ex-wife, get married

Chapter 349: The whereabouts of Wan Zigui VS Fang Zhilan and Fang Zhihan

Hongkong International Airport
Fang Zhihan sat in the waiting room of the airport in an anxious mood, her knuckles were turning white while holding the handbag, she held the phone several times and swiped to unlock the screen, but she never made the next move. Gradually it got dark.

Would Daddy be very angry if he found out that she just ran away to the mainland without saying a word?
However, if you tell daddy her whereabouts now, then she will definitely not be able to go to the mainland.

Two kinds of entangled psychology surged in Fang Zhilan's heart, and the dilemma made her sit back straight.

"Gentlemen and ladies, hello! Airplane KA868 from Hong Kong to City S is ready to take off. Please board the plane as soon as possible!"

The stewardess's sweet voice broke Fang Zhihan's entanglement and made her stand up subconsciously. Because she used to go directly to the VIP terminal, she was in Nuoda's terminal. Which way to go.

After finally getting on the plane, Fang Zhihan still held the phone in his hand, and the expression on his face didn't relax at all, as if he was afraid that there would be another accident.


Seeing that Fang Zhihan was still holding the phone tightly in her hand, the beautiful flight attendant couldn't help but patted her on the shoulder, but Fang Zhihan, who was in a tense state, was taken aback.

Resisting to keep her face calm, Fang Zhihan also had a habitual sweet smile when facing outsiders, and looked straight at the flight attendant's beautiful face as soon as she raised her head.

"what's up?"

The smiling stewardess pointed to the mobile phone in Fang Zhihan's hand, and patiently explained to her.

"Miss, the plane will take off soon, please turn off your mobile phone."

Embarrassment flashed across Fang Zhihan's face. She glanced at the screen of the phone with nostalgia, and finally made up her mind. She didn't tell anyone about her trip to S City, and turned off the phone under the gaze of the stewardess. .

Three hours later, the plane finally arrived in S City, and Fang Zhihan's restless heart calmed down as the plane landed. No matter what, she was already on the land of S City.

After getting into the taxi, when the driver asked where she was going, Fang Zhihan's face clearly showed some hesitation.

At this time, brother Zhuo must be very busy. If she went to find him now, not only would she not be able to help him, but she would definitely make him feel troublesome. Fang Zhihan's mind fell on her huge suitcase.

"Master, please take me to the Pearl Hotel."

The Pearl Hotel can be regarded as a famous hotel in S city, the driver in front of Fang Zhihan couldn't help but look at her twice as soon as Fang Zhihan said that.

As soon as I got off the plane, I went directly to a famous and expensive hotel, and I looked like a rich lady from a rich family. Such a person is usually very generous even in paying the fare, and even the driver is very generous. Can't help but bend the corner of his mouth.

Fang Zhihan here had already started planning his trip to S City, but Fang Wenguo over there discovered that his precious little daughter was missing.

"Where are Zhihan people? Don't you have eyes in such a big group? You don't even know that Zhihan is gone!"

The busyness of the past few days and the anxiety that Fang Zhilan had not been there for a long time mixed in Fang Wenguo's heart, and he couldn't help it for a while and lost control of his emotions.

The butler bent his body slightly, lowered his head and let Fang Wenguo curse, intending to wait for him to calm down before speaking, but Fang Wenguo's aura was so strong that he couldn't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief.

Fang Wenguo saw that he had scolded himself for so long, but no one opened his mouth. They were all stuck there like logs, angry, but he didn't forget that the first task was to find out Fang Zhihan's whereabouts.

Rubbing the center of his brows irritably, Fang Wenguo felt a burst of irritability in his heart. One daughter had already been kidnapped and her whereabouts were unknown. He couldn't bear what happened to the other little daughter no matter what.

"Check it out for me, I want to know Zhihan's detailed whereabouts. No matter what method I use, I must get news of her!"

The cold and stern look on Fang Wenguo's face made the butler tremble uncontrollably, and immediately ordered someone to check on Fang Zhihan's whereabouts, but he couldn't help complaining about Fang Zhihan's willfulness, behavior, and behavior when he ran out without saying a word.

Not long after, the housekeeper brought Fang Wenguo information about Fang Zhihan's whereabouts.

"Miss Zhihan got on the plane to S City at ten o'clock this morning. After getting off the plane, she directly checked into the Pearl Hotel, which is very close to Zhuo's Enterprise. She didn't leave the hotel after that."

Fang Wenguo couldn't help but frowned at the housekeeper's report, "When she went to S City, the first thing she did was to go to Xiangyu?"

The butler nodded slightly. When Fang Wenguo asked him this question, he immediately had a puzzled expression on his face. He couldn't help but think about the news that others had handed him. Even if Fang Zhilan didn't understand what he was doing, he still nodded.

"Miss Zhihan has indeed never been to the Zhuo family. Do you want to inform Mr. Zhuo now that Miss Zhihan has gone to the mainland?"

Fang Wenguo raised his hand slightly, stopped the butler's movements, frowned and pondered for a moment before ordering.

