Zhuo Mengan turned his eyes left and right when he heard this, as if he was thinking about how to deal with him.

"Brother, Wanwan has been missing Sister Mengmeng very much recently. When I came to play with Wanwan today, Wanwan asked Brother Zhuo where he was, and I told her that you went to pick up Sister Mengmeng from the hospital."

"How did you know that I came to apologize to your Mengmeng sister that night?" He couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the witty words from his younger brother. He happily accepted this explanation and asked back.

"Brother, you didn't keep An An a secret." Zhuo Mengan expected that his brother would not let him go so easily, and when he heard Zhuo Nianqi's question, he answered without thinking.

This sentence directly left Zhuo Nianqi speechless, he could only barely maintain his demeanor.

"Okay, I won't pursue this matter with you."

"Brother, have you apologized to Sister Mengmeng?" Zhuo Mengan silently breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his brother forgiving himself. I feel so tired today!Some pleasing take the initiative to ask.

Wan Wanwan, who was building blocks at the side, heard Zhuo Mengan's words, and slowly crawled over to listen.

Zhuo Nianqi just felt embarrassed, he coughed in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about this kid."

As soon as Zhuo Mengan heard his brother say this, he knew that he must have not apologized. If he reconciled with Sister Mengmeng, how could he be so calm now.

Zhuo Mengan thought about his own game, and said warmly to the side: "Brother, don't be nervous, Wanwan and I are waiting for your good news!"

Zhuo Nianqi listened to the encouragement of the two little guys, and thought of himself who was very irritable because of taking care of them, but no matter what, he never thought that they would gradually become his motivation.

He moved to thank the two little guys. The two little guys had already put down their microphones and were having fun.

No matter what Zhuo Nianqi called, the other party still didn't respond, only heard the happy noise of two children, Zhuo Nianqi, who was forgotten, closed his eyes resignedly and hung up the phone.

After chatting with Zhuo Mengan for a while late at night, Zhuo Nianqi obviously felt that his mentality was much better than before, and he was not so restless while sitting on the stool.

Suddenly, I saw the phone on the table light up, displaying a message.I checked that the sender was the strange number who just called.

Out of curiosity, Zhuo Nianqi glanced at the scrolling information on the notice board.I saw it said: "Then 100.0 once, it can be used for a long time if it is suitable."

Zhuo Nianqi regarded 100.0 as 1000. He stared at the message with dull eyes for a long time but couldn't recover. Knowing that the phone screen went dark, Zhuo Nianqi still kept the posture just now without moving.

He always thinks in his mind, "That's one thousand at a time, which is a suitable word that can last for a long time."

In any case, it was unexpected that Wang Mengmeng would degenerate like this in such a short period of time.

In my heart, Wang Mengmeng has always been a very pure, pure and sunny representative. Even when I was swearing at each other, I never thought that Wang Mengmeng would become like this.

Even though the two haven't seen each other for a year, they feel that Wang Mengmeng has changed a lot, but Zhuo Nianqi never imagined that the original innocent Wang Mengmeng has become the kind of girl who can sell her body.

I always thought that she just changed towards herself, but I didn't expect her to change so thoroughly that even the most innocent self was lost.

I thought she would have a good life going to England, but now it seems that I don't know how many things I didn't know happened that year.

This kind of feeling is like the person you have been guarding with your heart, and in the end you find that she doesn't care, but you treat her as a treasure like a fool.

At this time, Zhuo Nianqi was completely free from the excitement and entanglement just now, all his emotions had become settled, and his heart was as dead ashes at this moment.

In fact, when I saw that message just now, I subconsciously didn't want to believe it, and I couldn't believe it. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I probably wouldn't believe it no matter what others said!
At this time, Zhuo Nianqi was angry at Wang Mengmeng's lack of self-love. After getting rid of the anger, he only felt sore in his heart. He finally mustered up the courage to apologize. He was analyzing himself along the way, practicing apologizing over and over again. Satire.

But inexplicably distressed Wang Mengmeng in his heart, what kind of difficulties made her do that kind of job that couldn't get on the table, Zhuo Nianqi regretted that he didn't protect Wang Mengmeng well, if he was always by her side, he wouldn't Will tolerate her doing that.

Zhuo Nianqi's emotions were mixed at this time, he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, and he looked deeply at the white bed sheet.

After completing the formalities, Wang Mengmeng thought that she could finally say goodbye to the ward completely this time, and no longer feel bound like a prisoner.

Thinking of my part-time job, I also talked about the same thing, and I will go back and talk about the price in detail. After being discharged from the hospital, I can continue to engage in my beloved painting. Wang Mengmeng feels very happy.

Originally, I wanted to call Feng Yuanyuan to share my joy, but I touched my pocket and found that I didn't bring my mobile phone.

Remembering that I had called that person several times before, I guess it would be delayed if I forgot to pick up the phone, so I ran back to the ward in a hurry.

As soon as she walked to the ward, she saw a familiar person sitting on a stool. Wang Mengmeng was naturally familiar with such a back view. She didn't expect Zhuo Nianqi to come. Seeing him sitting there quietly, she felt a touch of emotion in her heart.

In fact, recently she has been thinking about how she feels about Zhuo Nianqi, and she seems to have an answer in her heart, but she is unwilling to admit it.

