Xu Yueqing's complexion was very sallow, even grayish, and her eyes became dull.She walked out of the forest with tired feet, holding a leaf carefully in her hand.

Inside that leaf, the clear water rippled slightly with Xu Yueqing's footsteps.In order to obtain the water, Xu Yueqing didn't sleep all night, and went to the forest to collect it before dawn.

During yesterday's day, neither Xu Yueqing nor Zhuo Xiangyu were rescued because no ship spotted the wolf smoke.Xu Yueqing tried her best to take care of Zhuo Xiangyu by her side, and even wiped Zhuo Xiangyu's whole body with sea water over and over again, just to relieve Zhuo Xiangyu's fever.

"Xiangyu, I'm back, and I brought back a lot of water." Xu Yueqing called out into the shed, her voice hoarse and unpleasant.Unexpectedly, there was no response, Zhuo Xiangyu was still in a coma and hadn't woken up since yesterday.

"Come on, let's drink some water, drink slowly." Xu Yueqing brought the leaves close to Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth, and the water slowly flowed into Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth, a gleam of relief flashed in Xu Yueqing's eyes.

After feeding the water, Xu Yueqing came outside and threw the wet logs and leaves into the burning fire.Using a wooden stick to stir it slightly, the flames instantly became stronger, and the wolf smoke became much thicker.

Then, Xu Yueqing went to the beach and soaked the shirt that had become a thread of cloth in sea water, then turned back to the wooden shed to wipe Zhuo Xiangyu's body.At the same time, Xu Yueqing also put fresh Haihong on the stone stove.

Xu Yueqing's series of movements are very proficient. After a day and a night of training, Xu Yueqing is no longer as good at doing anything as before.

"Qingqing..." Suddenly, Zhuo Xiangyu's voice sounded, Xu Yueqing's eyes flashed with ecstasy, she stopped wiping Zhuo Xiangyu's body with her hands, and quickly raised her head to look at Zhuo Xiangyu.

"Xiangyu, are you awake..." Xu Yueqing's voice stopped abruptly, because she saw that Zhuo Xiangyu hadn't woken up at all, or that he was in a semi-comatose state, his head was burning and he was unconscious, and his mouth couldn't stop talking. He was saying something, and his head was turning from side to side.

"Qingqing, Qingqing, where are you..." Zhuo Xiangyu's lips overflowed with a groan, and the brows on his face were slightly frowned, looking very painful.

One weak call after another made Xu Yueqing's heart tremble, she hastily stretched out her hand to hold Zhuo Xiangyu's hand, and put her head close to Zhuo Xiangyu's.

"Xiangyu, I'm here, Qingqing is here. Xiangyu, I'm by your side, you have a good rest, you must persevere."

However, Zhuo Xiangyu didn't have Xu Yueqing's words at all, or in other words, Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't hear Xu Yueqing's voice at all.He just kept talking, with a weakness that couldn't be concealed in his tone.

"Qingqing, what happened back then was my fault, it was all my fault, I really knew I was wrong. Qingqing, please forgive me, please, please don't leave me, please, Qingqing, where are you, come back quickly How is home... I was really wrong..."

"Xiangyu, I'm here, I haven't left. I've already gone home, Xiangyu, have you forgotten, I've already returned to Zhuo's house, Xiangyu, hold on..."

Xu Yueqing did not expect that Zhuo Xiangyu would bring up the matter of that year, her eyes sparkled, and she wanted to say something, but she could only reply over and over again that she did not leave, and did not mention a word about the matter of that year.

What is the reason? Is she still resenting Zhuo Xiangyu in her heart, so she has been unwilling to let go of her knot.If she really forgave Zhuo Xiangyu, why didn't she say it.

"Qingqing, I was wrong, please forgive me, Qingqing..." Zhuo Xiangyu was naturally unaware of Xu Yueqing's struggles and entanglements, but kept repeating this sentence, which sounded heart-rending.

Xu Yueqing gritted her teeth, the expression on her face changed, she tightly held Zhuo Xiangyu's hand, and slowly opened her mouth.The singing voice overflowed from Xu Yueqing's mouth. Because she hadn't drank water for a long time, the voice was very unpleasant, but she could still hear the tune clearly.

Surprisingly, Zhuo Xiangyu became much calmer under Xu Yueqing's singing.His expression slowly relaxed, his mouth stopped talking nonsense, and his breathing gradually became steady.

Xu Yueqing sang songs, not caring what was going on outside, not caring about the current situation.She just sang seriously, trying to comfort Zhuo Xiangyu, she only had Zhuo Xiangyu in her eyes.

The rich aroma slowly floated into Xu Yueqing's nose, Xu Yueqing looked towards the stone stove, it turned out that Haihong was ripe.Xu Yueqing gently put down Zhuo Xiangyu's hand, turned around and came to the stone stove, and reached out to pick up a Haihong.

Without complaining about hot hands, Xu Yueqing chewed Haihong's meat with difficulty, with neither sad nor happy expression on her face.Her throat was already dry, Zhuo Xiangyu drank all the water, plus she had eaten for two days in a row, no matter how delicious it was, Xu Yueqing didn't have the slightest appetite.

