Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 142 Monster Siege (1)

Chapter 142 Monster Siege ([-])

For the last quarter of an hour, Yun Shenzhen had been standing at the entrance of Yunmeng's newly built gang station, waiting. He was going to welcome Fengwu Feifei and them, and at the same time, he was going to close the city gate after they came in.

There are four people standing on the solid city wall. They are the deputy gang leaders and elders of Yunmeng, who are under one person and over ten thousand people. Two of them have dealt with Fengwu Feiyang with Yunshen. I like to play a little bit, but I am very trustworthy, so I am not too worried. As for the other two, as the time for the monsters to attack the city is getting closer, they are even more dissatisfied. The conductor is waiting at the door, but the guests still don't come, what a shame!
In the last 10 minutes, Yunshen received Feng Wu Feiyang and his group from nowhere. It just so happened that they were the same old faces from last time. It turned out that Feng Wu Feiyang said there were five people because there were only five people left when they went last time?Although he thought so mentally, he had no intention of asking Feng Wufeiyang for confirmation.

In the last 5 minutes, everyone was ready for battle. Although they knew that the first wave of monsters attacking the city would not be too high-level monsters, it was the first time to participate in such a large-scale official game when they saw the dense crowd of players standing on the city wall of Taniguchi. Activities, of course, excited and nervous.

[System Announcement]: The player gang is resident in Yunmeng, and will accept the monster attack in 5 minutes, please Yunmeng players to make final preparations.

[System Announcement]: The player gang is resident in Yunmeng, and will accept the monster attack in 5 minutes, please Yunmeng players to make final preparations.

[System Announcement]: The player gang is resident in Yunmeng, and will accept the monster attack in 5 minutes, please Yunmeng players to make final preparations.

Is it finally time to start?This is the thought of countless people in the entire worry-free world. At the same time, a three-dimensional picture appeared in the sky above the city lord's mansion in the four main cities. arrive.

This is an agreement reached between Worriless World and Yunshen Unknown Place. Worriless World needs publicity, and Yunshen Unknown Place also needs publicity. The two parties hit it off.Unknown place of Yunshen has almost become as famous as Soaring now.

This valley is narrow on the outside and wide on the inside. When Fengwu Feiyang came, she was arranged directly on the city wall. The five of them were accompanied by an elder of Yunmeng.

Five minutes passed in the blink of an eye. As time passed, a dull thunderous sound came from the broad plain opposite the valley entrance. It was the sound produced by all the animals running together.The sky suddenly darkened, as if all the light had been covered. Looking up, it turned out that the first batch of monsters that arrived were not the monsters on the ground, but the ones in the sky.

Countless types are overwhelming.Yun Shenzhen didn't know where to look at the group of monsters flying in the sky without blinking, calculating their distance. When he reached the attack distance of the archer and the magician, Yun Shen didn't know where to finally put down what he had raised high. Gao's hand also announced the official start of the monster siege.

On the other side, Yunmu Tianhua, the vice-guild leader of the Yunmeng who commanded another group of long-range attacks, his eyes did not move. Approaching the city wall, Yunmu Tianhua swung his right hand fiercely, countless arrows, lightning, hail, snowflakes, fire balls, stones... all appeared in front of the monster.

The first batch of monsters under the siege slowed down under the command of the two men. These jumping rabbits, saber-toothed pigs, golden hairy orangutans...their levels came from [-] to [-] in order, perhaps because of The human level is too high, and none of them can break through the defense lines of archers and magicians.

Xing Xing also joined in the fun and shot a few arrows. Its arrows were equipped with void stones and because of her level, one arrow could kill more than three arrows, which made Xing Xing shoot more joyously.

The first batch of sieges that took half an hour ended quickly after Yunshenzhichu and Yunmu Tianhua discovered the BOSS hidden inside!

Immediately, a team of aftermath personnel in Yunmeng rushed out to pick up equipment, and another team of players with life skills went out to collect things from the monster's corpse.The stars also followed, Yun Shen just looked at it with a smile, but some players in Yunmeng began to frown.

