ex-wife, get married

Chapter 362: Wanzigui VS Fang Zhilan each has his own thoughts

"Fang Zhilan and the other two sisters are not alike at all. Fang Zhilan is so dignified and outstanding. She was born from a mother's womb and taught by a father. Fang Zhihan shouldn't be that kind of coquettish and capricious."

Zhuo Xiangyu bent his finger and tapped on Jiang Muyan's head. He didn't use much strength, but it was enough to wake up the little girl. She had to go through her brain to speak, but the smile on the corner of her mouth made people see that she was full of emotion. Pamper.

"Zhilan was instilled by her adoptive father since she was a child to be a qualified heir. Naturally, she is much calmer than Zhihan, who was raised by her adoptive father. Zhihan was deliberately used to be like that by her adoptive father."

Surprise flashed across Jiang Muyan's face, he obviously didn't understand why Fang Wenguo deliberately spoiled Fang Zhihan to be capricious, isn't it more attractive for a girl to be dignified and kind?
Seeing that the little woman was trying to break her head but couldn't think of the reason, the smile on the corner of Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth deepened, he pinched her little face, and then he softly relieved her with his head against her head doubts.

"If the girl is more delicate, if the future son-in-law really likes that girl, how can he treat the girl's natal family much better?"

Jiang Muyan's eyes widened in surprise at Zhuo Xiangyu's words, and then wrinkled his nose, "Your adoptive father really thinks long-term, and there are eleven profiteers, no wonder it belongs to your adoptive father. The saying “whose son shall have a son” applies appropriately to you.”

Hearing what the little woman said, Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't help laughing loudly, approached her ear ambiguously, and put his mouth directly on her pink earlobe.

"No profiteering, no business, otherwise, how could I have tricked you into joining me as a thief?"

I don't know if Zhuo Xiangyu's posture is too ambiguous or what he said has a deep meaning, even if Jiang Muyan blushed, she didn't feel sharp in the past with a flying eye, but it still made Zhuo Xiangyu inexplicably itchy, as if she really It's a glance at him.

"Zhuo Xiangyu, you have the nerve to say it, why did you trick me into getting on your thief ship? It's clear that I don't know how much effort it took to soften this ice cube of yours!"

When mentioning the past, Jiang Muyan's face was full of dissatisfaction with Zhuo Xiangyu, and he couldn't help poking his fingers on the man's thick chest.

Being accused by the little woman, Zhuo Xiangyu not only didn't feel any embarrassment, on the contrary, he smiled even more intensely. He stretched out his hand to hold the little woman's hand, and put it all into his palm.

"Even if you took the initiative first, you don't have to keep thinking about it all the time, and..." Zhuo Xiangyu deliberately elongated his voice until he saw a puzzled expression flashing across Jiang Muyan's face, and then he continued slowly.

"Besides, Ah Yan, since you became pregnant, has your hearing power declined? I'm talking about a thief's bed, not a thief's boat!"

Hearing this, Jiang Muyan's face was as red as Zhuo Xiangyu expected, and he glared fiercely at the man who was holding him in his arms, Jiang Muyan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pushed him.

"You man, really, you know I'm pregnant and you still say such things, don't you know prenatal education? You are so unruly, and your son knows that you still have the dignity of being a father."

Zhuo Xiangyu, who was reprimanded by Jiang Muyan, widened his smile. Seeing the little woman's shy look, he felt inexplicably happy. He lowered his head and quickly took a bite of the little woman's mouth, and then, before she could react, Time to withdraw.

Jiang Muyan lost his temper after such a fuss, and had no choice but to put on a vicious look and stare at him deliberately.

Compared to the sweetness and warmth in the private room, Fang Zhilan followed Fang Zhihan all the way to the toilet. It is not an exaggeration to describe her current situation with the words "distressed and hot".

I saw Fang Zhihan staring at Fang Zhilan with hatred on his face, his face was full of unwilling twists.

"Why didn't you tell me about it? Why didn't I find out until that woman already had a child?"

Fang Zhihan's cold and questioning tone made Fang Zhilan frowned, "Zhihan, I am your sister, no matter how angry you are in my heart about my concealment from you, please pay attention to what you say to me. tone!"

Fang Zhihan was in a fit of anger, how could she listen to Fang Zhilan's reprimand and education to her, as long as she thought of Zhuo Xiangyu's gentle care for Jiang Muyan, Fang Zhihan just wanted to stick a knife into Jiang Muyan's heart.

"Sister? Is there a sister like you? Obviously I am your sister, but you help outsiders to hide this matter from me. You just want to see my jokes. If you are like this, what right do you have to say that you are my sister?" ?”

Fang Zhihan's rebellion made the atmosphere between the two people suddenly tense. Fang Zhilan didn't like to quarrel with others very much. into her heart.

Reluctantly caressing her forehead, the smile on the corner of Fang Zhilan's mouth was a little desolate, and her eyes were full of disappointment when she looked at Fang Zhihan, "So in Zhihan's heart, as a sister, I am just waiting to see my sister's jokes, and I am not qualified to be your sister Fang Zhihan Are you a bad guy?"

