Zheng Liying sat on the sofa, her knees were tight, and her posture was inexplicably awkward.

She couldn't figure out more and more why this mysterious tenant of hers came from, who would spend millions without even blinking an eye.With conditions like his, how could he rent such a dilapidated community?
I don't know.

The real dragon does not choose a hole.

This world is as big as his habitat.

"Brother Lu Ping, our family really can't afford the one million you lent to my dad. He...he will definitely lose it all." Zheng Liying rubbed her hands anxiously, not like a landlord to a tenant, but Like a borrower versus a creditor.

Lu Ping laughed and said, "I didn't say I would ask you to pay it back. What are you afraid of?"

Zheng Liying said with a wry smile: "The debt owed by my father will definitely fall on me and my mother in the end."

Lu Ping said: "Don't worry about it now, before it's too late...can you cook?"

Zheng Liying didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Does the next article count?"

Lu Pingdao: "Let's just calculate it. If you add two eggs to the noodles, it should work. Is there any problem, sister?"

"It seems that you are really hungry, then you wait, I will do it." Zheng Liying stood up with a complicated expression, and walked into the kitchen.

Lu Ping looked at her back, thoughtfully.

Very good little landlord, if I don't help her, who will I help?
Who told me to be so helpful.

While Zheng Liying was going to order, Lu Ping hid in the bedroom again and called Deng Zhankui.

That's right, the gambling game that Zheng Dongqiang went to participate in was exactly the gambling king Deng Zhankui's game.

Lu Ping opened his mouth, and he was naturally willing to help.

Therefore, for Zheng Dongqiang, this must be an unforgettable night.

"Brother Deng, is my landlord here?"

"Brother, it's here. Just arrived. I'll ask some apprentices to play with him later."

"I don't worry about anything else, remember to win back the 100 million and return it to me."

"Haha! Don't worry, I'll transfer it to you now?"

"Brother Deng, do you underestimate people? It's not that you don't know, I, Lu Ping, have never had a concept of money. So I just want to ask, which bank card do you use, and is the service fee high? I suggest you use your mobile phone Bank transfer, it is said that it can save handling fees, if it is 100 million, it can also save dozens of dollars..."


After hanging up the phone.

Lu Ping returned to the living room with a cigarette in his mouth.

Zheng Liying was busy in the kitchen. Although she didn't look like a professional cook, she was very serious.

Not bad.

Will be promoted in the future.

After a while, Zheng Liying came out of the kitchen with a large bowl of noodles.

Lu Ping sniffed it and asked, "Have you put the sesame oil?"

Zheng Liying shook her head: "No...no. I'll get it."

Lu Ping said: "Well, you go to smash the garlic, get some garlic paste and put some vinegar. I can add this to my noodles."

Um?He still regards himself as a servant girl?

Zheng Liying pouted and looked over: "Eating garlic will cause bad breath."

Lu Ping asked back: "And then?"

Zheng Liying said: "Then other people will smell uncomfortable and avoid you. You probably don't want to do this either?"

Lu Ping made it clear: "You still make excuses. It seems that you just don't want to do it, and you forgot what your father told you before leaving? Be warm and considerate to me, and be as warm as a spring breeze."

Zheng Liying corrected: "That's not what my dad said! My dad said..."

As she spoke, her face turned red.

That's right, after receiving the 100 million just now, my dad called out one son-in-law at a time, that was almost the rhythm of preparing for an arranged marriage.

"I'd better go mash garlic for you, brother, wait a moment." Zheng Liying turned around, couldn't help sticking out her tongue, suddenly an inexplicable thought flashed through her mind.

In fact, the tenant himself is quite handsome.

Still a hidden rich man.

In the process of pounding garlic, Zheng Liying's heart suddenly sprouted.

Lu Ping was devoting himself to eating the noodles, and the feeling was extremely smooth.

Such a comfortable little life is really rare.

"By the way, little landlord, you can call the landlord's aunt back now." Lu Ping said while wiping the corners of his mouth.

"Ah? Brother, are you really going to listen to my dad? Don't scare me." Zheng Liying almost couldn't support her arm resting on her chin, and almost knocked her chin on the coffee table.

Lu Ping was at a loss: "What's wrong with your father?"

Zheng Liying said: "Didn't my dad say, let... let you and me... Oh, it's so embarrassing."

Lu Ping didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you thinking about, sister? I asked you to call your mother back because... your father..."

is talking.

Lu Ping suddenly heard a movement outside the window.

To be precise, there was movement under the windows of the living room and bedroom.

After listening carefully, Lu Ping frowned slightly.

Both are here?

exterior wall.

Two figures, one black and one white, are climbing up ghostly.

