ex-wife, get married

Chapter 357: Wanzigui VS Fang Zhilan's Heartless Woman

"The way to God is unpredictable, because of the nature of his mercy, in his words and in his mythology, because although God has given us the message, we are still obliged to interpret it..."

At Su Ran's funeral, Wan Zigui was dressed in a black formal suit, holding a white rose in his hand, with a sad expression on his face, he hadn't closed his eyes and rested for many days, it was obvious at a glance that his face couldn't be covered tired and tired.

"...for when we opened our arms, the earth took this empty, unconscious body, but now this soul is far away, into eternal radiance, and it is through pain that we find meaning in life, as we were born Lost grace, God with infinite wisdom taught us the answer, and because he has no body, our soul can be reborn in his world..."

Pulling himself together, Wan Zigui looked at the priest standing on the stage with a calm gaze. The same eulogy made him want to stop and end.

"Wan... We can't contact Miss Fang Zhilan here."

The secretary Linda who quietly walked to Wan Zigui's side, who was also dressed in black professional attire, bent down slightly in a decent and elegant posture, and reported softly in his ear.

Wan Zigui frowned instinctively, and he was about to pull out his phone, "How could it be impossible to get in touch? Doesn't she live in the Pearl Hotel? If she can't be reached by phone, why don't you go to the hotel and find someone directly?"

Being accused by Wan Zigui Yitong, Linda didn't show any embarrassment, but when she mentioned Fang Zhilan, there was a little hesitation on her face.

"Mr. Wan, I went to the Pearl Hotel to check. Ms. Fang Zhilan checked out two days ago, and even Miss Fang Zhihan checked out at the same time as her..."

Seeing that Wan Zigui's face showed faint signs of getting angry, Linda stopped her next words in time, but Wan Zigui might not allow her to stop.

"go on!"

Linda sighed softly, Wan Zigui asked her to finish, she didn't dare to hide it, so she had to continue to report.

"I went to the Traffic Management Bureau to check Ms. Fang Zhilan's entry and exit records. Ms. Fang Zhilan took the plane back to Hong Kong an hour after checking out."

After thinking about what Linda reported to him, except for the emergency situation at the Fang family that made Fang Zhilan have to go back, otherwise she really couldn't explain why she left in such a hurry.

Two days ago, wasn't that the time when Su Ran died on the operating table?No wonder even Zhuo Xiangyu went to the hospital, but she was still missing.

"Is there any news from the Fang family?"

Linda shook her head and didn't explain anything, but Wan Zigui's eyes gradually became condensed, and her whole face was very gloomy because of haggardness and emotional displeasure.

"May God forgive you as you forgive others, from the dust they come and return to dust, may your soul rest in peace in heaven, Amen."

The lengthy eulogy was finally over. Under the priest's signal, Wan Zigui got up first, and Linda also took off the white rose pinned to her breast pocket, and followed Wan Zigui's pace to go up with him. Go forward and place the roses on Su Ran's ice coffin.

Following Wan Zigui's action, everyone sitting in the church lined up with their own roses to go up to the stage one by one to imitate Wan Zigui's appearance and present white roses.

Wan Zigui stood obliquely in front of the ice coffin, bowing to everyone who came to offer flowers, Linda stood not far behind him, her eyes were closely following him, for fear that he would be too tired He died and fell at the venue.

Finally, when all the people had finished offering flowers, there were not many people left in the church. Su Ran had always been a loner, and her personality was extremely withdrawn abroad. Except for Wan Zigui, a sincere friend, There are almost no close friends in the circle.

When Su Ran was abroad, he almost lost contact with Wan Zigui, and Wan Zigui knew very little about his relationship. His funeral was entrusted to Wan Zigui, and almost all the people invited were from Zhuo Zigui. He only came to participate because of his face.

After leaving the church, when Su Ran's ashes were buried in the cemetery, a few drizzles of rain finally fell from the gloomy sky. Matched with Wan Zigui's sad face, it seemed that the sky was moved by their profound friendship.

When all the ceremonies of the funeral were completed, Wan Zigui, who had been holding on for a long time, finally failed to go back, and fell down directly.

When he woke up again, Wan Zigui's head was groggy, as if a century had passed, but the extra black and white photo on the bedside clearly reminded him of the memories he didn't want to recall All returned.

The door was pushed open, and Linda, who had changed into casual attire, was a little less aggressive than working with Wan Zigui, but she was still glamorous. When she saw Wan Zigui wake up, she immediately boiled herself up for several hours. The bone soup was handed to him like a gift.

"The doctor said that you will wake up around this time. I think it's almost time to make some soup for your body. You haven't rested during this time. You need to take good care of your body!"

The corners of Wan Zigui's mouth parted slightly, feeling that he was really hungry. He took the bowl that Linda handed over, and poured all the soup into his mouth in one gulp, without savoring the taste of the soup at all. He opened his mouth and gave a good review.

