Everything actually stems from caring, because caring about the other party does not get her caring, so she hurts others and herself again and again.

On the way to the hospital, Zhuo Nianqi roughly recalled the story of the two of them, and looking back at this moment, he couldn't help but feel childish.Her angry behaviors were actually caused by feeling that she liked Wang Mengmeng, but the other party didn't like her much.

Since Wang Mengmeng was hospitalized, she found that her attitude towards herself had changed a lot. I don't know if this change is good or bad.

Zhuo Nianqi thought of his previous deeds, and with a wry smile lamented that Wang Mengmeng's attitude towards him was considered good, and what he said so resolutely should have made Wang Mengmeng cry.

Thinking of Wang Mengmeng's tears, he realized how stupid his previous behavior was.The suggestion given by Zhuo Mengan, I should seriously implement it.

After all, I was the one who made the mistake before. Although I always felt sorry, I never said sorry to Wang Mengmeng personally.

Zhuo Nianqi had made up his mind to apologize to Wang Mengmeng, especially about the Sunshine International Hotel, he thought that after his apology, the two would get along as before.

Now my mentality towards Wang Mengmeng has gradually calmed down, and I am no longer as irritable as before, and I am more patient with her. I hope that my changes will also benefit the reconciliation between the two.

Zhuo Nianqi thought that from today onwards, he could reconcile with Wang Mengmeng, and the other party would never be so indifferent to him again, which would make Han Jian and Lu Jinbo envious.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Nianqi happily let go of the music, and when he heard the cheerful music, he became even more excited.

Zhuo Nianqi thought that he has been really happy recently, Wanwan is slowly recovering, and the relationship between himself and Wang Mengmeng is getting more and more relaxed.

The two things that I have been worrying about recently have suddenly been solved, and this feeling is also very happy.

After reconciling with Wang Mengmeng, the two of them got along well and never made her cry again. The two worked together to cure Wanwan's depression, and that would be perfect.

The last time Wang Mengmeng went there only once, she became happy every night, and occasionally talked.

In fact, Wang Mengmeng didn't have much hope when she turned to Wang Mengmeng for help, because Meng'an, who often gets along with Wanwan, and herself worked hard for so many days, but it was useless, but she didn't want to let go of any possibility, so she lowered her head and called. Wang Mengmeng.

At that time, I was speechless, so I asked Wang Mengmeng directly how much he wanted. Now that I think about it, my words are the rhythm of doing bad things, but fortunately, Wang Mengmeng didn't stop coming because of this, or I would be a sinner.

Since Wang Mengmeng went to Wan Wanwan's house last time, the whole atmosphere around him became more relaxed.

When I went to Wan Wanwan's house again, I saw that Uncle Wan and Aunt Fang were no longer frowning like before, and they were very energetic. When they saw him coming, they smiled and invited themselves to eat fruit.

Even my own home became less heavy. My parents were worried when they saw Uncle Wan and Aunt Fang, but my father pointed the finger at me. Although my mother didn't blame me, she was also very sad.

That day, I heard that Wanwan was slowly recovering. My mother cooked a lot of dishes by herself, and my father had a smile on his always depressed face. The whole family ate a meal happily.

These are all thanks to Wang Mengmeng, and of course the biggest beneficiary is herself besides Wan Wan, who finally let go of the guilt of the guilty.

Later, when talking with Wanwan's parents, they said that Wanwan and Wang Mengmeng were destined for each other, and they should be allowed to meet more often in the future, which would help Wanwan's recovery.

Unexpectedly, it happened that Wang Mengmeng was injured. Originally, Wanwan's parents said they would go to see Wang Mengmeng, but they delayed because of Wanwan's affairs, but in the future, they could help Wanwan together with Wang Mengmeng.

Zhuo Nianqi thought a lot along the way, whether it was about the past or the future, he finally had a correct understanding.

After getting out of the car, he couldn't help but walk in looking at the flower shop around him. He chose a bunch of lilies that were not gorgeous but elegant.

If Wang Mengmeng had to be described by one kind of flower, Zhuo Nianqi would definitely think of lily, clean and elegant, although compared with other brightly colored flowers, it is a bit monotonous, but it is very temperamental.

Zhuo Nianqi rushed to the ward happily, thinking of creating a surprise, so he walked in without knocking on the door, and put flowers in front of his face to block it.

"Guess who I am?"

After waiting for a long time without any response, Zhuo Nianqi took down the flower in embarrassment, thinking that he would see Wang Mengmeng's expressionless face, and tried to cheer himself up.

"I know you must think I am naive at this time. I want to say that what happened before is my fault, and I shouldn't ignore your feelings."

He waited for a long time and still didn't respond. After taking down the flowers anxiously, he found that there was no one there. There was no sign of Wang Mengmeng on the hospital bed.

Zhuo Nianqi felt embarrassed and satisfied at the same time, because it was much better than what he had imagined just now that Wang Mengmeng was in the ward and ignored him. What was embarrassing was that he just talked about the series of self-directed and self-acted ones just now.

I finally mustered up the courage to apologize once, and I dedicated it to the hospital ward. This feeling is also drunk.

He comforted himself with a wry smile, this time it will be practice.