What happened next made most of the Yunmeng laugh. The greedy guy in their minds neither picked up a piece of equipment nor threw a collection spell at the monster. She followed the monster she shot and pulled out her arrows go.Seeing this situation, Yun Shen didn't know where to call the other two teams to pick up the shot arrows and use them again.

Just now, everyone saw the role of archers, and at the same time, bows and arrows also consume the most. Seeing the way the stars are doing now gave Yun Shen an idea.The people in the gang just saw Xing Xing go down and laugh at her, and suddenly felt guilty. Xing Xing finished picking up her own arrows, and then helped others to pick them up. She has a high level, moves fast, and has good eyesight, much faster than others!

Seeing that the 15 minutes were almost here, Yunshen asked everyone to come back immediately. All the lost equipment had already been picked up. There were not many people who picked up the equipment. However, even if the siege battle increased a little, the rate of the Worry-free World would not increase. It will cause the situation of being full of equipment, so it will be finished in a while, and they will also help to pick up the arrows.

When Xing Xing came back, he brought two monster corpses back to the city by the way. The players who were cleaning up the aftermath saw it, and followed suit.

"That little girl of yours is really interesting!" The elder beside Feng Wufei Yang said with a smile as he watched Xingxing's figure enter the city.

"Her arrows are made with a piercing stone!" Xiang Ling said without looking back, don't think they are idiots, they can't understand what he means by throwing!Do you think Xingxing's approach is funny?If it's you, you won't need to spend ten or eight years on the arrows with the Void Breaker.

"The void-breaking stone?" The void-breaking stone, the water shining stone, and the fire-flame stone have already appeared in the three top materials in the worry-free world, but now they appear on the arrows of the stars. Oh my god, what a waste!Elder Yunmeng felt that he had the urge to hide all of Xingde's arrows. She shot everywhere like this, what if there was one missing?
Feng Wu Feiyang looked at the heartbroken expression on the face beside him, and looked at Xiang Ling helplessly, why bother!I'm afraid that others will not know that they are some waste kings, right? If there is a void stone, they will yell everywhere!
Xing Xing threw the corpses of the two monsters to others and walked back to the city wall, waiting for the upcoming battle. She likes to join in the fun and has her share everywhere. As for Feng Wu Fei Yang and the others, I'm afraid it will take some time Only then will he make a move! .

The second wave of monster siege will arrive soon. The ones in the front are Pegasus, the level 32 monsters on the Fengyu Plain. The blame is much higher than the first batch in terms of attack and speed.And it arrived almost at the same time. This time, it was two arrows that sounded the horn of battle.

Level 32, compared with the stars, is half the difference. The arrows of the stars can still kill three in one shot!This is the limit of piercing arrows, but for those who use ordinary arrows on the city wall, one arrow can only exchange for the life of one monster. When the Void Stone was added, no one spoke anymore!Not everyone can afford the void-breaking stone. The weapons added to the void-breaking stone will increase the effect of piercing the void, and it can be used regardless of level.

There are countless arrows in the star backpack. The players on the city wall not only replenished arrows just now, but behind them, there are people who pack arrows in their backpacks and will send them to them at any time. However, looking at the extremely precious arrows, it seems that they don’t want Like money, the elder of Yunmeng felt like bleeding from the bottom of his heart.

Amu lion, a small monster, but it is extremely powerful and has amazing jumping ability. It is this kind of monster behind Pegasus. It has a flexible figure and is very strong in dodging arrows. See The archers are not very effective, and the players on the city wall can change positions quickly in less than two seconds. All magicians, generally magicians above level 35, basically don't need warriors to protect them when they fight the [-]th level Amu lion .

Xing Xing missed two consecutive shots, he was very angry, in order not to let Xing Xing get so angry that he jumped down to PK Binghan with those little things!The shot is her best and most commonly used Ice and Fire Double Heaven, because of the ice-cold move under the city wall in front of them, there was a gap in an instant.

