ex-wife, get married

Chapter 348: Wanzigui VS Fang Zhilan's Clue

"There are no clues. Let's create clues ourselves. I don't believe they can disappear out of thin air. They will leave clues!"

Sitting on the big chair in front of Zhuo Xiangyu, Wan Zigui held a dart in his hand and sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then he quickly let go of the dart, only to see a small dart on the bullseye on the wall .

Zhuo Xiangyu rubbed his swollen eyebrows, a thought flashed through his mind quickly.

"By the way, there is surveillance. I don't believe that there is no surveillance video on the road where they change cars to capture their actions."

After thinking calmly, Zhuo Xiangyu immediately came to a conclusion, and Wan Zigui immediately nodded in agreement.

Wan Zigui decided to investigate separately with Zhuo Xiangyu. He began to investigate the import and export records of vehicles in S City. After rounds of investigations, Wan Zigui finally made sure that Fang Zhilan and Su Ran were still in S City. Not out of the market.

This result dropped more than half of the big rock in Wan Zigui's heart. As long as he didn't go out of the city, the search range would be narrowed down a lot in an instant, but S City is not a small place, and it is not easy to find it.

Wan Zigui and Zhuo Xiangyu sat together and tried to find out the clues that he had missed. The two checked the possible places one by one, but with little success.

Wan Zigui leaned weakly on the back of the chair, the expression on his face was completely fatigued from having not rested for several days, "There is no clue at all, there is no way to find out!"

Zhuo Xiangyu put his hand on Wan Zigui's shoulder and patted, "Don't be discouraged, the two of them are still waiting for us to save them, if even we give up, others really have nothing to do. So we You must persevere, and you will definitely find it. It will definitely work.”

Zhuo Xiangyu repeated it, as if he was trying to convince Wan Zigui, and he seemed to be trying to convince himself.

Wan Zigui punched the wall next to him as if blaming himself, blood stains immediately stained the white wall, his hand was broken, but he didn't care about it, let out a long sigh and let out a foul breath.

"Of course I know, I won't give up, I just feel that I have always boasted that there is nothing I can't do in this world, but at the critical moment, when my good friend has an accident, not only can I not find When it comes to him, I don't even know who caught him. The most ironic thing is that I can't even determine his life or death. Thanks to him still trusting me so much, I, Wan Zigui, are not qualified to call him Su Ran. My good brother!" Wan Zigui uttered the last sentence entirely by shouting.

"Zigui, don't be like this! The kidnapping of Su Ran and Fang Zhilan is something we didn't expect. Once you know about Su Ran's disappearance, it's not easy for you to drop everything and rush over to investigate. So, don't worry about it." Blamed myself."

Zhuo Xiangyu's hand on Wan Zigui's shoulder didn't loosen at all, fearing that he would lose control, so he pressed him hard so that he couldn't resist.

"Now self-blame is useless. What we can do now is to seize all the time to find them and try to rescue them as soon as possible!"

"But the problem now is that we don't even know where they are, so how can we save them?" Wan Zigui's face showed a different powerlessness, helplessness and confusion than before.

Because of Wan Zigui's impatience, Zhuo Xiangyu calmed down a lot. Although he couldn't find a better way now, he was able to calm his brain to think and helped Wan Zigui to the chair beside him. Up and down.

"Now is the time when we are needed! We are now focusing on finding out where they may have hidden the two of them, and this place is a place we rarely think about."

Hearing Zhuo Xiangyu's words, Wan Zigui also gradually calmed down, a place that they would not even think of, or a place that they would never think of as the focus.

suburbs?Yes, the suburbs, the suburbs are big and easy to hide, the most important thing is that they are easy to defend and difficult to attack, because there are many people in the suburbs, and although they are looking for someone, they will definitely worry about the safety of other innocent people.

There are many people!right!There are many people.

In a place with a lot of people in the suburbs, after thinking about these two points, Wan Zigui immediately raised his head to look at Zhuo Xiangyu in surprise.

"I figured it out! It's the slums! If I were a robber, I would definitely hide people in a place where it would be difficult for people to attack. So, the robbers would definitely hide people in the slums, because the place is messy and crowded. There are many, the terrain is complicated, and most people would never think of that place. Zhuo, hurry up, get someone to check the slum household records, and we will conduct a preliminary investigation first."

As early as when he saw the flashing expression on Wan Zigui's face, Zhuo Xiangyu knew that Wan Zigui must have thought of some crucial clues. Sure enough, he did not let himself down, and thought about what he proposed in his mind. thought, and quickly nodded in agreement with his opinion.

