilderment at the beginning to the indifferent expression later, she doesn't look like someone who has done something wrong, and she is such a face-saving person, how could she do those shameless things? Things.

These were all Zhuo Nianqi thought of when he calmed down. At that time, he completely lost the ability to judge under the impulsiveness, and charged Wang Mengmeng with such a crime without asking clearly.

After he calmed down and thought about it, he realized how impulsive and abhorrent he was at that time. As expected, Wang Mengmeng often said that he was self-righteous.

Zhuo Nianqi looked at Wang Mengmeng's mobile phone in his hand, sat down with it and turned on the screen to see those familiar words.I looked at it carefully and found that it was different from what I just read. Just now I saw those words and took 100.0 as 1000 for granted, directly ignoring the decimal point.

He looked at the decimal point that was not eye-catching at all at the time, and irritatedly rubbed the hairstyle that he had spent a long time in the morning, thinking that this decimal point had hurt himself!

The regret in his heart at this moment made him very uncomfortable, seeing his situation he deserved to suffer on his own.

Holding his head in frustration, he thought about what he did and said just now. The old conflict has not been resolved, and he has created a new misunderstanding.

Zhuo Nianqi felt that if he had any chance to go back in time, he would tell himself at that time not to draw conclusions for others just because he misread a piece of information.

In fact, he can reflect on his own fault, but he has always been brooding about Wang Mengmeng's going to England. Although he never said it directly, every time he gets angry and impulsive, there is an inducement.

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