The sun slowly rose from the sea level, and the golden light filled the sea surface, rippling out layer after layer of gorgeous waves.Somewhere in the sea, a small emerald green island stood there quietly.

Xu Yueqing sat curled up in the small wooden shed, her arms hugged her knees tightly, her eyes were slightly closed, and her head drooped unconsciously.Just at a critical point, Xu Yueqing's head finally couldn't bear the pressure, and she slammed down hard, hitting her forehead hard on her knee.

"Ah! It hurts!" Xu Yueqing rubbed her forehead and suddenly woke up from her sleep.She looked around blankly, and when she saw the pile of flames that were about to go out in front of her, her eyes widened.

"Ah! My flame! It must not be extinguished!" Xu Yueqing flew over, gently stirred the flame with a wooden branch, and threw a few handfuls of grass into it at the same time.

Last night, in order not to let the flames go out, and to check Zhuo Xiangyu's situation from time to time, Xu Yueqing kept her energy up and did not sleep.Who knew Xu Yueqing couldn't bear it this morning, so she took a nap for a while, and this kind of thing happened.

Seeing the flames slowly flourishing, Xu Yueqing breathed a sigh of relief, and the nervous expression on her face eased a lot.She reached out and rubbed her face, trying to cheer herself up.

"It's finally done. If the fire goes out, she will have to drill wood again to make fire. She can't guarantee when the fire will be drilled out. This is not an easy job."

Xu Yueqing suddenly thought of Zhuo Xiangyu, and hurriedly turned to check on Zhuo Xiangyu's situation.When Zhuo Xiangyu's flushed face came into Xu Yueqing's eyes, Xu Yueqing was shocked.

Now Zhuo Xiangyu's condition looks very bad, that blushing purple face, that weak and almost invisible breathing, all caused a strong panic in Xu Yueqing's heart.

"God! Xiangyu, Xiangyu! Xiangyu, wake up, why are you so hot, Xiangyu, wake up quickly, your fever is getting worse, don't fall asleep."

Xu Yueqing pushed Zhuo Xiangyu hard, and when she touched Zhuo Xiangyu's skin, Xu Yueqing couldn't help crying out because of the scorching heat.This hot feeling is worse than last night, which is not a good sign.

No matter how Xu Yueqing shook Zhuo Xiangyu, Zhuo Xiangyu showed no signs of waking up, he had already sunk into a coma.Zhuo Xiangyu was seriously injured and did not receive timely treatment, so Zhuo Xiangyu's condition became more and more serious.

Xu Yueqing pursed her lips tightly, and put the seawater-soaked shirt she just brought back on Zhuo Xiangyu's forehead.Other than that, Xu Yueqing had no other way. There was nothing here. This situation made Xu Yueqing very desperate.

"Xiangyu, you must persevere. You think about Miss Qi, think about the Zhuo family, and... think about me, you must never give up, hold on, I will definitely find a way."

Xu Yueqing stretched out her hand, and her plain fingers gently traced Zhuo Xiangyu's face, and she touched the delicate facial features bit by bit.She looked at Zhuo Xiangyu who didn't know about it with deep worry and tenderness.

Xu Yueqing left the shed without hesitation. Last night, she and Zhuo Xiangyu ate the Haihong separately. Although the taste was mediocre, it at least filled their stomachs.Now her first priority is to go out to find some food and come back.

Back in the reef group again, Xu Yueqing can now walk on the rocks without changing her face.

Even if it is pain, so what, compared to Zhuo Xiangyu, Xu Yueqing thinks that her injury can be tolerated, she must work hard to bring Zhuo Xiangyu to survive.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The sound of the stone hitting Haihong made a crisp sound, which echoed rhythmically on this isolated island again and again.

"Okay, these Haihongs should be enough for lunch today. Xiangyu is in a coma, and he doesn't know when he will wake up, and how to make him eat it."

Xu Yueqing looked at the pair of Haihongs in front of her, with a happy smile on her face.However, when she thought about Zhuo Xiangyu's situation, she frowned worriedly again, feeling very entangled.

Xu Yueqing was busy last night, and the sky was very dark, so Xu Yueqing didn't observe the situation on the island.Now that it was dawn, it was estimated that the seawater had also receded, exposing a large wet sandy beach, and the area of ​​the island increased a lot in an instant.

Xu Yueqing walked back holding Haihong while looking at the surrounding scenery.Suddenly, her eyes froze on the shallows, and the movements of her feet became hesitant.

"This is...there are actually rocks on the shoal! God, if you say that, the wound on Xiangyu's chest..." Xu Yueqing felt a light flash in her mind, which shocked her.

At night, the seawater flooded the reefs because of the high tide.Now that the tide is low, these reefs are naturally exposed.

