Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 590 The Nature of War

heard here.

Lu Ping trembled in his heart.

He probably already knew the reason why Gong Yuemo and Sheng Xianlong separated.

Gong Yuemo's heart is still kind, which woman is willing to sleep with a beast like Sheng Xianlong?Disgusting is disgusting.

From her words, it is not difficult to hear that Sheng Xianlong has killed many people in his life.

It can be described as a heinous crime.

Originally in Lu Ping's subconscious mind, Sheng Xianlong's wife, who had always regarded herself as Gong Mengran's mother, must have done all kinds of bad things and got along with Sheng Xianlong.

But now it seems that she is indeed sincerely repenting.

It seems that today was not in vain.

Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good things is great.

I hope that Gongyue Moth can become his helper in eradicating Sheng Xianlong in the future.

At the same time, I hope that she can also, as a foster mother, soothe the complicated emotions in Gong Mengran's heart.

Gong Yuemo tiptoed back to her bedroom after confessing.

Lu Ping heard a sigh coming from inside.

The lights went out quickly.

Lu Ping came to the yard, first smoked a cigarette, and then prepared to go to the toilet.

The toilet is located on the southeast side of the small courtyard. It is a simple small room built with bricks and tiles, but Gong Yuemo is a clean person, and she also keeps this simple toilet very clean, no less than the bathroom in the building.


As soon as Lu Ping walked in, he realized: it's broken!
Because of Gong Yuemo's prayer just now, he was so preoccupied that he didn't notice that the light in the toilet was on.

This also means that there are people inside.

Gong Mengran.

" Get out! Get out!" Gong Mengran shouted eagerly.

"Eldest...Miss, I...I didn't know that you also came out to use the bathroom, sorry, sorry..." Lu Ping's face flushed.

sin, sin.

Lu Ping felt very sorry, turned around and left quickly.

But this was like stabbing a hornet's nest, completely enraged Gong Mengran.

Can you not be angry when encountering such a thing?

Gong Mengran quickly chased after him aggressively.

Lu Ping drooped his head and stuffed another cigarette into his mouth to ease the apology and embarrassment in his heart.

"You... What are you doing running out in the middle of the night? You didn't see the lights on, so you forced your way in!" Gong Mengran was angry and ashamed, sparks were shining in her eyes, and her face was flushed red.

Lu Ping explained: "I... I'm reckless... reckless, reckless."

Gong Mengran asked back: "Is it over with one word of recklessness?"

Lu Ping said with a confused face: "Miss, I... I really didn't see anything. I... Anyway... How should I put it... I really didn't mean it, why don't you hit me? Can't you go down?" Hand, how many words are you scolding me? You can’t open your mouth. Or…you go back to sleep earlier? I…I can’t hold back anymore, there…is there paper in it?”

Gong Mengran couldn't laugh or cry.

Yes, being seen by a boy, I was still in the state of going to the toilet.

This shame, this embarrassment, can be imagined.

" could I spare you so easily?" Gong Mengran stomped her feet angrily, and she was thinking about how to punish him for his recklessness.

But how can such a thing be punished?

Call the police and arrest him, the situation is not that serious.

Let him go to the bathroom, and rush in to see him go... Pooh, who cares?
Deduct his salary?It's a non-working period again...

In short, Gong Mengran's heart is very messy at the moment.

"Miss, in fact, it's normal to crash into a car when going to the toilet in the countryside. The toilet is still in the courtyard. There are many toilets built in the aisle, at the entrance of the village, and that one is more likely to crash." Lu Ping explained weakly: " When I was growing up in the countryside, I often crashed cars. Generally, if someone is in the toilet, they will cough when they hear footsteps, telling others that there is someone in the toilet. People outside will also deliberately increase their footsteps to test the inside Is there anyone... But even with these unwritten codes, it is still impossible to prevent crashes when going to the toilet. So this is the case, Miss, you... you still have to understand, what do you think?"

Gong Mengran asked blankly: "What you mean is, isn't it the first time you bumped into... a car?"

Lu Ping smiled bitterly: "There are too many to count. Sometimes I bumped into men, sometimes I hit women, and I even bumped into village flowers... But at that time, I was still a child who didn't understand anything, and it was useless to hit me." Hit. What do you say?"

Gong Mengran always felt that there was a lot of information in these words: "Then you are an adult now, so what if you... bump into it? What is white bumping?"

Lu Ping recalled it for a while and said: "I seem to remember it. When I bumped into the village flower, she sued me and sued his father. His father is the village head, and he scolded me and named me by name. He warned our family that we would never be allowed to go to the toilet at the north end of the village to relieve our troubles. In a fit of anger, my father built a toilet in his yard. For this reason, I went outside with him to pick up toilets for more than ten days. The toilet was built with waste bricks. At that time, the family was poor, and it was difficult to buy bricks, so I was reluctant to buy them. The toilets were built with broken bricks and half-drawn bricks left over from building the house. It was neither strong nor beautiful. Moreover, there were holes one after another, and they didn't cover their bodies at all. Therefore, the biggest wish of the children in our rural areas at that time was to live in a building that could be scarred at home..."

