ex-wife, get married

Chapter 135 Fang Qizhi's Secret

Zhuo Xiangyu didn't know when he came here. He leaned on the sofa and looked at the one big and one small, one nervous and one excited, and couldn't help smiling. They were all his family members.

After going to work for so long and seeing someone waiting for me when I go home, that feeling really makes me feel very happy.Of course, President Zhuo completely ignored the fact that Xu Yueqing did not completely forgive herself.

"OK! It's done! Mommy, that's great, I succeeded. I copied all the information from the police station, all of them!"

After a few minutes of high tension and a little excitement, Zhuo Nianqi finally copied all the files in Fang Qizhi's computer.After typing the last keyboard, he cried out happily, with a bright smile on his face.

"Awesome! Nianqi, you are indeed the best, Mommy is very proud of you!" Xu Yueqing looked at Zhuo Nianqi's excited appearance, and also rubbed Zhuo Nianqi's head happily, with a proud look in her eyes look.

A few minutes later, the forensics department staff in the police station also discovered the problem that Fang Qizhi's computer could automatically connect to the Internet.But this has no effect on Zhuo Nianqi, because he has already copied all the data.

And he also did follow-up work by the way, deleting his IP address, making it impossible for people to find out the direction of data leakage.

After Zhuo Nianqi finished these things proficiently, he began to study the folders he had just copied from the police station.Fang Qizhi's computer actually doesn't have many things, only about five or six folders.

Zhuo Nianqi tentatively opened them in sequence.At the beginning, Zhuo Nianqi didn't notice anything wrong.There are no more than a few small movies in each folder, or contract prints from some companies.

But when opening to the fifth folder, it shows that a password is required to open it.Finally met the real master!Zhuo Nianqi tapped the keyboard excitedly.

The originally clean screen was suddenly filled with numbers and letters.Xu Yueqing stared at the screen with wide eyes, full of surprise.

Sneaking a glimpse of Xu Yueqing's expression, Zhuo Nianxi complacently tapped on the computer even more vigorously.After a while, the characters on the screen began to move around, dazzling the viewers.

"Oh my God, this looks like something out of a movie. The strings of codes really dazzle my eyes. Nian Qi, what are you doing?"

It is rare to see such exquisite computer technology, Xu Yueqing praised it in amazement.She couldn't understand what happened, so she asked Zhuo Nianqi naturally.

"Mum, I'm working on deciphering the password. After I decipher the password, we can see the contents of the file." Zhuo Nianqi smiled triumphantly at Xu Yueqing, his small face full of complacency.

Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes moved slightly behind him, so fast that people couldn't catch him.Zhuo Nianqi's control over the computer has improved a lot compared to the previous few days, Zhuo Xiangyu was also somewhat surprised.

Just when Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Xiangyu were thinking about each other, the messy screen just flickered a few times, and then there was a "snap", and the screen was pitch black.

Xu Yueqing was startled, something went wrong with a computer.Before she could ask, the white indicator light on the edge of the crystal blue computer flashed three times, and Zhuo Nianqi couldn't help showing a smile.

The black screen returned to normal again, and this time, the folder with the password on the screen had been cracked.Xu Yueqing stared at the folder with bright eyes, her eyes were as hot as fire, as if she could see through it.

Gently move the mouse to the folder, double-click "Kaka", Zhuo Nianqi clicked on the mysterious folder.The folders lying quietly in the computer don't look like anything special, except for a video, the rest are blank documents.

To say something strange is the name of the video, a simple "black".black?Zhuo Nianqi rubbed his chin and looked at the screen thoughtfully.

Xu Yueqing didn't think so much like Zhuo Nianqi, she just wanted to see what this video was.Grabbing the mouse, Xu Yueqing opened it with a "snap".

At the beginning of the film, there was only the sound of "clicking", but there was no picture.Xu Yueqing's expression became a little speechless, wondering if the file was broken?
"Wait a second, Mommy, I feel something is wrong!" Xu Yueqing was about to close the video, but Zhuo Nianqi held down the hand holding the mouse.

After more than ten minutes, the screen was still black.Just when Xu Yueqing couldn't wait any longer, Fang Qizhi's face suddenly appeared in the video.

"God, I was shocked. Why did Fang Qizhi's face suddenly appear? It seems that there is really something behind this. Nian Qi, thank you for thinking well, otherwise I would have missed this."

Xu Yueqing was startled by Fang Qizhi's sudden appearance, and reached out to pat her chest.She smiled at Nianqi and praised him without hesitation, Zhuo Nianqi smiled happily.

Fang Qizhi's big face on the screen gradually moved away from the camera, and Zhuo Nianqi's mother and son could clearly recognize that Fang Qizhi was in his own office.