The movements fluttered and flickered, like a fairy flying from the sky.


It should be said to be a flying ghost from outside the sky.

The residents upstairs next door saw it and thought they were dazzled.

What are those two things?
Light and fluffy, like two long gowns, one black and one white.

Whose clothes hang on the roof and fall off?
Not right either.

Obviously an upside-down picture.

The resident was inexplicably confused.

in the living room.

"What are you looking at bro?" Zheng Liying asked.

Lu Ping thought for a while and said, "Little landlord, let me ask you, have you heard of the impermanence of black and white?"

Zheng Liying looked puzzled and said: "Why do you ask this suddenly? Just those two ghosts who catch people's ghosts, one black and one white, imperial envoys of Lord Hades."

Lu Ping said, "Then are you afraid of ghosts?"

Zheng Liying emphasized: "There are no ghosts in this world. Brother, why did you become so obsessed?"

Lu Ping nodded: "Your judgment is correct. But... such a sister, black and white will come in from the window of my house after a while, don't be afraid."

Zheng Liying couldn't keep up with the rhythm: "What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

Lu Ping explained: "Of course, they are not the black and white impermanence around Lord Yan, they...they are a pair of clown actors, and they want to ask me to help them a little tonight. So, I want to tell you about the situation first One sound. I have to leave for a while, you...you can just help me look at the house for a while, okay?"

Zheng Liying looked stunned: "A clown actor? Is it ugly?"

Lu Ping said: "Uglier than the black and white impermanence on TV."

Zheng Liying nodded with a vague understanding: "Then can I take a photo with them later?"

"This... this..." Lu Ping said with humiliation: "Okay, they will come later, I will try to discuss with them."

Zheng Liying chuckled: "If I believed you, wouldn't I be a fool? Brother, I couldn't understand a single word you said tonight. I'm wondering now, did you travel from Mars? "

broken broken.

Lu Ping turned his head to look, and exclaimed that something was wrong.

I was so busy talking to the little landlord that I forgot to open the window.

Two loud bangs.

Lu Ping turned around to meet him.

Hei Wuchang, dressed in black, broke through the window, looking like a superman.No, it should be said to be a super ghost.

In the bedroom, Bai Wuchang's action of breaking the window is obviously more handsome than Hei Wuchang's, but unfortunately, others can't see it at all.

But as soon as he broke the window, he made a detour and joined Heiwuchang.

Zheng Liying only felt a ghostly white shadow drifting past her eyes, seemingly absent.Immediately afterwards, she discovered that standing in front of the living room window, one black and one white were horrifying... were they human?

Is it really black and white?
Even though Lu Ping had informed her in advance, she was still shocked.

For a while, sweat was soaked through his clothes, and he was terrified.

"Actually, you can knock on the door and come in. Why do you have to climb the window? It's not that I won't open the door for you." Lu Ping smiled at Black and White Wuchang, which made them laugh.

The other party's calmness surprised them.

If a normal person saw him, how would he dare to talk and laugh like this?
Scared to death.

Hei Wuchang took a look at Lu Ping, turned his head and said, "Old Bai, this time it's definitely the real Lu Ping, there can be no mistake."

Bai Wuchang looked up at Zheng Liying, who was still in shock, and said with a sneer, "There is a beautiful girl in the room. This kid is very lucky, but unfortunately he will have no luck in the future."

"Yo, it's true! Do you want to take it together?" Hei Wuchang's eyes lit up, staring at Zheng Liying and analyzing various data.

Bai Wuchang replied: "I think it's okay, it's enough for the two of us to play for a night, hehe, this job is not in vain."

"Two, two, look here!" Lu Ping raised a hand to attract their attention, and then said earnestly: "I know why you are here, so I am going to take you to find the 'mysterious man' '."

Black and white impermanence immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

Could this guy be a fortune teller?How did he know?
Could it be that fake Lu Ping with big yellow teeth revealed it to him?
"Old Hei, why do I feel like I have a shortcoming? What do you think?" Bai Wuchang seemed to have a strange feeling that he couldn't poop out after taking off his pants.

Hei Wuchang followed and said: "I also have this feeling, as if... as if I was admitted to university before high school, the surprise came too suddenly. Shit!"

Bai Wuchang reminded vigilantly: "It's too smooth, beware of fraud."

The scene in front of them really couldn't help but make them suspicious.

They have rehearsed the plan of arresting people through the broken window tonight many times in their hearts, including finding Lu Ping's residence, the location of the broken window, fighting after entering, applying pressure, and the interrogation process after taking him away. All of them have been carefully planned. and research.

But did not expect.

