Who is he?
Why do I always feel familiar?
This question has been accompanying Sheng Xianlong for a long, long time.


When he was sleeping at night, he was awakened by a nightmare.

He actually dreamed of Lu Yi and his wife.

He also dreamed of the child of Lu Yi and his wife's family, who was a godson he recognized at that time.

In the dream, Lu Yi's family was staring at him covered in blood. How could that scene be a dream?

It's just like the real thing.

"Sheng Yongcai, Sheng Yongcai, why are you so cruel? Why did you hire someone to drive a car over us?"

"When you were desperate, our Lu family kindly took you in for you to eat and live in. Unexpectedly, we raised an animal. Why did you lie to us? You lied that your family was terminally ill, and our Lu family I borrowed a usury loan to help you in an emergency. As a result... As a result, after you took the money, you flew away and never heard from you again. "

"Sheng Yongcai, Sheng Yongcai, is money so important to you?"

"Have you forgotten the friendship between you and me? Have you forgotten how Lu Yi and I treated you? Later, when you became prosperous, you still wanted to hire a murderer to kill us. You were afraid that we would do what you did back then. Let the world know that you are inferior to animals? Is your heart made of flesh? You have a heart of stone, without any human touch..."

"Sheng Yongcai, our whole family will not let you go!"

"Sheng Yongcai, take your life!"

"Take your life!"

A sentence of heart-piercing torture.

This is not the first time.

Sheng Xianlong only felt his body and mind were blurred, and he talked palely to his former sworn brother Lu Yi in his dream:
"Brother Lu Yi, don't look for me, can you don't look for me again? I... It's not easy for me to work so hard. I don't want to lose, I don't want to lose!"

"Sister-in-law, please persuade my elder brother not to come to me again, and you all don't come."

"I don't know whether you are still alive or not. I also admit that I was sorry for you back then. But I... I have no choice! I, Sheng Yongcai, was in poverty at the time. I was short of money, I was too short of money. I If I want to make a comeback, I want to make a lot of money, I need funds, I need capital!"

"But I don't have one, what should I do? I can't borrow it, so I can only lie to you and take advantage of your kindness. The tens of thousands of dollars are in my hands, and it can play a big role. I rise step by step, Established a business kingdom of hundreds of billions of trillions. Shouldn't you admire me? Shouldn't you be proud of me, Sheng Yongcai?"

"But what about you? You... The most annoying thing is that you spread the bad news about me everywhere, saying that I, Sheng Yongcai, was a wolf, a farmer and a snake. What else can I do? I want fame and status. I have status, can I just watch you slander me like this? Me too... I also gritted my teeth and found someone to drive into you. You... When you think I'm going to kill your whole family, doesn't my heart ache? ? I'm in pain too!"

"When you are dead, the world will be peaceful. I, Sheng Yongcai, can become Sheng Xianlong forever. I don't want to be infamous, and I don't want to be ruined by you. Am I wrong?"


Sheng Yongcai sat up with cold sweat all over his face, terrified.

I did such a rebellious thing before, can I not feel guilty?

He had been having nightmares all the time, so he didn't dare to face the person surnamed Lu, as it would seduce his thoughts about Lu Yi and his wife, as well as that clever child.

If that child is still alive, he should be as old as his daughter Gong Mengran, right?
That kid?
That kid?
When Sheng Yongcai was recalling the past, he suddenly remembered the picture that the water steward showed him.


Very similar.

It's just too similar.

Compare that picture with the image of the child in your memory.

Sheng Yongcai became more and more uneasy.

Could it be...

Could it be that the guy next to Mengran is Lu Yi and his wife's son Ping'er?
"Is he here for revenge?"

"Is he here to ask his godfather to collect debts from me?"

Shocked and shocked, Sheng Xianlong couldn't help but let out two loud shouts.

A figure flashed in through the window ghostly.

It was the plumber with white hair all over his body.

Although the old man looked very old, he was very handsome and agile.

"Old Shui, who let you in, did you get my consent?" Sheng Xianlong patted the head of the bed angrily, with anger rising in panic.

The plumber said indifferently: "Mr. Sheng, I just came here after hearing the news. You should know that if an expert breaks in to kill you, you won't be able to survive without the vigilant reaction of the old man."

Sheng Xianlong scolded: "I like to talk in my sleep. Whenever I talk in my sleep, you will come in like a ghost. If this continues, I will be scared to death by you. Why do I need others to kill me?"

The plumber asked back: "Have you forgotten the time your bodyguard wanted to kill you? If the old man hadn't acted in time, he would have succeeded."

Sheng Xianlong eased his emotions: "You're talking about Huang... that Huang Guorui?"

The water steward said: "That's right. Before he became your bodyguard, he was a bodyguard in Zhongnanhai. Hmph, but since he failed to kill you, he suddenly abandoned martial arts and followed literature. Now he is a writer, and he is doing well."

Sheng Xianlong sighed softly, and said: "I asked you to send someone to hunt him down for so long, but he didn't succeed, but now he has become a celebrity. Do you know that if he suddenly exposes my affairs now, I will Sheng Xianlong will be ruined. Why not kill him? Lao Shui, tell me, why is he still alive? If he is not dead, how can I feel at ease? He may come back and kill me at any time."

The water steward said: "He has already compromised with you. He didn't mention anything or any details about being your bodyguard in any place or on any occasion. Why are you still chasing after him?"

Sheng Xianlong turned around and said: "By the way, I remembered him from the photo you showed me last night, and I remembered who he is. Whether he is the person I think or not, you must help I killed him! I must kill him! If I don’t cut the grass and roots, I... I... I will always feel uneasy in my heart."

The water steward asked back: "You mean the driver brought by the young lady?"

