ex-wife, get married

Chapter 117 The Reception Banquet for One More Person

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little awkward, Zhuo Xiangyu glanced at Fang Qizhi, smiled slightly and did not speak.He stretched out his hand and rubbed Zhuo Nianqi's head next to him, his calm appearance made Fang Qizhi's eyes flash with anger.

Really shameless, ignorant of good and bad!

"Second Uncle! Brother Zhuo came to Hong Kong this time for other things, so he deliberately kept a low profile and didn't tell you. We also know about it because our sister has contact with Brother Zhuo. Brother Zhuo has other things Things, let's go to the reception banquet another day."

Fang Zhilan smiled slightly, greeted Fang Qizhi, and secretly resolved the thorn in Fang Qizhi's words.As she spoke, she showed a sorry expression on her face, and wanted to reject Fang Qizhi's invitation.

Fang Qizhi squinted at Fang Zhilan, with a disdainful smile on his face: "The elders are talking, what right do you have to interrupt! You dare to talk back to the elders, I see Zhilan Zhihan and you two little girls are really getting more and more presumptuous Yes! Sure enough, the third brother died early, and no one taught you how to deal with your elders!"

"What are you talking about! You!" Fang Zhihan screamed fiercely, with a strong anger on his face, and pointed one hand at Fang Qizhi.Fang Zhilan hurriedly knocked Fang Zhihan's hand off, and stretched out her hand to suppress Fang Zhihan's body, preventing her from being impulsive.

There was still a calm smile on Fang Zhilan's face, but there was a faint anger in those bright eyes, and she looked at Fang Qizhi in front of her with burning eyes.

"Sister, hold back, don't quarrel with the second uncle. If we quarrel with the second uncle on the street, it will be our fault no matter what. It is not good for us to have any news that is not good for us at this time. We can't be taken by others. Hold on!"

Fang Zhilan glanced at the crowd coming and going around, because they were such a large group of people blocking the middle of the road, they had already attracted the attention of many people.Although the members of the Fang family are not like those celebrities, they are also a wealthy family. If something happens, they will definitely report it.

If Fang Zhihan and Fang Qizhi had quarreled here today, Fang Zhilan could be sure that the unfavorable wind was definitely pointing towards them.Fang Zhihan will definitely suffer if the charges of disrespecting the elders, not having the manners of a high-class lady, and having a bad temper are suppressed!

You must hold back, at least for now!Who knows if there are reporters among the passers-by around, so you must control your temper!As if sensing what Fang Zhilan wanted to say, Fang Zhihan withdrew her eyes from Fang Zhilan's, gave Fang Qizhi a hard look, then turned her head with a cold snort, not wanting to look at Fang Qizhi again.

Fang Zhilan saw that Fang Zhihan could understand what she meant, and she was also very satisfied in her heart.She withdrew her hand, and now the expression in her eyes had returned to calm, she nodded slightly to Fang Qizhi, with a standard smile on her face.

"Second Uncle, it's my fault. I will ask a teacher of manners to learn it. Since Er Uncle, you personally prepared the reception banquet, how could Big Brother Zhuo not give you face? Let's go, let's go to the hotel. "

Fang Qizhi's eyes flicked around Fang Zhilan's body, nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Fang Zhihan mockingly, and laughed arrogantly.She's just a girl, and she still wants to fight him, so she doesn't think about herself properly!
Fang Zhilan looked at Fang Qizhi's back in the car, and gave Zhuo Xiangyu a sorry look.She really didn't expect to be stopped by Fang Qizhi on the way, and she was not capable enough to resist Fang Qizhi at all, so she just agreed.

Zhuo Xiangyu shook his head at Fang Zhilan, with a clear look in his eyes, without any dissatisfaction.He understands Fang Zhilan's ability. Although Fang Qizhi is not young, he is very high-profile, unrestrained, and always encounters enemies everywhere. It is estimated that 90.00% of the powerful families in Hong Kong will not deal with Fang Qizhi.

If Fang Qizhi wasn't from the Fang family, he probably wouldn't have been able to provoke people around like he is now, safe and sound.A sneer flashed across Zhuo Xiangyu's eyes, and he led Xu Yueqing and the others towards Fang Zhilan's car.

"Qingqing, the situation of Fang's family is a bit complicated, so don't speak rashly, I will solve anything, just treat this time as a vacation. Also, Nian Qi, put away your little paws and scratch your hands once in a while." One touch is enough, don't scratch too much."

Zhuo Xiangyu smiled slightly at Xu Yueqing, stretched out his hand and pinned a strand of hair from Xu Yueqing's ear behind her ear, Xu Yueqing's eyes flashed, she used to be a person of status, so she naturally knew something about these family struggles Yes, so she nodded obediently, these are not what she is good at.