Yesterday Zhuo Xiangyu said that he passed out, so he didn't know about his injury.However, what Zhuo Xiangyu didn't know was that whenever he lied, his index finger couldn't help but draw circles where it touched.

Xu Yueqing, who grew up with Zhuo Xiangyu and lived with her for many years, is naturally clear about this matter.Xu Yueqing knew that Zhuo Xiangyu was lying, but she didn't raise any doubts.

If Zhuo Xiangyu really didn't want to talk to her, then Xu Yueqing would not force him.She respects Zhuo Xiangyu's opinion very much, especially when Zhuo Xiangyu is injured, she will not refute Zhuo Xiangyu.

"If it's really like that, then how can you make me feel at ease. Xiangyu, you are really the biggest idiot in the world, do you know that I will feel very uncomfortable."

Xu Yueqing couldn't help mumbling in a low voice, with a trace of sadness on her face, but mixed with a trace of love, forming a strange expression.Xu Yueqing's heart was very complicated, she suddenly felt very dazed in her heart.

If her talent is correct, it should be Zhuo Xiangyu and she who suddenly encountered this group of reefs when they were swept away by the sea.As for the injury on Zhuo Xiangyu's body, he must have bumped into her to protect her. One of the ribs in his chest was broken, which would have been caused by such an impact.

Xu Yueqing shook her head fiercely, then blinked her eyes quickly, trying hard to suppress the moisture in her eyes.She took a deep breath, and then quickly rushed to the shed. Zhuo Xiangyu's situation was still very dangerous, and she had to go back to take care of him.

All the sea rainbows are still in the corner of the shed, falling on the soft sand, without making the slightest sound, only the sound of the shells of the sea rainbows colliding with each other.

Xu Yueqing tidied herself up, then came to Zhuo Xiangyu's side and sat down, stretched out her hand to touch Zhuo Xiangyu's forehead that had not subsided in the slightest, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.She tilted her head and thought for a while, if she had a fever, Zhuo Xiangyu would definitely be short of water.

"After a night, if there is water, I can only go to the forest to find dewdrops. It's broken. Now that the sun has risen for such a long time, the dewdrops have already disappeared."

Xu Yueqing was walking in the forest with difficulty. Because there was no logging by humans, there were many towering ancient trees in the forest.The dense leaves are intertwined, so that no sunlight penetrates into the forest, so it has a gloomy feeling.

"I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of getting some water last night. If only I were smarter, at least I can think about things more thoughtfully."

While complaining to herself in her heart, Xu Yueqing held a big leaf and carefully collected the leaf's very small amount of water droplets.After a long time, Xu Yueqing's leaves only had a mouthful of water.

The cold water slowly flowed into Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth, making Zhuo Xiangyu's mouth move instinctively.Xu Yueqing swallowed the non-existent saliva, and now her thirsty throat even secreted very little saliva.

"Qing...qing..." Zhuo Xiangyu moaned, his eyelashes blinked quickly, and then he slowly opened his eyes, his out-of-focus eyes met Xu Yueqing's figure.

"Xiangyu! Great, Xiangyu, you finally woke up. Do you know that you have a very serious fever, we must leave now, otherwise, your situation will definitely be very serious."

Xu Yueqing felt like she was about to cry, she had never been so emotional after hearing Zhuo Xiangyu's voice like today.

"Don't... be afraid, listen to me... I, I... I will teach you how to do... Wolf Smoke, I'm here." Zhuo Xiangyu said these words intermittently, his eyes were panting, but his eyes were very tight. Gentle, staring at Xu Yueqing's face without blinking.

When he saw Xu Yueqing's dry and cracked lips, Zhuo Xiangyu moved his mouth, as if he could still feel the moisture in his own mouth.His gaze couldn't help becoming softer, and his heart trembled violently.

Xu Yueqing, as expected, only you can treat me so kindly and dedicate everything to you without hesitation.

Under Zhuo Xiangyu's intermittent command, Xu Yueqing ignited the damp wood and leaves.Soon, a thick smoke emerged from the fire and flew straight into the sky, which could be seen from far away.

Xu Yueqing looked at the wolf smoke, with an expression of excitement on her face, and ecstasy burst out of her eyes.Immediately afterwards, she turned around and ran quickly towards the shed, and the voice of joy resounded loudly on the isolated island.

"Xiangyu! That's great, I succeeded! In this way, if someone sees our wolf smoke, someone will definitely come to save us, and your illness will be cured by then, Xiangyu..."

Xu Yueqing's voice stopped abruptly when she entered the shed, and Zhuo Xiangyu fell into a coma again.Xu Yueqing looked at Zhuo Xiangyu, her heart was full of astringency, this feeling was like the feeling she had when she was still in love with Zhuo Xiangyu, it was sore and numb.

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