Looking at Zhuo Nianqi's lonely back, Wang Mengmeng felt very guilty when she thought of her indifferent attitude towards him recently, thinking that she would never treat Zhuo Nianqi like that again this time.

Thinking about the previous Zhuo Nianqi, if he had deliberately ignored him twice, how could he suddenly appear for the third time? He was so cold and arrogant for the sake of his own face that he couldn't imagine it.

She looked at the boy in front of her and wondered if he also realized his mistake and was determined to make changes for the two of them?

Wang Mengmeng walked carefully to Zhuo Nianqi's side, and found that the other party didn't know what he was thinking and didn't notice him at all. Wang Mengmeng, should she call him?

She raised and lowered her hand, but still couldn't open her mouth.

Originally, my personality was not the hesitant type. I don’t know why recently I am getting more and more in front of Zhuo Nianqi. I am entangled in how I feel about him and what attitude I should use to treat him. At this moment, I can’t even call him like this. Little things have to be entangled.

She looked at Zhuo Nianqi with some distress, and every time she thought of the bad things Zhuo Nianqi had done to her before, she would always think of how embarrassed he was when he came to the hospital that day.

Wang Mengmeng, this is enough, what more do you ask for, this boy in front of you can ignore his image for you, why are you hesitating?Wang Mengmeng thought in her heart.

He let out a long and depressed sigh, he didn't expect that he would suffer from entanglement and hypocrisy after being admitted to the hospital once.

Zhuo Nianqi was completely immersed in his own world. He was angry, unwilling, and angry. The moment of tranquility in his heart because of Wang Mengmeng was also broken. At this moment, he was very irritable and wanted to vent.

Wang Mengmeng's psychological activities were very rich. From whether to call Zhuo Nianqi, to feeling sorry for Zhuo Nianqi, to analyzing himself later, the process came naturally and was not far-fetched.

After finally regaining consciousness, she looked at Zhuo Nianqi who had his back turned to her. She realized that the problem now was to call Zhuo Nianqi out of her own world first, after all, she was a little tired standing still.

Just as Wang Mengmeng stretched out her hand to pat Zhuo Nianqi's shoulder, she saw that the other person suddenly turned her head and looked at her with a gloomy expression.

The more Zhuo Nianqi thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable, those words intertwined in his mind made him unable to calm down, just about to leave, he did not expect to see the client Wang Mengmeng.

Wang Mengmeng felt that Zhuo Nianqi was a little strange today, seeing the other party's unhappy face, he reluctantly waved his hand.

"Hi, hello! How are you here?"

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Nianqi stared at him firmly, without any intention of saying hello.

Wang Mengmeng felt terrified by that kind of staring eyes, and she didn't know why Zhuo Nianqi was having trouble, so she took a few steps back unconsciously.

At this moment, Zhuo Nianqi had been suppressing the anger in his heart, and when he saw Wang Mengmeng hated him and retreated, he felt that his anger was erupting like a volcano.

Wang Mengmeng, who was completely unaware, was a little scared when he saw Zhuo Nianqi like this, thinking that he was not as scary when he yelled at him before.

Wang Mengmeng didn't expect that her instinctive retreat reaction directly aggravated Zhuo Nianqi's anger.

She didn't know what happened, and seeing Zhuo Nianqi with a gloomy face, she could only look around in embarrassment, and happened to see the lily that Zhuo Nianqi put on the table.

She has always liked lilies very much. She thinks this kind of flower has a feeling of standing proudly. No matter how other flowers compete for beauty, it maintains its true color.

Excitedly, she walked over to hug Lily, thinking that no one else came to see her, so Zhuo Nianqi must have bought the flower.

Holding the bunch of lilies, she looked at Zhuo Nianqi with a bright smile on her lips.

"Thank you for the flowers, I like them very much."

At this moment, the sun was shining on Wang Mengmeng's face from the window, and the girl holding the lily was smiling, which was a beautiful picture.

If he didn't have the information he saw just now, Zhuo Nianqi guessed that he must be looking at Wang Mengmeng with a smirk at this moment, thinking that the other party recognized him.

But Zhuo Nianqi at the moment saw this scene very ironically, and Lily, who was originally very symbolic to him, felt uncomfortable no matter how he saw it.

Zhuo Nianqi thinks that before he thought that Wang Mengmeng was like a lily, it was a slap in the face at this time, Wang Mengmeng who looks like a lily is just the previous Wang Mengmeng, and now Wang Mengmeng has been ruled by the society. I don't know what is dyed by the big dye vat.

Wang Mengmeng looked at Zhuo Nianqi who had an uncertain and silent face, fully felt the other party's kindness, and looked at Zhuo Nianqi worriedly.

"Are you sick today? Your face is not right."

Such caring words sounded so ironic at the moment. If I hadn't seen the news, I would have been very excited when I heard such words, but how many people did the people in front of me say such words to?

Zhuo Nianqi looked at the lily that he had just picked out and held in his hand, the more he looked at it, the more glaring he felt.

So he suddenly walked towards Wang Mengmeng calmly. When Wang Mengmeng saw Zhuo Nianqi walking towards him against the light, his heartbeat accelerated unconsciously, reminding him of his panic and anticipation again and again.

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