Sheng Xianlong emphasized eagerly: "Yes, it's him! Kill him, I order you to kill you immediately!"

The plumber said, "Please give me a reason why I must kill him."

Sheng Xianlong emphasized: "Do you still need a reason? I... I can kill whoever I want. He... He... I think he should be that evil, evil seed of the Lu family! Cut the grass and root out, you must cut the grass and root out!"

The water steward said tentatively, "Didn't you tell me that the child from the Lu family is dead?"

Sheng Xianlong covered his head, and said in a messy mood: "Yes. Yes. They all told me that the child was dead. I also believed it. The couple of the Lu family also said everywhere that their son died. Haha , Are you dead? Good death, good death. Are Lu Yi and the others dead? Are they dead? Why hasn't anyone come to tell me yet?"

The plumber said: "Since they are all dead, why bother to kill others?"

Sheng Xianlong emphasized: "But I think he looks alike, so much alike, even if he is not that evil seed, he must be the reincarnation of that evil seed... No, no, no... He must be attached to someone else, and he wants to come back and seek revenge on me Ah, do you understand?"

The plumber smiled wryly and said: "The more you talk, the more outrageous you are! Let the old man bluntly say, Mr. Sheng, you are very angry and murderous. You also often fish, so logically speaking, you shouldn't be in this state. How about it, I Find a few calming books for you another day, and if you practice according to the above, you won’t be as sleepless and dreamy as you are now, and you will not be suspicious.”

Sheng Xianlong firmly pressed the bridge of his nose, took a few deep breaths, and said, "Turn on the light."

The water steward stepped forward and turned on the ceiling light.

Once the darkness was lifted, Sheng Xianlong's emotions were further cushioned, and he calmed down quickly.

"Yeah, you're right. It's me... I'm too sensitive." Sheng Xianlong took a glass of water from the water steward, took a sip, and said, "That child has been dead for so many years. How could he still be alive? Hmph, even if he's still alive, I, Sheng Xianlong, are now very prosperous, rich beyond compare, what can he do to me?"

The plumber said, "Mr. Sheng, if you can think that way, you are right."

"Don't think about it, don't think about it." Sheng Xianlong lay down on his body, and his tone gradually returned to normal: "I need you to worry about Chen Feng's matter. This kid has been growing up abroad, and his skills are not good enough. You should teach him more."

The water steward said thoughtfully: "Let the old man tell you the truth, but I think the eldest lady is much better qualified than Chen Feng, and she is your biological daughter..."

Sheng Xianlong said with displeasure on his face, "Are you trying to interfere with the successor selection of my Sheng family?"

The plumber said: "I don't dare to meddle in your family affairs."

Sheng Xianlong emphasized: "It's good to know! I want to focus on who I want to train and who to pass on the family business. That's my Sheng family's business. You just need to be your housekeeper. When will I miss your reward? ?”

The water steward nodded again and again: "I understand, I understand."

After Sheng Xianlong dismissed the water steward, he went to bed without turning off the lights.

He was afraid that Lu Yi and his wife, as well as that little villain, would come to his dream to mess around.

He was thinking about how to persuade Gong Mengran to marry his godson Chen Feng.

In this case, it will be beautiful.

No matter how bad the illegitimate child is, it is also the seed left by him back then.

The daughter is not his own, so being a daughter-in-law is not bad.

This world is turned upside down.

I, Sheng Xianlong, will turn them upside down sooner or later.


Palace Moon Moth's home.

It's midnight now.

Gong Mengran had already slept in the east room, but the west room where Lu Ping lived was empty.

Where did he go?
Taking advantage of the dead of night, Lu Ping went from room to room.

But unfortunately, he didn't find anything of value.

Disappointed, Lu Ping was about to go back to his room to sleep when he heard a faint sound of footsteps walking towards the hut in the northwest corner.

It is the palace moon moth.

Lu Ping followed quietly.

There was a smell of incense inside.

Immediately afterwards, Gong Yuemo prayed softly:

"My beloved Buddha, please forgive the sins I committed with Sheng Xianlong when I was young. I am willing to spend the rest of my life to atone for my sins, but I also ask the Buddha to protect my poor daughter. Although Xiao Ran is not my palace Moon Moth was born to me, but for so many years, I have already regarded her as my own daughter. She is beautiful and kind. I can't bear to watch her being pushed into the fire pit by that bastard Sheng Xianlong. That bastard really deserves to die. He actually wanted Xiao Ran to marry his unworthy godson, I... I, Gong Yuemo, would not agree to it even to the death."

"I know that Sheng Xianlong did too many evil things that inhumane people back then, and I did it with him. Later, I hid here to repent for my sins. But Sheng Xianlong still refused to let me go. He There are so many eyeliners around me, staring at me and watching me every day. And my daughter Xiao Ran is also in his surveillance range. He... He is just afraid that I will make his scandals back then, Shake it out with others, he's scared to death."

"For money, for status, he killed too many people, how many innocent people, even those who helped him, died tragically under his suspicion. Ling Haiyang, Brother Shangguan, Guo Xiaoyi... all of them Vivid names appear in my dreams every day. Especially... Especially the kind and simple couple I have only met once, the couple surnamed Lu. It is said that there is another... one who is only ten years old How old is the child. They...their family was once Sheng Xianlong's benefactor, benefactor!"

"But Sheng Xianlong, that bastard, what did he do? He...he ruthlessly killed the Lu family couple, he found a driver and drove them to death, he...he seemed to...seem to kill The Lu family couple are his benefactors, his sworn elder brother, and that child recognized him as a godfather back then. He, Sheng Xianlong, is actually able to do it..."

"If the Buddha can see it in the sky, please impose retribution on this beast."

"The palace moon moth is here to atone."

"I hope my daughter Xiao Ran can escape the clutches of that beast..."

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