ex-wife, get married

Chapter 361: Wanzigui VS Fang Zhilan Xishan Cemetery

S city

As soon as Fang Zhilan got off the plane, she saw Liu Enzheng, who was sent by Zhuo Xiangyu to pick up the plane, but Fang Zhihan was very dissatisfied that Zhuo Xiangyu only sent a special assistant over and didn't come to pick up the plane in person.

"Where's Brother Zhuo? Why doesn't he come to pick me up?"

Fang Zhihan's questioning tone made Fang Zhilan and Liu Enzheng frowned at the same time, and Fang Zhilan took the lead in reprimanding her for her willful words and deeds.

"Zhihan, don't be ignorant, have you forgotten how you made sure on the plane?"

After being reprimanded by Fang Zhilan, Fang Zhihan's face was a little impressive, she pouted aggrievedly, lowered her head but did not speak again.

"Liu Tezhu, I'm really sorry, Zhihan is young and ignorant, please don't take it to your heart when you say something offensive."

Compared with Fang Zhihan's coquettish willfulness, Fang Zhilan's intellectual tact is more able to win people's favor. Liu Enzheng smiled politely, took Fang Zhilan's luggage, and then opened his mouth to explain to them.

"Mr. Zhuo and Mr. Wan have a very important dinner today, so I specially arranged for me to pick them up, and told them to make sure they are satisfied. It seems that it is really difficult for me to meet Mr. Zhuo's request. !"

The latter sentence was obviously aimed at Fang Zhihan, so why couldn't she hear it, she raised her head and gave Liu Enzheng a vicious look, and then retaliated at him arrogantly.

"I'm not dissatisfied. Since Brother Zhuo is busy, I won't be ignorant and insist on asking him to do something!"

Fang Zhilan looked at her little sister who said she was dissatisfied, but the expression on her face and the emotion in her eyes clearly showed that I was very unhappy, and a helpless look appeared on her face.

Sending Fang Zhilan and Fang Zhihan to the hotel, Liu Enzheng didn't intend to stay longer, but Fang Zhilan suddenly stopped him.

"Liu Tezhu, please wait a moment!"

Liu Enzheng turned around in doubt, and looked at Fang Zhilan's uneasy face, and the movements of her hands were somewhat cramped. Liu Enzheng had never seen her like this before, and couldn't help wondering what Fang Zhilan wanted to tell him. .

Fang Zhilan hesitated for a while before speaking out her question slowly.

"Do you know... where Su Ran's tomb is?"

A flash of understanding flashed across Liu Enzheng's face, but then he frowned again. Although he didn't know about Su Ran and her, he had heard that Su Ran died to save her.

When Wan Zigui's secretary Linda asked him to help investigate Fang Zhilan's entry and exit records, he wondered why Fang Zhilan didn't attend Su Ran's funeral, and he still couldn't understand it.

Thinking of Wan Zigui telling him thousands of times before he came to pick up the plane, if Fang Zhilan asked anything about Su Ran, he had to say that he didn't know anything, he couldn't help but get entangled.

Fang Zhilan also saw the struggle on Liu Enzheng's face, sighed helplessly, and forced the corner of her mouth to face him.

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, I won't force it."

The corner of Liu Enzheng's mouth twitched, and he answered subconsciously.

"Mr. Su's tomb is in Xishan Cemetery, in Area B. That's all I can tell you. Miss Fang will probably have to find the rest by yourself."

Fang Zhilan obviously didn't expect that Liu Enzheng would actually tell her, the excitement flashed across her face, and then she smiled sincerely, thanking Liu Enzheng repeatedly, which made Liu Enzheng feel embarrassed.

Fang Zhilan thought that Zhuo Xiangyu probably saw that Fang Zhihan followed her to City S, and probably didn't want to receive them, but to her surprise, Zhuo Xiangyu, who was the host of the night they arrived in City S, offered to invite them to dinner .

When Fang Zhihan heard Zhuo Xiangyu take the initiative to invite him to dinner, the gloom on his face immediately disappeared, and he was full of happy smiles. He didn't even bother to pack the luggage he brought, so he rushed back to the room and started to dress up.

"Sister, do you think I look better in this dress or this one?"

Fang Zhihan ran up to Fang Zhilan excitedly, holding a skirt in each hand, gesticulating on her body.

Fang Zhilan wanted to tell Fang Zhihan that no matter how stunningly dressed she was, she almost blurted out the words that would not attract Zhuo Xiangyu's special attention, but she turned around and swallowed it back.

With a forced smile, Fang Zhilan carefully compared under Fang Zhihan's dissatisfied gaze, and then pointed to the light green knee-length skirt she was holding in her right hand.

"This one! It matches your complexion very well."

Fang Zhihan immediately dropped the skirt on her left hand, and ran briskly to the dressing room.

After dressing up, Fang Zhilan received a call from Zhuo Xiangyu, asking where they were and if they should send someone to pick them up.

The restaurant Zhuo Xiangyu chose was not far from the hotel where they were staying, so Fang Zhilan didn't ask Zhuo Xiangyu to send a car to pick them up, but Fang Zhihan immediately urged Fang Zhilan to go out as soon as she heard that it was Zhuo Xiangyu's call.

When the two came to Yupin Pavilion, the receptionist at the front desk immediately raised a warm smile and asked how many of them were there. He heard that it was Zhuo Xiangyu and others, and immediately brought them to a place where the environment was good. box.

