ex-wife, get married

Chapter 136 Depression of the Evidence Department

After learning the secret of the eldest and second child of the Fang family, Xu Yueqing always felt unspeakable uneasiness in her heart.Zhuo Nianqi looked at Xu Yueqing's solemn expression, and couldn't help reaching out to pat Xu Yueqing's back comfortingly.

The mother and son sat in the hall without speaking, and they could hear a needle drop very clearly in such a quiet manner.It's a pity that this kind of silence didn't last long, and the sudden rush of phone calls broke the silence of the room.

"Hello, this is the Zhuo family." Zhuo Nianqi and Xu Yueqing looked at each other, slowly withdrew their hands, moved towards the phone, and answered the phone politely.

"Hello, this is the police station. Is Mr. Zhuo Xiangyu at home? Just now the suspect Fang Zhengzhi asked to meet Mr. Zhuo Xiangyu. I hope Mr. Zhuo Xiangyu can come."

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhuo Nianqi's eyes, and he hung up the phone hastily.Before he had time to explain anything to Xu Yueqing, he quickly called Zhuo Xiangyu.

"Hey, Daddy! Wait a minute, just call the police station, saying that Fang Zhengzhi wants to meet you, and I hope you can go to the police station. Daddy, Mommy and I will go to the gate right away, you wait." us."

While talking, Zhuo Nianqi gestured towards Xu Yueqing.After hearing Zhuo Nianqi's words, Xu Yueqing knew what had happened, she nodded hastily, cleaned up quickly, pulled Zhuo Nianqi and ran towards the gate.

"Fang Zhengzhi wanted to see me, why did you two follow up again? I told you just now, please don't interfere with this matter, and you will forget it in the blink of an eye."

Zhuo Xiangyu, who had just returned home and carried Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi, drove the car skillfully, while keeping an eye on the surrounding situation vigilantly, no matter what happened, he would react instantly.

Xu Yueqing blinked and glanced at Zhuo Nianqi.Zhuo Nianqi gestured at Xu Yueqing twice, made a cheering gesture, and grinned.

"Ahem, that, Xiangyu, how could I not listen to you, I am not ignorant. This matter is very dangerous, and Nian Qi and I will not interfere, but you can't let us ignore it completely, Fang Zhengzhi suddenly Looking for you, I also want to know what he wants to say to you."

Zhuo Xiangyu glanced at Xu Yueqing from the rearview mirror, and clearly saw a trace of curiosity and worry in her eyes.He shook his head slightly, a doting smile flashed across his face.

Seeing that Zhuo Xiangyu did not continue to object, Xu Yueqing breathed a sigh of relief, and then subconsciously smiled.Zhuo Nianqi's small body moved closer to Xu Yueqing, and put his head next to Xu Yueqing's ear.

"Mummy, that's amazing! I've never seen Daddy compromise for other people. Sure enough, Mummy is Daddy's most important existence. That's great!"

Xu Yueqing's expression froze, her forehead flickered a little unnaturally.She stretched out her hand and rubbed Zhuo Nianqi's head, and glanced at Zhuo Xiangyu who was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Nian Qi, be good, sit down, you have to develop good habits from an early age." Xu Yueqing didn't say much to Zhuo Nianqi's words, as if she didn't hear anything just now.

Zhuo Nianqi had a deep smile on his face, a light flashed in his black eyes, and he rubbed his index finger and thumb on his little chin.Well, from now on, you have to hide in Mommy's ear and mention Daddy's goodness. The revolution has not yet succeeded, and he still has to work hard!

Xu Yueqing thought about what she saw from the documents just now, and her brain started to work quickly.They just found out that Fang Zhengzhi had a share in his hand, and both Fang Mingzhi and Fang Qizhi were paying attention to this share, and then Fang Zhengzhi was about to meet Zhuo Xiangyu, what a coincidence.

But now that Fang Qizhi is dead, Fang Mingzhi is the only one left. I don't know what Fang Mingzhi will do.I saw him acting prudently before, but I didn't expect him to hide his thoughts so deeply that it couldn't be seen from the surface at all.

"By the way! Zhuo Xiangyu, just now Nian Qi said that you already knew about our going to the police station yesterday, and that we had nothing to hide from you. What's going on? Don't you Did you actually send someone to follow us!"

Xu Yueqing clapped her hands suddenly, and asked the question that had been entangled in her heart before.Although it was a bit embarrassing to ask directly like this, she had to figure out how Zhuo Xiangyu knew everything about her actions.

Zhuo Xiangyu chuckled, he didn't expect Xu Yueqing to react until now, and he didn't expect Xu Yueqing to ask directly like this.

