ex-wife, get married

Chapter 558 Zhuo Nianqi is impulsive and irritable

Hearing Zhuo Nianqi's affirmative answer, Zhuo Meng'an couldn't help feeling complacent, thinking that it was all due to him.

"Brother, you must have listened to me! An'an said that as long as you apologize seriously, Sister Mengmeng will forgive you!"

"An'an is awesome, my brother is right when he heard An'an's words."

Zhuo Nianqi's eyes turned red when he heard Zhuo Meng'an's words, which were clearly asking for credit.Try to calm down and answer with a fake smile.

Zhuo Nianqi regretted it very much, if he hadn't clicked on the text message, wouldn't it have been a different ending?
If you listened to An An and waited until Wang Mengmeng sincerely apologized before giving her favorite Lily, then I should be happy now, not as uncomfortable as I am now.

Zhuo Meng'an on the other end of the phone naturally didn't notice Zhuo Nianqi's sad mood, after hearing his brother's praise, he looked proudly at Wan Wan beside him.

"Wanwan, my brother listened to me and apologized to Sister Mengmeng, and now they are reconciled!"

When Wan Wanwan heard the news, she clapped her hands happily, and looked at Zhuo Mengan with admiration.

"Brother An is awesome!"

"Actually, I didn't do anything, but after sister Mengmeng and brother reconcile, we can be like before again!" Zhuo Meng'an heard Wan Wanwan's praise very much, and said deliberately pretending to be calm.

Wan Wanwan heard Zhuo Mengan's words, and the two children hugged each other happily.

Hearing the excited reaction of the two children on the other side of the phone, I felt heartbroken.This time Zhuo Mengan noticed that Zhuo Nianqi on the other end of the phone was very cute.

"Brother, you and Sister Mengmeng have fun, I won't bother you!"

Zhuo Nianqi replied heavily, although Zhuo Mengan felt that his brother was a little cold, he thought it was because he was busy chatting with Sister Mengmeng, so he tolerantly forgave him.

After Zhuo Nianqi hung up the phone, his heart became even heavier.I have woven a beautiful picture for Zhuo Meng'an, and I hope it is true.

How I wish that everything just now was just a dream, and those hurts and pains did not appear on the stage.

Looking at the empty corridor, Zhuo Nianqi felt more and more regrets in his heart. Thinking of the scenarios he imagined in the morning, he excitedly went to buy lilies, and tried to practice apologizing in the ward.

Such images flashed through my mind again and again, obviously to apologize, obviously to clear up the misunderstanding, but why did it develop like this?
Zhuo Nianqi sat outside the ward with his head in his hands, thinking of the picture of himself struggling with how to apologize this morning, he couldn't help but feel sad.

Zhuo Nianqi, what have you done!Didn't you come to apologize?But in fact, what have you done? Are you the one who made such a shameless move to a girl?
I closed my eyes and recalled all the things just now, the more I thought about it, the more I felt unreal, and I wanted to get rid of all the bad pictures in my mind, so I shook my head slowly.

On the way to the hospital today, I reflected on my impulsiveness and irritability, and sadly found that I still haven't made much progress, and I don't even know myself in the face of anger.

He didn't know why he was so impulsive and irritable all of a sudden, and felt that as long as it was about Wang Mengmeng, he couldn't calm down.

In fact, many times because the other person's position in your heart is very important, you can't control your emotions. When two people quarrel, the closer the relationship is, the more hurtful the words they say.But this is not a reason for you to hurt the other person, even if you care, it will still drive people away.

Zhuo Nianqi introspected outside the ward, and the two people in the ward also felt uncomfortable.

Wang Mengmeng has always regarded herself as a female man, perhaps because she is relatively independent in her daily life and does not feel like a weak girl at all.

She usually protects other girls, plays a caring role among girls, and is more like a buddy when getting along with boys.

No matter how careless she is usually, she is still a girl after all, but compared with other girls, she doesn't show her fragility on her face.

Zhuo Nianqi really scared her this time, according to the development of the plot just now, I wonder what would have happened without Feng Yuanyuan!At that time, I struggled desperately and found it was futile, and looked at Zhuo Nianqi with hazy eyes. At that time, he seemed to be completely occupied by impulse, and his face was full of anger and disdain.

Feng Yuanyuan kept coaxing Wang Mengmeng, crying and suffering with her.She listened to Wang Mengmeng's wailing, and kept patting her back with her hands.

"Meng Meng is fine, you still have me."

"Yuanyuan, thank you!" Wang Mengmeng gently let go of her hand when she heard her comforting words, her eyes were full of gratitude.

Seeing her let go of herself, Feng Yuanyuan wiped away her tears, messed up Wang Mengmeng's hair and smiled on purpose.

"Fool, do you still need to say thank you between me?"

At this time, Wang Mengmeng saw that Feng Yuanyuan was also full of tears, and reached out to wipe her tears away, "You still say I'm stupid, you are stupid, why are you crying!"

