Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 557 No Mouth I Can't Pry Open

After all, it is in the countryside.

The air here is obviously much better than that in the urban area.

The moon is brighter, the stars are more shining, and the mood is naturally more comfortable.


In the process of Lu Ping going up the mountain with Black and White Wuchang, a driver driving on the mountain road saw this scene from a distance.

I have to admit that it is also a sin to have too good eyes.

The driver almost fainted from fright.

Damn, what did I see?
I actually saw Black and White Wuchang bring a person's ghost up the mountain.

Since then, the passing driver never dared to walk this road again, and he actually believed in the legend of ghosts in the world.

Halfway up the mountain.

Wild trees stand tall and overgrown with weeds.

On a closer look, there are several small hills around.

It is a tomb.

Hei Hei Wu Chang secretly lamented that this little driver Lu Ping is really brave enough, how dare he climb this kind of barren mountain?

Of course, if the information he provided is true, the 'mysterious man' who Hou Shijie regards as a thorn in his side is even more daring. How dare he live on this eerie barren mountain?
Not to mention night.

Scary even in the daytime.

Hei Wuchang said thoughtfully: "Old Bai, I always feel that this kid is lying to us. Does anyone really live here?"

Bai Wuchang murmured: "Didn't you say that if he dared to lie to us, there would be another grave here. Did you see there, there are several graves. No, no, not even a grave for him."

Hei Wuchang said with emotion: "It's very cloudy here, it reminds me of Liaozhai."

Bai Wuchang asked back: "Are you afraid?"

Heiwuchang raised his head: "I'm afraid of a ball hair, who are we? Black and white impermanence, they should be afraid of us."

Lu Ping stopped at a pile of rocks, put down his backpack, took out a flashlight from inside, took a photo around, and nodded seriously: "Well, it's here."

Heiwuchang exclaimed: "You mean, that mysterious person lives here?"

Bai Wuchang scanned back and forth, left, right, left, right, and right, and moaned: "There is no sign of people living here."

Lu Ping smiled, took a flashlight to take photos on the ground, and explained: "I mean, there should be Polygonum multiflorum in this location. Have you seen it? This is it. Over there, there is another one over there. It seems that today I It’s time to make a fortune tonight. You two, don’t be idle, I’ve brought two engineering shovels in my bag, help me dig.”

Black and white impermanence immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Fuck! I came to dig Polygonum multiflorum with you? Are you trying to trick us?" Hei Wuchang cursed angrily.

Bai Wuchang smiled sinisterly: "It seems that he is really impatient. Hey, boy, tell us honestly, that mysterious man is not here at all, right? Are you lying to us?"

The breeze blows and the leaves rustle.

It is very cool.

Lu Ping felt the breath of nature, and said, "I've let you see it, what else do you want?"

Hei Wuchang was even more furious: "Did you see it? Where is it? Where is it? Scratch!"

Bai Wuchang stretched out his five sharp claws, and threatened Lu Ping: "Are you trying to tell us that the mysterious man is a Shouwu essence? Boy, you are challenging our patience and IQ."

Lu Ping ignored their anger at all, sat on the rock, smoked a cigarette, and said nonchalantly: "Don't you understand, you two? There is no mysterious person, I just lied to Hou Shijie However, strictly speaking, I am the fictional mysterious person. Oh, it can only be counted as one of them. Because many things are written by me, I don’t want Hou Shijie to know that I am so powerful, so I made it up. This so-called mysterious person. Do you understand now?"

Black and white impermanence are all ignorant.

"Understood a fart! You... what nonsense are you talking about!" Hei Wuchang obviously felt that the other party was lying all over the sky, so he swallowed the soybeans hidden in his mouth a few times, and asked forcefully, "You'd better Tell the truth, otherwise this is where you will be buried."

Bai Wuchang's eyes reflected fierce divine light, and his five fingers made a clicking sound: "We assume that you are the mysterious person, but if you really have that ability, Mr. Hou can still live until now?"

Hei Wuchang exclaimed: "That's right, you killed him long ago, why keep him? Keep him to bully you? Keep him to pick on your boss? meeting……"

Lu Ping interrupted him: "You don't understand the art of war just by looking at them. I call it countering evil with evil."

Heiwuchang asked, "What is it to fight evil with evil?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "I kept Hou Shijie, in fact, I wanted him to be my marionette, and let him solve some things for me that I was inconvenient to come forward to. In this respect, he did a good job. Including the beginning He came out to suppress Xiao Dingshan, and then brought people to help for free several times later. Those unlucky ghosts were called... I forgot their names, anyway, it was Hou Shijie who had been doing things for me silently and without regret. Therefore, I have always stayed He is now. Do you have any questions?"

Black and white impermanence was shocked again.

But then they eased their emotions, still feeling illogical.

Hei Wuchang reviewed Hou Shijie's description, and then raised doubts: "In Mr. Hou's opinion, that mysterious person is very capable, and even the black wind and two evil spirits were taken away by the mysterious person... I don't know where they have gone. How could it be you if Mr. Hou is afraid of becoming such a person? Hmph, it seems that you are still not telling the truth. I will give you one last chance to say, who is the mysterious man? Where is he?"

Lu Ping smiled wryly: "I told you everything, I, it's me, it's really me."

"It's not you! It's definitely not you! Fuck!" Hei Wuchang asked eagerly, "Would you say it?"

Bai Wuchang smiled sinisterly: "It seems that he doesn't cry when he sees the coffin. He doesn't seem to know how powerful we are."