Fang Zhilan's words made Fang Zhihan speechless all of a sudden, as if she suddenly realized that she had said something wrong, Fang Zhihan's expression was very embarrassing, her eyes were a little more guilty, she opened her mouth, but she didn't say a word of apology.

"You don't know about your own impulsive character? If I had told you that there was such a woman by his side, you would have overthrown S City and Hong Kong."

Taking a deep breath, seeing that Fang Zhihan's complexion became very bad, and she opened her mouth to refute her own words again, Fang Zhilan directly pressed her shoulder, motioning her to listen to her.

"You don't know what kind of feelings Xiangyu has for you. My sister knows that you are unwilling, but there are many good men in the world, so why would you hang yourself on a tree?"

"Yes, I did know that there was such a woman by his side when I came here last time. But I didn't tell you, I just hope that you can see for yourself the difference between Xiangyu's love for you and the woman he loves, and make you give up .”

"You are the object that everyone in Hong Kong's high society is vying for to show you. Why do you have to lower your status and take the initiative to post a man who doesn't love you?"

Fang Zhilan's persuasion made Fang Zhihan's eyes turn red instantly, he took a slight step forward, put his arms around her neck, and cried on her shoulder.

"Sister, but I'm really not reconciled. I've loved Brother Zhuo for so many years. How come he already belongs to someone else before I take action?"

Fang Zhilan sighed softly, raised her hand to wipe away the tears from Fang Zhihan's face one by one, and gently held her face.

"Zhihan, one day, you'll understand that love doesn't belong to whoever falls in love with that person first. In fact, to tell you the truth, Jiang Muyan and Xiangyu are also childhood sweethearts, and they started from the same starting point as you. But Xiangyu's choice is her, so it's not anyone who can speak well about feelings."

Fang Zhilan's words made Fang Zhihan stop her tears in an instant, "Sister, tell me, is it because I stay in Hong Kong all year round and have no chance to get along with brother Zhuo, and he has always lived with that woman, so he fell in love with that woman?" Women's!"

Fang Zhilan didn't expect that Fang Zhihan's obsession with Zhuo Xiangyu would be so deep, her brows that had just been stretched couldn't help but frowned again.

"Zhihan, it doesn't mean that you will fall in love with someone after being with him for a long time. If you are really smart, you should listen to your sister and give up Xiangyu. Hong Kong's young talents are up to you!"

However, Fang Zhihan stubbornly believed in that death principle and refused to change it. She slightly pushed away Fang Zhilan who had been persuading her to give up, Fang Zhihan's face was full of determination.

"Sister, I will not give up on brother Zhuo. Even if I give up, it should be the woman who gives up. Brother Zhuo is mine. No one can take him away from me. Even if she has brother Zhuo's child, she can't." Let her snatch Brother Zhuo away easily!"

Fang Zhilan's eyebrows couldn't help but twitch at Fang Zhihan's words, as if she was afraid that she would do something impulsive, Fang Zhilan immediately asked worriedly.

"Zhihan, you are not allowed to mess around, if something happens to Jiang Muyan and the child in her womb, the consequences will be that even Daddy may not be able to protect you!"

However, Fang Zhihan had already put on a bright smile on her face again, took out her own cosmetics from her bag, and turned to face the mirror to touch up her makeup.

I hope Brother Zhuo remembers her most beautiful appearance!

When Fang Zhihan finished putting on her makeup, Fang Zhilan was still looking at her with that worried look, rolled her eyes, and immediately smiled at her.

"Sister, don't worry, I'm already sensible, and I won't do anything impulsive to destroy the Fang family. I just want Daddy to tell Brother Zhuo to arrange for me to enter Zhuo's family, so that I can have someone who can get along with him day and night." Opportunity!"

Although Fang Zhihan's explanation made Fang Zhilan feel a little relieved, the worries in her heart did not dissipate. As long as Fang Zhihan did not give up Zhuo Xiangyu, she would always feel uneasy.

Going back to the box, Zhuo Xiangyu had already ordered a table of dishes, obviously no matter whether they would come back or not, he planned to have a sweet meal with Jiang Muyan here.

Looking at the intimate posture of the two of them, Fang Zhihan only felt that the bright smile on her face that had been restored with great difficulty was showing signs of breaking again, but she knew very well that—a little intolerance would lead to a big conspiracy.

Lowering her head slightly, Fang Zhihan didn't masochistically look at Zhuo Xiangyu and Jiang Muyan, but tried her best to shift her attention to the table full of delicacies in front of her, and kept hypnotizing herself.

Fang Zhilan saw that her younger sister's hand holding the tableware was already trembling, but she wanted to pretend that she didn't care at all. She felt sorry for her, but she couldn't say anything to comfort her.

Because it's all her own choice.

Fang Zhihan's quietness was beyond Jiang Muyan's expectation and it was all reasonable. She was not an unreasonable person. Fang Zhihan's quietness was just what she wanted, allowing her to enjoy a good dinner.

After a meal, only Zhuo Xiangyu and Jiang Muyan were at ease without any embarrassment at all, but the two sisters of the Fang family had their own thoughts.

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