Whether it is the people of Yunmeng or their allies, the shocking and cold attack power, although they are only facing level 35 mobs, but the instant kill is still a large area, which has to be shocking.Pulling it down, Binghan didn't shoot again, Xiangling didn't know what to say to Xingxing, Xingxing took ordinary arrows from the archer behind, but didn't shoot them out immediately, but carefully observed the way those little things bounced .

A few minutes later, Xingxing raised her bow again, but every arrow was sure to hit. At first glance, the arrows she shot always seemed to be aimed at the open space, but for some reason, there would always be a lion coming to the door automatically. The archer who was replaced later saw the splendor, wishing to go up and try it himself, but he also knew that it was a monster attacking the city now and it was not a child's play.

On the other hand, the group of people who dealt with the sky were mainly archers. This group of bald men had extremely powerful wings, and they could cause strong winds. The big bow of the hunter, its penetrating power is amazing, another profession with the same origin as the stars, this is the first time I have seen Fengwu Feiyang!
The bow of the bow and arrow is small and light, which is liked by many people. The hunter's bow and arrow have a huge penetration and strong attack power, but the strange thing is that Fengwu Feiyang has never seen a player of this profession.

"The first team, get ready! The Flame Lion BOSS has appeared!" Just as Feng Wu Feiyang was concentrating on looking up, he heard Yunmu Tianhua's voice, "The second team, the third team, prepare to cover! Get out of the city!"

As soon as Yunmu Tianhua's voice fell, the city gate opened instantly. The two teams guarding the city gate went out to clear the monsters at the city gate. The next three teams left the city one after another, and the two teams returned to the city and closed the city gate.No wonder, when they entered the city, they saw that so many people did not come up to the city wall. It turned out that they were all foreign war troops!
"The sixth team is ready! The fire eagle boss appears." The flame lion on the ground was fighting with the first team, and Yun Shen's unknown voice came again. "The seventh team, the eighth team, and the ninth team are ready to cover! Get out of the city!"

The same thing happened again, four teams left the city one after another, three teams were responsible for clearing monsters outside, the middle ones ignored, and kept their eyes on the BOSS, archers, magicians, there were six in the sixth team, all of them To deal with the bosses in the sky with water magic and arrows, the warriors stood motionless in front of them, always watching the bosses in the sky take the responsibility of protecting them when they rushed down.

The two bosses at level 60 returned to the arms of the system god without even passing a few moves in the hands of players over level [-]. When these teams returned to the city, the second round of siege battle was over!

This time, Yun Shen did not know where to order four collection teams to go out. Three teams collected arrows, but only one picked up equipment. There was no way, this kind of thing was the least, and one team was enough!

Of course Xingxing also went out, but many of her precious arrows are below!The elder had already told Yunshen that Xingxing's arrows had been added to the Breaking Stone. Therefore, Yunshen asked the people of Yunmeng to help Xingxing retrieve the arrows first, in case it was refreshed and caused unnecessary damage. loss.

With their help, Xing Xing picked up the arrow in less than 2 minutes. Bored, she ran to a collection team and told a small girl, "I'll help you collect it. Can you take it?" good?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, and when she saw that there was no Yunmeng logo on Xing Xing's clothes, she realized that Xing Xing took these things recklessly. reject.

Xing Xing saw that the girl agreed, and immediately threw up her master-level harvesting technique, which was a bit faster than the girl, and the quality of the collected things was a bit better. In the end, two or three people followed behind Xing Xing and became porters. The people on the city wall looked very funny and thought this little girl was really funny.

The four of them were helpless and funny, so couldn't she calm down for a while?Forget it, if she really stops, she will no longer be a star!
Seeing that the time was coming, Yunshen immediately informed them to return. This time, everyone automatically dragged the two monster corpses back before Xingxing climbed up the city wall. She was greeted by the funny and helpless eyes of several people. Ling's big white eyes!Xing Xing stuck out her tongue happily, but met Feng Wu Feiyang's smiling eyes, so Nana turned her head and looked at the direction outside the city wall, where the next wave of monsters would be ushered in.

"Does it seem easy?" Although Xing Xing had a lively time playing, he felt that he was not willing to give up the challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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