Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 204 You Are The Supreme Goddess

A pack of wolves attack a tiger?

This momentum is tantamount to a battle of life and death.

The explosive power of attacking in groups left many people dumbfounded.

In this second, all kinds of bloody images played in everyone's minds.

At least two-thirds of them think that a lone tiger cannot fight a pack of wolves.The tiger will soon be bitten off the neck and bones by these ferocious wolves, and will eat them bite by bite.

Brother Niu chose to wait and see.

He felt that he was just like a male lion, only waiting for the pack of wolves to pounce on the tiger, and then he would strike again.

But what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations.

A second ago, four people attacked.

The next second, the four retreated.

What happened in this?
That's Gale Sweep!
That is the speed of the wind!
Before everyone could see clearly, they saw that the four wolves that were pounced flew out at the same time.

But without light.

Otherwise, it would look like a 'goddess scattered flowers'.

The flowers are gone, no more shadows.

When people dispersed, they couldn't get up again.

"My God, it deserves it!" Cao Er looked at the four screaming guys lying on the ground, admiring Brother Lu's prowess in his heart, while mocking these little bosses who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

Shen Long got goosebumps when he saw it, and the cigarette scar on his arm itched for a while, so he scratched it hard.

"See?" Ouyang Aolan didn't show too much surprise, she turned her head and glanced at Semi, reminding him not to underestimate the enemy.

Although Semi attracted a certain amount of attention, he still snorted coldly: "Little trick!"

Brother Niu was dumbfounded, and wanted to withdraw on conditioned reflex.

How could Lu Ping give him, the instigator, a chance to escape, so he stepped forward and picked up Brother Niu.

It's like carrying a small home.

Then he fell hard to the ground.

Earth, a shock!
Brother Niu shuddered a few times, turned his back up, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Although he couldn't die in this situation, he was afraid that his heart and lungs had been seriously damaged, and his liver and gallbladder were broken.

This is too exaggerated, right?
This dramatic ending made all the little bosses stand up involuntarily, with horror on their faces.

Only Cao Ermeng and Shen Long sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, or had a good time.

They have already experienced Brother Lu's skills.

Therefore, in their hearts, when the battle just started, the winner was already decided.

Even the girls of the Red Snake Clan were astonished.

"Wow, it's amazing, it's amazing!"

"With such skill, I am afraid that among the Red Snake Clan, only Semi and Jipu can overwhelm him."

"There is also the Sun God Gezhi!"

"Can Gezhi be counted? Gezhi is a god, not a human being."

"But he is also a member of our Red Snake Clan, this will not change."


It is an eternal phenomenon that beautiful women love heroes.

There is no woman who does not want to applaud the warriors and seethe.

Even secretly promised.

Brother Niu and these people accumulate energy and are full of murderous intent.

Who would have thought that they never had the chance to make a move.

Those actual combat skills that were trained in fighting and killing were wiped out.Annihilated in the long river of history, annihilated in these miserable screams.

And from the beginning to the end, they just interpreted a word with enthusiasm.


Just 'flutter' a bit.

People are dead.

Brother Niu was even worse.

Because he didn't even make a 'pounce' from beginning to end.

Boss Xue and the others, at least before they were abolished, still left this mighty "pounce" shot.

Ouyang Aolan stood up slowly, and said with a blank expression: "It seems that the negotiation should begin next!"

"Negotiation? What else is there to negotiate?" Sammy had already accumulated a desire to fight, and said, "My beautiful princess, is that still necessary? Just kill him and it's over! I can handle it alone."

Ouyang Aolan said: "This kind of genius can be recruited as soon as possible. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope."

Semi said: "I think it was Cao Cao's kindness in the past, he couldn't bear to kill Zhao Zilong, and finally made him a serious problem. Princess, being soft on the enemy is cruel to yourself."

Ouyang Aolan emphasized: "Until now, it has not been confirmed. Lu Ping must be the enemy of our Red Snake Clan, isn't he? Subduing the enemy without fighting is the greatest success. It's like we easily controlled Xiao Dingshan and the dozen or so small bosses are the same, so why do we have to meet each other with swords and guns?"

"But I don't want you to be a majestic princess of our clan, using your beauty to subdue others." Saimi said: "In the hearts of the Hadzas, you, princess, are the supreme goddess. Only the best warriors of the Red Snake clan are eligible to marry you." To you. These people of foreign races, they are not qualified to have this idea."

"Nonsense! You're overthinking, Semi!" Ouyang Aolan smiled faintly, but her heart was extremely complicated.

"Boss Cao, Brother Scar, which one of you brought cigarettes, give me a cigarette." Lu Ping turned to chat with the rest of the bosses as if nothing had happened at this time: "I'm in a hurry to go out, so I smoke a cigarette." It's over."

After a brief shock, several bosses took out their cigarettes and lighters one after another.

Some are emperors.

Some are peonies.

Some are cigars.

The last one is more than 20 boxes of Yuxi.

"Huh? They're all better than mine. You're all so enthusiastic. Who should I pick?" Lu Ping was really confused.

"Pick mine."

"Pick me, I'm strong."

"I imported it."

All the bosses are scrambling to be the first to pass the cigarettes and fire.

At this time, Ouyang Aolan had already walked to Lu Ping's side, and asked softly at the side: "I have cigarettes that my family rolls here, do you want to try a pack?"

