Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 271 Role Playing! (very fat, please subscribe

"Run, run again!"

Lu Ping stomped hard on Yu Zhen's back with one foot.

"Let me go..." Yu Zhen struggled a few times, but couldn't let go, so he started to shout hoarsely again: "Shagu Bolang Wall! Shagu Bolang Wall! Shagu Bolang Wall!"

This time he used all his energy and yelled three times.

"What gun?" Lu Ping heard him shout several times, but still didn't know what he was shouting.

"Shagubolang Wall!" Yu Zhen lay on the ground wearily, with a look of despair on his face.

Lu Ping kicked him: "May I ask you, what kind of gun is it made in?"

"It's not a gun! It's not a gun!" Yu Zhen shook his head violently, sighed, and said, "I don't know what that sentence means either."

Lu Ping asked, "Then what are you shouting all the time?"

"I..." Yu Zhen couldn't express the pain in his heart.

Lu Ping knew that it would be difficult for him to escape from the palm of his hand, so he temporarily put away his control over him, squatted beside him with a cigarette in his mouth, and talked to him: "When you came here just now, didn't you have a lot of momentum? Hit and run, hit and run?"

"I...I can't beat you, of course I have to run." Yu Zhen turned over, but didn't dare to stand up, as if admitting he had fallen.

Lu Pingdao: "Knowing that you can't fight, you still want to fight? To save face?"

Yu Zhen groaned, as if he was distressed: "I... I seem to have been tricked by someone!"

"Who tricked you?"

"You don't...need to know."

Lu Ping sneered: "Actually, I know it even if you don't tell me. On the surface, you came alone, but in fact you brought a helper with you. And your helper must be very powerful, right? At least you think it is very powerful. So you I have been very arrogant since I came here, you should have discussed it before, you stabilize me before the battle, he or they attack secretly. Could the unintelligible bird language you shouted just now be your code for help?"

Yu Zhen was slightly startled: "Your analysis ability is very you'd better be cautious, he is probably around here, in the water? Or in the grass? He should be regarded as a ready-to-go animal now The beast that catches its prey will rush out whenever it has a chance, and bite your throat off!"

"Really? Then you yelled so many times just now, why didn't he even respond?" Lu Ping scanned the terrain, features, bushes and trees within a few hundred meters with the corner of his eyes.

"He...he might be asleep... huh? Look at that!" Yu Zhen exclaimed suddenly.

"Here we go again!" Lu Ping punched, smashing the body he was about to jump back to the ground abruptly.


Yu Zhen felt that his bones were about to fall apart.

Yes, this trick didn't work the last time I used it, let alone now.

"Let me ask you, how did you spill the powder you used to escape? Why didn't it work just now?" Lu Ping looked down at the white powder that was sprinkled all over the ground, and asked Yu Zhen.

Yu Zhen sighed again: "I didn't have time to use it, you were too fast, as soon as you took it were fooled."

Lu Pingdao: "Didn't you use it very skillfully last time? I was taken aback by how easy it was to do it."

"Last time... still say last time..." Yu Zhen emphasized: "It was the first time I used it in front of you last time, and you were unprepared. Today is the second time. You must be mentally prepared. Both. That’s why I didn’t have time to use it.”

"You're quite smart!" Lu Ping reached out his hand to touch his shiny bald head, and said, "Who did you learn to use poison?"

Yu Shock asked, "What...what poison?"

Lu Ping frowned: "I just praised you for being smart, but I don't know what I said, this white poisonous powder!"

"Actually..." Yu Zhen curled up and rubbed his body lying on the ground.

Lu Ping asked: "I feel uncomfortable, do you want to change your position?"

"I think! I... can I stand up, or sit down and answer you? Don't worry, I will definitely not run this time, and I won't run away anyway." Yu Zhen begged.

Lu Ping nodded: "You are finally beginning to have self-knowledge, okay, I agree."

Yu Zhen stood up on tiptoe, still wanting to run away, but seeing the other party's gaze staring at him sharply, he simply gave up this inappropriate idea.

Lu Ping still looked down at the white powder on the ground: "I'm already squatting, do you have the nerve to stand?"

"Then...then I'll squat down too." Yu Zhen also squatted down.

Lu Ping looked up at Yu Zhen, and couldn't help cursing: "You are going to the toilet, squatting so ugly!"

Yu Zhen looked blank: "Usually... don't you always squat like this? I'm used to squatting, like this."

"I really wonder if you grew up in the toilet? You are squatting! Can't you see how I squat? One foot is in front and the other is behind, and the buttocks can sit on the heels. Have you learned it? ?” Lu Ping simply explained to him the essentials of the movement by precept and example, and gave a demonstration.

It's not that Lu Ping is pretending to be harsh.

But this squatting method is indeed somewhat indecent.

"When... I was a soldier, I knew I was a soldier at first glance! I have a few men who have been soldiers, and they squat like this." Yu Zhen understood it very well, and changed his posture quickly and standardly.

Lu Ping nodded: "Well, squatting like this is much more pleasing to the eye. Tell me, what kind of poison is this white poisonous powder?"

Yu Zhen thought for a while, and said hesitantly, "Mei...syphilis."

"Syphilis?" Lu Ping took a step back in fright, and exclaimed, "Are you crazy, taking revenge on the society? Is it because you got this disease from your own unruly life, and you want to infect others?"

Yu Zhen's face drooped, and he explained with a wry smile: "No poison, no poison, what I said is no-has-poison!"

"Oh, it's not poisonous? Don't tell me clearly!" Lu Ping slapped Yu Zhen on the head: "If it's not poisonous, then what is it? It smells bad, it doesn't look like lime powder, tell me, what the hell is it! "

"Actually...actually..." Yu Zhen smiled wryly, and said falteringly: "It's actually noodles! Flour!"