"Naturally, Xiangyu should be informed of the news that Zhihan has gone to City S, but he is afraid that he has no time to take care of Zhihan now, so just tell him not to worry about Zhihan, and just send two trustworthy bodyguards to protect her!"

The housekeeper nodded in agreement, remembering Fang Wenguo's instructions in his heart, but did not rush to call Zhuo Xiangyu, but waited for Fang Wenguo's other instructions later.

After Fang Wenguo gave this order, he immediately fell into his own contemplation. He obviously didn't understand why Fang Zhihan would choose to go to S City suddenly at this time.

Could it be that after knowing the news of Zhilan's kidnapping and fearing that he would disagree with her going to the mainland, that's why he sneaked away?
As soon as this idea came up, Fang Wenguo immediately denied it. No one but him knew about Zhilan's kidnapping in the mainland. He never told anyone, so...how could Fang Zhihan do that? know?

Fang Wenguo, who couldn't figure out the key points, felt his head ache. He leaned on the sofa and raised his hand to gently press his forehead. Suddenly, he glanced at the phone at the side from the corner of his eyes, as if he had figured something out. Sit up straight away.

"Go and check it out. In the past few days, Zhihan's call records and whoever you called for how long will be checked for me!"

Fang Wenguo's tone was full of anxiety, and the distorted expression caused by excitement made the butler wonder why Fang Zhihan just went to the mainland without saying a word, why Fang Wenguo provoked such a big reaction, but he still couldn't ask his doubts. .

After receiving the phone call from the housekeeper of Fang's family, Zhuo Xiangyu's movements were obviously paused for a few seconds, and then he quickly adjusted his mentality and answered the phone.

"Uncle Lin, what's the matter?"

The housekeeper on the other end of the phone held his breath, obviously showing a little more respect, "It's like this, Miss Zhihan sneaked into City S today, and she didn't tell her husband that he was very angry, but he still wanted me to call and talk to him." Tell me, Miss Zhihan is staying at the Pearl Hotel now, please send two trustworthy bodyguards to protect Miss Zhihan's safety."

Hearing the news that Fang Zhihan had arrived in S City, Zhuo Xiangyu frowned instinctively, making Wan Zigui beside him couldn't help being curious.

Although Zhuo Xiangyu was very unhappy about Fang Zhihan's arrival, and she came here without Fang Wenguo's permission, he really wanted to send her back to Hong Kong, but Fang Wenguo's confession had already come, so he had no choice but to follow Fang Wenguo's instructions. mean to do it.

After hanging up the phone, Zhuo Xiangyu had a very gloomy expression on his face, and casually threw the mobile phone in his hand on the table, and couldn't help but swear.


It is rare to see Zhuo Xiangyu look like someone else owed him tens of millions, Wan Zigui narrowed his eyes, and then asked curiously, "What? Is there anything that dissatisfies you, Young Master Zhuo? "

Zhuo Xiangyu punched Wan Zigui on the shoulder, "You have a headache when you say it. Fang Zhihan ran here with her adoptive father on her back, and now she lives in the Pearl Hotel not far from us. Let their housekeeper call me and send two people to protect her safety!"

As soon as Zhuo Xiangyu said the words, as expected, Wan Zigui frowned fiercely, understanding why Zhuo Xiangyu was so irritable in his heart.

"Could it be that she sneaked here after knowing the news of Fang Zhilan's kidnapping? What's the use of her coming here? Could it be that she thought that looking at her small body could save her sister!"

Wan Zigui's sarcasm made Zhuo Xiangyu's restless heart even more irritable, "Okay, okay, I'll leave it to you to find someone to protect her! Watch her carefully, every move will Report to me. The most important thing now is to find Zhilan!"

Hearing that Zhuo Xiangyu said that he would be responsible for Fang Zhihan's matter, Wan Zigui wailed in his heart, but when he saw Zhuo Xiangyu's serious expression without any room for rebuttal, he could only sigh softly, then nodded to express that he would well arranged.

The expression on Zhuo Xiangyu's face became a little more satisfied, and then he turned his eyes to Liu Enzheng who had just entered the door, "Is there any news from you?"

Liu Enzheng's gaze met Wan Zigui's for a few seconds, and after the two sides nodded in greeting, Liu Enzheng handed out the computer in his hand and placed it in front of Zhuo Xiangyu.

"This is what I sent people to track the network signals in the slum area. The information they monitor and receive is very clever. When sending messages to outside accomplices, they will use one bright line and two dark lines in one message at the same time. Sending, we can only intercept one at a time, so it is not clear which one is true and which one is false."

Liu Enzheng's explanation made Zhuo Xiangyu frowned instantly, his eyes staring at the screen without blinking, as if trying to capture some information from the code scrolling on the screen.

Seeing the serious expression on Zhuo Xiangyu's face, Liu Enzheng couldn't help but add another sentence.

"This is the sound wave signal we captured from the military's equipment. We are very careful because we are afraid that their experts will notice that we are monitoring their network."

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