Standing at the door, before Fang Zhilan had time to tell Fang Zhihan to prepare her mentally, the latter had already opened the door with a bright smile on his face.

"Brother Zhuo!"

As Fang Zhilan expected, Fang Zhihan just stepped through the door with one foot, and the whole person froze in place because of the scene in the room.

I saw Jiang Muyan, who was wearing a loose dress, sitting beside Zhuo Xiangyu. The posture of the two was very intimate. Zhuo Xiangyu put one hand on the back of Jiang Muyan's seat, protecting her whole body. within the range of his arms.

Hearing Fang Zhihan's voice, the moment Zhuo Xiangyu raised his head, his face lost the tenderness towards Jiang Muyan, and put on a polite but alienated smile. He glanced at Fang Zhihan, and then nodded at Fang Zhilan who hadn't entered the door behind her. nodded.

"You guys are here, come and sit down!"

Fang Zhilan saw that Zhuo Xiangyu had opened his mouth, but Fang Zhihan still stood there in a daze, unable to recover, she couldn't help but frowned, put her arm on Fang Zhihan's shoulders, and led her into the box.

After sitting down, Fang Zhilan raised her head and met Jiang Muyan's peaceful smile. Fang Zhilan also smiled and nodded to her, but Fang Zhihan, who had recovered, caught her eyes.

Fang Zhihan stared at Fang Zhilan in disbelief, her big watery eyes seemed to be asking, "Sister, how do you know this woman next to Brother Zhuo?"

Fang Zhilan stroked her forehead helplessly, and wanted to open her mouth to explain to Fang Zhihan, but she saw a bright smile on her face, and she spoke innocently to Jiang Muyan.

"Brother Zhuo, I don't know this sister yet! Aren't you going to introduce me?" Although the question was addressed to Zhuo Xiangyu, her eyes never left Jiang Muyan from the beginning to the end.

When Jiang Muyan saw Fang Zhihan and Fang Zhilan walk into the box together, she called Zhuo Xiangyu brother again, and she immediately understood Fang Zhihan's identity.

After staying by Zhuo Xiangyu's side for so long, she is used to seeing people. How could she not feel the little girl's rejection of her from Fang Zhihan's undisguised jealousy and scrutiny when she looked at her.

With a smile that was as elegant and decent as Fang Zhilan's, Jiang Muyan pressed Zhuo Xiangyu's intention to speak, and looked at Fang Zhihan with a smile.

"Little girl, my name is Jiang Muyan, and I'm your brother Zhuo's fiancée..."

The words "fiancee" deeply stimulated Fang Zhihan, causing the bright smile on her face to be damaged for a moment, but she was a child of the Fang family, how could she be defeated like this, so she quickly adjusted her mentality, Fang Zhihan not only did not have Jiang Muyan's imagination Zhong was out of breath, but his smile became even sweeter.

"Ah! Brother Zhuo's fiancée? Why have I never heard of Brother Zhuo admitting that he has a fiancée?"

Jiang Muyan obviously didn't expect that a little girl who didn't look like she had any hair on her head would be so powerful in combat. She was displeased for a moment when she retorted with sharp teeth, but she didn't show it, and her smile was still peaceful.

She has the trump card in her hand, but she is just a little girl who has wishful thinking for Zhuo Xiangyu, will she take it seriously!

"Of course you don't know it when you are far away in Hong Kong, but...in City S, who doesn't know that I am the mother of Xiangyu's child!"

While Jiang Muyan was talking, he still didn't forget that the movements of his hands were very gentle to cover his stomach and touched it. The expression on his face became happier, exuding the unique brilliance of motherhood.

Fang Zhihan's psychological endurance was obviously no match for Jiang Muyan's sudden bombing, the expression on his face was full of surprise, and then the blood on his face quickly faded.

"You are pregnant with Brother Zhuo's child..."

Fang Zhilan looked at her sister's hard-to-accept look, and couldn't help sighing in her heart. She deliberately didn't tell Fang Zhihan about this, in order to let her give up on Zhuo Xiangyu, but now she couldn't help it. Distressed.

He held Fang Zhihan's hand under the table, trying to give Fang Zhihan some comfort, but she threw it away directly, and stared at Fang Zhilan with hatred, as if he was very dissatisfied with her hiding this matter from him.

Fang Zhilan only felt that her throat was so hard that she couldn't explain, and watched Fang Zhihan run out of the box.

Seeing that Zhuo Xiangyu was still acting as if nothing to do with him, Fang Zhilan felt helpless for Fang Zhihan's waywardness.

"Zhihan is ignorant, I'll go and see her, I'll be back soon!" As soon as he finished speaking, he strode out of the box.

When only he and Zhuo Xiangyu were left in the box, Jiang Muyan pushed Zhuo Xiangyu's arm away, with an angry look on his face as if he wanted to blame him, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up because of Fang Zhihan's victory up.

"Be honest! That Fang Zhihan doesn't seem to have a simple brother-sister relationship with you!"

Zhuo Xiangyu helplessly stretched out his hand again and put Jiang Muyan directly into his arms, "Jealous girl, your son, the biggest trump card, is already in your stomach, are you still afraid that others will snatch me away?"

Jiang Muyan cast a sideways glance at Zhuo Xiangyu, and then rested his chin with his hand, looking like a philosopher, Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't help laughing, thinking that she might speak out loud again.

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