Chapter 123
"Oh, then, the timing is just right!" Shi Qinghuayi's face suddenly realized, it turned out that the disaster was not in time!

"Sister Shiqing!" Why is she the same as Sister Xiangling!Laugh at her too, is she that bad?Sister Feng Wu said that even she couldn't refine the poison she refined!
"Yeah!" Poetic and picturesque patted Xing Xing's head like a puppy with a smile on his face, and then left!Duliu Xingxing sat on the spot with a face full of reluctance.

Feng Wu Feiyang was playing with a Yuwu flower in his hand, looking at the medicine stove that Doctor Huang gave him, he had prepared a lot of red medicine and blue medicine no matter what grade it was, what he wanted now was a new medicine, and he had tried it several times, but the medicine was really good. It was done, but unfortunately the result was somewhat unsatisfactory.

The other hand took out a vermilion fruit from the backpack, looked at the red and cute little fruit, but unfortunately there were only three of them, they were rare, it should be the situation when he got the vermilion fruit!

For purple heart grass, this kind of medicinal herb collected from Xinshou Village, Feng Wu Bing Institute thinks that its level should not be high, but after several experiments, I realized that purple heart grass should not be so simple, think about it That's right, if the herbs in Novice Village can be used to refine things like super red medicine and blue medicine, wouldn't the herbs in high-level strange areas be able to refine things with better effects and more special effects?I just entered the game before, so I didn't think too much about it.

I tried out the characteristics of Yuwu after using up a Yuwu, which is to supplement the blue.And you can continue to eat flower clothes like this, replenishing blue 5000!Uh, suitable after level 100!Otherwise, it will only be wasted!

Take a deep breath, forget it, there are many jade wu flowers, just use it to try!The essential ingredients of Purple Heart Grass, plus some commonly used medicinal herbs, are of course not those things from Xinshou Village. They are the harvest of her going out this time, as well as the poetic and picturesque feelings they collected. Fatty got a lot of them at that time. Almost cost price.

Finally, there is Yuwu. Like Zhuguo, it is something that can only be found but cannot be found, so you need to save a little!Close your eyes and concentrate on using the skill of refining medicine!In order to improve the success rate, even the distracting thoughts in my mind were driven out.

Twenty minutes later, ding, there was a crisp sound, worried about the success of this refinement, Feng Wu Feiyang wondered whether he should turn on the medicine furnace, you know, even the primary red medicine and blue medicine are not just 10 minutes, this time, she put down a full flower of Yuwu, other materials don't matter, probably the place knows it, and although a lot of purple heart grass was used, but compared to the amount that Doctor Huang gave her , It’s just a drop in the bucket, but Yuwu is different!That is one of the top medicinal herbs, so rare!
I was in a daze for 5 minutes, and I can refine another furnace for two more 5 minutes!Forget it, as the saying goes, it is a blessing, not a disaster, and it is a disaster that cannot be avoided.

Choose to open the furnace and collect the medicine!It just turned on, and there is no heat, er, it seems that it has been a long time.Seventy bottles, this... is a bit too much!Would it be better than Acura Blue?If that's the case, it's really profitable!All the medicines have just been received.

Ding!The player Feng Wu Fei Yang made medicine successfully.Gain experience 4520.
Ding!Player Fengwu Feiyang practiced new medicine, please name it.

This... Strange, didn't there used to be a reminder when the refining was successful?Why is it only now that the medicine is successfully received?Moreover, what kind of ghost drug is this, it has been promoted by half a level in one fell swoop.

Let’s look at the attributes first, it’s unnamed, and it’s a one-time mana replenishment of 1600. No... read it wrong?One-time mana replenishment 1600, anyone who uses it now will only waste it!Most of the current players are less than level 60.As for her, the number one character in the game at level 59, she has added 10 more points of spirit, and she only has more than 700 mana. You know, since she entered the game, she has added 5 points to upgrade almost all of her upgrades. Many!

Of course, those very biased methods of adding points are not ruled out. Even so, this level should not exceed [-] mana, and that person is lucky enough to be able to add at least three points every time he upgrades.Ugh, it's kind of a waste to use it!

How about adding a Yuwu?Other herbs are multiplied into it!
Do it as soon as you think of it, add all the herbs in twice the amount, take out a Jade Wu cherished, and activate the medicine refining skill, this time the time is shorter, 5 minutes less, just when she was in a daze.The quantity, hey, why is it a little more than doubled?The effect of the medicine should not be too bad! 150 bottles.

Ding!The player Feng Wu Fei Yang made medicine successfully.Gain experience 4020.
Ding!Player Fengwu Feiyang practiced new medicine, please name it.

Ding!Player Feng Wu Fei Yang's level rises.

Three consecutive system sounds are good things!There is really nothing to say about this attribute!Unnamed: 1300 one-time mana replenishment!The number is obviously much higher, but the effect is not much worse!Sigh, sometimes things are too good to be good!However, the number of this Yuwu seems to be quite a lot. After all, you can know how much medicine there is on the whole tree. However, it is a one-time use, which means that no matter how good the medicine is, if it Can't confirm Yuwu's inventory, everything is wasted work.

