Chapter 141 Invited
Seeing Xing Xing's anxious tone, Feng Wu Fei Yang couldn't help laughing. How could she think that Xing Xing would be interested in picking herbs?With her personality, it will never be possible!I am afraid that in less than a day, she will go to fight monsters.

[System Announcement]: The Yun League where the player gang is based will be attacked by monsters in 24 hours. Players in the Yun League should be prepared.

[System Announcement]: The Yun League where the player gang is based will be attacked by monsters in 24 hours. Players in the Yun League should be prepared.

[System Announcement]: The Yun League where the player gang is based will be attacked by monsters in 24 hours. Players in the Yun League should be prepared.

Has half a month passed so quickly?It takes half a month for the gang resident of Worry-free World to start from the establishment of the gang. After half a month, it is natural to accept the monster siege battle!
As soon as the announcement of this system came out, it attracted countless people. Some people decided to go to help. Everyone knew that when monsters attacked, the experience value of killing was high, and they dropped a lot of things. Many people wanted to pick up some bargains.There are countless gangs who are waiting and watching. The first gang in the game will succeed or fail, if it is now!
Moreover, the guild formation order of Worry-free World is bound and cannot be contested. If a gang is established and the city is destroyed in the monster siege battle, it means that this guild establishment order is invalid. From now on, this gang will only be a gang recognized by the system , but will never have the chance to own a gang station again.

The exception is that when monsters attack the city, the death penalty for players participating in the city defense battle is only [-]% experience loss. From the moment the city is attacked, there will be a special resurrection point in the player's residence, and these players will be resurrected here.

These were all mentioned in the system upgrade when Yunmeng was established.

"Ding! You have new information." Feng Wu Feiyang, who was thinking about it, was startled by the sound of the system prompt, and the boss was dizzy. How long has it been since she set the system prompt to the language again?
"Fengwu Feiyang, I am in the depths of the clouds, can I invite you and your friends to help us defend the city?" About 5000 meters away from the Fengyu Plain is a valley, which is a relatively common landform on the plain. One, there is an inner lake in the valley with beautiful scenery. When you come out of the valley, there are [-] or [-]-level monsters in front of you. If you go to the left, there are monsters that are about [-] levels higher. There is a bigger valley over there, and to the right, It was just going deep into the Wind Whisper Plain, starting from level [-] monsters, until they didn't go deep.

I don't know Yunshen is now sitting in the lobby with several high-level executives of Yunmeng and several gang leaders who are allied. The system has notified this time to defend the city, because Yunmeng is the first gang, and its strength has been reduced by 20.00%!Therefore, with Yunmeng preparing for such a long time, it is absolutely possible to successfully defend the city. Except for Fengwu Feiyang, who he is inviting now, he has not invited any outsiders.

Everyone within the Yun League knew about Feng Wufeiyang's relationship with the Yun League, and the allies of the Yun League had also heard more or less about it. Therefore, no one objected, and on the contrary, they were more willing to meet.

"Let me ask first, none of my friends are here, and now I am the only one in Rising Sun City!" Feng Wu Feiyang's answer came back soon, but it was not as exciting as everyone imagined. After all, in everyone's mind, participating Defending the city is beneficial and harmless.

Feng Wu Feiyang tapped the table with her fingers. She believed that Yunmeng must be very sure about the monster attack this time. First of all, she had prepared for such a long time before forming the gang, and she knew that there would be monster attack. Then, The preparations should be in place, and as the first gang in the game, it is also the first time that monsters have attacked the city. Many people who want to form a gang will go to watch and observe, and there must be piles of people who want to help them defend the city. I don't know how to invite them now, not to really defend the city, but to let them gain some benefits in this battle of defending the city.

"Xingxing/Xiangling/Poetry/Picture/Binghan, Yunmeng, who does not know where the deep clouds are, will accept the monster siege in 24 hours, and he invited us to participate!" Feng Wu Feiyang still decided to let them make their own decisions, she thought they should Come on, after all, we haven't seen each other for half a month, so it's good to take this opportunity to meet up!
"After 24 hours? OK" Xing Xing estimated the mission time and could make it.

"I'll be here now!" Poetic and Picturesque was not too busy, so she was going to come right away.

"Try my best!" Binghan didn't know what she was busy with. She always said little and didn't explain anything. However, she said that she would definitely come if she tried her best. She never said anything she was not sure about.

After waiting for a long time, Xiangling didn't reply, so he must be busy, but a militant like Xiangling cannot be absent.

"Five people, how are you doing?" Feng Wu Feiyang gave the answer without making Yun Shen know where to wait for a long time.In the eyes of Feng Wu Feiyang, it is all her numbers, but in the minds of the people in the Yunmeng hall, they have a much better impression of Feng Wu Feiyang. They think that Feng Wu Feiyang is being polite, and they just bring a few people over to have a look. .

