ex-wife, get married

Chapter 356: Wanzigui VS Fang Zhilan Can't Extricate Herself

Hong Kong
Fang Wenguo was finally out of danger, and finally woke up after sleeping for a few days. When he woke up, he saw his eldest daughter Fang Zhilan guarding his bed. He was relieved that his daughter was finally out of danger. Wan Zigui also felt extremely grateful.

Fang Wenguo looked behind his daughter Fang Zhilan as if he was looking for something.

Fang Zhilan saw that her father's expression was different, and asked in confusion: "Dad, what are you looking for? Tell your daughter, she will help you find it."

Fang Wenguo waved his hand and coughed lightly, "Where's Su Ran? Why didn't I see Su Ran? Since you're out of danger, it's impossible for Su Ran to come out yet. Where's Su Ran? It's impossible for Su Ran to know that I was hospitalized but Don't come to see me. Zhilan, tell me, where is Su Ran?"

Fang Zhilan bit her lip, hesitated for a long time before finally speaking, "Dad, Su Ran...he is still in S city!"

"Still in City S? Why hasn't he come back? You've already come back, why is he still in City S?" Fang Wenguo was a little out of breath, and his breathing began to become short.

"Dad, Dad, don't get excited, the doctor told you not to get excited."

Seeing that her father was not in the right condition, Fang Zhilan quickly walked to her father's side, and reached out to pat the father's back. "Dad, I'll call the doctor for you!" As he said, he stretched out his hand to ring the calling bell.

Fang Wenguo pulled Fang Zhilan's hand off and breathed calmly, "Zhilan, tell me, why didn't Su Ran come back with you? Did something happen to Su Ran?"

Looking at his father's expression, and thinking about what the doctor told him, he had an idea in his heart, knowing that he must not tell his father that Su Ran was still in the hospital in Hong Kong to save her, so he pursed his lips and said with a smile :

"Dad, you are overthinking. It's because there are still some follow-up matters in S City that he needs to deal with, and your matter is urgent. Before I had time to tell him, I rushed back by myself. He I don't know yet. You, don't worry so much, you don't want someone Su Ran to leave everything in S city for you, do you? "

Hearing this, Fang Wenguo finally let go of his heart. He nodded, "Well, it's right not to tell him. He values ​​friendship and will definitely come back when he finds out. But a man should put his career first. Well, Zhilan, you did the right thing."

Fang Zhilan nodded, seeing her father's tired face, adjusted the pillow, and asked her father to lie down and rest.After Fang Wenguo fell asleep, Fang Zhilan remembered that her father hadn't eaten yet, so she left to find a restaurant to pack food for her father.

When Fang Mingzhi arrived at Fang Wenguo's ward, Fang Zhilan hadn't come back yet, and Fang Wenguo, who had always been in a light sleep, woke up the moment Fang Mingzhi came in. Looking at this big brother who didn't catch a cold, Fang Wenguo didn't have much reaction .He just spoke lightly, the indifference in his tone seemed to be very unwelcome to his arrival.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Fang Mingzhi didn't seem to care about Fang Wenguo's repulsion, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, "I'm here, but I have a very important news to tell you!"

Fang Wenguo snorted softly, "Brother, if you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush, this is not your personality."

Fang Mingzhi sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed, "Okay, then I'll be straightforward, this time I'm here, why didn't I see your right-hand man, Director Su of the Fang family?"

Fang Wenguo looked at him in surprise, wondering if he would ask Su Ran, and felt a bad premonition in his heart, but there was still no change on his face, and he returned Fang Zhilan's words to him.

"Brother really surprised me when he asked about Su Ran, but it's okay to tell you, Pretty is still in S City, but why are you asking this?"

"Oh." The playful corner of Fang Mingzhi's mouth deepened, and he raised his eyebrows curiously at Fang Wenguo.

"Who did the third brother hear this from? Why is it different from the news I heard? I heard someone tell me that Su Ran has already died in S City, and even the funeral is already here. It's done, third brother, don't you...don't know?"

Having said that, Fang Mingzhi felt a little pity on his face. Seeing that the calmness on Fang Wenguo's face had begun to show cracks, he shook his head, as if regretting the loss of another general for Fang Wenguo.

"What did you say? It's impossible! Su Ran clearly..." Fang Wenguo couldn't say the following words, because he couldn't even convince himself.

As if anticipating that Fang Wenguo would not believe the news he sent, Fang Mingzhi took out a tablet from behind him like a trick, and handed Fang Wenguo the picture of Su Ran's funeral reported in the news.

"I knew third brother that you would definitely not listen to what I said, so I specially found evidence to show you, third brother, stop deceiving yourself!"

Fang Wenguo looked at the tablet in his hand following Fang Mingzhi's instructions, sat up slightly, and what caught his eyes was a photo of a funeral. At the funeral, the huge photo hanging there was clearly Su Of course.

