The luxurious and domineering black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle drove fast on the road.In Hong Kong, BMW cars are not uncommon. There are many rich people here, but there are also high and low levels among the rich.

Zhuo Xiangyu leaned on the seat, still not letting go of Xu Yueqing's hand, rubbing his crossed fingers gently, feeling the slender and smooth touch.His brows were frowned, his face was a little gloomy, and he kept thinking about what Fang Zhilan said in his mind.

When something happened to the Fang family, it was nothing more than a fight over family property.Ten years ago, after Zhihan and Fang Zhilan's father Fang Wenguo died, everyone in the Fang family still restrained themselves and did not do anything excessive on the spot.

And because of Xu Yueqing's matter, Zhuo Xiangyu didn't have much affection for the Fang family, so he stopped contacting the Fang family.In the past ten years, most of the Fang family's shares have been divided up by the uncles, and now they are fighting for it.

"Brother Zhuo, I'm really sorry. Because Zhihan and I are really no match for Uncle and the others, so I had no choice but to ask Brother Zhuo for help. Daddy also said that if something happened to the Fang family, let us come to you."

Fang Zhilan looked at Zhuo Xiangyu with a trace of apology on her face.Of course she knew that Zhuo Xiangyu didn't like the Fang family, but she really had no choice but to ask Zhuo Xiangyu for help.

Fang Zhihan has been sitting next to Fang Zhilan, not saying anything.In fact, she wanted to sit beside Zhuo Xiangyu, but Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi were sitting on the left and right of Zhuo Xiangyu, so she had nowhere to sit.

At this moment, upon hearing Fang Zhilan's words, Fang Zhihan suddenly raised her chin, with a smug smile on her face.She glanced at Xu Yueqing with disdain, and then reprimanded Fang Zhilan.

"Zhilan, what tone are you talking about? With the relationship between Xiangyu and us, it's normal to ask Xiangyu for help. I'm sorry or not, we are a family."

Fang Zhihan emphasized the tone of the word relationship, and after finishing speaking, she stared at Zhuo Xiangyu affectionately, with a soft smile on her face.

Such a charming look, Xu Yueqing slightly narrowed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth twitched imperceptibly.Of course she knew what Fang Zhihan was talking about, wasn't it about Zhuo Xiangyu and Fang Zhihan's engagement back then.

"Sister!" Fang Zhilan screamed, and glanced at Fang Zhihan with some dissatisfaction.She instinctively turned her head to look at Zhuo Xiangyu and Xu Yueqing, "Brother Zhuo, sister-in-law, don't mind, my sister said that Brother Zhuo lived with us for a while, and we got along like brothers and sisters, so Naturally, it’s a family relationship.”

Zhuo Xiangyu didn't speak, his lips were slightly pressed together, and he didn't speak.He turned his head and glanced at Xu Yueqing, but found that Xu Yueqing was very calm, with no expression on his face, Zhuo Xiangyu's heart trembled slightly.

Zhuo Xiangyu found that he suddenly couldn't understand what Xu Yueqing was thinking.But in the current situation, Zhuo Xiangyu desperately wants to know what Xu Yueqing is thinking, what Xu Yueqing's mood is... how it is.

"Brother and sister? That's right, Zhilan, you and Xiangyu are like brothers and sisters. Xiangyu and I... Hehe, the relationship between us should be further developed."

Fang Zhihan gave Fang Zhilan a look, with obvious teasing and complacency in his eyes, he refused to use Fang Zhilan's steps to come down at all.There was nothing wrong with what she said, why should she worry about Xu Yueqing's mood!

Fang Zhihan's bright red lips raised a bewitching arc, and her beautiful face was shining like a sea monster that lures every ship in the deep sea.She will use her perfect appearance to attract the attention of others, and then use her voice, which can be called a sharp weapon, to kill the opponent without hesitation!
Zhuo Nianqi glared at Fang Zhihan, a trace of disgust flashed across his small face, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.He turned his head to look, because he was worried about Fang Zhihan, so he and Xu Yueqing sat on both sides of Zhuo Xiangyu separately.

Zhuo Nianqi bent his arms, and used his joints to knock down Zhuo Xiangyu's stomach without hesitation.He looked at Zhuo Xiangyu with a smile, with a pure expression on his face, but a blatant warning in his eyes.

"Daddy! When we come to Hong Kong this time, take some time to play around, okay? When you were on the island, you and Mommy stayed alone for two or three days in a row, and you didn't care about your relatives. This time, Dad Di and Mommy can no longer abandon Nian Qi and play together secretly."

Zhuo Xiangyu glanced at his son with a nonchalant smile, and rubbed his stomach unobtrusively. There was a slight pain from Zhuo Nianqi's slap just now.