Hei Wuchang stretched out his hand and pointed at a wild apricot tree next to him, his expression froze, and something similar to a 'bullet' was shot out quickly.


The almond tree shook violently.

A branch was broken immediately and fell to the ground.

Mouth spray hidden weapons, superb.

Hei Wuchang's unique skill has shocked many people big and small.

He stared at Lu Ping smugly, with the second soybean bullet brewing in his mouth, and warned: "Did you see it? Have you ever seen such a powerful unique skill? I can poke ten transparent bullets on you within a minute." hole."

Lu Ping pursed his lips and said, "If you eat too much soybeans, you will have diarrhea. You must have frequent diarrhea."

Hei Wuchang was stunned: "How do you know that there are soybeans in my mouth?"

Lu Ping said: "You have already used four pills in my house, it's disgusting. Another disgusting person who likes to play oral sex."

"Ah? What did you say?" Hei Wuchang suddenly realized a serious problem, because from the beginning to the end, the four soybeans sprayed out did not even hear the sound.

Bai Wuchang seemed to realize something, immediately bent over and grabbed the stone beside Lu Ping.


He actually scratched a piece of the hard rock and held it in his hand.

Hei Wuchang was also shocked.

Although he knew that Bai Wuchang had this unique skill, he rarely saw him perform in front of people.

Bai Wuchang threw away the stone in his hand, clapped his hands and said: "You also saw that I can crush such a hard stone. What do you think will happen if it catches someone?"

Hei Wuchang agreed very cooperatively: "Then he must have been caught to pieces, the bones could be crushed by him."

"So you'd better cooperate with the two of us obediently, otherwise, I'll tear you to pieces in minutes." Bai Wuchang stared at Lu Ping, one hand still in the shape of an eagle's claw, ready to attack the prey in front of him at any time.

Lu Ping asked blankly, "Are you both finished performing?"

Black and white impermanence looked at each other again.

He is not afraid?
Bai Wuchang emphasized: "Hey, this is not a performance, this is real kung fu. I'm not afraid to tell you that the number of people who died by my hand is no less than double digits."

Lu Ping said: "It's over? Shouldn't it be time to get on the road?"

"Which way?" Bai Wuchang asked.

Hei Wuchang was a little surprised and said: "He means that he has figured it out and wants to take us to meet the mysterious person."

"Wrong! I mean, you are black and white, and it's time to see the King of Hades." Then Lu Ping stood up slowly, and took the opportunity to slap the dust on his buttocks.

Bai Wuchang smiled coldly: "Are you sure you're not talking big?"

"I'm going to dig some Polygonum multiflorum in a while, so I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." Lu Ping picked up a engineering shovel he brought from the ground and said, "Of course, before sending you away, I don't mind asking you Some situations. For example, Blind Yang. Another example, Dingsheng Real Estate. Their relationship with Qingfengtang."

Black and white impermanence all looked shocked.

Bai Wuchang asked: "How do you know about Blind Yang? What is your relationship with him...?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "The relationship between killing and being killed."

" killed Blind Yang?" On Bai Wuchang's pale face, his black and blue eyes rolled around, as if he was thinking and analyzing something.

Lu Ping said: "He wants to kill me, I'm just defending myself."

Bai Wuchang asked again: "Then...then why did he kill you?"

Lu Pingdao: "He wanted to forcefully relocate our home, but I wouldn't let it be demolished, so the conflict couldn't be reconciled. On that day, Blind Yang mistook me for you, or one of you, and yelled 'Brother Wuchang' one by one. So I really want to know, what is the relationship between you Qingfengtang and Yang Xiazi?"

" doesn't matter!" Bai Wuchang denied it flatly: "A little gangster like him deserves to have something to do with Qingfengtang?"

Lu Ping frowned: "You're lying!"

Bai Wuchang said: "I didn't! He's a blind man, he's nothing, he's a fart."

"Even if it's a fart, you guys let it go. If you let it go, you won't admit it?" Lu Ping flew out the cigarette butt in his hand, and then emphasized: "You'd better tell me the truth, otherwise the next process will be very difficult. Painful. Maybe you don’t know much about it, but one of my specialties, Lu Ping, is extorting confessions by torture. There is no mouth that cannot be pried open.”

Bai Wuchang burst out laughing immediately: "Boy, how arrogant are you? Extorting confessions through torture is my strong point, and you dare to praise Haikou in front of me?"

Hei Wuchang said in a daze: "Old Bai, obviously we wanted to interrogate him, why did he ask us?"

Bai Wuchang turned his head and said: "Have you not understood yet? He is indeed the mysterious person Hou Shijie said! Moreover, he is also the murderer behind the murder of Yang Xiazi in Ninggu County!"

Lu Ping sneered and said: "Being smarter? I, Lu Ping, killed Blind Yang and have been waiting for Qingfengtang to jump out, but you just can't jump out. What, do you want to be a turtle, or are you just a bunch of fools who can't break it?" I can understand Dingsheng Real Estate pretending to be confused, they just want to be fishermen. But what about you? You are Qingfengtang!"

For a time, swords were on the verge of breaking out.

When Hei Wuchang looked at Lu Ping again, he no longer dared to underestimate him.

Bai Wuchang, on the other hand, felt that the time had come to make meritorious service, and now was the beginning of killing two birds with one stone.

It seems that this job was not in vain, and there were unexpected gains.

What a surprise!

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