Suddenly thinking of the strangeness of his daughter before, no matter how unwilling Fang Wenguo was to believe it, he couldn't convince himself that what he saw was not true.

However, Fang Mingzhi, the chief culprit who caused Fang Wenguo to pass out, raised his mouth slightly after seeing him in a coma, and had no intention of calling a doctor for him at all.

"Third brother, why have you been the head of the family for so long, and your mental endurance is not good?"

After saying this with a chuckle, Fang Mingzhi turned around and left the ward.

Fang Zhilan who returned to the ward couldn't hide the exhaustion on her face, but when she saw Fang Wenguo passed out on the hospital bed, the exhaustion on her face immediately disappeared, leaving only panic.

"Daddy, what's the matter with you?"

When Fang Wenguo woke up again, his complexion was getting worse and worse. The successive blows made him look lifeless and very tired.

Looking at the ceiling of the hospital, a little confusion appeared on his face, and even his eyes began to blur.

Was it because I was too hasty, or my old eyes were dim, or was it really that I was too hasty.

Although lying ill in the hospital, Fang Wenguo didn't relax at all, and was still thinking about the company's affairs.This can be said to be the condensation of his life's hard work. Relatively speaking, the company is no different from his two daughters, both of which are his treasures.

"I already know about Su Ran! Zhilan, what do you think of the company now?"

Fang Wenguo stopped thinking alone, and started to ask about his favorite daughter. He mentioned that although Su Ran's face was still calm, his eyes were obviously haggard.

Fang Zhilan, who was guarding Fang Wenguo's hospital bed, couldn't help but frowned at his behavior of thinking about Fang even when he was sick, "Daddy, you are still sick now, so don't worry about these things anymore!"

Fang Wenguo's face clearly disapproved of Fang Zhilan's words, and he stared at Fang Zhilan with burning eyes, insisting that she tell the reason.

Fang Zhilan couldn't resist Fang Wenguo, she frowned and thought for a while, then said quickly:

"Although Su Ran's death really makes people feel very regretful, but in fact we didn't have much loss. After all, Su Ran was a great helper in our reform of the company, but not everything. Yes, although it is indeed missing a great help."

Fang Zhilan tried her best to talk about Su Ran in a calm manner, but in her heart, she really felt very uncomfortable. She had always misunderstood that Wan Zigui liked her, but she never expected that the person who really paid for herself was this seemingly single-minded person. For working men.

What I owe him, I will definitely not be able to repay it in this life, but my heart is honest, Fang Zhilan clearly knows that the person she likes is Wan Zigui, not only because of so many misunderstandings, but also because of herself I can't pull it out.

Hey, sighed for myself, really not really angry.

Fang Zhilan's small actions did not escape Fang Wenguo's eyes, but Fang Wenguo did not expect that Fang Zhilan's sigh at the end was actually because of Wan Zigui.

"It's okay, we still have time, so don't feel too bad." Fang Wenguo began to comfort Fang Zhilan. He didn't want her to be immersed in an endless loop. Currently, he is not in good health, and he still has the strength to fight against those old guys. , only this powerful daughter.

Fang Zhilan, who just realized that she had lost her composure just now, looked at Fang Wenguo, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, but I'm a little confused thinking about the future, and I will adjust my mentality soon." Fang Zhilan began to reassure Fang Wenguo, not wanting to let Fang Wenguo He no longer worries about himself.

"En, by the way, what do you think of Mingzhi and Qizhi?" Fang Wenguo asked Fang Zhilan casually as he played with the glass beads at hand.

"Uncle and Second Uncle? They're good." Fang Zhilan was a little confused, "Uncle has always been the go-getter of the company, with a tough style, everything is based on profit, and he has made a lot of money for the company. I think it's very good."

After a pause, Fang Zhilan continued: "And the second uncle? I can't tell. It feels like he doesn't ask about the company's affairs. What's wrong?"

Fang Wenguo nodded, "Well, Mingzhi is indeed a strong leader, but the second child, to be honest, I don't know what he wants to do. He said he didn't manage the company, but he did, but he didn't do anything real. Useful stuff." Squeezing his forehead, Fang Wenguo fell into a kind of silence.

"Although there is no great merit, there is no major fault. My second uncle acts more prudently." Fang Zhilan followed Fang Wenguo's words and gave her second uncle an evaluation.

"The doctrine of the golden mean, the second child has learned very well. But I always feel that there is something that we have missed." Fang Wenguo continued to think, recalling everything that happened recently.

"What does father mean? Do you think there is something else we don't know?" Fang Zhilan followed Fang Wenguo's words and began to think.

"I don't understand either. Anyway, you should pay more attention. I always feel that I have missed something. I have to continue to think about it."

Fang Wenguo lay down, looked at the ceiling, and continued to think about whether there was anything missing or missing.

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