Look, when will his son speak so richly? He and Xu Yueqing thought it was the tsunami, so they stayed alone on the isolated island for several days.But if people who don't know hear it, they will definitely think of other places. What else can a man and a woman do together alone?
"Zhuo Nianqi! Don't think that I don't know you. Even without us, you can still play well by yourself. As a precious son, shouldn't you leave room for Daddy and Mommy to get along? If you don't cooperate If you don't, how could you have the sister you've been thinking about all this time?"

Good guy!Zhuo Xiangyu is ruthless enough!Zhuo Nianqi had already said some words with hidden meanings, which made people unable to help but think about it.Now that Zhuo Xiangyu said that again, and that nothing happened between him and Xu Yueqing, who would believe it? !

Fang Zhihan's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Zhuo Xiangyu's smiling face in disbelief. The tenderness in those eyes was intoxicating, but the eyes were looking at another woman!Fang Zhihan gritted her teeth fiercely, strong jealousy welled up in her heart.

Fang Zhihan wanted to ask something, but she didn't know how to ask, and in what capacity.Could it be that she wants to ask Xiangyu, did you really have something with Xu Yueqing?Or Xiangyu, how could you do that with Xu Yueqing!
No matter how you ask, it's not allowed. Fang Zhihan can be sure that as soon as she opens her mouth, Zhuo Xiangyu will immediately block the conversation and make her give up immediately.He will definitely say that he and Xu Yueqing have reconciled, and the two are living happily together, and this is what Fang Zhihan doesn't want to hear the most!
Xu Yueqing sat on the other side of Zhuo Xiangyu, listening to the conversation between Nian Qi and Zhuo Xiangyu, she suddenly felt very stuffy in the car.What are these two people doing? How did they say such shy words!Xu Yueqing's eyes were wandering around, and she accidentally met Fang Zhilan with a gentle smile in her eyes, Xu Yueqing's cheeks suddenly flushed red.

Just as everyone in the car was thinking wildly, the car braked suddenly and stopped.The people in the car didn't have any defenses, because of the huge inertia of the car, they rushed forward one after another, and all of a sudden they were turned on their backs.

After Fang Zhilan stabilized her body, she looked out of the car, beautifully wrinkled together, and a trace of worry flashed across her face.

"Miss, it was the second master's car that blocked the front. I'm really sorry just now. You and the guests were not surprised." The driver's apologetic voice came from the driver's seat.

"It's okay, we're all fine." Fang Zhilan met the others and shook her head slightly.She opened the car door first, got out of the car, and walked towards a middle-aged man standing there not far away.

Fang Qizhi looked at the group of people walking towards him, with an arrogant smile on his face, he glanced at Fang Zhilan and Fang Zhihan with disdain, then turned his head to look at Zhuo Xiangyu's family of three.

"Hey, isn't this Xiangyu? It's been a long time. The last time we met was ten years ago! Tell me why you came to Hong Kong suddenly, why are you sneaking around, and you didn't say a word. Fortunately, I received the news. I prepared a welcome banquet for you in the hotel, let's go! Follow me to the hotel for a drink or two!"

As he said that, seeing the hesitation on Zhuo Xiangyu's face, Fang Qizhi couldn't help but sneer.He took a gloomy look at Xu Yueqing and Zhuo Nianqi, then slightly raised his eyebrows at Zhuo Xiangyu.

"What, Xiangyu, are you going to refuse my invitation? According to seniority, you should also call me Second Uncle. As your elder, if you want to set up a welcome banquet for you, don't you want to go? !"

Xu Yueqing secretly looked at the second master, who was about 50 years old, with only a few wrinkles on his skin, and looked well maintained.A lot of hairspray was applied on his head, and the strong smell of perfume came out from his body, but the expression on his face was too arrogant, his inverted triangular eyes slightly lifted up, and when he looked at people sideways, he looked like No one is watching.

When Zhuo Nianqi heard that Fang Qizhi wanted to use his status as an elder to insist on taking his group to the hotel for a banquet, he couldn't help being a little dissatisfied.This person's arrogant attitude makes him very unhappy, what is he!
"Grandpa, don't use the fact that you've lived longer so you don't know your surname. It's just a reception banquet. What is my father's status? None of the reception banquets he participated in were held by ordinary people. How could he just do it casually?" Whoever wants him to go, he will go? Some people think too highly of themselves!"

Fang Qizhi's face suddenly twisted, he stared straight at Zhuo Nianqi's proud little face, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.His eyes flickered, he looked at Zhuo Xiangyu, he calmed down for a while and swallowed the anger in his heart.

"Xiangyu, is this your son? Not bad, he has a bit of your demeanor, but he is so arrogant at such a young age, it's not good, if he offends someone, he will suffer. Today, for your sake, I will Not much to say, in a word, hurry up and follow me to the reception banquet."

Fang Qizhi sneered twice, and said a few words speciously, asking Zhuo Xiangyu to take good care of his son.This time he endured it because of Zhuo Xiangyu's face, but he couldn't guarantee what happened in the future.

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