Judging from the bright lights and a little bit of starlight faintly exposed in the curtains, it can be inferred that the time of this video should be at night.Why is Fang Qizhi still in his office so late?Logically speaking, in terms of his personality, Fang Qizhi is by no means the kind of person who would stay up late and work overtime.

Then Fang Qizhi's big face was followed by a blank space for several ten minutes, and even Fang Qizhi who had just appeared disappeared off the screen.But this time, Xu Yueqing calmed down and continued to stare at the screen.The blank video was playing quietly, and everyone waited with bated breath for the next development in the video.

"It's been so long, why hasn't it come out yet. This document is really tormenting. Fortunately, I have willpower, otherwise I would have given up. For the sake of evidence, I will fight!"

As time passed by, Xu Yueqing suddenly felt that the days seemed like years. She gritted her teeth and continued to wait.It's worth the wait after all.Finally, a figure appeared on the screen after a slight fluctuation, and this time, Fang Mingzhi, the boss of the Fang family, appeared in the camera.

Following Fang Mingzhi's appearance was Fang Qizhi who had just appeared, and the two seemed to be talking about something.Although the picture quality of this video is astonishingly good, but the sound effect is not very clear.

After a while, the two disappeared into the camera again.But this time, the two of them quickly returned to the camera, followed by a few black-clothed men who didn't look easy to mess with.

When one of the men in black looked like the camera, Zhuo Xiangyu suddenly recognized that the man in black was actually a famous ruthless character in the underworld.Immediately paid attention to this video.

Fang Qizhi and Fang Mingzhi had an affair with the underworld in private, and this matter would definitely cause a commotion in the business world.With such two people in the Fang family's business, its foundation would be damaged, if not destroyed.

In the picture, those people sat down in front of the camera, as if they were discussing something, but they couldn't hear them very clearly.The three were not sure what exactly they were discussing.

"Why can't I hear anything, Nianqi, is there a way for you to tune out the sound? If there is no sound, it's hard to guess just by looking at the picture."

Xu Yueqing frowned, this feeling like watching a mime drama made her unable to grasp her head.One has to know what the two men are talking about.

Zhuo Nianqi nodded, suddenly pressed the pause button, and then clicked left and right with the mouse.After a few seconds, a special volume controller suddenly flashed on the computer screen.

Zhuo Nianqi slowly turned the volume inside to the maximum, and then turned on the video again.But this time, although the sound in the video is still not very clear, compared to the previous time when there was no sound at all, it is already clear whether half a sentence can be heard.

In the following 30-minute video, Xu Yueqing and the three heard Fang Zhengzhi's name and the shares many times from time to time.

Fang Zhengzhi owns [-]% of Fang's shares. Although these shares are not large, they play a decisive role in voting.

It can be inferred from the video that Fang Qizhi and Fang Mingzhi should have some kind of interest relationship with the underworld elements, and the establishment of this relationship has a lot to do with the [-]% of the shares held by Fang Zhengzhi.

After turning off the computer, the three of the Zhuo family all showed some serious expressions.

"You don't want to meddle in this matter anymore. I never thought that Fang Mingzhi would get involved with someone from the underworld. Qingqing, for the safety of you and Nian Qi, just listen to me."

Zhuo Xiangyu's words did not get Xu Yueqing's objection for the first time.In fact, Xu Yueqing herself also knew that this incident involved the underworld, and she could not solve it with her own ability at all. If she hadn't left it to Zhuo Xiangyu, he had his connections and she believed in his ability.

Now Fang Qizhi is dead, and Fang Zhengzhi has been arrested and imprisoned. At this time, there are only two sisters, Fang Zhihan and Fang Zhilan, and Fang Mingzhi left in the Fang family.

After watching this video, Zhuo Xiangyu privately decided to shift the focus of the investigation to Fang Mingzhi.Taking out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, Zhuo Xiangyu quickly pressed the shortcut key a few times.

There were a few "beeps" from the phone, and a few seconds later I heard a familiar laughter from the other side of the phone.Zhuo Xiangyu started talking immediately without waiting for the other end of the phone to say anything.

"A Sheng, I'm Xiangyu. I'm in Hong Kong now, and I've encountered a little problem. It's a bit troublesome for me to deal with it myself, so I need your help."

Zhuo Xiangyu left Xu Yueqing's mother and son holding the phone.With a few simple words, Zhuo Xiangyu finished discussing with the other party, and walked back to the mother and son again.

"I've asked Ah Sheng to help investigate Fang Mingzhi, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm going out now, don't worry, get some rest early."

Zhuo Xiangyu briefly explained to the mother and son in a comforting manner, and then hurriedly left Zhuo's house with his coat in hand, with a very serious expression on his face.

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