The matter of naming is not busy. Looking at the medicine stove, the most troublesome thing for Fengwu Feiyang is the problem of reducing the effect. No matter how good your medicine is, she is unwilling to do such a thing, but this medicine stove is This size was already very strong just now!Cannot increase the quantity any more!
Touch the jade-like flower lightly with your fingers, but the whole flower is too much to count, and the medicinal effect is so good!Then... wait, the whole flower!

Take out a dagger from the backpack casually, and the ones that can keep the stars, needless to say, are at least gold, otherwise those things will not look good on the stars!It's a pity, this dagger is destined to be cast in secret today!It turned out to be a small gadget that dances in the air.

Put the cut half into the furnace, add the second amount of materials, and then carefully look at the remaining half in your hand. Sure enough, because of the special material of Yuwu, the cut half is flat, just like cut jade. There is no juice flowing out, but when the knife is cut, you can feel the fragility of the flowers. In this way, the efficacy of the medicine is just guaranteed not to be lost.

After only 10 minutes, the medicine stove stopped turning continuously, which meant that the refining process was over. As for whether it was successful, of course, it would only be known after it was opened.

Another 150 bottles, it seems that it is not Yuwu who affects the quantity!
Ding!The player Feng Wu Fei Yang made medicine successfully.Gain experience 2720.
Ding!Player Fengwu Feiyang practiced new medicine, please name it.

Unnamed: 1000 mana replenishment at one time!Feng Wu Feiyang smiled with satisfaction. Finally, although it was a little more than most people, at least he knew the direction.

"Elementary instant supplement. Blue!"

Ding!Naming successful.The player Fengwu Feiyang successfully created his own prescription and gained 200 reputation points. The prescription can be taught and traded.

Ding!Player Fengwu Feiyang created his own prescription blue medicine to be announced in the system. Is the name hidden?
"Hidden!" Hey, how could this be announced by the system?However, it's been a long time since I reported the system, I miss it so much!
[System Announcement]: Player** self-created prescription primary instant supplement. Blue.One-time mana supplement 1000!Get 200 reputation points. Please explore, players.

[System Announcement]: Player** self-created prescription primary instant supplement. Blue.One-time mana supplement 1000!Get 200 reputation points. Please explore, players.

[System Announcement]: Player** self-created prescription primary instant supplement. Blue.One-time mana supplement 1000!Get 200 reputation points. Please explore, players.

At that level, please cheer up, point out the new medicine that was refined just now, and name it: "Intermediate instant supplement. Blue"

Ding!Naming successful.The player Fengwu Feiyang successfully created his own prescription and gained 200 reputation points. The prescription can be taught and traded.

Ding!Player Fengwu Feiyang created his own prescription blue medicine to be announced in the system. Is the name hidden?
"Hide!" Feng Wu Feiyang spoke two words softly with a Xiangling-like smile.

[System Announcement]: Player** self-created prescription intermediate instant supplement. Blue.One-time mana replenishment 1300!Get 200 reputation points. Please explore, players.

[System Announcement]: Player** self-created prescription intermediate instant supplement. Blue.One-time mana replenishment 1300!Get 200 reputation points. Please explore, players.

[System Announcement]: Player** self-created prescription intermediate instant supplement. Blue.One-time mana replenishment 1300!Get 200 reputation points. Please explore, players.

"Advanced Instant Supplement. Blue!"

Ding!Naming successful.The player Fengwu Feiyang successfully created his own prescription and gained 200 reputation points. The prescription can be taught and traded.

Ding!Player Fengwu Feiyang created his own prescription blue medicine to be announced in the system. Is the name hidden?
"Hide!" Do it again, I hope their hearts can take it!
[System Announcement]: Player** creates his own prescription for advanced instant replenishment. Blue.One-time mana replenishment is 1600!Get 200 reputation points. Please explore, players.

[System Announcement]: Player** creates his own prescription for advanced instant replenishment. Blue.One-time mana replenishment is 1600!Get 200 reputation points. Please explore, players.

[System Announcement]: Player** creates his own prescription for advanced instant replenishment. Blue.One-time mana replenishment is 1600!Get 200 reputation points. Please explore, players.

The nine consecutive system announcements have become the best advertisement for the Rising Sun City Auction House and Feng Wu Fei Yang.

Black Iron City, Baiyan Building!
"It seems that the next auction in Rising Sun City will have a new trick!" said a slim man.

"I'm still worried. If the genius doctor doesn't research new medicines, some people will go to the Rising Sun City Auction House to protest, and they will come out unexpectedly! However, she is exaggerating, so much at once!"

"However, how does a genius doctor's head grow?"

At the same time, in a corner of Ice and Snow City, the team of the seven members also stopped for a while!
"We have to work hard, this way, we can last longer!"

This kind of conversation happened in any corner of the worry-free world, and the system announcement ignited the expectations of countless people.Presumably the next auction in Rising Sun City will be extremely exciting!Now Fengwu Feiyang has basically become the living sign of the Rising Sun City Auction House!
(End of this chapter)

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