Seeing that Wang Mengmeng has packed almost everything, her things are neatly placed in the cardboard box, the hospital bed is neatly packed as if no one has ever lived in it, and even the quilt is folded with edges and corners.

Zhuo Nianqi looked around the ward slowly like a patrolling leader, and saw that the green plants by the window were growing very vigorously, thinking that Wang Mengmeng must have taken care of them during this time.

After staying with Wang Mengmeng for a long time, you will find that she is a very careful and caring girl, except for myself of course.

Most of the time, she doesn't fight for anything, treats others very sincerely, and is very loyal to her friends. This kind of Wang Mengmeng makes Zhuo Nianqi always feel that she is a bit of a nice person.

But maybe this is her way of getting along!Zhuo Nianqi's attitude towards the person in charge of the construction site once made Zhuo Nianqi think that she would be bullied, but he didn't expect that the other party was also very kind to her.

Maybe it was because Wang Mengmeng was too sincere to people, so other people were too embarrassed to treat her badly, so I was really worrying too much.

Zhuo Nianqi waited for a long time but did not see Wang Mengmeng coming back. He wanted to apologize sincerely, but felt that such waiting was really a torment, so he paced anxiously in the ward.

On the surface it looks very confident, but in fact Zhuo Nianqi is still very guilty, he is afraid that Wang Mengmeng will be indifferent after he apologizes, what should he do?
Thinking of this trouble, she shook her head, and persuaded herself that Wang Mengmeng is not such a cruel person. Her attitude towards herself has improved now, and she should not be so cruel to embarrass herself.

Zhuo Nianqi guessed a lot about Wang Mengmeng's reaction after his apology. The more he guessed, the more guilty he felt. He sat down on the stool decisively, put the lily in his hand on the table, took out his phone to take a picture, and put it away when he found that he looked good. .

Suddenly, he caught sight of Wang Mengmeng's mobile phone on the bed from the corner of the eye, and Zhuo Nianqi thoughtfully picked it up and put it on the table. What if I can't find her on the phone.

Naturally, Wang Mengmeng didn't take her mobile phone, so she probably had something urgent and wouldn't go out for a long time, so Zhuo Nianqi sat on the stool and waited for Wang Mengmeng with peace of mind.

Zhuo Nianqi thought that Wang Mengmeng had been alone in this ward for a long time, she must be bored!At this time, I regretted that I didn't come to see her more.

What if seeing her every day made her feel soft!I knew I should try it!
Zhuo Nianqi thought regretfully, but there is no regret medicine in the world, so he can only accept the reality, fortunately it is not too late now.While Zhuo Nianqi was contemplating, he saw the phone vibrate suddenly on the table, and the ear-piercing voice brought Zhuo Nianqi back to his senses.

Seeing an unfamiliar number flashing on the screen without a note, Zhuo Nianqi struggled whether to answer it or not.

It doesn't matter if it's a harassing call or not, but if it's a call from Wang Mengmeng's friend or family member, how can I explain it if I answer it myself?

Zhuo Nianqi looked at the flickering mobile phone in conflict, and he was relieved to see it slowly dimming, thinking that if he called for the second time, he would answer it.

As soon as he finished thinking about this sentence, he heard a bell ringing, Zhuo Nianqi thought sadly that it might be so evil!I just called when I finished thinking. Is this call destined to be answered?

Zhuo Nianqi resignedly picked up the mobile phone on the table, but found that the screen was still black, Zhuo Nianqi felt very depressed now, it wasn't this phone that was ringing, which one was it?

Zhuo Nianqi was unresponsive before realizing that it was his mobile phone, and couldn't help but feel ashamed of his IQ.

Embarrassed, he took out the phone and found that it was Wanwan's call. After connecting, Zhuo Nianqi's heart softened when he heard Wanwan call Brother Zhuo in a sweet voice.

"Wanwan, what's the matter?" Zhuo Nianqi also asked softly.

Hearing Wanwan covering the microphone over there and saying something to someone, it took a while before she opened her mouth slowly.

"Brother Zhuo, have you arrived at the hospital?"

It was very strange for Zhuo Nianqi to hear Wanwan's question. It seemed that only Zhuo Meng'an knew about it today, but suddenly realized that it was his younger brother who betrayed him, which was a bit funny.

"How did Wan Wan know that my brother came to the hospital today?"

When Wan Wanwan heard Zhuo Nianqi's question, she blurted out, "Isn't Sister Mengmeng going to be discharged from the hospital today? Didn't you go to the hospital to apologize?"

When Zhuo Nianqi heard Wan Wan's answer, it was as expected that he was betrayed by that little traitor Meng An, so he lowered his voice on purpose.

"Is Mengan next to you? Let him answer the phone."

Zhuo Mengan on the phone heard his brother asking him to answer the phone, hurriedly waved to Wan Wanwan and whispered that I was not there.

Wan Wanwan nodded at Zhuo Meng'an with her eyes wide open, and said to the other end of the phone, "Brother Zhuo, Brother An said he's not here."

Zhuo Meng'an, who originally thought he would be able to escape, was bleeding in his heart when he heard these words, and resigned himself to his fate, he went to Wan Wan to pick up the phone.

"Brother, is there something wrong with your name An An?"

Zhuo Nianqi heard his younger brother's guilty answer, and said directly: "You little traitor, you told Wanwan early that I went to the hospital."

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