Gong Mengran seemed a little shocked when he heard it: " the countryside in your area really so miserable?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "This was the case in the countryside more than ten years ago. Moreover, it is still the same in many places now. You have always been pampered, so naturally you don't know the suffering of rural children."

Gong Mengran sighed softly, and said abruptly, "I wish the country would eradicate poverty completely earlier."

Lu Ping said with a lot of emotion: "The enemy is easy to destroy. No matter how many enemies there are, they are vulnerable to modern weapons. But poverty is too difficult to completely eliminate. Even in the super-developed United States, There are tens of thousands of poor people in Britain and these countries. Not to mention Africa, there are still many people living on soil, and a large number of people starve to death every day. There, you will find that poverty is really terrible, Life is really fragile. Cherish what is in front of you, miss."

Gong Mengran said: "You know a lot, and you speak as if you have been to Africa."

Lu Pingdao: "To be honest, I really went there."

Gong Mengran asked: "What did you go to do? Don't tell me you went to support Africa's construction, donate money? Help the residents? Or... just basking in the sun?"

Lu Ping said: "Anyway, I have indeed helped several countries..."

Some things really can't be broken.

Poverty is cruel.

But wars in poor areas are more brutal.

Lu Ping often saw the helpless eyes and sad faces of the children who lost their parents.

They yearn for peace, food, and a happy life with their families.

But reality often runs counter to this.

War and peace are relative concepts.

No one really likes war, they just pay more attention to what hides behind it.

For example:
For dignity;

for the land;

for oil;

for money and profit;
and many more.

Of course, for Lu Ping, the nature of war is different.

That is.

For peace!

But right now, because of an accidental crash in the toilet, the two of them stood in the yard stupidly, discussing the world structure and the gap between the rich and the poor, and even worried about the politicians of those countries, studying how to unite the people of the world friendship and work together to eradicate poverty.

If you have such leisure, you might as well go to the toilet as soon as possible.

Lu Ping has also been enduring...

After all, what a bliss it is to chat with the eldest lady in this wonderful night.

In his opinion, this is far more pleasant than meeting and discussing with those so-called national politicians and military generals in luxurious palaces.

He yearned for this kind of life.

Maybe one day, he will take Gong Mengran to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and live the romantic pastoral life where men farm and women weave.

I just don't know if the eldest lady agrees with it.

The next day.

Wind and sunshine.

Gong Mengran got up very early and went for a run in the village.

Lu Ping got up earlier, did push-ups, and practiced handstands.

A comfortable life can easily breed laziness. During the time he returned to Huaxia, he had already gained several kilograms.

After breakfast, as agreed, the two went to visit Lao Lin's ex-wife Xiang Aiying together.

On the road.

Lu Ping also found a suspicious vehicle following him.

This time he didn't give them another chance, and with a smooth driving skill, he threw off the stalker.

In fact, Lu Ping guessed right, those followers were indeed Sheng Xianlong's people.

After all, now that his illegitimate son Chen Feng is back, he feels that the most urgent task is to take back Gong Mengran's authority in all aspects, and then train Chen Feng step by step, and slowly hand over the country he has won.

As for Gong Mengran... No matter how beautiful and filial she is, she is not her biological daughter after all.

Once the window paper is torn off in the future, if she can be her own daughter-in-law willingly, that's fine.Otherwise, she wouldn't even think about inheriting a penny.If he can't use it for himself, Sheng Xianlong is determined not to support outsiders.

Therefore, as soon as Gong Mengran came back, he took three-dimensional control over her.

The purpose is to seize the initiative as soon as something happens. In order to pave the way for his own son, even if he quietly kills Gong Mengran's mother and daughter, the price is acceptable.

After all, I have raised them for free for more than 20 years.

After the two stalkers were lost, they both lost their souls and went crazy for a while.

The main reason is that I can't explain it to my boss.

Stalker A: "Fuck! How did you lose it? Just now, they followed us very well, but they didn't find us yesterday, why did they suddenly disappear today... just now? Damn it!"

Stalker B: "It may be that his Mercedes-Benz speeds up fast."

Stalker A: "Fuck! Our car is not bad, it's 3.5, his car is only 1.6T."

Stalker B: "Nonsense! That's a Mercedes-Benz E-Class, a car that's more than five meters long. The manufacturer is so stupid. If you get a 1.6T, how much faster will it be? I think it's at least a 2.0T."

Stalker A: "Stupid! Now that the troika is reducing their equipment, don't you know? The displacement is getting smaller and smaller."

Tracker B: "It's impossible to reduce it to 1.6T. If it is 1.6T, our 3.5 chasing him is not like an eagle chasing a chicken? Can we lose it?"

Stalker A: "Grass mud horse! If you don't believe me, go online and check whether the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class has a displacement of 1.6T? Let's make a bet, whoever loses will be treated."

Stalker B: "You're stupid, right? That's a Mercedes-Benz S, not an E!"

Stalker A: "S? seems to be really S. How could the eldest miss sit on E, at least it is also S. That's right. Shit! You took me into a ditch, and it was obviously the one you said first. It's E! I just... wipe!"

Stalker B: "Who the hell said that?"



The two disagreed a few words, and they blushed even more after arguing.

So they all got out of the car, and a fierce battle ensued.

One had two teeth knocked out.

One eye was swollen into a bulb.

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