As soon as the first step in this series of processes was completed, the other party confessed on his own initiative.


Absolutely unreasonable.

Hei Wuchang nodded fiercely, then cast a fierce look at Lu Ping, and said sharply, "Quickly tell me, who is that mysterious person behind the scenes?"

Lu Ping smiled wryly, "Aren't I going to take you to see him?"

Bai Wuchang sneered: "Who is his last name, where did he come from, and where does he live?"

Heiwuchang echoed: "Yes, this is the key point! Find out the key point first, and then we will go with him! Damn you, dare to trick us!"

Lu Ping pursed his lips and said, "The question is so detailed, it seems that you, like Hou Shijie, are also afraid of the mysterious person."

Bai Wuchang was dissatisfied: "Who is afraid of him?"

Hei Wuchang followed and said: "There are only people who are afraid of us, not me...not us...no one we are afraid of."

"Then why don't you dare follow me to find him? He asked again and again, and still said he's not afraid?" Lu Ping lost no time in stuffing a cigarette into his mouth, but it fell to the ground by accident.

Hei Wuchang suddenly realized and said: "Old Bai, I can see that this guy is pretending to be calm."

Bai Wuchang smiled grimly: "You can't even hold a cigarette steady."

Lu Ping bent down to pick up the leftover cigarette, blew on the ashes on it, then broke the cigarette and threw it into the trash can.

Black and White Impermanence felt that his behavior was very strange.

In fact, Lu Ping has been looking for an entry point to show the enemy his weakness.

After all, I was too calm and had already made them suspicious, so why would I go to meet the mysterious person with myself?

I have to pretend to be cowardly.

"Wow, you guys... look so scary? Oh, you really scared me." Lu Ping rubbed his eyes, pretended to be nearsighted and looked at them, and stepped back two or three steps in shock, trembling his lips as if seeing them. like a ghost.

The acting seems a little exaggerated.

The expression is too mechanical, and even a little suspicious of thunder but not rain.

Um?Heiwuchang looked stunned: "He... he is slow to react, and now he is afraid of us?"

Bai Wuchang said: "Maybe this position reflects light, he didn't see our faces clearly just now. It's okay to be afraid, but the fear is that no one will be afraid of us when we grow up like this. It's too fucking unfulfilling."

Hei Wuchang asked: "Then what should we do next? Bind him?"

Bai Wuchang said: "Fuck you, it's not like we can't control him, let him lead the way!"

Hei Wuchang said tut-tsk: "I still think it's a little too smooth. The few soybeans in my mouth haven't... haven't had time to launch yet, so they're useless."


Lu Ping remembered.

Kong Big Nose once mentioned that this Hei Wuchang is good at spraying hidden weapons with his mouth.

He can hold hard objects or even soft objects in his mouth and hide them, like Qiu Qianchi spraying date-core nails in Tianlong Babu, and launch them as weapons.

Bai Wuchang turned his head to look at Hei Wuchang, and suggested: "Then you can show him, so that he doesn't dare to play tricks in front of us. He must have never seen such a powerful weapon."

Heiwuchang smacked his lips: "I think it will work."

At this moment, Zheng Liying came over with a curious expression on her face.

She carefully looked at the two ugly black and white monsters in front of her, and couldn't help giggling.

She seemed to really believe in Lu Ping, and thought that these two were really clown actors.


That make-up artist must be very skilled.

Otherwise, how could they dress up these two monsters so vividly, scaring everyone to death.

"Hee hee, black and white impermanence? Brother black and white, can I take a photo with you?" Zheng Liying took out her mobile phone, first took a few photos of the two of them, and then stood between them generously. And handed the phone to Lu Ping, and said: "Brother Lu Ping, you don't object to me taking a photo with these two friends of yours?"

Lu Ping looked embarrassed.

This girl is really simple.

"Oh, let's shoot, let's shoot, do you want to have a beauty face?" Lu Ping asked casually.

Zheng Liying quickly said: "No, no need to turn on. Turning on the beauty, they will not look like ghosts, and it will not be fun. Oh, don't forget to touch the screen a few times to focus, and the pictures will be clear. Flash... flash Just turn it off, it’s easy to get distorted when you turn on the flash.”

Lu Ping nodded: "That's fine. Then I'll shut it down for you. Stand up and stand up. Well, Hei Wuchang, you lean a little to the left, where the light is a little dark. Bai Wuchang, you lean in, clothes , straighten the clothes, and look a little more serious... Come on, come on, just keep this posture and don’t move, eggplant, scissorhands, come on, cooperate!"

Black and white impermanence looked at each other.

What are we here for?
Come to kidnap someone!Why is it now a photo background for tourist attractions?

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