"That's right, I did send someone to follow you secretly. But, you have to pay attention to your wording. This is not called stalking, but protecting you secretly. It's too unsafe recently, and I worry about you the most."

"Secret protection? Zhuo Xiangyu, even if this is the case, you can't keep silent, you should ask my opinion anyway. Really, wouldn't you know everything about me? You are infringing My privacy!"

Xu Yueqing's eyes widened, she was quite satisfied with the reason given by Zhuo Xiangyu.However, Zhuo Xiangyu didn't tell her in advance, which made her feel a little bit wrong.

Fortunately, she had been sneaky before, trying her best to hide it from Zhuo Xiangyu.But what I didn't expect was that Zhuo Xiangyu already knew about it a long time ago, thinking of his own appearance, it was really embarrassing!
"Oh?" Zhuo Xiangyu unconsciously uttered a single sound, and turned the steering wheel to the right about [-] degrees in his hand, and the vehicle followed his movement to turn to the right of the intersection.

"Qingqing, we are husband and wife, what do you think I don't know about you? Qingqing, you have to learn to face the reality, come on, get off the car, we are here."

Zhuo Xiangyu pulled up the brake in his hand, and answered Xu Yueqing with a smile in his voice.He wasted a lot of time repairing his relationship with Xu Yueqing because of the Hong Kong affairs, so he had to take some strong medicine.

"Recognize the reality? Hmph, Zhuo Xiangyu, recognize the reality that I didn't forgive you at all, and recognize the reality that this is Hong Kong, the place where you were engaged?"

Xu Yueqing muttered dissatisfiedly, stretched out her fist and waved vigorously at Zhuo Xiangyu's back outside the car.Zhuo Nianqi got out of the car with a smile, feeling very happy.

Well, Daddy is going to speed up too, which is great.Only by taking the initiative to attack will there be meat to eat. Daddy, a sleeping lion, should show his fangs.

"Master Zhuo, you are here. Fang Zhengzhi is already waiting in the reception room, please follow me." When the people from the police station saw Zhuo Xiangyu, they took the initiative to lead him to the reception room.

"Hey, didn't these two people enter the evidence department yesterday? I heard that the kid touched that computer and was finally driven away."

When seeing the figures of Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi following behind Zhuo Xiangyu, someone cried out strangely.As soon as these words came out, people from the Evidence Department showed strange expressions, and stared at the two figures, one big and one small, strangely.

"You said, the computer suddenly connected to the Internet today. Is it related to them? Fortunately, I felt something was wrong later, so I checked the traces of the computer and found the problem."

A younger police officer had a troubled expression on his face, and there was a hint of stubbornness unique to young people in his eyes.

That's right, after the people in the evidence department adjusted the evidence today, they had already forgotten about the Internet.But the young police officer was keenly aware that something was wrong with the computer's automatic networking, so he insisted on checking and found some clues.

But because Zhuo Nianqi moved one step faster than these people, he had already erased his traces, so he was not found out by them.However, the computer in the Evidence Department found a problem, which still caused quite a shock among the people in the Evidence Department.

In order to know who had touched the computer, they asked the people around them one after another, and even turned on the camera that could only capture the entrance of the evidence department.In the end, they found that from yesterday to today, except for Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi, no one had approached the evidence department.

"Yeah, thanks to you. But we also saw that although Xu Yueqing approached the evidence department, she didn't touch the computer. The only person who touched the computer was that child. Do you want to say that the child is A master hacker?"

Standing beside the young police officer was an older police officer with a much more mature expression on his face.He narrowed his eyes slightly, and carefully looked at Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi.

Xu Yueqing didn't know what she was talking to Zhuo Nianqi, a bright smile appeared on Zhuo Nianqi's small face.That incomparably innocent expression is no different from other children, and it is impossible for people to doubt this ten-year-old child.

"Oh, it's really annoying. You said why the police station put the camera at the door. We only saw the kid playing on the computer, but we couldn't see what he was doing on the computer. This is terrible Well, we don't have any evidence, and it's not easy to investigate."

The other person rubbed his hair a little irritably, with a very irritable tone.Yes, you must be irritable. You must know that there are many important evidences on that computer. If it leaks out, it will be very serious!
Yes, there is no evidence to prove that Zhuo Nianqi has tampered with the computer. This is really a worrying problem.Everyone sighed one after another, with mournful expressions on their faces.

"Even if it can't be proved that they did it, it must have something to do with them!" The young police officer wiped his face, his eyes full of suspicion.Everyone else nodded one after another, yes, they must be involved!

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