As for Zhuo Nianqi, he shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant expression on his face.He obediently lay in Xu Yueqing's arms, this time he was able to sit beside Xu Yueqing, with a happy smile on his face.

Fang Zhilan's car followed Fang Qizhi's car in front, all the way to the entrance of the restaurant Fang Qizhi owns.This restaurant is a four-star hotel. Judging from the vehicles at the door, there are quite a few people who come here to spend money.

"Brother! Why are you here?" When everyone looked at Fang Mingzhi who had been waiting in the private room, everyone was shocked, and Fang Qizhi couldn't help but shouted out.

Fang Mingzhi calmly put down the teapot in his hand, turned his head to look at Zhuo Xiangyu and a group of people, nodded slightly, his face was expressionless, without the slightest smile.But judging from Fang Mingzhi's temperament, he is a very stable person, without the impetuous feeling of Fang Qizhi.

"Second brother, you are here. I got off work early today, so I came here a little earlier than you. I have already ordered all the dishes. You should sit down quickly, and the dishes will be served later."

Fang Mingzhi was very flat about Fang Qizhi's surprise, and explained why he appeared here so early.He stood up, gestured to the empty seats, and signaled that everyone could sit down.

Fang Qizhi's expression was a little ugly. The question he asked just now was not why Fang Mingzhi came so early, but why Fang Mingzhi appeared here. He obviously didn't tell anyone that he was going to hold a welcome banquet here.

Zhuo Nianqi sized up the expressions of Fang Mingzhi and Fang Qizhi. From Fang Mingzhi's face, Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't see the slightest abnormality.Zhuo Nianqi couldn't help nodding secretly, this old man is really powerful, he concealed his emotions so thoroughly.

As for Fang Qizhi, it's obviously a lot worse in terms of heat.Zhuo Nianqi shook his head secretly, but there was also a hint of joy in his heart, if Fang Qizhi wasn't so stupid, he wouldn't have noticed something was wrong, would he?
"Hey, grandpa, so you came here early. Didn't you make an appointment with the second uncle a long time ago, so you come here first to prepare, and the second uncle is going to pick us up. Really, just now The second uncle didn't say anything."

Zhuo Nian Qi's childish voice sounded, and everyone looked at him.Zhuo Nianqi had a simple smile on his small face, and stared at Fang Mingzhi with his big clear eyes blinking, his expression full of innocence.

Seeing Fang Qizhi's face suddenly changed color, Zhuo Nianqi secretly smiled in his heart.This situation is obvious, the two people in front of them didn't make an appointment at all, and even this Fang Qizhi didn't tell Fang Mingzhi about this at all, this Fang Mingzhi should have gotten the news from somewhere, so he came here by himself.

Fang Mingzhi looked at Zhuo Nianqi who was smiling all over his face, his eyes were still staring at him without blinking, as if he was still waiting for the answer.But there was no expression on his face, it seemed that Zhuo Nianqi's cute appearance as a child, who was always going to come and go, lost its effect this time.

"Really?" Fang Mingzhi didn't say anything else, but just uttered these two words that made people daydream.He neither affirmed Zhuo Nianqi's question, nor denied Zhuo Nianqi's words.

The scene suddenly became awkward. Everyone else felt that something was wrong with Fang Mingzhi and Fang Qizhi, but they were very clever and didn't say a word.They want to see how this matter will develop.

Fang Qizhi looked at Fang Mingzhi's face, his expressionless face made Fang Qizhi's heart tremble slightly.The elder brother always looks like this, he usually has no expression at all, and others can't see what is thinking in his heart from his face.

Fang Mingzhi's working ability has always been very stable, and all the work under him has grown with profit.Therefore, Fang Mingzhi is the most likely heir of the Inheritance Group, and this matter has always made Fang Qizhi jealous.

More importantly, Fang Mingzhi has much more shares than Fang Qizhi, so Fang Qizhi can't go against Fang Mingzhi's will in many things.Although Fang Qizhi doesn't take others seriously and always provokes enemies everywhere, Fang Mingzhi never dares to provoke them easily.

"Haha, Nian Qi, don't you think you're talking nonsense? My brother is usually too busy with company affairs, so he didn't go to pick you up. I didn't expect that my brother would finish it so early today." I got a job, okay, Xiangyu, it seems that you have quite a lot of face."

Suddenly, Fang Qizhi burst out laughing, and he said specious words, some words just need to be changed in a different way, and the meaning will become different.

"Come on, come on, what are you all doing standing here? Didn't you hear that the eldest brother has already ordered the dishes? Everyone, hurry up and take your seats, the food will be served later, let's have a feast together!"

After breaking the embarrassing scene just now, Fang Qizhi greeted everyone to cook and eat together.Fang Qizhi had a smile on his face, but who would know what was going on in his heart?

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