"I will notify them to shift the scope of the search!"

After determining the general direction, Zhuo Xiangyu launched a rigorous investigation, and finally locked his eyes on a relatively large slum.

Standing in the monitoring room, Wan Zigui's mind began to spin again. He had to admit that the robbers were really smart and professional.

"Xiangyu, I think we've narrowed down the target to the smallest area, but it's still hard to find their exact hiding place!"

Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't help nodding his head in agreement with Wan Zigui's exclamation, but his brows were tightly wrinkled because of this, not at all the ease after locking the range.

The fierce look in his eyes flashed, and Zhuo Xiangyu made a decision word by word.

"No matter how difficult it is, you must rescue them for me!"

Wan Zigui frowned. At the beginning, he only thought that the slum was a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Unexpectedly, the slum was still a three-way zone. A place you don't even want to set foot on.

Even the surveillance camera in this place was broken for nearly a year, and no one came to fix it, and this also brought a lot of trouble to Wan Zigui and his investigation.Because the closest camera to this slum is also nearly 500 meters away.

Nearly 500 meters away, there is nothing to be seen. To Wan Zigui and others, it is just a decoration, useless at all.

After determining the general scope, Wan Zigui and the others were once again in a predicament. If they took people into the house with great fanfare and searched them one by one, they should have left completely safe when they found their hiding place. It's really hard to find them.

But they can't search and there is no camera. The key problem is that they don't know what the other party looks like. Even if they send someone in to stay there, it's useless.

So the current investigation has once again fallen into an impasse.

Wan Zigui sat on the empty table beside him, took a pen and a piece of paper, and quickly wrote down the clues that kept flashing in his mind on the paper one by one.

Zhuo Xiangyu looked at his almost runaway state, his eyes fell on the clues he wrote down unconsciously, and his brows raised unconsciously.

"This is... the key point of the clue breakthrough you have considered?"

What responded to Zhuo Xiangyu's question was the sound of Wan Zigui writing vigorously on the paper.Zhuo Xiangyu wisely didn't disturb his train of thought.

Wan Zigui looked at the road section monitored by the camera nearly 500 meters away from the slum, and his mind became a pair of muddy.

Wan Zigui frowned, no, no, there must be a way. After the robbers took the hostages, they would find a way to detect the danger as soon as possible.

However, what method will the robbers use to detect it? If they cover up well, even if the robbers know their appearance, they may not be able to find out. Then, what method will they use?

Wan Zigui sat down in the chair, grabbed his hair with both hands, but never took his eyes off the monitor screen.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through my mind like lightning. The robbers also set up surveillance cameras. If this is the case, then everything can be explained. The robbers have surveillance cameras.

Then, they will have more time to determine whether a person is a threat to them, so as to escape or formulate a way to deal with them.

So they need electricity, and they can't cut off the power. If it's just ordinary people, the power will be cut off when the power is off, and it won't affect them much at all, but the robbers can't cut off the power. Quickly prepare the power generation tools and generate electricity by yourself.

Thinking of this, Wan Zigui stood up quickly, and slapped Zhuo Xiangyu on the shoulder hard, with an excited expression on his face.

"Xiangyu, I know what method to use. Yes, find a way to cut off the power in that community, and the time to restore power may not be fixed. In short, the focus now is to find a way to stop their electricity.

Zhuo Xiangyu's puzzled eyes fell on Wan Zigui's confident face, and he quickly thought about what method Wan Zigui used.


Wan Zigui clapped his hands in surprise, and the smile on his face widened.

"Then, find a way to find out who generated the electricity themselves during the power outage. The sooner the better, I will wait at the gate of the community now, and let me know as soon as you have news from your side!"

Wan Zigui ran out of the monitoring room like a gust of wind after throwing out a sentence like this, which caught Zhuo Xiangyu by surprise, but Zhuo Xiangyu's mind was not as slow as Wan Zigui's, and he quickly figured out the key point point.

Zhuo Xiangyu made a direct phone call and handed over everything to Liu Enzheng. Needless to say, Liu Enzheng's efficiency in handling affairs.

After Wan Zigui drove to the community by himself, after waiting for less than an hour, he received a call from Zhuo Xiangyu.

"During the period of power outage, only two households generated electricity by themselves. One of them was because it was a private hotel, and the other was an abandoned house. Therefore, it is basically certain that the robbers' hiding place The location is at 5, Unit B, Building 7, Row 502!"

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