"Phew, when will we be able to leave here? Please, hurry up and save us, Xiangyu's situation really cannot be delayed. If this continues, Xiangyu will definitely burn into an idiot."

Xu Yueqing raised her head and let out a helpless roar, the depression in her heart was released without any scruple.If she didn't even vent, Xu Yueqing felt that she would definitely suffocate to death.

"Boom boom boom..." Suddenly, a faint sound entered Xu Yueqing's ears.Xu Yueqing's movements suddenly stopped, her eyes widened, and she listened carefully to the sounds outside with her ears tilted.

"That's right, there was a real sound, it's not my illusion. Could it be that someone came to save us!" Xu Yueqing jumped up from the ground suddenly, the strong dizziness instantly made Xu Yueqing unsteady, and almost fell back on the beach again .

Xu Yueqing closed her eyes, relieved the darkness in front of her eyes, and walked out of the wooden shed crookedly.It looks like it will fall to the ground at any time, which looks very worrying.

Xu Yueqing didn't care much, and looked towards the sky not far away as soon as she came out, and saw a helicopter flying towards the isolated island.Xu Yueqing immediately looked at the wolf smoke on the beach, only to see that the last wisp of smoke was just burning out, although it was very faint, it did exist.

"It's really here! Hey! Come here, there are people here! Hurry up and save us!" Xu Yueqing raised her two arms, waved them vigorously, and kept calling out.

The helicopter slowly stopped in front of Xu Yueqing, what surprised Xu Yueqing even more was a small figure that jumped out of the helicopter.She instinctively opened her arms, and then was hit by the little figure, her body fell backwards and fell on the beach.

"Mommy! Mommy, is it really you?" Zhuo Nianqi hugged Xu Yueqing tightly, and carefully looked at Xu Yueqing under him. His big clear eyes were red and red, full of fatigue and hesitation.

"Nianqi? Nianqi, how could it be you? Mummy is not dreaming! It's really great, Nianqi, Mummy really didn't expect to see you again. It's so great."

Xu Yueqing's shock faded away slowly, she stretched out her hand and slowly touched Zhuo Nianqi's face, the delicate touch made Xu Yueqing know that she was not an illusion.Her face couldn't help being stained with a smile, and a strong surprise flooded her heart.

"Hello, I'm Lin Zhongshu, we met. Great, Mrs. Zhuo, I finally found you. Where is Xiangyu? Where is Xiangyu? Xiangyu should be fine."

A magnetic male voice rang in Xu Yueqing's ears, Xu Yueqing hurriedly turned her head to look, and the face that caught her eyes really gave her a sense of familiarity.However, Xu Yueqing didn't bother to confirm the identity of the person in front of her, she hastily reached out and pointed towards the wooden shed.

"Hello, hurry up and rescue Xiangyu, Xiangyu was seriously injured, a rib was broken in his chest, he has had a high fever for two days, the situation is very serious now, he must receive treatment as soon as possible! "

Lin Zhongshu's face changed, and he had a high fever for two days!He immediately understood the seriousness of the matter, hurriedly walked towards the wooden shed, and got Zhuo Xiangyu out of the shed.

"Wow! Mommy, it's really you. Do you know that I'm so worried about you and Daddy! Nian Qi has been scared to death these two days, and I finally found you!"

Suddenly, Zhuo Nianqi cried "Wow", the loudness of the voice surprised Xu Yueqing.Zhuo Nianqi had never cried like this in front of her before, it seemed that Zhuo Nianqi was really frightened these two days.

"Nian Qi is good, Nian Qi doesn't cry, it's all right now. Look, Mommy and Daddy are fine. Don't be afraid of Nian Qi, we won't leave you. Nian Qi is so cute and so good. It's Daddy and Daddy. Mommy's baby, how could Daddy and Mommy abandon you."

Xu Yueqing hurriedly hugged Zhuo Nianqi in her arms, and kept comforting her, her eyes full of love and affection.Zhuo Nianqi kept crying in Xu Yueqing's arms, not intending to stop at all, Xu Yueqing comforted him in a good-tempered voice.

Xu Yueqing stood up from the ground with difficulty, and with Lin Zhongshu's support, slowly boarded the helicopter.She sat down on the seat, and she immediately relaxed a lot. She was finally saved, and she was finally leaving this isolated island. It was really great.

Looking at Zhuo Nianqi who was still crying beside her, Xu Yueqing reached out and took Zhuo Nianqi into her arms.One hand gently rubbed Zhuo Nianqi's hair, then along Zhuo Nianqi's neck, patted Zhuo Nianqi's back again and again.

"Nian Qi, don't cry anymore, Mommy is really fine, I'm sorry for making Nian Qi worried." Xu Yueqing's murmured voice became weaker and weaker, until finally it completely disappeared.

For the past two days, Xu Yueqing was physically exhausted and exhausted. Now that she was finally rescued, Xu Yueqing finally couldn't hold on and passed out.

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