Feng Yuanyuan wiped her tears and looked at Wang Mengmeng resentfully.

"Looking at you crying like a poor little girl, I can't help but feel bad for you!"

Wang Mengmeng looked at Feng Yuanyuan who was crying in a mess, and felt very lucky to meet such a friend.

In many cases, whether it is friendship or love, it is not how close and frequent two people interact with each other that is good. A beautiful friendship is the kind that can accompany you for a lifetime, not just a short-lived existence.

There is often such a feeling that two people suddenly become very good and very close. They are together at any time. When you see her, you can guess that the other person is also there. People become indifferent instead.

Wang Mengmeng is not a clingy girl, and neither is Feng Yuanyuan. The people around her don't understand why the relationship between two people who don't seem to meet each other is so good, and they have been friends for so many years.

In fact, she knows that their friendship is not stronger because they are often together, because every time you are happy, she is watching from a distance, but when she sees you are sad and difficult, she is the first to rush forward.

Feng Yuanyuan saw her best friend's emotions gradually calm down, afraid of poking her sore spot, she spoke cautiously.

"What happened to you just now? Why did Zhuo Nianqi suddenly treat you like that."

Wang Mengmeng stared at the wall with dull eyes, heard the concerned question from her good friend, and silently organized her words in her heart.

"After I called you, I went to go through the discharge procedures. When I came back, I saw him sitting motionless in my ward." She took a long breath, trying to exhale all the fear in her heart, and said calmly.

Wang Meng dreamed of the excitement she felt when she first entered the ward and saw Zhuo Nianqi. At that time, she simply thought that he was here to apologize. Looking at his lonely back, she even felt a little distressed. She never thought that such a thing would happen later.

Naturally, she wouldn't tell Feng Yuanyuan about these inner feelings, and she probably would only become a secret in her heart in the future!

Feng Yuanyuan heard that Wang Mengmeng stopped suddenly, and didn't ask why or other questions. She knew that she could play the role of a listener with peace of mind at this time.

Friends around her feel that she and Wang Mengmeng are not the same kind of people. Her various emotions are more obvious, and she is carefree like a boy; while Wang Mengmeng is a more reserved person, but how do other people know? Complementary two people know each other best.

Most of the time, you can tell what the other person is thinking with just one look and one movement, and there is no need for pale words to explain.

Feng Yuanyuan saw that her best friend was under a lot of psychological pressure at the moment, and she needed a platform to confide, so she was willing to be the one who listened.

Wang Mengmeng digested her inner emotions one by one, and then continued with what she just said.

"When I walked in, I saw his serious expression. I didn't know what happened, but when I saw the lilies on the table, I thought he bought them specially to apologize."

When she talked about lilies, she couldn't help but look at the petals still in the flowerpot, and deeply felt that her heart was as fragmented as those decadent lilies.

She tried her best to calm down, and silently told herself that Zhuo Nianqi didn't deserve to be so sad.

"I was very happy to see the lily in my arms, but he suddenly came over and stomped it on the ground, because everything bloomed so suddenly, I thought it was a prank."

Feng Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling sad for her good friend when she heard this. She knew that Wang Mengmeng liked lilies very much. When someone destroys your favorite thing, the feeling is no different from hurting yourself.

Wang Mengmeng tried her best to maintain a calm mood on the surface, and didn't want her good friend to worry about herself because of this matter.

"Actually, from the moment I entered the ward, what he said was very ugly. When I thought it was a prank, it didn't matter, but when I knew that he did this to me because he read my text messages, it turned out that I was always so superficial in his heart. A girl who doesn't love herself."

Wang Mengmeng said and handed over her mobile phone. Feng Yuanyuan, who was a little nervous, couldn't react when she saw that sentence, but combined with Wang Mengmeng's narration and the somewhat vague language, she almost understood it. Yes, he opened his mouth in surprise.

"He thought you were that kind of girl?"

The person on the opposite side nodded silently, and said everything he hadn't explained to Zhuo Nianqi.

"Lu Jinbo came to see me a few days ago and asked me if I would go to the studio now. I thought of the inconvenience of changing clothes due to my own wounds, so I pushed it away. I didn't want to just idle like that, so I thought about doing it again. My old bank, before I went to go through the discharge procedures, I had been talking about the price with the parents of the other party, but I didn’t expect the nurse to come and interrupt, and I called back and was on the phone.”

Listening to her talking carefully, Feng Yuanyuan's heart is also very complicated. No matter what, she never thought that Zhuo Nianqi would be so sensitive. It's ridiculous to think so.

If such a basin of dirty water is poured on any girl, the other party must be very annoyed. Seeing Wang Mengmeng's deliberately calm face, she felt that she must have suffered a lot.

But Wang Mengmeng's temper is the kind that he won't say anything to others when he has a grievance, he will only bear it silently, and only occasionally talk to his friends when he doesn't care anymore.

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