"The flour for steaming steamed buns?"


Lu Ping looked hysterical, and slapped Yu Zhen on the head again: "Why don't you say it's rice, who are you fooling? It's okay, you bring a bag of flour to store poisonous powder, and use it to escape? Are you stupid or me?" Stupid? It’s better if you pack a handful of sand, at least the sand can dazzle your eyes.”

"It's really flour! I've fallen into your hands. Is it useful for me to lie to you?" Yu Zhen groaned and touched his sore and numb head from the beating.

"Fart! Keep fooling around?" Lu Ping raised his hand again.

"Can't I prove it to you?" Yu Zhen shouted while raising his hand to block it.

Lu Ping asked, "How do you prove it?"

"Then watch..." Yu Zhen reached out to pick up the small plastic bag on the ground, and there was still some powder left in it, which was spilled out.

"Don't play tricks!" Lu Ping stared at him closely and reminded.

Yu Zhen poured all the white powder in the small bag into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it.

Um?Did he really eat it?

Lu Ping looked at him in surprise, and he really ate it.

"Believe it now, it's really flour and not poisonous." In order to increase credibility, Yu Zhen stuck out his tongue, turned it up and down, and then opened his mouth wide to indicate that he had swallowed it.

"I'm really knowledgeable!" Lu Ping said intoxicatedly: "But silly bald head, you use flour as poisonous powder, this is a typical shoddy behavior, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to escape if you use it? ?”

Yu Zhen emphasized: "Actually, it's just in case. Over the years, I... I have used it three times. Oh, including the failure just now, there are four times in total. The first three times were very good. It worked, the first time was when I was practicing martial arts in Shaolin Temple, when I was only a teenager, a brother from the same school kept bullying me, so I went back and got this bag of flour, and when he bullied me again, I would slap him in the face A while ago, he thought it was poisonous, so he didn’t dare to chase me, and then he never dared to bully me again. This actually lies in human psychology. Influenced by TV and novels, they all thought the flour I used was poison. It is an instinctive dodge and avoidance, who would dare to try its authenticity?"

"How miraculous is it? Psychology is good!" Lu Ping was fascinated when he heard it: "What about the second time?"

A sense of pride increased on Yu Zhen's face: "The second time I used it was a few years ago. At that time, I went to a banquet and was plotted against by Xiao Dingshan's grandsons. Xiao Dingshan led a group of good men to plot against me. After chopping several times, I sprinkled a handful of flour on them in desperation, haha, you said these idiots were dumbfounded at the time, they are so fucking, one by one quickly covered their noses, and some directly covered them with a towel, I didn’t even dare to catch up, so I just... I managed to escape.”

"I've heard about it. Later you were rescued by a woman, right?" After hearing Yu Zhen's statement, Lu Ping immediately thought of the description given by Gao Liang, the owner of the Laplace Club at that time. It coincides.

Yu Zhen was taken aback: "You... how do you know?"

"It's a coincidence!" Lu Ping said: "At that time, that woman contacted you through various methods when you were most helpless, but she couldn't contact you, so you are lucky enough to survive until now."

"Gao...Gao Liang!" Yu Zhen gritted his teeth and said, "That... that bitch, I wish she would die sooner! She will threaten me every now and then with the matter of saving my life, and ask me to give it to you." She did this, asked me to do that for her, and I managed to set up such a big clubhouse for her, and she still didn't give up... So I drew a clear line for her later, and never talked to her again!"

Lu Ping scolded: "Gao Liang is cheap, but you are not a good person either!"

"The third...the third time." Yu Zhen seemed to be very disgusted to hear the name 'Gao Liang', so he quickly changed the topic: "The third time was in my romantic time, when..."

"What a fart at that time!" Lu Ping slapped him again: "I was there at the time, I was the person involved, and I was the victim of your deception. You still talk about deliberately exposing my scars, right? Just say it the fourth time !"

Yu Zhen looked dazed: "The fourth time, just now, before I could use it, I was defeated by you!"

"Oh." Lu Ping nodded: "Why is it too late to use?"

Yu Zhen's expression was very innocent: "Didn't you just say that you are too fast to use it!"

"Then you scared my fish away just now, it's a very big fish, what should I do?" Lu Ping asked again with a twist.

Yu Zhen turned his head and glanced at the river water: " I will pay you back?"

"There are still a few questions I haven't asked, but I don't want to ask them for the time being. I want to fish for a while." Lu Ping looked at Yu Zhen with a smirk and said, "The fish are scared away by you, so you Be a fish for me."

Yu Zhen asked, "How?"

Lu Ping smiled: "Role play!"

"I will do this, this!" Yu Zhen looked left and right again, feeling that it would be hopeless to count on that guy to save him, so he simply chose to cooperate.

He flung himself forward onto the ground in a smooth stance, arms flailing and feet kicking back.

Like a loach swimming hard on the sand.

When he came, in order to let Lu Ping die, he acted as a vanguard to create an opportunity to wait for the surprise attack of his accomplices, knowing that he was not an opponent.

But at the critical moment, where did the accomplice go?I've been shouting for a long time, all!
Now, for myself to live.

He would rather give up all face and dignity.

"You are a maggot, you are so disgusting!" Lu Ping stepped forward and kicked him: "Get up!"

Yu Zhen stood up obediently.

"Open your mouth!" Lu Ping snapped.

Although Yu Zhen was puzzled, he opened his mouth cooperatively like a dental patient seeking a doctor.

Lu Ping held an extra-large fishhook in his hand, measured it against Yu Zhen's mouth, and nodded: "It should be suitable."

Yu Zhen said in horror, "You...what do you want to do?"

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