Lu Ping turned his head and glanced at her: "What brand?"

"No brand." Ouyang Aolan smiled and said, "But it's definitely better than theirs. Shall we go upstairs?"

"Still going upstairs to smoke?"

"You have a sense of public morality, so many people smoke your second-hand smoke."

Lu Ping nodded: "That's good, you can try it."

After agreeing, he turned to the bosses and said: "I'm sorry everyone, Miss Aolan wants to invite me to smoke her cigarettes. I can't bear to refuse. I'll try the taste first. If it's good, I'll give it to everyone in a while." Divide a few boxes and try it. However, the premise is to see if Miss Aolan is willing to give it away."

Are you so calm?
Anyone can tell, how can the smoke of the Red Snake Clan be so good?

That night, Ouyang Aolan was no longer Ouyang Aolan.

Smoke is no longer just smoke.

Yan Luo female.


In this way, Lu Ping followed Ouyang Aolan to the second floor.

Sammy followed suit.

There is an exquisite reception room on the second floor.

This was the place where Xiao Dingshan used to receive important guests and discuss important matters.

"Semi, you go down to maintain order. The princess is chatting with Mr. Lu Ping. Without my permission, no one is allowed to disturb us!" After opening the door, Ouyang Aolan turned back and told Semi.

Semi couldn't extinguish the fighting flame in his chest, and said anxiously: "Princess, you are completely wasting your time!"

Ouyang Aolan emphasized: "This is my last fight."

Sammy glanced at Lu Ping: "He's not worth it."

Ouyang Aolan said: "What you say doesn't count, Sammy. This princess hates your rebellious temperament the most. When will you really know how to obey?"

"Okay, my beautiful princess, I obey." Sammy said with a face of reluctance, glaring at Lu Ping.

There was a murderous look in those eyes.

"Miss Aolan, this guy makes me feel uncomfortable. Is he trying to stop you from asking me to smoke?" Lu Ping looked at Semi in front of him with a smile, and restrained the arrogance deep in his heart with the most simple response. edge.

Ouyang Aolan also smiled: "Don't worry, I have the final say."

The door is closed.

There is an exquisite tea table inside.

The tea sets are all made of jade, crystal clear.

"A cup of tea?" Ouyang Aolan picked up the kettle and was about to pour water.

"Smoking a cigarette." Lu Ping had already pulled out his lighter.

Ouyang Aolan really brought a delicate wooden box from the shelf.

Then I sat down, opened it carefully, and took out a light yellow cigarette without a filter.

There is a wonderful fragrance.

Perhaps this cigarette was set off by Ouyang Aolan's body fragrance.

Ouyang Aolan stretched out her slender hand, and passed the cigarette over: "Aren't you afraid that the smoke is poisonous?"

"I am immune to all poisons." Lu Ping smiled, and put the cigarette into his mouth calmly.

"I'll help you!" Ouyang Aolan reached out and touched the lighter.

Lu Ping laughed and said, "How can you be so mean?"

"After lighting this cigarette, I will no longer be Ouyang Aolan." Ouyang Aolan said, with an imperceptible strangeness in her eyes, she lit the fire, and then lit the cigarette on Lu Ping's mouth.

Lu Ping took a sip enjoying it: "How do you say it?"

"I am the No.17 Princess of the Red Snake Clan, Davor Aogu." Ouyang Aolan emphasized: "You should learn to accept my new identity. From now on, please call me Aogu."

"Davor? Aogu?" Lu Ping pouted: "Hit my son? Why did you hit my son? Hurt Aogu, light me a cigarette and become an elder, you are taking advantage of me Ao Lan girl?"

Ouyang Aolan said seriously: "Davor, it's my surname, just like your surname Lu. Aogu, it means arrogant girl, it's the name my father gave it."

Lu Ping commented: "A person lives up to his name."

"You know, I don't want to hurt you so much." Ao Gu stretched out her hand and fanned the smoke in front of her eyes so that she could see the mysterious young man in front of her more clearly: "As a princess, I shoulder the mission entrusted by my clan." , I must gain a foothold in Yongzhou. I met you when I was wearing a public relations cloak. Your ability and your uniqueness almost attracted my attention when you first appeared. If I am not a princess, maybe we will become confidante..."

Lu Ping raised his hand to interrupt her: "Don't play the emotional card, get straight to the point!"

After Ao Gu paused for a while, her whole face seemed to be still, only her delicate and beautiful mouth was moving slightly: "Your only way out now is to join our clan."

"Oh? Take refuge in your clan?" Lu Ping spat a smoke ring on her face: "Girl, this is a bit exaggerated. Why didn't you lead the whole clan and submit to me?"

Ao Gu emphasized: "Lu Ping, I'm not joking with you."

Lu Ping also said, "I'm not joking with you either."

"It seems that you don't know the powerful relationship between them." Ao Gu stretched out her hand and moved the snake hairpin on top of her head, and then said: "In this villa, there are more than [-] warriors from my family, and Semi This kind of master is so powerful that you can't imagine. He is really... scary. And the actual control of Xiao Dingshan's more than [-] venues has also come to me. In addition to those people in the venue, there are hundreds of warriors from my tribe. Now, that's all I can tell you."

Lu Ping frowned: "It sounds like you are threatening me?"

Ao Gu shook her head: "No. This princess is protecting your life. If this princess hadn't always intended to protect you, you would have been... a dead person long ago."

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