Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 205 Chop You Into Meat Sauce

"Remember the last time I went to Demon Night?"

"what happened?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "It should be the last time. I persuaded you to leave Yongzhou. But instead of listening, you tricked me into Yaoye and let your Anxiba put me to death. Now you play It got bigger and bigger, and it took me as a thorn in the flesh. That guy named Sammy has been dangling in front of my eyes."

Ao Gu asked back: "Isn't this Princess always discussing with you?"

"Is this considered a negotiating attitude?" Lu Ping frowned, and said, "I still say that, Xiao Dingshan was destroyed by me, Lu Ping, and I should arrange the place to receive him. I don't have enough manpower now, and I have Humanitarian spirit, I can entrust you, the Red Snake Princess, to participate, and your fleeing Red Snake people can also settle down in Wangdong District. But the control must be in my hands, and I have the final say. This is the bottom line!"

Ao Gu said displeasedly: "Do you want our whole family to work for you alone?"

Lu Ping nodded: "It can be understood in this way."

"You are well-informed, you should have heard the stories of our Red Snake Clan, do you think my people will agree?" Ao Gu boiled a pot of boiling water without thinking.

"Then I don't care!" Lu Ping said: "Although I admit that your Red Snake tribe is indeed a fierce and warlike nation. There are thousands of people in your whole tribe, from male to female, from old to young, they are all warriors. You His ancestor is called Banchi. He is congenitally red-green blind. In his eyes, snakes are the most spiritual animals in the world, because in his opinion, almost all snakes are red. This is your red snake origin of the race."

"Machi always felt that he was the reincarnation of a sage, and he was determined to build a great family tribe. So he brought 22 wives to a small island that no one knew, and the name of this island was later named Red Snake Island by him. Since then, every time a baby is born, Banchi will go through a special ceremony to plant a snake-shaped 'family symbol' on the soles of the baby's feet. Later, in order to ensure the purity of the bloodline, when the baby is sensible, your clan will Conduct a color discrimination test on him. Only children who inherit the red-green color blindness gene will be left behind. Anyone with normal or suspected normal color vision will be brutally killed."

"In the middle of the last century, Red Snake Island was discovered by another nation...the Kaishiqile people. You Red Snake people became the vassals of the Kaishiqile people. And they massacred the Red Snake people and took the women of the Red Snake people forcibly. What's even more absurd is that they demand that on the first night of your Red Snake marriage, the rich and powerful men of their Keshiqile must enter the bridal chamber with the bride."

"In order to guarantee the blood of your Red Snake people, you often kill the first child. Until later, you rose up to resist and expelled and wiped out the inhumane Kaishiqile tribe. But although you won, your Red Snake tribe has a rapid population. Reduced to less than [-] people."

"Decades after the foreign invasion just subsided, and not long ago, a guy named Jeep united hundreds of young and middle-aged people and secretly killed your leader Davor Cuomo, who is your father. You Organized people to fight back, but after repeated defeats, they were forced to leave Red Snake Island and traveled to several cities to escape the pursuit of Jeep."

"So there was your plan in Yongzhou to occupy Xiao Dingshan's territory. Your purpose is to allow you and your clansmen to live and work in peace. After you grow stronger, you can take back your homeland, Red Snake Island."


The more Ao Gu heard it, the more shocked she became.

She thought that Lu Ping just saw the clan talisman on the sole of her foot.

Unexpectedly, this person had such a clear understanding of the origin, history and even major historical changes of the Red Snake Clan.

In other words, from the first meeting, he had already begun to doubt himself.

"What you said is basically right." Ao Gu was shocked, but continued to hide her emotions invisible: "So you have also seen the determination and determination of my family. No one can stop us from settling down. This princess also Admit that you have helped my clan a lot by destroying Xiao Dingshan and pushed forward the progress of our plan. This is why I still have the patience to negotiate with you. Otherwise, you would have been swallowed by our clan long ago .”

"Then I still have to thank you?" Lu Ping snorted coldly: "Don't you think about it, why do I know so clearly about your family's affairs?"

Aogu said: "You must know someone from our tribe, right? Before this, some people even speculated that you were from Jeep's side, and suggested that I get rid of you quickly, but I stopped. I don't think you are .”

Lu Ping emphasized: "You should be thankful that you made a correct judgment."

"So, I'll take a step back on my own." Ao Gu frowned lightly, as if she had made a major decision: "I'll give you a quarter of Xiao Dingshan's site, we don't mess with the river, you What do you think?"

Lu Ping shook his head: "No way. I just told you my bottom line. The prey I'm aiming at, who dares to snatch it from me, I will never agree. Unless I voluntarily give in."

Ao Gu asked again: "One third?"