"You can bring more people to help me!" Yun Shen didn't know the place thought the same way, so when he said it, he was talking about asking them for help, even though it was not really necessary.

"I'm sorry, it seems that the five of us are free!" There were more people, Feng Wufei laughed dumbfounded, knowing that now that there were only five of them, Yun Shen would not believe it, the misunderstanding when he was on Fire Island had already caused Now, no one will believe that five people will kill the crown, even if it only has the last bar of blood.

"Okay then! Come here early then!" Yun Shen felt a little helpless. It seemed that Feng Wufei Yang was also the kind of person with a clear mind. He insisted on not adding anyone else, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, see you then!" Feng Wu Feiyang listened to Yun Shen's unknown tone, it was a bit funny, they were short-handed, even if there were many people, they couldn't find them!If it weren't for the fact that this was the first time a monster attacked the city in Wuyou World, and it was true that they hadn't seen each other for a long time, maybe she was the only one!
"Have you been waiting long?" As soon as Shi Qinghuayi came up, she saw Feng Wu's flying back, and she couldn't see the stars when she looked left and right.

"No need to look for it, Xing Xing has slipped away to Ice and Snow City!" Several people were worried about that troublemaker, but because she and Xing Xing belonged to the same main city, they had to take care of her. However, in Feng Wu Feiyang's heart , I'm not worried about Xing Xing's trouble at all, what I worry about is that she will cause trouble to others.

"That's it!" Shi Qinghua nodded, indicating that he understood. Anyway, apart from the job transfer task that they didn't know where to take on, their separation this time was to let Xingxing be independent. It seems that she should live a happy life without them. Worried.

"Now there are a few players in the game who have reached level 70, but I haven't heard of anyone who has successfully changed their job!" Shi Qinghuayi has stayed in Haiyun City for so long, and only received the task of changing jobs, not to mention completion, even the clue nothing.

"Change jobs?" Feng Wu raised her eyebrows, she felt like she had a headache, it seemed that after the siege was over, she would have to wander around the world again, hoping to find her gluttonous master in Xinshou Village .

"Yeah, what about you?" Poetry and painting seemed to be a bit mocking in Feng Wu Feiyang's mouth, did she hear it wrong?

"I! It's still early!" It's still early, really early!Fengwufeiyang gave Shiqinghuayi a look that made Shiqinghuayi not to worry, Shiqinghuayi smiled slightly, and didn't ask about it anymore, she trusted Fengwufeiyang very much, even if she didn't know much about the game, she could handle her problems well matter.

"What's too early?" Xiang Ling, who didn't reply to the message, was the second person to appear in Baiyan Tower.

"You're still early!" Poetry and painting followed Xiangling's words.

"Second!" Xiang Ling raised two fingers while drinking water. He always felt that the water in Rising Sun City tasted better. Is it because the two of them were there?It turns out that it is not terrible for a person to get used to loneliness. What is terrible is that he returns to loneliness after getting used to company.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, they all had the same feeling, Feng Wu Feiyang also felt that what was bland just now seemed to be more flavorful, maybe, what was added to it was a condiment called friendship and companionship!So it also becomes delicious.

What followed was the room, they didn't go anywhere, sometimes they said nothing quietly, sometimes the three of them talked about things they didn't know, sometimes they played the role of the teller, and sometimes they played the role of the listener , Shimian also plays the role of a bystander.

But no matter what kind, the atmosphere between them is so harmonious.Even if the noisy stars came, it didn't change much, and even she could sit quietly and listen to them.I don't know if it's because the atmosphere at this time made her feel so rare, or because the life of being away from the group for half a month has changed her.

It was only an hour away from the battle of defending the city. Yun Shen, who was in the hall of Yunmeng, wanted to send a message several times to ask Fengwu Feiyang and both gave up. Although he didn't have many contacts with Fengwu Feiyang, he also knew What Fengwu Feiyang promised will definitely be done, just like what happened on Fire Island last time, even if she didn't know beforehand that she would have to face the crown, even if she got the gang-building order that any gang in the entire game wanted, she Still gave him the cloud deep unknown place.

Therefore, he believed in Feng Wu Feiyang, and believed that since Feng Wu Feiyang agreed, he would rush over at the last time.

The four of Feng Wu Feiyang in Baiyanlou seemed to have forgotten the agreement with Yunshen, and those who wanted to eat at Baiyanlou and planned to watch or participate in the monster siege had already left, but the four of them Still laughing and talking sweetly, not in a hurry.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and the person they were waiting for finally appeared on the Baiyan Building. Bing Han didn't even ask any questions beforehand, and came here directly, because she knew they would definitely wait for her here.

The five people met, looked at each other and smiled, without saying anything, they left together to witness the first monster siege battle in the worry-free world.

(End of this chapter)

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