“It tastes great!”

Linda didn't seem to care about Wanzigui's indifference, and a satisfied smile immediately appeared on his face when he praised him, "I cooked a pot and prepared your favorite meals, I want to be sure I'm hungry, get up!"

Wan Zigui adjusted his mentality, and soon he lost the unhappiness of his friend's death. Although he was still a little tired, there was a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time.

He rubbed his belly, then nodded at Linda, "Your bowl of soup makes me feel really hungry, thank you for taking care of me!"

The smile on Linda's face remained unchanged. It seemed that as long as Wan Zigui was in a good mood, she would naturally be infected by him.

At the dining table, when Wan Zigui threw the last vegetable into his mouth, the fatigue of these days seemed to be swept away suddenly, and he became much more energetic.

Stretching lazily after eating and drinking, Wan Zigui began to care about Zhuo's situation, "These days when I'm away, the new project with Fang's hasn't gone wrong!"

Linda obviously disapproved of Wan Zigui, who let herself be busy again just after she was a little energetic, because she was not in the company, so the two of them got along much more casually, and she just rolled her eyes at Wan Zigui. Zigui.

"Even if there are any new problems, it's not your concern for the time being. Mr. Zhuo has granted you half a month's vacation to let you have a good rest. You can enjoy this rare vacation obediently!"

A holiday in exchange for a friend's life?
A hint of self-mockery flashed in Wan Zigui's eyes, but he quickly stopped, and asked Fang Zhilan as if changing the subject.

"Is there still no news from Hong Kong?"

Linda had been with Wan Zigui for a while, so she naturally understood what he really wanted to ask, so she slightly restrained the casual emotions on her face, and frowned.

"Until now, the Fang family is still doing business as usual, Miss Fang Zhilan is also going to work every day, and there is no important news coming."

Wan Zigui suddenly felt very unworthy for Su Ran in his heart. He even gave up his life to save her. After suffering in the intensive care unit for so long, he couldn't make it through. Not to mention, she, Fang Zhilan, didn't react at all when she heard about Su Ran's death. No.

"A heartless woman!"

Picking up the watermelon juice that Linda had just squeezed for him on the table, he raised his head and poured it directly into his stomach, almost treating the watermelon juice as wine, which made Linda frown.

When it was time for Linda to go back, seeing Wan Zigui's posture, although she knew that she shouldn't be troublesome, she still couldn't help but remind him a few words.

"You are still very weak. During this period of time, you should take a good rest and don't touch alcohol!"

Wan Zigui acted as if he didn't hear him, and didn't respond to Linda who was worried about him. The helpless Linda had no choice but to pray in his heart that Wan Zigui's sanity would stay for a while.

Hong Kong
"Daddy, how are you feeling today? Did you take the medicine prescribed by Dr. Wang on time?"

After working all day, the first thing Fang Zhilan did when she returned to Fang's mansion was to go upstairs to Fang Wenguo's bedroom to see how he was doing, for fear that something might happen to him.

Fang Wenguo held a photo in his hand, and looked down at the photo as if he was recalling the past memories. He didn't even respond to Fang Zhilan as if he didn't hear what Fang Zhilan was talking to him.

Fang Zhilan sighed softly, walked a little closer, and waved her hand in front of Fang Wenguo's eyes, but still didn't get any reaction from him, only to find that he was not remembering at all, but fell asleep looking at the photos.

Daddy's spirit has gotten worse since he came back from the hospital, but he insists on recuperating at home, and no one can change his mind.

Sighing softly, Fang Zhilan slowly took out the photo in Fang Wenguo's hand. She couldn't help but look at the photo twice, but she recognized the three people in the photo as Fang Wenguo himself. The fifth uncle Fang Zhengzhi and the fourth uncle Fang Chengzhi who died young.

Put the photo back on the cabinet next to Fang Wenguo's bed, and the butler, Uncle Lin, walked in. Fang Zhilan frowned and glanced at Fang Wenguo who was sleeping on the bed, made a silent gesture to him, then lowered her voice and asked him .

"How is Daddy today? How many meals have you taken?"

Uncle Lin looked at Fang Wenguo who was asleep, and took the initiative to lay his body flat so that he had a comfortable sleeping position, then sighed softly at Fang Zhilan, and shook his head.

"The master is not in a good condition. He sat on the bed and looked at the photos for a day, and he didn't allow me to stay by the side, saying that he wanted to be alone. He woke up after a short sleep, and continued to look at the photos when he woke up. have eaten."

Hearing that Uncle Lin said that Fang Wenguo was obediently taking medicine besides being mentally weak, the worries in his heart dissipated a little, rubbed the center of his brows, and walked out.

"As long as Daddy takes the medicine, he will be fine. The doctor also said that Daddy's body will recover slowly."

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