Lu Ping said: "You are dreaming."

Ao Gu sighed: "How about five...five five points? You know, I really don't want to be your enemy."

Lu Ping stood up abruptly, and said with a gloomy expression: "What is it, I am most afraid of discussing it. Once it is discussed, it will be endless. Then don't discuss it at all. Xiao Dingshan is destroyed by me, and all his places should belong to me. .If you Red Snakes insist on meddling, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Ao Gu stood up and was about to speak again.


There was a sharp scream outside.

Lu Ping's expression changed slightly, and he was about to go out when he saw Na Semi walking up.


A blood-stained object was thrown in front of the land.

It' arm.

human arm.

On the arm is a row of neat smoke scars.

"Scar...Brother Scar?" For some reason, a burst of intense anger rose in Lu Ping's heart at this moment. Brother Scar, Shen Long, was originally the leader of Xiao Dingshan's subordinates. After being surrendered by him, he gradually began to work for him. But he did a lot for himself after all.

What was the purpose of Sammy cutting off Brother Scar's arm?
Is this provocation?
Or, further demonstrations?
"Semi, you are a disaster, you won't listen to me if I don't let you kill!" Ao Gu looked down at this arm, and couldn't help but cursed at Semi.

Sammy took out a bloody machete from behind, and explained excitedly: "My beautiful princess, you have wronged me. I didn't kill him, I just chopped off his arm. This kid can't stand it down here." Good job, I actually incited those little bosses to come up to help this kid surnamed Lu, and I heard it. So I cut off an arm, but I didn't cut off his head, which is already kind enough."

Lu Ping looked at Sammi: "Do you know that Brother Scar is working for me now?"

"I know!" Sammy shook his neck, followed by the machete in his hand: "It was because he was of the same heart with you that I chopped him off. Why, do you have an opinion? Haha, our princess has the patience to follow you." You are negotiating here, but I am not. Now you have only two choices, either be a dog or a slave to our red snake tribe, or this guy with a hot smoke scar will be your fate. No, no, it should be your fate It's even worse. I'll treat you like a prey, peel and chop your bones, and share it with my clansmen to make soup."

Lu Ping turned his head and glanced at Ao Gu: "Miss Aolan, no, Ao Gu, this is your response, right?"

Ao Gu shook her head: "No, no, that's not what the princess meant."

Semi shrugged his shoulders and said, "My beautiful princess, are you in love with this person? You are the supreme princess of the Red Snake clan, and only the bravest warriors in the clan are eligible to marry you." He is such a low-skinned and low-skinned man, he is not even qualified to be your slave. Today, I must get rid of him for the Hadzas!"

Ao Gu raised her voice: "I don't allow you to do this, I... this princess has her own way! I can convince him, I can..."

"Don't deceive yourself, Princess Aogu!" Lu Ping had already clenched his fist: "I told you just now, there is no room for negotiation. Now, there is even less."

Sammy suddenly burst into laughter: "I'm waiting for your words, boy!"

Then he suppressed his complacency, and said to Ao Gu: "Princess, you have also seen that he has no intention of obeying us at all. This person cannot be kept."

"But..." Ao Gu's face was full of tangled emotions.

And this kind of entanglement made Semi feel extremely uncomfortable. He felt that in this world, except himself, no man was qualified to win Princess Aogu's sympathy and pity.None of them deserve it.

"It's nothing, princess, hundreds of our clansmen are watching!" Sammy pointed the machete forward, and said to Lu Ping, "Come on, fight with me quickly! This is the best way to solve the problem." good idea!"

"Okay! I agree!" Lu Ping took half a step forward, quickly pulled out the one-foot-long short knife from Aogu's waist, held it in his hand and said, "I will lend you the knife and return it to you later! "

Sammy cast a contemptuous glance: "This is the fruit knife used by the princess."

Lu Ping emphasized: "I can kill you without a knife."

"Look at how I chopped you into meat paste!" Sammi stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on the knife. His tongue was long and flexible, like a flat snake.

Ao Gu sighed helplessly.

Although she had a hunch from the beginning, the duel was inevitable.

But she has been trying to solve the matter by recruiting security, even though the possibility is almost zero.

Looking at the bloodthirsty Semi and the fearless Lu Ping, she felt very uncomfortable.She even wanted to rush up and give Lu Ping a hug, because after tonight, maybe there would be no such person in this world anymore.

"Lu Ping, don't blame Ao Lan for being cruel, for the sake of my clansmen, I have nothing to do."

"In a while, Ao Lan will personally... collect the corpse for you."

"A rich burial..."

Ao Guchan spoke slightly, her eyes reflected a line of nostalgia similar to that between a man and a woman.

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